God of Destruction

Chapter 3757: Courage

Chapter 3757: Vigor

"General, you all know the seriousness of the matter, don't I know, but do you understand what is the consequence of failure once I do this?" Without waiting for General Moreau to answer, the empress said again: "I know, maybe in your heart you will think that I will not give up the rights in my hands, and I am afraid of losing my position as queen!"

"The general dare not!" Before the Queen Empress could finish her words, General Moruo immediately bowed down and said loudly.

"Get up, don't be so nervous. I am not afraid of losing my position as a queen, but worried about the impaired luck of the empire. You must know that as a queen of a country, I naturally carry a huge amount of luck. It is related to the rest of the empire. Once I have an accident, the empire’s luck will be compromised. The consequences will be disastrous at that time, and the entire empire will be devastated!"

When he heard these words, General Moreau's expression became extremely dignified. As a strong man, he naturally understood that everything the Empress Empress said was true. It was because he was too careless and forgot about the Empress Empress. The meaning of this identity, once the supreme evil spirit condensed in the defeated army will inevitably impact the empress's personality, the evil spirit of the army will back down, and the empire will be hit hard!

"Damn, how could I forget this important thing, now the empress is hard to ride a tiger, and compared to the luck of the empire, the life and death of this army is not worth mentioning. The impaired luck of the empire will definitely let you The entire empire will be turbulent, and the world will be in chaos, and the empire will face the impact of destruction!" For a moment, General Moro was sweating.

"Okay, don’t worry, I still know what you are, you don’t have so many bad thoughts, you just forget it for a while, and you, as the pillar of the country, will not have the intention of harming the empire’s fortune. Although this matter is dangerous , But it can’t be delayed. The military spirit is also related to the survival of the empire. In any case, they must not be disappointed by the soldiers. They are also the pillars of the empire. Without these soldiers, how can they protect the borders of the empire!"

Being able to make the empress empress use the name "I" shows the position of General Morrow in the fortune of the empire, and also shows how important his position in the empress empress, and even the emperor's heart, otherwise the empress would not be so. Say!

I have to admit that at this time, the empress woman still has the courage to take on this huge responsibility. This is what the queen of a country must face. If she does not show up this time, perhaps she will not be affected by the evil spirits in the army. , But it will definitely lose the favor of General Morrow. Even the queen of a country does not dare to take risks or make efforts for the fortune of the empire. How can he make General Morrow loyal. Once this happens, the whole It is also a great disaster for the empire's fortune!


"General, you will make arrangements for this matter. As a general in the army, you naturally know what is going on in the army. I will represent the empire and give the rewards that many soldiers deserve, and I will also give those sacrificed soldiers what they deserve. Reward, the imperial fortune never treats those who have made merits. This is the iron law established on the day the imperial fortune was established!"

When the Empress Empress’s words were heard, General Moreau breathed a sigh of relief. As long as the Empress Empress appeared, everything would not be a problem. There might be a little fluctuation in the middle, but General Moreau was confident. This crisis can be resolved, and I am confident that the empress will not be backlashed by the evil spirits in the army, and the imperial luck will not be damaged!

"Thank you Empress for your help, the last will defend the empire!" At this time, General Moreau was naturally showing his loyalty, and it was the best choice for him to do so. At this time, when he didn't show his loyalty, when would he show his loyalty? Only when the dangerous timetable is loyal can the empress understand her loyalty to the empire, and then she can get the royal attention!

"General, I am not worried about the affairs of the army with your ability, but you should not take it lightly for the serious consequences of this battle. Although the enemy has retreated, no one can guarantee that they will be there in secret. Under the temptation of the strange treasure, I am afraid that these enemies will not give up easily. If there is another war, it will be difficult to win with our existing strength!"

As soon as the Queen Empress’s words fell, General Moreau couldn't help but sighed inwardly again. As a general, how could Moreau never think about this, but the situation has reached this point and the initiative is no longer there. In his own hands, at this moment, the army is facing internal and external troubles, and the situation is very dangerous. A little carelessness will cause the situation to collapse!

"Niangniang, we have to stabilize the army first. Only in this way can we talk about other issues. This time the army has suffered heavy damage, and it is difficult to regain combat power for a while, and the strong men who came to protect the Niangniang have all been destroyed in a short time. It is difficult for us to leave the border area, otherwise once our true situation is discovered by the enemy, the consequences will be disastrous!"

The army continues to be stationed in this border, and continues to stay here. I have to say that General Moro is crazy enough to make such a decision. You must know that the border area will face raids by barbarians at any time, and even suffer. To those secret calculations hidden in the dark, and in the border, there is no help from the empire's fortune, and you can only bear all the pressure!

No movement is better than silence. This is the idea of ​​General Morrow at this moment. It is harmful and unhelpful to himself if he rashly returns. Moreover, morale in the army is low and people's minds are unpredictable. Once civil strife occurs, the consequences will be unimaginable. Although the treasure is important, But no matter how important it is, it’s not as important as its own safety. It’s not as important as the safety of the empire. If the situation is really out of control, General Moro would rather abandon the strange treasures rather than let his army have problems. Unwilling to let the queen empress face the impact, the treasure can be regained if it is lost, but there is only one life, and if you lose it, you will never return!

"Okay, you are a general, and everything is up to you. As long as you think it’s right, just do it. Don’t have any concerns. Even if you have any responsibilities in the future, it will be borne by my queen. You will not be embarrassed. !" As a queen, this courage is still there, no matter how dangerous the situation is, no matter how much pressure, as long as the situation has not collapsed, the empress will not shake her heart, she will not panic. , Because she represents the royal family at this moment, and the royal dignity cannot be compromised!

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