God of Destruction

Chapter 3774: Knockout

Chapter 3774 Killing the Game

The path against the sky is difficult to cultivate, to get started, and even more difficult to walk. The physical body has become Xingtian’s heart disease, and the heart disease that cannot be cured in a short time, the Chaos body is powerful, but his physical body is only six years old, and it is impossible. To practice forcibly will only destroy one's own foundation and cut off one's own avenue. Xing Tian would not do such a stupid thing!

You have to do everything within your power, this is your limit! Not long after, Xing Tian opened his eyes and gave up to continue to condense the killing sword aura, lest he would really arouse the four killing swords in the sea of ​​soul knowledge, causing the entire chaotic destruction road to riot!

After a sigh of relief, after calming his mind, Xing Tian looked at the sword in his hand. At this time, this mortal weapon had already undergone a qualitative transformation, and a strong breath of killing came to his face, and the breath of death entangled it. , As if there are endless resentful souls shouting, this is the power of the dead soul that died under the Xingtian sword, and this power of the dead soul is completely melted into the sword, giving this mortal sword such a terrible breath of death , If it weren’t for the original quality of this mortal weapon, it would be possible to become a real slaughter soldier after the hand of Xingtian, but the quality of this sword restricts everything, this is its limit!

"It's almost time, and my mother has already confessed it. It is also time for me to go to the barracks and see the empress empress again. Maybe I can learn some news about jade from her mouth! Only this time, I'm afraid there is a big danger! "Speaking of this, Xing Tian's face showed a trace of cruel killing intent. Although he did not open Chaos Eyes, when Xing Tian made a decision, when he got up and went to the barracks, he instinctively felt the existence of danger!

On a whim, for practitioners like Xing Tian, ​​the whim is very sensitive, so Xing Tian believes that as long as he goes to the barracks, he will inevitably face a crazy killing, will inevitably step into the muddy water, and will inevitably be Influenced by the imperial luck, this is the general trend. Under the general trend, Xingtian cannot retreat, unless Xing Tian is willing to give up the mysterious jade pendant in his hand and the supreme chance he has sensed this time. This is impossible!

With a thought, Xing Tian left the village quietly, and then carefully circled the village, laying a small induction circle outside the village to prevent accidents. After all, this is his own life. The land, here is his own mother in this life, Xing Tian does not want to see the village being destroyed, do not want to see the tragedy staged here!

After doing everything, Xing Tian cautiously headed towards the barracks. Along the way, Xing Tian tried his best to condense his breath, carefully detecting everything around him, for fear that there would be hidden enemies in the dark that would expose his whereabouts!


The closer he gets to the barracks, the heavier Xing Tian’s heart becomes, and the more it makes Xing Tian understand the danger and horror he has to face this time, and at the same time, he understands why General Moreau would disregard his own face and pull himself out. Tianhe Water God entered the game, because Moreau deeply understood how terrible and dangerous the dangers to face next!

"Damn, are the forces hiding in the dark really crazy? This is just the beginning of the catastrophe. They have to do everything they can to kill the queen of the empire. What are they thinking? Could it be that those who entered the battlefield of the realm All the forces in Xing Tian have made new moves, and they are all aware of the changes in the outside world, so they are no longer hiding one by one, they have to come up and fight!" For an instant, many thoughts flashed in Xing Tian's heart. It's just that Xing Tian will not lightly end the round before he really understands everything!

When the world of high chaos has changed, the Great Tribulation of the Realm has changed, and this change has caused all the forces involved in the Great Tribulation of the Realm to also change. It’s not impossible to go all out, hit everyone by surprise, and directly take the dominance of this realm world. After all, as long as you don’t die, even if you fail, it’s not a big deal. Wait until the end of the realm. When the world merges into the supreme chaotic world, all the causes and effects are gone, and without any worries, some crazy people can do anything!

"I hope that all this is not what I thought, otherwise the trouble will be big this time. For those **** who descended into the critical domain battlefield world, the early benefits are too great, and the reincarnation person like me The situation is much more dangerous. Once these **** succeed in their conspiracy and allow them to master the rule of the realm world, all reincarnated persons will face the calamity of extinction and will be destroyed by the opponent. After all, the reincarnated person The body needs time to grow!"

The more he thought about it, the heavier Xing Tian's heart became, and the more he felt that endless pressure was crazily pressed over. I have to say that this world is balanced. When the Supreme Chaos World has changed, the terrible disaster of the realm becomes After there is no danger, it is a great good thing for people who reincarnated in reincarnation, a great opportunity, and now this general trend has changed again, so that all people in reincarnation will have to face a terrible storm. A dead end, such a change is completely balancing everything!

"Fortunately, now I have wooed the God of the Tongtian River. Otherwise, things really develop as I guessed, and my troubles will be great. As a person who is against the sky, cultivation is against the sky. Abandoned by the will of the world, it will become a thorn in the eyes of all people, and it will attract endless killings. It is a great road of heaven and earth. This is driving me on the road to extinction. I don’t want to give me any chance to grow. I will destroy me. In this bud!"

Xingtian’s idea is not wrong. This is the calculation of heaven and earth, but this is not a conspiracy, but an upright scheme. Even Xingtian can see through all of this, but he cannot change and stop it. In the face of the general trend, Xingtian’s There is no possibility of confrontation at all with a little power, which also explains why the closer you are to the barracks, your whim will be so fierce, because this is a dead end set by the will of heaven and earth, and this is also your entry into the realm. Another test to face in the battlefield, a real test of life and death.

"I hope the empire will be more powerful, and that General Moreau can be fully prepared, otherwise I will be really dangerous this time. Faced with such a killing, the result of failure is only a dead end. There is no second possibility!"

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