God of Destruction

Chapter 3684: Relations Debt

Chapter 3684: Favor Debt

Favor debt is not easy to repay. Xing Tian doesn’t want to burden himself with more renunciation debts because of a little bit of practice capital. After all, this renqing debt is to be repaid after all. As long as he can regain his vitality, no resources will be restricted at that time. The hindrance of Xing Tian's cultivation, as long as his vitality is restored, Xing Tian can easily get everything he wants.

When he couldn't see Tiehan's figure, Xing Tian smiled indifferently, waved his hand to roll up the parcel on the ground, slammed it on his shoulder, and walked hurriedly all the way to his home and put the parcel down. Although he was prepared in his heart, when Xingtian opened the package, he was still surprised by General Moro’s great handwriting. There are no living materials here, all resources for practice, and these resources are all used to improve one’s own thousand-year medicinal materials. Being in the chaotic world, such medicinal materials are nothing to Xing Tian, ​​but this is not the highest chaotic world but the battlefield of the boundary. The ability to produce so many thousand-year medicinal materials shows the great general's dedication! But what made Xing Tian even more surprised was that there was a sword among the medicinal materials!

Xing Tian sighed and said: "What a great general Moro, such a big hand, and amazing determination. With so many thousand years of medicinal materials, I am afraid it is one of the most important treasures in the army, and even the resources he used for his own practice. It’s not easy to be able to give me such a kid who has never seen each other. I really owe a lot of debt!"

"The general is really good. It seems that he has seen through my identity. At least he has confirmed my identity in reincarnation. This is not a secret that ordinary generals can know. It seems that the identity of this general Moro is not simple. what!"

Just as Xing Tian was muttering to himself, suddenly a voice rang in his ear, interrupting Xing Tian's thoughts! "So many medicinal materials, you got it from there, boy, although we are poor, we can't do bad things?"

Xing Tian looked back and saw that his mother was looking at him worriedly. Xing Tian did not want to conceal his mother about what he encountered today. Although Xing Tian did not regain his strong strength, his vision did not. Affected by reincarnation, even if it was her own mother who concealed it, Xing Tian could still feel a faint aura in her body. This was not the breath that an ordinary man should have, and her mother also had a secret.

Everyone has their own secrets. Xing Tian has never thought about exploring the secrets of his mother. If his mother is willing to tell him, Xing Tian is willing to listen and accept, if his mother is unwilling, Xing Tian will not force it. After all, his own is his own, and it is useless if he is not forced by himself. For Xing Tian, ​​there is no lack of practice methods, let alone practice experience. What he lacks is only resources. As long as his strength recovers slightly, Nothing is a problem! What's more, my mother obviously knew her situation and didn't inquire about it, she had only silent support!

Xing Tian smiled indifferently and said: "Mother is worried, these medicinal materials were given to me by General Moruo, not I stole them, and because of my weak body, I can't do this!"

auzw.com Can't Xing Tianzhen do this? No, as a Xing Tian with countless practice experiences and countless secrets, if he is willing to pay a little price, this method can still be done, but it is not good for Xing Tian himself. Let yourself bear a cause and effect, and even expose yourself. After all, this is not an ordinary world. This is a crazy and **** world. The opening of the boundary battlefield means endless killing and endless conflict. In this battlefield, the world There are also countless Tianjiao evildoers, countless powerful people, and any magical secrets will appear in the middle. In order to expose himself with a little resource, Xingtian is not so stupid, not so stupid, and will not do this ignorant thing!

Hearing Xing Tian’s explanation, one of Xing Tian’s mother was stunned. She did not expect that this would be the case. She did not expect that her only five-year-old child was involved with the general Moro stationed here. Time made her a little unacceptable, and this result had a big impact on her! If she hadn't been watching Xing Tian grow up, she would really wonder if her child had been dropped by someone else. Otherwise, how could such a thing happen in a blink of an eye.

"Mother doesn't need to worry, but it's just a little debt of favor, no big deal. With these medicinal materials, not only my body can recover, but also the temperature difference between mother and your body!" Xing Tian persuaded softly, after five years, No matter how careful his mother was, Xing Tian could still detect that there was a big problem with her body.

"Child, take people's hands short, why does the general who guards a place for no reason give you so many medicinal materials?"

"Mother, I know your worries, don't worry, the general has no malice, just a little intention of drawing in. It's not a big deal, and we can't refuse the other side's kindness!"

Xing Tian knew exactly what he was like, but there were a lot of things that couldn’t be explained. Even if his mother knew that she had a secret and knew that she was a reincarnation body, that couldn’t be explained. After all, these things could not be explained. It's even more troublesome, and even if you are not careful, you will bring yourself to death!

"General Morrow, I have also heard of his reputation. Since the other party can think of you, you must know it in your heart. I know you have your own opinions, but you must be careful in everything. After all, your body is still very weak. And you have to keep this favor in your heart. If you have the ability, you still have to pay it back. The favor is not in debt!"

For spiritual practitioners, the debts of humanity are really unacceptable. If they are owed, they have formed cause and effect. The cause and effect will not be eliminated. It will have a huge impact on their own practice. Xingtian’s mother is worried. Xingtian was careless or not at all. Awakening the memory of the previous life, unknowingly owed the other party's great cause and effect, ruining the opportunity for practice in this life!

Xing Tian nodded and said, "Mother, I know, I will write down my favors, and there will be great rewards in the future! I can still recite this little favor!" While speaking, Xing Tian picked up one side. Baojian waved it casually, and then nodded! This is a good sword, at least not a mortal thing, and the appearance of this sword made Xing Tian confirm that the general really knew about his reincarnation body!

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