God of Destruction

Chapter 3727: Humanity

Chapter 3727 Human Nature

It’s not for nothing to say that it’s easy to practice in public. Xing Tian didn’t want to be too eager to get in touch with the empire because of his sect’s mission and his own problems. After all, he had too much contact with General Moro. He is too young, and there are many inconveniences in his identity. But now that everything is not mailed, Xing Tian has to give up all his previous ideas, prepare for his own practice again, and join the imperial dynasty. This is Xing Tian’s best choice. .

The world is changing, and people’s hearts are also changing. Xing Tian also has to follow the trend and has to make changes. This is the general trend. Before he really becomes strong, Xing Tian has to compromise, and has to follow the general trend of heaven. If he wants to be weak and weak. If you have to go against the sky at this time, then you are not practicing, but self-defeating. Such a stupid choice will not appear in Xing Tian's body!

As his mind turned, Xing Tian once again contacted the Water Spirit Orb that was integrated into him, and continued to wash himself with the help of the original power of the Water Spirit Orb. Even if Xing Tian refined all the murderous aura, his body There are still some improprieties in it, and according to normal practice, it takes time and energy to warm up the body little by little, but now Xing Tian has the water spirit orb, so it doesn’t need to be so troublesome. You can borrow the water spirit orb. Power washes itself.

I have to admit that with the Water Spirit Orb, Xing Tian’s path to practice will be much smoother. With this Water Spirit Orb in hand, Xing Tian can save a lot of training time. Time is life, especially in this realm. Especially this time in the territorial catastrophe, there was an abnormal change. Under such circumstances, Xing Tian had to be cautious and had to speed up his cultivation speed. In such a terrifying territorial catastrophe, there was no Sufficiently strong combat power, there is no right to survive, strength is the fundamental factor that determines everything, and freedom depends on strength. This is the general trend!

In a few breaths, blue light surged from Xing Tian's body, and the original power of the water spirit beads quickly washed Xing Tian's body, cleared out the hidden dangers in his body, and made Xing Tian's whole person much easier.

"Oh! I can’t go on like this anymore. It’s time to discuss it with my mother. Time waits for no one. I don’t have much time to waste in this small village. No matter what secrets my mother has, no matter what my current status is. What's the problem, but I have to leave. Only in this way can I speed up my practice!"

When he thought of this, Xing Tian couldn't help but sighed. With his wisdom and eyesight, he could naturally understand that his mother had an extraordinary background and his identity also had an extraordinary origin. It's just that once such a thing is discussed, Everything will be on the bright side. This is a big test for Xing Tian. After all, the human nature of Xing Tian can affect his mind!

auzw.com Human nature, to a spiritual teacher like Xing Tian, ​​this is a double-edged sword. If you are not careful, you can hurt yourself. Similarly, if you can control the power of human nature, you can also give Xingtian brings huge benefits and gains, and can make his own practice faster. It can be said that human nature has both pros and cons for Xingtian. The final result depends on Xingtian's own abilities and Xingtian's own practice. This situation has brought a lot of pressure to Xingtian!

Dinner passed in a dull manner. After eating silently, Xing Tian's face showed a trace of hesitation. Although he wanted to discuss with his mother, he swallowed it back when he reached his lips, and the power of human nature continued. The earth affects Xingtian, making it difficult for Xingtian to make a decision, and making it impossible for Xingtian to speak. Such a situation was unexpected by Xingtian.

The power of human nature is really beyond Xing Tian’s imagination. Xing Tian originally thought that he could control the power of human nature and grasp the influence of human nature on himself, but at this moment Xing Tian finally understood that he was wrong. It was very wrong. The power of human nature was not what he thought. Simply, when he was about to make a decision, the power of this human nature affected him silently.

At this time, Xing Tian was also aware of his own problems and the influence of the power of human nature on him. Such a result shocked Xing Tian’s heart, but when he was shocked, Xing Tian’s heart was more uneasy. For a cultivator, this is a very dangerous thing. Even his own mind cannot be grasped. This is a huge hidden danger. The power of human nature is beyond his grasp. This is very dangerous for himself. The consequences of being cautious will be unimaginable.

"How could this happen, the power of human nature has been out of my control, and it affects my own decisions, and affects my own mind. What kind of power is hidden in this human power to achieve this?" Xing Tian couldn't help but wonder. Get up, in Xing Tian's view, the appearance of such power is not good for him, and uncontrolled power can easily hurt himself!

Just when Xing Tian was puzzled and uneasy about his own human strength, a voice rang in his ear, that was the voice of his mother, "What are you kidding thinking, what is something that is not easy to say, so hesitate, what can you say? But say it, I am not an unreasonable person, and it will not affect your future. Let's talk, let me hear your thoughts!"

Xing Tian’s mother found out about Xing Tian’s situation at this time. She also has a certain understanding of Xing Tian. She also knows that Xing Tian’s origins are extraordinary. She is the reincarnation of a strong man and even has retrieved the memories of her previous life. Otherwise, she should not Will be so hesitant! For her, no matter what identity Xing Tian has in her previous life, Xing Tian is her own child at this time and needs her own care!

Xing Tian awoke from his thinking, raised his head, took a deep breath, and said, "Mother, today I met a barbarian cavalry at war with the empire army. The boy had watched there and saw the army's wanton killing. I also heard the reason for their wanton killings in the battlefield. We are afraid that we will soon become a big battlefield. If we continue to stay here, I am afraid it is very dangerous. If we are not careful, we will be involved in the killing of both sides. Among them!"

When he said this, Xing Tian’s voice gave his mother time to think, and after a while he continued to say, “We were living here very well, but with the arrival of the barbarians, everything has changed. We need to leave here, at least to leave with the empire army, otherwise once the empire army leaves, the failed barbarians will vent their anger on us people, then we will all face the threat of death! "

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