God of Destruction

Chapter 3790: Barbarian

Chapter 3790: The Barbarian Appears

"Damn it, these two **** were deliberately showing weakness before, and quickly counterattack!" A shocked sound sounded in the water domain, warning everyone, and when this sound sounded, this person did not hesitate. He directly burned his own blood, directly exploded his body, and used that powerful self-detonation force to tear through the domain power and supernatural power of the Tongtian River Water God, creating opportunities for others to counterattack and creating opportunities for others to escape. In order to achieve what you want!

It’s a pity that not everyone can regard death as home. Even before this war, they all accepted the mobilization and were prepared, but at the moment of life and death, not everyone can ignore the impact of death, not everyone is. Being able to face death calmly, not everyone can have the firm belief in sacrificing themselves.

At this moment, the enemies shrouded in the water realm have different reactions, but the one that can really blew up like the previous one did not, because none of them can surrender their lives, and they cannot face death. There is a hint of luck in his heart, and they all dream that they can hold on to the end and retreat from the water **** of the Tongtian River. They are all waiting for the sacrifices of others, and it is they all have this Fantasy, so their situation has not changed!

"Assholes, these greedy **** who are afraid of death, they have ruined our major affairs and the overall situation!" When seeing that the killers in the water realm did not frantically use suicide to fight back, the hearts of the enemies who have always controlled the overall situation Furious, because once such a situation occurs, it means that the plan is out of control. They dare to be so greedy for life and fear of death, which will cause the collapse of the whole situation!

"Hahaha, I think you really have to regard death as home. You were also greedy for life and fear of death. If so, the **** will send you a ride!" When he saw that the enemy did not commit suicide frantically, the God of Tongtianhe said that I am overjoyed, this is the opportunity, this is the opportunity for oneself to change the general trend, to shake the enemy's mind.

"Friends of the Water God said well, these **** seem to regard death as home, but in fact they also have fear and fear in their hearts. With their power, they can't fight us at all. Time is on our side!" When the Tongtianhe Water God shouted, the general Moro responded immediately although he did not know the true situation of the Queen Empress!

People's minds have changed, they are unpredictable! No matter how much preparations and arrangements these invading enemies have made before, once a person is greedy for life and fear of death, it will shake everyone's minds. Of course, the same principle applies to the generals of Morrow and the others. On his body, it’s just that the soldiers under General Moreau have experienced a lot of battles, and they have already adapted to the impact of death. What's more, they all have the obsession of revenge in their hearts, even if the situation is not good for them. Not to the point of collapse!

auzw.com Compared with the joy of Tongtian River Water God and General Moro, Xing Tian's mood is very heavy, even if the situation seems to be turning to his own favor, Xing Tian has no joy at all. Not all the enemy’s killers. If this is just a murder and robbery carefully arranged for the queen empress, this situation is reasonable, but this is not just a murder of the queen empress, but also his own murder and robbery. Xing Tian does not think he is. The killing and robbery will be so weak!

Just as Xing Tian was about to speak, suddenly a rumbling sound came from a distance, and the earth shook at this moment, and a terrible murderous intent came from outside the barrier! When he heard this voice, Xing Tian's expression changed drastically, General Moruo's expression drastically changed, and the expressions of many soldiers changed drastically. This voice was the voice of a barbarian cavalry charge!

"Damn, these **** really colluded with the barbarians! Those **** barbarians were moved by these insurgents!" General Moreau was shocked. If it was just these enemies in front of him, he still had the confidence to be able to. Persevering till the end, but the appearance of the barbarian cavalry disillusioned his previous fantasy. With the appearance of such an enemy, all of them really fell into a crisis of death. With the help of the barbarian cavalry, they could not see any hope of victory!

"Hahaha! Moreau, you say it, go on, do you think we have this strength~!" A sneer resounded in the barracks, shaking the army's heart, the barbarian cavalry appeared, It broke the fantasies of many soldiers.

"Molo, surrender, our target is not you, nor your soldiers, we are only targeting the royal family of the empire, only the queen empress!" When he said this, the person's voice suddenly stopped, and then loudly. He shouted: "The queen of the empire, when the situation has reached this point, do you want to continue to hide? Are you willing to watch these soldiers sacrifice because of you alone? Come out. This is a battle between us. Don't involve others. people!"

Insidious! This enemy is really sinister and vicious, and these words directly forced the Queen Empress to a situation where there is no way to retreat, directly embarrassing General Moro, and directly shaken the heart of the army!

"Hmph, don't bother, don't think of us as fools, you are only here for the empress, it's really ridiculous to say that we, as warriors, must be loyal to the empire and guard the people of the world, you guys. The shameless **** have all colluded with the barbarians. They have forgotten their identities and betrayed their own race. Who can believe your words? We will not compromise with those who betray racial civilization, even if It is death, and we have to die vigorously, worthy of our ancestors, worthy of the empire, worthy of our family, worthy of the world!"

General Moro yelled and furiously countered the enemy. His words made the soldiers who had been shaken once again strengthen their beliefs. They were not moved by the ridiculous words, and for someone who had betrayed their ancestors. , The enemy who betrayed his own race, can they believe what they say? Surrender waiting for them is still death, so it is better to fight to the end!

Generals died in a hundred battles. From the day they became soldiers of the empire, all of them knew that one day they would face death. As soldiers of the empire, even if they died, they had to die vigorously, and they had to be worthy of themselves, their ancestors, and worthy of their ancestors. Family, it’s okay to die alone. The most important thing is that one’s family can be saved, and one cannot let the family be humiliated!

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