God of Destruction

Chapter 3702: Devil

Chapter 3702 Demon

"Central Plains is really talented, outstanding people, if I barbarians can conquer the Central Plains within the Guan, why worry, why can not be the protagonist of the world, dominate the world!" A barbarian will make a pair of eyes stare at Xingtian sharply. The sword, sighed gently, "If it can't be removed today, a few decades later, my barbarian will have another big enemy of life and death!"

"Subordinates understand that although this kid has great kendo magical powers, his cultivation is too shallow, and his physical body is even weaker. A child's body is not enough to support him in a long battle. Please see my methods, the general, and I will destroy him!" Barbaric The human sacrifice took a yellow gourd in the hand. The runes drawn by the dark brown blood on the gourd have dried up. It seems to have existed for a long time. It is very vicious at first glance. It seems that this is a piece. Bloody treasure.

"General, I raised an evil spirit. It was never very useful. After all, no matter how fierce the evil spirit is, it will be restrained. It is difficult to change the situation in this chaotic army, but it is still possible to deal with such a child. The blood in his body has been vain, just for my evil spirit to swallow it!" The priest said hehe, with a sneer, and suddenly peeled off the lid of the gourd, only to see the black smoke flying out, instantly rushing into the battlefield, nowhere to be seen. The trail. It’s also strange to say that no matter how fierce the evil spirit is, it will be restrained by the strong blood evil aura in the battlefield, but this evil spirit is not affected at all. It seems that this evil spirit is not This sacrifice is so simple to say, I'm afraid of another extraordinary background!

After the evil spirit flew away, the priest said unhurriedly, "General and wait for the good news. This time this kid is dead. No one can save him. If you are killed by my evil spirit, you will die. Soul disappears, soul flies away!"

The barbarian general was noncommittal when he heard the words, his eyes looked at the camp of the empire army, and the battle intent in his eyes condensed into substance and turned into a series of bright lights. "I don’t know if Moreau’s strength has grown in these years. The general is not his opponent, but the general will not be afraid of him heads-up. Now the general is itchy."

"General, it is not time for you to fight Moreau. If you make a move, the morale of the entire army will be dissipated by Moreau's battlefield. At that time, the army will suffer heavy casualties, and you can't explain it!" The sacrificial smile said with a bitter smile, for fear that this barbarian general would desperately find General Moro to single-handedly, exposing the entire barbarian cavalry army to the impact of the imperial army. The consequences would be really disastrous. I am afraid that the whole army will be full. The army is destroyed.

Now that there are super masters like this barbarian general as the center, they can't resist the impact of the empire army. Without this pillar, the entire barbarian cavalry army will be a piece of scattered sand, and it will be directly crushed by the momentum of the empire army!

"This general knows it's a great relationship, but I'm really unwilling to make Morro that **** so arrogant!" When he said this, the barbarian general's eyes suddenly condensed, "Your evil spirit seems to be out of control!"

"Huh?" The barbarian froze for a moment, and quickly looked towards the battlefield. After the evil spirit entered the battlefield, he would rush when he saw people, as if he was instantly affected by a mysterious power and became irrational. In the middle, the barbarian cavalry was stunned, their movements were slow, and Xing Tian had their heads beheaded, as if this evil spirit had become Xing Tian's accomplice.


This evil spirit does not distinguish between the enemy and me, and even the barbarian cavalry attacks. Such a change makes the barbarian cavalry armies appear chaotic. With the death of each cavalry, their spirits are instantly Absorbed by the evil spirits, the black fog that the evil spirits turned into is actually much stronger in a short time, and then let it kill so frantically, I am afraid that without waiting for the Xingtian to kill the cavalry army, this evil spirit will directly attack The barbarian savage ride was overwhelmed.

When the barbarian sacrifice saw the actions of his own evil spirits, he almost vomited blood. He took out a black leather whip made of unknown material in his hand, and slammed the gourd in his hand a few times, only to see the evil in the battlefield. The ghost uttered a scream, then turned around and suddenly rushed towards Xing Tian, ​​a pair of ferocious eyes full of endless killing intent.

It's not that the evil spirit got out of control under the influence of external forces, but that this evil spirit was not completely tamed by the barbarians at all. It was just that such an incompletely tamed evil spirit was used to deal with Xingtian. This is really ridiculous. Because Xing Tian is not an ordinary person, Xing Tian holds the origin of a great avenue that is more powerful than sacrifice.

A sneer flashed across Xing Tian’s face in the face of the attack of evil spirits. A evil spirit wanted to count on himself. It was so naive. With a thought, the power of Chaos Destroy the Great Avenue soared, and a sword light cut out. He slashed directly at the evil spirit.

When Xingtian counterattacked, the Empire army was also shocked by this sudden change. General Moro did not expect that the barbarians would be so crazy. After an elite cavalry was destroyed, he used the tactics of the sea of ​​people. Dissatisfied, now that even this kind of evil spirits conspiracy tricks are used, it seems that they are really determined to kill Xingtian.

"This group of barbarians always do things that hurt the nature and reason, and they can even do such a method of raising evil spirits. This is a loss of their own life. This sacrifice is really cruel to themselves. These ruthless people appear. , It seems that this time the barbarians are determined to fight with us to the end!" In the crowd around General Moreau, a man in a Taoist robe narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Evil spirit? The Daoist might have brought this evil spirit? Don't let it threaten the safety of that kid?" General Moruo looked at the Taoist priest.

The Taoist smiled bitterly when he heard the words, "The general should not be embarrassed. This is the battlefield. There are soldiers' blood and evil spirits. Poverty cannot use any means. How to surrender the evil spirit? I really don’t know how crazy this sacrifice is. It’s no wonder that the evil spirits sacrificed by the army soul will not obey the command. Although the evil spirits sacrificed by the army soul are not afraid of the evil spirits of the battlefield, they cannot be completely controlled!"

Using war spirit sacrifices to refine evil spirits, but a taboo technique, war spirits are originally extremely vicious, and then refined into evil spirits by Taoist sacrifices, but they are more fierce. Such evil spirits, if they are not careful, they will eat back their master, master. When it is strong, you can barely control it. Once the owner is weak, this evil spirit will turn around and devour the owner, swallowing the master’s soul, and completely transformed into a supreme fierce ghost. At that time, the consequences will be unthinkable. The fierce ghost of soul evolution will increase its power a hundredfold!


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