God of Destruction

Chapter 3695: Joint heart

Chapter 3695: Dao Heart Page 1/1

Chapter 3695 Dao Heart

War, killing, is a terrible ordeal for any practitioner. Killing will increase their own evil spirits, make them suffocated, and erode their souls. For people like the Tao of Life, they can still use it. The power of one's own avenues cleanses one's mind, protects oneself from external influences, so that one can escape the erosion of killing. For practitioners like Xing Tian who walk along the avenue of chaos and destruction, war and killing can not only enhance their own enlightenment. , But at the same time of enlightenment, it will also increase the burden on one's soul, making oneself have to face even more terrible impact!

When Xing Tianshen entered the battlefield, Tongtian River Water God was nervously watching Xing Tian’s every move. He was worried about Xing Tian. Of course, at this time, Tongtian River Water God was not worried about Xing Tian’s life and death, but Xing Tian’s spirit. In the eyes of the water **** of Tongtian River, Xing Tian has not restored the memory of his previous life, facing this terrible killing with a weak consciousness, bearing the impact of the **** breath, this will be very dangerous, and if he is careless, he will fall into a dead end. place.

The water **** of Tongtian River must ensure that Xingtian’s mind is not affected by this killing, and is not corroded by the blood evil breath, so as not to damage his own foundation and cut off his own path of practice. After all, the water **** of Tongtian River has invested huge capital on Xingtian. I don't want Xing Tian to fall into a small war like this, breaking his Dao Heart!

"Good sharp sword intent and overbearing murderous aura. I am afraid that there is a big secret in my virtuous brother. This kind of power should never appear on a child. If he grows up, wait for him to take back his previous life. Memory and power, the whole world will shake for him!" Every time the water **** Huai Shui in the distance saw Xing Tian's sword intent, he couldn't help being shocked!

A five-year-old child in Xingtian District, even if he has already entered the Tao, he has practiced a Taoist body, but he is definitely not as powerful as these barbarians. Now Xingtian plays these barbarian cavalry between his palms without any harm. , Such a method is really against the sky, and this also explains a problem even more, Xing Tian's kendo supernatural powers are very powerful.

Just as a five-year-old child, you can burst out such terrible combat power. How powerful is Xing Tian's kendo supernatural power, how amazing the potential of this kendo supernatural power, Xing Tian's inheritance is afraid of even more terrifying.

auzw.com Of course, for the Tongtian River Water God, all this is nothing, because no matter how amazing the inheritance of Xingtian is, it is of no use to a **** like him. As a **** He would not have any ambitions about Xing Tian, ​​and would not have the idea to pass on Xing Tian. On the contrary, the more powerful Xing Tian showed, the happier he would be, and the more resources he would invest in Xing Tian!

There will be gains if you pay. The more costs you invest in Xingtian, the more benefits you will gain in the end. Paying and gains are directly proportional. If it is ordinary people, they will worry about their investment. If you don’t get paid, the other party will turn your face, but for a practitioner like Xing Tian, ​​there is no possibility of turning your face. The pledge of a practitioner is not casual, it is certified by heaven and earth, and it is also a huge cause and effect. If anyone dares to turn his face, he has to endure the addition of cause and effect, he has to endure the backlash of karma, and in the face of the threat of the demons, no practitioner will do such a stupid thing!

"I am afraid that my virtuous brother's origin is amazing, but it is also normal. With such a performance against the sky, he naturally has an amazing identity. I just don't know what inheritance he is practicing. Although the magical powers of kendo are the most One of the overbearing supernatural powers, but the horrible kendo supernatural powers like him have never been heard before. It is possible to increase the power of supernatural powers with the help of slaughter. Is it possible that he walks on the road of slaughter? If so, it can explain why after the reincarnation. , He did not immediately awaken the memory of his previous life, the cause and fruit of Slaughter Avenue was too great, and it greatly affected the awakening of the reincarnated body!"

Soon, the water **** of Tongtian River found a very reasonable explanation for Xing Tian, ​​but his explanation was somewhat reasonable. Although Xing Tian did not practice on the avenue of killing, his chaotic destruction avenue was also integrated with the original Xingtian. A terrible killing avenue, so Xing Tian's kendo supernatural power naturally has a trace of killing avenue power.

Under the slaughter, Xing Tian flicked the blade of the sword in his hand, feeling his own slightly diligent sword intent on the chaotic destruction avenue, and felt more joyful in his heart. Looking at these barbarian cavalry, Xing Tian seemed to see his own In the past, thinking of the endless killings experienced in practice in the past, the meaning of killing in my heart was completely activated!

Xing Tian was also vaguely wary of such a change. Such a change made Xing Tian think about whether it was because he was affected by the killing, and he began to be eroded by the killing road, and his spirit began to break away. If his own control is so, then the consequences will be serious, and Xingtian cannot be vigilant.

Of course, there is a more terrible situation. I am being affected by the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, and my own killings have just fallen into the calculation of the other side. I am about to lead myself to destruction step by step. After all, I am practicing the Dao of Heaven and Earth. , And his own chaotic destruction avenue is not tolerated between heaven and earth. Although now he has not used the four-cup killing sword in the sea of ​​soul knowledge, and has not used the chaotic destruction array, his sword intent has A trace of true meaning in the Avenue of Chaos Destruction, the appearance of this trace of true meaning may have attracted the attention of the battlefield world of this realm, and even more serious is that it has attracted the attention of the Supreme Chaos World, and plunged oneself into a terrible trap. , Let yourself face a terrible crisis!

This is not that Xing Tian is too self-righteous, nor is he thinking too much. Who made Xing Tian go on the road against the sky and cultivated on the road against the sky. For such extreme power as the Chaos Destruction Avenue, it is not welcome in any world. Everyone will be suppressed, even in the midst of the catastrophe. If you relax a little bit, you will be calculated by the Dao, and you will end up in a dead end! During those many years of practice, Xing Tian saw too many powerful men because of his carelessness, and fell into the calculations of the Great Dao, and ended up in a dead end, and Xing Tian did not want to let himself step on them. Following in the footsteps, I don't want to let myself fall into the calculations of the avenue, and die in this world!

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