God of Destruction

Chapter 3749: Vigilance

Chapter 3749: Vigilance

I don’t know if it was affected by the Supreme Chaos World, or the Territory Tribulation itself was so cruel and ruthless, so insanely terrifying, just the opening of this Tribulation, made Xing Tian’s heart feel endless pressure. I thought that the danger of the Great Tribulation of the Territory would not be too high. After all, this is a test of the Supreme Chaos World Tianjiao, but now Xing Tian understands that he was wrong, and it is very wrong. The Great Tribulation of the Territory is no better than the Supreme Chaos World. Come easy.

"I understand that this time I was too arrogant. I underestimated the madness of all the forces. Under such a perilous environment, any one of the forces will become extremely crazy. The barbarians are like this, and so is the empire. In this way, the forces hidden in the dark are even more so. In order to compete for the protagonist of this world, in order to control the power of this world, they will do whatever it takes. In their eyes, anyone can become a chess piece, even the queen and the empress. , It can be seen the madness of the imperial dynasty, even the empress dared to intercept and kill, and it can also be seen how crazy and terrifying the betrayers are!"

When talking about this, Xing Tian couldn't help but shook his head and sighed lightly. The situation was more dangerous than he thought, and it was crazier. The interests were moving. In the face of absolute interests, no one would not be crazy about it. No one can not sacrifice, such a cruel and ruthless environment makes Xing Tian also have to be cautious. Under such a general environment, no one can believe it, only oneself can truly believe, because when absolute interests appear, no one around them can believe it!

After seeing the madness of the imperial dynasty and the madness of the barbarians, Xing Tian was more cautious and would not easily hand over the inheritance in his hands to the God of Tongtian River. This cheap brother, at least in this realm. Before the end of the robbery, Xing Tian would not do this, and only in this way can he take the initiative, control the other party, and prevent him from betraying himself for profit at a critical moment, so that he can have someone available!

"Okay! Brother Xian just understand, I let you be good to the general Moro, just hope that you can use his power to make your own path of cultivation go further, but not let you join the empire army, Although there are endless resources in the imperial fortune, which can alleviate the pressure of self-cultivation, but the imperial fortune also has great cause and effect, and has huge restrictions. If you are trapped in it, you will never be free. This is very important for you. Disadvantage! Don't get yourself into the trouble of empire fortune for the little resource in front of you, it will be more than a loss for you!"

Yes! The God of Tongtian River is right. The imperial dynasty is a big trouble and a big burden. This can be seen from the previous war, and it can be felt from the arrogant guards. Being caught in this big trouble, it is really not worth the loss for oneself. It is not advisable to sacrifice freedom for a little resource!

auzw.com"Let’s go, let’s leave, the strength of the empire’s fortune is not as vulnerable as you think, no matter how crazy the barbarians and those hidden powers are, in a short time, They still can’t shake the foundation of the empire’s fortune. You have enough time to restore the power of the previous life, and enough time to get back everything from the previous life. Don’t limit your eyes to the conflict in front of you. You must know that you have been barbaric now. People are grieving, the Golden Twelve Warriors have already set off to find your trouble!"

As an ancient god, the God of Tongtian River had an understanding of the imperial fortune that ordinary people could not know, and it was precisely because he understood the power of the imperial fortune. No matter how fierce this storm was, the God of Tongtian River did not think about it. To intervene in this battle, I have never thought of taking the opportunity to seize that exotic treasure. No matter how good the treasure is, my own life is not as important, and after this conflict, greater trouble will come, and a terrible killing will be crazy. On the ground, the empire’s fortune will not let these hidden in the dark and betray the major forces of the empire. No matter what their status or background, they will suffer a crazy blow from the empire because they have broken through the empire. The bottom line of the dynasty is something the empire cannot tolerate!

Xing Tian nodded. This time, he was indeed miscalculated. Putting himself in this big trouble. If he hadn't turned his face with the guards before, I'm afraid that even the forces hidden in the dark would stare at him and be right. Kill yourself!

Although Xing Tian and Tongtian River Water God wanted to avoid this big trouble, they couldn’t let them decide everything. Especially Xing Tian was already in this big trouble, and it was even more difficult to get out of it. Just when they walked away quickly, As they were advancing fast, there was a sound of horseshoes in front, and a small group of cavalry appeared in front of Xingtian!

It is a barbarian's iron cavalry. Although separated by the yellow sand, Xing Tian can still see the identity of the other party at a glance. In this small group of people, Xing Tian felt the strong murderous intent, and each of them has something extraordinary. Xing Tian felt a slight crisis in these people's combat power, and it seemed that these **** were targeting themselves.

When he saw Xingtian and the water **** of Tongtian River, the barbarian general's eyes showed a trace of killing intent, and he asked tentatively: "Xingtian, you are Xingtian!" As he spoke, the iron knights behind him instantly turned Xingtian. Surrounded by the water **** of the Tongtian River, blocking Xingtian and the others' path, it meant that Xingtian would be left behind!

"It's me, you are the Golden Twelve Warriors?" Xing Tian nodded, directly confessing his identity, and asked the other party's identity, why Xing Tian would ask, because this team happened to have only twelve people, and each Everyone has extremely powerful combat power. This Qiaqia is similar to the Golden Twelve Warriors mentioned by the God of Tongtian River!

"Okay, very good, this is really nowhere to look for through the iron shoes, it is no effort to come here, I met you as a little beast! Blood debt is paid, no one can save you today, so I will save my life. Come!" As the person waved his hand, the twelve golden warriors immediately unsheathed their swords and locked Xingtian with a frantic murderous intent. As for the God of Tongtian River beside Xingtian, the twelve golden warriors ignored him. In their eyes, the Water God of Tongtian River is just an'ant', because they can't feel a trace of power in the Water God of Tongtian River!

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