God of Destruction

Chapter 3747: Leave

Chapter 3747: Get out and leave

Ignorance, stupidity! This comment is indeed very appropriate! Who is Xing Tian, ​​will be threatened by their group of guards, let alone them, even if the Queen Mother speaks in person, Xing Tian will not care, let alone pay attention to it. After understanding the calculation of the imperial movement, Xing Tian and There was also a deep rift in the relationship between General Moro. The cause and effect that was originally owed was not as important as before. Let alone them, even if General Moro spoke, Xing Tian would refuse.

"It's lost! I didn't expect the imperial fortune to be counted, but in the end it would end in failure. This time they all despised the power of internal troubles and underestimated the power and craziness of the forces that betrayed the imperial fortune. In the duel, as long as there is a slight mistake, it is a devastating blow, and they have to pay a heavy price for their arrogance!" Xing Tian couldn't help but sighed in his heart as he felt the powerful enemy coming quickly. For the appearance of these enemies, Xing Tian couldn't help feeling a little bit in his heart!

No matter when, I can’t care about it, or I’ll just end up with the people in front of me. The power of the empire’s fortune is strong enough. This time the calculations are indeed very good and amazing, but they still underestimate the hidden The power of the secret enemy, it is this slight underestimation that makes them fall into such an embarrassing situation, making them face the threat of death!

Get out and leave! This was the first thought in Xing Tian's mind. For Xing Tian, ​​he would not put himself in danger for these ignorant people. No one can put Xing Tian to do this, especially the **** in front of him are still very ignorant and arrogant. This makes Xing Tian's unrecognizable and even unsatisfactory to get Xing Tian's help. If not for his current strength, Xing Tian has the heart to personally kill the **** who threatened him just now and let him know how powerful he is!

At this time and under such circumstances, Xing Tian could not personally kill the **** who threatened him, but he could kill people with the knife, and use the hands of those who betrayed the imperial dynasty to destroy them, and even ruin the imperial dynasty. Qi Luck, as long as the imperial luck of the imperial dynasty is damaged, Xing Tian can also get a huge gain, which can make the situation more chaotic.

For the guards who guarded the queen empress, they couldn’t see through Xing Tian, ​​because there was a layer of terrifying death origin power outside Xing Tian’s body, but for these newly arrived powerhouses, they could see through the darkness at a glance. Xingtian in Xingtian is not as vulnerable as previously imagined. Xingtian is not as dangerous as it is. On the contrary, Xingtian in the dark is in a much better situation than the guards who have been impacted. However, although they have seen through Xingtian’s fictitious reality, However, he did not expose all of this. The more Xing Tian appeared to be so selfish, the more he proved that Xing Tian and the empire were not on the same road, the more he proved that the words before Xing Tian were true, the reason why he came to help the empire was only for the sake of Repay the cause and effect of General Moreau.

Now Xing Tian obviously wanted to hide his strength deliberately, and deliberately didn't want to help anymore. Under this circumstance, how could these later enemies demolish everything about Xing Tian, ​​and how could they simply add a life and death enemy to himself.

In just an instant, Xing Tian felt a powerful breath passing by his side, and as soon as this situation appeared, Xing Tian could not help but cast a shadow on his mind again, and he cursed secretly in his heart: "Damn it, it's still small Seeing the strength of these bastards, they actually saw through my reality. It seems that the power of the source of death cannot stop the eyes of the real strong. I have to deal with it carefully. Fortunately, this time it is the appearance of these enemies. Luo appeared, I'm afraid that my many calculations will be frustrated, and I will fight directly with General Moruo. It seems that I have to make more preparations!"


"Leave!" Xing Tian didn't hesitate anymore, he made the choice to leave. As for the life and death of these guards and the queen's empress, Xing Tian was no longer in Xing Tian's worries. For Xing Tian, ​​the life and death of these people was with him. It doesn't matter!

A scream of "Ah!" sounded from Xing Tian's mouth, and then Xing Tian's body held the black cloud formed by the origin of death and fled instantly, and directly retreated from the battlefield, making the enemy who had just arrived also Dumbfounded.

"Okay, it's a great choice, but it's okay. Without this kid's resistance, these ignorant **** are dead. As long as the queen empress is killed, the empire's luck will be shattered, and the entire empire will be shaken. !"

Regarding Xing Tian’s escape, those enemies had no intention of stopping them, and allowed Xing Tian to use such exaggerated methods to escape from his own face, because in their hearts Xing Tian and the queen empress were not at the same level!

"Asshole, this **** abandoned us and escaped. He was scared away by the enemy. Don't let this **** be caught by me, or I will make him pay a heavy price. After all, General Moro did something. What's the matter? Arranged such a **** to be a reinforcement, abandoning me in such a dangerous situation!"

One after another angry voices sounded frantically. For these guards, each of them confessed Xing Tian's hatred to their bones. For them, Xing Tian's betrayal directly made their situation worse and made them have to Faced with the threat of death, they had to stand up and fight with these enemies in front of them!

war! But what do these guards use to fight each other now? Their power consumption is huge, and there is no one in ten. Under this situation, what else do they use to fight the enemy head-on? All they can rely on is the empress. The treasure of protection, I hope that before this treasure is destroyed, he can wait until General Moro and his army!

But is it really possible to do this just by relying on such a treasure of protection? In this regard, these guards did not hold any hope at all. After all, they just consumed too much of their own strength, and their mind and vision were not affected. They all understood that just relying on a treasure can not withstand the attacks of these enemies!

Dead end, everyone is in a dead end. The faces of these guards have become extremely heavy, and they can feel the breath of death coming towards them, and they can understand that this time the imperial luck has been defeated, and It was a complete defeat! They regret that they should have known this a long time ago, they should not be so arrogant, and they should not have not made complete preparations!

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