God of Destruction

Chapter 3745: Jie Ming Wu

Chapter 3745 Ming Wu

I originally thought that the enemy had calculated the imperial fortune this time, but I didn't expect the result to be like this. Such a situation also cast a shadow on Xing Tian's heart. Although the imperial fortune was not as strong as it was in the strongest period, it was not just like others. Under such circumstances, Xing Tian's heart is naturally more vigilant, and he can no longer look at the creatures in this realm of battlefield world with a superior posture. The chaotic world may be much stronger than the battlefield world. , But this is not a chaotic world after all, here is the opponent's home field, the opponent occupies the initiative and occupies a powerful advantage!

"Then I am afraid it is time for General Morrow to make a big move. Those barbarians who step into the battlefield will pay a heavy price, and those secret forces involved in the betrayal will be devastated, and I take the initiative to jump. Those who enter the game will also have a huge burden on their backs due to this battle, will be targeted by the barbarians, will be hated by those in the dark, and will have to join the empire’s fortune. Good means and good plans. Ah!" When thinking of this, Xing Tian's heart couldn't help but feel cold. He no longer had the same affection for General Moro and the dynasty of the empire. All cause and effect were forgotten by Xing Tian.

No one wants to be calculated. Xing Tian is no exception. In the eyes of General Moreau, Xing Tian is just a child. No matter how clever he is, he can’t see the overall situation and his mind, so he will naturally be tempted. He joined the imperial dynasty system and devoted himself to the imperial dynasty, but he was wrong. Xing Tian was not an ordinary child. When such a strong defense broke out on the empress, Xing Tian immediately understood everything about the other party. Calculate and understand the plans of the empire. It can be said that from the very beginning, the empire was calculating all the enemies, digging holes, and preparing to kill all the enemies.

If it were not that Xing Tian was still too weak and lacking the ability to protect himself, Xing Tian would not just let it go because of the causality calculated by General Moreau. Under the current situation, Xing Tian could only endure this bad breath and endure it. Under General Morrow, there is also the causal calculation of the imperial fortune, but the cause and effect will not disappear. One day, the general Morrow will have the imperial fortune to be repaid. There must be an effect if there is cause. As long as Xingtian is still alive, this The cause and effect will not be over.

"Perhaps those colleagues who have left their blood in this battlefield world have long left hints to their descendants, so that they have been prepared long ago. When the territorial catastrophe comes, this empire will naturally move forward. Comprehensive preparations, perhaps the first generations of imperial bloodlines, their hearts will still remember the kindness of Yunxiao School, remember the power of the martial arts, but after endless years, their hearts have no respect for the martial arts, for them The emergence of sect forces is also a major threat!"

For a moment, Xing Tian had such thoughts in his heart. No wonder Xing Tian had such crazy thoughts, but all of this was really weird. First, the headmaster passed down the great catastrophe at all costs, and only then the imperial fate. There are also such terrible calculations, all of which have to make Xing Tian vigilant, and Xing Tian suspects that it is not only the changes in the supreme chaotic world that caused this situation, but also the changes in the boundary battlefield world. This idea came out, Xing Tian The heart is more vigilant and more careful!


"It seems that the empire's fortune is not reliable at all, even if they were born from the Yunxiao Sect back then, but after endless years, they have long forgotten the kindness of the Yunxiao Sect, rising to the mien fighting against the miracle, perhaps today's battlefield This is also the case. The gains and losses of one side of the world's luck really cannot be too important for oneself, and cannot have too much friendship with the imperial fortune. The friendship has long been forgotten by the other party!" After thinking about this, Xing Tian couldn't help. Shaking his head, the original plan in his heart has twists and turns again!

The power of the imperial dynasty is unreliable, because they have forgotten the kindness of the Yunxiao faction. They really want to seize the luck of the realm battlefield world. They need to set up their own stove. Maybe they should try their best to cultivate their own power, and they should watch it. The imperial fortune will be destroyed step by step, and after the imperial fortune will be destroyed, you can seize control of the world!

General Moreau never expected such a change in Xing Tian's heart, and never expected that his calculation would directly force Xing Tian to make such a crazy plan, and no longer stand with the imperial movement, and He wanted to sit and watch the destruction of the empire’s fortunes and reorganize the mountains and rivers. If he knew it, he would feel extremely regretful in his heart.

People are not for themselves, and the heavens are destroyed. Since the imperial dynasty and the general Moreau did not treat themselves sincerely, Xing Tian would naturally not trust them sincerely, not to mention Xing Tian would not be so magnanimous that he knew that the other party was calculating himself. He would also give his full assistance. When he realized all of this, Xing Tian decided to win over his cheap eldest brother, so that he would have a certain amount of help in the way of God, and he could have the ability to come back at the most critical moment.

Of course, no matter what happens in the future, and no matter what the final decisive battle will look like, it is your own strength that can determine everything. Without sufficient strength, it is just a joke to dominate this realm battlefield. Strength is the root of everything, and the most important thing for me right now is to improve my combat power.

The realm battlefield world becomes so crazy and terrifying, Xing Tian's heart desires for the luck of this world, because danger is directly proportional to the harvest. The more dangerous the battlefield world, the more you gain from success. The stronger, even at this moment, Xing Tian has a crazier guess in his heart. Perhaps this time there will be countless world-destroying luck in the boundary battlefield world. Who can win the final victory will get a lot Disrupting the world's luck and adding oneself, perhaps it is just this way to be able to wash one's own qualifications and roots with the powerful force of luck!

Although this is just a conjecture in Xing Tian's own mind, Xing Tian doesn't think it is impossible. Who made this terrible catastrophe changed again and again, and made Xing Tian have to be vigilant and have to deal with it carefully. Under the terrible change, Xing Tian couldn’t take any defense he could do too much, because he was careful to sail the ship for ten thousand years. Many times, a small mistake would ruin his life and kill himself. In this realm battlefield world, arrogance is always the greatest threat to destroy oneself!

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