God of Destruction

Chapter 3776: Decision

Chapter 3776: Decision

"No choice. In fact, I have no choice from beginning to end. Facing the suppression of the world and the crisis of chaos destroying the avenue, I have no choice ever since I stepped into this realm of battlefield world. Maybe this is the world to me. This is the real intention of Heaven and Earth. It leads me to this terrible killing game step by step. As long as I want to live, I must step into this killing game and face this first game. Terrible killing, and this is just the beginning!"

Looking at the military camp not far ahead, Xing Tian showed a wry smile on his face. If he doesn’t know anything, he doesn’t know anything, he doesn’t have to bear the huge pressure and he can walk freely as he pleases, and now everything is fine. It is different. After knowing such a big layout, when he knows that his situation is so dangerous and crazy, Xing Tian can only bite the bullet and face everything, so the pressure Xing Tian himself has been under can be imagined.

"What a powerful scheming, what a crazy calculation. Either I die in this world and my origin is swallowed by this world, or I succeed in breaking out to master the origin of the world of this realm and the authority of the world, and Compared with the origin of the world, the mere luck is not worth mentioning. In front of the whole world, no treasure is worth mentioning! Come on, let me see what secrets are hidden behind all these calculations, let My Xingtian is here to challenge this killing game!"

When these words fell, Xing Tian's breath changed, and all hesitation disappeared. There was only one thought in Xing Tian's mind, entering the game, and then breaking the game, either he broke the game and stepped on the road of supremacy, or completely perished. Here, to become the nourishment of this realm world, any road of retreat has been forgotten by Xing Tian. On the road against the sky, I should not have other ideas. If you want to succeed, you can only forget all the dangers and only move forward!

After figuring out everything, Xing Tian's expression condensed, and he no longer hesitated to stride towards the barracks, he made a choice, no matter what kind of danger he will be synonymous next, he will not let him back down, no matter what the outcome, I do not regret it!

After comprehending everything, Xing Tian himself was much more relaxed. The killing was done. When he could not step into this muddy water and came to the barracks again quietly, Xing Tian felt the breath of the **** of water in the Tongtian River. Obviously, his cheap eldest brother came earlier, and at the same time Xing Tian also felt the breath of General Moro, the breath of empress empress!

"It seems that General Morrow is really loyal. Under this situation, he is still taking care of the Queen Empress, but this is okay, the more so, after the outbreak of this battle, the Empress will be safer. Hope He is ready for everything!"


Thinking of this, Xing Tian quickly entered the camp. At this time, General Moro, Empress Empress and Tongtian River Water God were all waiting. After Xing Tianyi entered the camp, three pairs of eyes came directly to Xing Tian, ​​and they all sensed it. The breath of Xingtian.

"Well, the young gentleman came by the appointment. Now the situation is very dangerous. I believe that the young gentleman has also noticed that the evil spirit above the barracks is getting stronger and stronger. A terrible storm is about to unfold. Everything is as I feared. , The worst has happened. The enemy is really desperate to have another killing. With the little gentleman and the water god, I can also reduce the pressure!" After seeing Xing Tian appear, the general Moro sighed softly, directly Speaking of the current situation.

When the situation has reached this point, even if General Moro deliberately wants to conceal it, it won’t work. Whether it’s Xingtian’s chaotic eyes or Tongtian River’s magical powers, you can feel the terrifying murderous intent above the barracks, as long as you have a little head. Everyone will understand what is going on, and they will know where this crisis comes from.

"The general, with such a fierce murderous intent, it can be seen that the enemy is really crazy. In order to achieve the goal, these hidden enemies are doing so vigorously. Isn't it that the empire center is not prepared at all, and is not fully prepared? It is impossible for the power of the empire to not know the enemy's actions, what do they want and what to do?" This time, Xing Tian was not willing to back down any more, and directly said the doubt in his heart. If even the empire center had given up, even if it was his own effort, even if everyone worked together, there would be no chance of victory in this battle!

"Naturally, the empire center will not sit idly by. It's just that the enemy is too cunning. They have already arranged manpower to block the arrival of the army. With these dark hands they have placed, the army cannot arrive at the first time, so this battle All we can rely on is ourselves!" At this point, General Moreau sighed involuntarily. The danger of this situation was beyond his imagination. I originally thought that even if there were enemy lurkers in the center, at this time Under such circumstances, they did not dare to act rashly, but Moreau was wrong. The other party had already done anything to successfully weaken the empire's luck!

"Huh! It is expected that the army is blocked. After all, the army is dispatched, no matter how much it is hidden, it can't be too long, as long as anyone can detect it, but the empire center does not have a master to come to help? Tell me, the masters of the entire empire are also restrained by the enemy. If this is the case, then there is no need for this empire! Even if we fight to the death, we cannot save the overall situation, nor can we protect the safety of the empress. Live the enemy’s frantic attack!"

"That's right, General, the empire center won't even send out a master, right? If so, I would like to mention that we will abandon this battle and the barracks. Together with the strength of the three of us, we will try our best to **** the empress back to the imperial capital. , All the soldiers here must be abandoned, after all, none of us can be perfect in such a terrible battle!" When he said this, the eyes of Tongtianhe Water God transmitted a powerful Qi machine locked firmly. Looking at Moreau, waiting for Moreau's answer!

For General Morrow, he would attach importance to his army. For Empress Empress, he was worried about the collapse of the army and the fear of losing the hearts of the people. But for the God of Tongtian River, there was not so much consideration. If the situation is really good After this step, he really got to the point where he couldn't handle it. He inadvertently abandoned all the drags. Although he is a god, he is not the supreme **** who dominates the world!

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