God of Destruction

Chapter 3784: Anti-kill

Chapter 3784 Anti-kill

"Elder, we can't wait any longer, or else we don't wait until the enemy is in chaos, our arrogant soldiers will dissipate!" As time goes by, the hearts of those enemies who have been guarding outside the army gradually There was chaos. Although many forces dispatched elite powers this time, they were not fighters. They did not have strict discipline. The most important thing was that they were not unified forces. They had different factions!

"Damn, I still underestimated Moreau, and underestimated the army under him. Although it is an incomplete army, their will is very good, but now his soldiers have become weak. Get up, no longer the fierce dominance before. Since everyone doesn't want to wait any longer, let's take action and use our strongest strength to tear open the army formation, make a blood path, and kill the people in the camp. Queen, this is our only chance, let's act!"

Although I was unwilling to do so, I had to send the arrow on the string. At this time, if I still want to go against the will of everyone, I will only cause chaos on my side, and turbulence in my alliance. After all, my side Without sufficient will and strong discipline, my previous calculations were correct, but I also made a big mistake, underestimating the way General Moro managed the army, and overestimating his own patience!

As General Morrow said, time is a double-edged sword for both of them. It seems that Morrow's situation was very passive before, but once Morrow lets the army persist, the situation on both sides will be reversed. , The longer the time is, the more dangerous it is to these enemies. After all, they don’t have much time. Once the night is over and the light appears, what awaits them will be a complete failure, so this enemy united team Can't wait any longer!

"Kill!" A deep drink sounded in the crowd, and the enemy who had already waited impatiently finally attacked. Thousands of masters, like a violent army of beasts, directly attacked General Moro with the momentum of a tiger descending the mountain. The barracks, that terrible killing intent, like a sharp sword, slashed directly to the weakest part of the barracks. After waiting for such a long time, they were not without gain, at least they found the weakness of Moro's army. .

"Come on, these **** finally can't stand it anymore. Soldiers, kill the copper wall and iron wall for me!" With General Morrow's deep cry, the soldiers in the entire barracks moved quickly, and the battle formation took place instantly. After the changes, before the enemy charged to the barracks, the army gave up the outermost defenses and quickly shrank together to form a terrible defense formation!

Bronze walls and iron walls, this is not just casual talk. The battlefield of Morro's army is indeed called this name. It's just a few breaths. The aura of all the soldiers gather together, like a thorny turtle, making the enemy difficult. The following mouth!


"Damn Morrow!" When seeing the sudden change in Morrow's army, the enemy leader, the great elder's expression changed drastically. He intentionally reminded everyone, but he swallowed it after the words were over, because The current situation cannot be changed by him. At this time, if he orders the retreat, it will only jeopardize everyone's momentum. Under this circumstance, he can only let his team directly hit the terrible battle formation of General Moro. Above, shake this terrible army frontally!

Arrow rain? No, General Morrow’s large array did not explode a terrible arrow rain, because Morrow understood that even the most powerful arrow array would have no effect on these enemies, because the power of these enemies is too strong. A lot of arrow rain will not cause them any damage. Even if they barely shoot a few people, it will not affect the opponent's charge. On the contrary, it will only damage the fighting spirit of his soldiers. So at the beginning, Moreau gave up The arrow formation directly shook the enemy frontally!

In an instant, the incoming enemy collided with the army head-on. Although General Moro was fully prepared to set up this powerful copper and iron wall array, the combat power of the soldiers and the enemy was too different, just one Under the face, the soldiers in the front fell into a pool of blood, and they were killed by the enemy without even showing any combat power!

"Asshole, these **** **** are really cruel, they are all strong, even the strength of the battlefield can't withstand the impact of the opponent!" Seeing the soldiers who are constantly falling, General Morrow's expression He became extremely dignified, not that he didn't want to make a move, but he couldn't, because the enemy did not use his full strength, and the opponent's master was still behind. If he made the first move at this time, he would only give the opponent a chance to let the dozen or so people. The master directly enters the center of the army!

"Moreau, stand up and fight us, don't let your soldiers die in vain, are you afraid, or you don't care about the lives of your soldiers at all!" A voice resounded through the barracks, the enemy leader, The great elder directly challenged the general Morrow, using such words to provoke the army's military spirit. Once the military spirit was turbulent, the defense also collapsed. At that time, General Morrow was unable to recover and could only accept. The result of failure!

"Well, if you want to fight, I will fight with you, and the battle will start!" When the enemy's words just fell, General Moreau immediately shouted in a deep voice, responding, and a terrible battle intent came directly from his When this intent to fight came out, the battle formation of the entire army suddenly changed. The fighting intent of each soldier was instantly ignited and merged into the body of General Moreau. Luo's fighting intent was the same, and then under the guidance of General Moreau, he directly slashed towards the enemy!

The enemy elder is calculating Moro, and Moro is also calculating the other party. In the eyes of the elder, Moro, in order to protect the safety of the queen empress, absolutely does not dare to attack easily and constantly launch counterattacks, but he was wrong. Moreau counterattacked. Moreau's move directly hit the opponent by surprise. Some of the enemies who charged at the forefront were directly crushed by Moreau's terrifying warfare. Before they could react, they were cut by those soldiers. Kill on the spot.

Moreau's shot directly detonated the killing intent in the soldiers' hearts. In an instant, the momentum of the entire army skyrocketed, and the army that was crumbling immediately became crazy. Although the individual strength of the soldiers was not as strong as the enemy for the surprise attack, but No one is afraid at this moment, even death can't stop their madness!

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