God of Destruction

Chapter 3767: Solar terms

Chapter 3767

When Xing Tian allocated everything, the scene became extremely silent~! Slap on the face, this is simply hitting the face of Empress Empress and General Moro. Although there are thousands of anger in their hearts, when they see the indifferent expressions of Xing Tian and Tongtian River God, the anger in their hearts can not help but go out, and then imagine In their own situation, they can only swallow this bad breath!

"Since the two of you have talked to this point, then we have nothing to cover up. What conditions do you need before you are willing to make a move. As long as I can do it, everything is not a problem!" Since the principle is unreasonable, there are only advantages. Rather than mentioning the conditions by himself, Xingtian and Tongtianhe Water God would make their own conditions. As long as they are not excessive, the general will accept it. Whoever forces the situation to force General Moro to compromise, he cannot watch the crisis break out again. , It is impossible to watch the empress die!

"Conditions? Moro, although you are a general, your guarantee is somewhat credible, even if the empress is here, the guarantees made are nothing, here is a border, there are dangers everywhere, not to mention Right now your situation is very dangerous. No one knows what kind of shocking changes will happen next moment. If this is the imperial capital, we will naturally believe it, so your guarantee is not very useful. Let us make a condition. A joke with no hope!"

The conditions are improved, even if the other party agrees, but they can’t get it. After all, the border resources are limited, and it is too bad for me to mention it. Some are not worth it, even if the queen is here, for it is not worth it at all. It is a bit stupid and a bit silly to take one's own life for profit. Tongtianhe Water God is unwilling to accept it, and so is Xingtian!

It is the decision of Tongtian River Water God to not see rabbits or eagles. Before seeing enough benefits, no matter how much General Moro said, it is useless and he will not accept it. This world is so cruel, not to mention that the Tongtian River Water God has his own plan. If this thing breaks his plan and practice, it will not be worth the loss, so there is not enough to impress his own interests, everything is forbidden!

Seeing that the God of Tongtian River was soft and hard to eat, General Moruo's face suddenly became gloomy, and he couldn't help but became vigilant, and shouted in a deep voice: "What a God of Tongtian River, it's possible that you are also thinking of different treasures. , I want to use the safety of the Queen Empress as a threat, forcing me to compromise. If so, you succeeded!” When these words fell, General Moreau’s eyes were fixed on the God of Tongtian River, trying to help him Find the answer I want to know on my face!

"Huh! In your eyes, that strange treasure is very important, but in my eyes it is nothing more than that. What is the use of my **** as a humane treasure? Don't treat a gentleman like a villain. I am not so shameless. , Will not do such ignorant and ridiculous behavior!" As Tongtianhe Water God looked at General Moruo with disdain, he did not take the pressure of the other party to his heart!

auzw.com"Then what do you want? If you don't tell me, how do we know what you want?" General Moro hated the performance of the water **** of Tongtian River, and his expression gradually changed. There is a hint of not being irritated, time is not waiting for others, there is not much time left for him, he does not have time to have too many disputes with Tongtianhe Water God, and he needs to end this negotiation soon!

"It's not what I want, but what you can give me. If you don't have enough benefits, you want us to work hard. Do you think it is possible? Do you think we are those soldiers under your command? We are willing to work hard to serve as an empire. No, and even your soldiers do not have such loyalty!"

"The gods need nothing more than incense and luck. I can let the water **** enjoy the luck of the empire!" At this time, the empress empress also gradually understood the purpose of the Tongtian River water god. The ordinary treasures are not appreciated by the other party, but important Treasures that can impress ancient gods like the Tongtian River Water God, only the newly born foreign treasure and its own protection treasure, but neither of these two items can be taken out. Under this situation, it is also Only luck can move him!

With the luck of the empire, this promised Empress Empress could still make a decision. If it weren't for the fact that there were not many people here, Empress Empress was even willing to order the Tongtian River to enjoy the incense of this party to impress him.

Although the queen empress can’t make the golden mouth, but this promise can be guaranteed. As long as the Tongtian River Water God agrees, she will naturally get an imperial luck bonus, and she can use the imperial gas luck to practice, but since this is the Tongtian River Water God’s body With an extra breath of imperial fortune, oneself will have a great relationship with the imperial fortune!

Good means and good scheming. In such a short time, I found such a way to kill two birds with one stone. As a queen, she is truly extraordinary. She has powerful wisdom that ordinary people do not possess. She can solve her own crises and help the gods of the river and water. The ancient gods drew on the chariot of the empire, and drew under the empire's banner!

"Damn it, how could this happen?" For a moment, Tongtianhe Water God was embarrassed, and he was very eager for the imperial luck. If there is a trace of imperial luck, the cultivation of his inheritance of Water Dexing can be accelerated, but In this way, I must have a great relationship with the empire, so that I will have more of the cause and effect of the empire! Can give up, Tongtianhe water **** is not reconciled, after all, this is a great opportunity for his own practice, so giving up, my heart will inevitably hurt!

When it was difficult to make a decision for a while, the God of Tongtian River couldn't help but cast his eyes on Xing Tian, ​​hoping that Xing Tian could give him a little help. After all, this is not his own business. If he can get Xing Tian's help, it would be a good choice! After all, the inheritance of Shui De Xingjun comes from Xing Tian, ​​and Xing Tian should know how to choose his own benefit!

When he felt the blazing gaze of the Tongtian River Water God, Xing Tian couldn’t help but sighed inwardly. To be honest, Xing Tian was unwilling to help the Tongtian River Water God to make a decision. After all, the Tongtian River Water God should be the master of cultivation. Under the current circumstances, if Xing Tian does not help him, I do not know when this negotiation will be delayed. If an accident happens suddenly, the consequences will be serious, and there will be great pressure on himself, and the empire’s face can be saved. It's not so easy!

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