God of Destruction

Chapter 3714: Contraction force

Chapter 3714 Contraction Power

It's easy to say, but difficult to do. Abandoning those sites at this time is really a big problem for Venerable Ziji. You must know that this is in the realm of catastrophe. I don't know how many forces are staring at the Yunxiao Sect. , Making such an abnormal choice at this time can easily cause the whole school to collapse directly and make the situation out of control!

For Venerable Ziji, you cannot make the slightest mistake at this critical moment. Otherwise, only death is waiting for yourself. Venerable Ziji knows very well that whoever makes himself the head of the Yunxiao Sect is a master. Must bear the responsibility, and it is precisely for this reason that Venerable Lieyang will tell him such important information.

"Shrinking power, this cannot be done in a moment and a half. There are too many difficulties in this, not to mention that it is impossible for us to be sure that the battlefields of those territories will get out of control, so it is even more important to make correct judgments. Difficult, but we can't tell others about this matter, and we can't discuss with all the elders of the school, otherwise the chaos will be turbulent for personal benefit and the whole school will be turbulent, and even this news will spread, and the consequences will be even more unfavorable!"

Regardless of the fact that Venerable Ziji is in the martial sect, he has an absolute advantage. This is only a superficial advantage. Once the situation changes, his advantage will instantly become nothingness, so no matter what the news It can't be spread, and it can't be known to a third party, and doing so has increased the pressure on him!

Old Ancestor Lieyang smiled indifferently and said: "There is no absolute in everything. There is something to do and there is something to do. We can't be foolproof in anything. Even some mistakes are unavoidable. Time waits for no one. There is no time left for us to prepare. If there are too many, we don’t know when the terrible catastrophe will end, or when the amazing upheaval will come. If you prepare a day earlier, you will have more chances of winning. Don’t hesitate anymore. This is what you have to do. The choice, you have no retreat!"

There are many choices on the path of practice, and many things will not give you time to think about it. Just like this sudden change, as the head, Venerable Ziji must make it in the fastest time. Decisions, decisions made in such a rush will naturally make mistakes, but the reality is so cruel, such a situation has really happened, we can only blame the poor fate of those people!

"I know what to do, but even if you want to give up, you can't give up in vain. Those families are not always eager to get rid of our influence. This time I will give them such a chance. If they don't let them vomit blood, it will be cheap. These bastards, giving up some areas, can just get the resources we need from them!"


Soon, Venerable Ziji made a decision. As the head, he still possessed such abilities. To be able to make such a decision in such a short time, his ability is also commendable, but unfortunately only now He and Old Ancestor Lieyang are there, there is no third party, and there is no praise, there is just that heavy depression!

This is destiny, this is the general trend! In the face of the general trend, everything is uncontrollable, everything can only follow the general trend, if you want to go against the trend, it is just a daydream, just self-destruction, maybe someone in this supreme chaotic world can do it, but this Man is definitely not Venerable Ziji, definitely not Yunxiao Sect!

"Oh! I don't know how many forces in this territorial catastrophe know this secret. Is it true that the high level of human civilization is doing this right? Hiding such a secret will destroy how many schools and forces will be destroyed. It is also a heavy blow to the entire human civilization!" As the head, Venerable Ziji still has a faint frustration and unwillingness in his heart. After all, he is not alone, and he bears the responsibility of the entire sect for such shocking changes. There will inevitably be some thoughts in my mind!

Old Ancestor Lieyang sighed: "This is destiny. We can't change it. We can only be thankful that we can know this secret and be able to prepare in advance. Perhaps to the high level of human civilization, our peripheral forces are not worth mentioning. , Perhaps in the eyes of those top powerhouses, we are not worth the price they pay to protect!"

The ancestor Lieyang was right. For those high-ranking human civilizations, they did not take these peripheral forces into their hearts at all. No matter how large they are, they are not worth mentioning. When the real catastrophe comes, the creatures that human civilization can shelter are also limited. It is impossible to shelter all creatures of the entire human civilization. What's more, many people in the upper ranks of human civilization have selfish hearts and are unwilling to protect themselves. Split out the interests of the country.

"Elder Tai, even the high-level human civilization is prepared for the catastrophe. It is impossible for us Yunxiao Sect to have not prepared for external catastrophes. Now I want to know what secrets the school has, and only if I know all this, I can I can make the best choice, or even if I reluctantly make a choice, I will lose more profits!"

As the head of the school, you should have a good understanding of everything about the entire school, and you should have a grasp of it. However, after experiencing so many things, Venerable Ziji no longer has such illusions. He does not believe in Yunxiao School. Such an overlord would have no emergency preparations, but he didn’t even know what kind of preparations it was. In the past, Venerable Ziji didn’t care too much, but now it’s different. He has to know this, he has to understand, Otherwise, it would be very unfavorable to yourself and the school!

Hearing this, a smile appeared on the face of Old Ancestor Lieyang, and he smiled calmly: "Actually, you have already mastered the emergency power of the martial art. For the Yunxiao faction, the greatest power is not the scattered ones. Many powers, but the Yunxiao star under our feet, this entire star is our Yunxiao Sect’s greatest heritage and the ultimate assassin. As long as the Yunxiao Star is still there, we have a chance to turn over. If the Yunxiao Sect loses, then Yunxiao The pie also lost everything, and can give up on anything, but Yunxiaoxing cannot afford to lose. The entire Yunxiaoxing is a real fortress of war. Only when the most dangerous moment comes, this fortress of war will fully erupt. Its ultimate power is not the moment it bursts! As long as you are still standing above Yunxiaoxing, you don't need to worry about the safety of the school or your own. The power of Yunxiaoxing is beyond your imagination!"

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