God of Destruction

Chapter 3819: Chop before play

Chapter 3819: Cut first and play later

"Blood light is rising, it seems that Xing Tian is desperate, in such a short period of time so madly speeding up the refinement of the city of thunder and punishment, the price he paid is staggering, I don't know if he can succeed?" In the rising city of Thunder Punishment, General Moro's mood is extremely heavy. Although his energy has always been focused on paying attention to the city of Thunder Punishment, Moreau is still in control of the situation of the army under his own hands. In this army, some soldiers are already ready to move, and these people are all descendants of a family. It seems that their interests have made them lose their minds and their minds!

At this time, under this situation, why are these soldiers so ready to move? General Moro knew everything in his heart. They wanted to take advantage of the fire and robbed him. They wanted to attack Xingtian when he was weakest through thunder punishment, and **** the tempting treasure from Xingtian's hands. And the madness of these people would cause an unexpected event. Disaster!

Even oneself can detect the abnormality of his soldiers, but can the Tongtianhe Water God, who has always been vigilant, fail to notice it? This is impossible. The only explanation is that the Water God of the Tongtian River is in the layout and does not prevent all of this from happening, in order to be able to get rid of the empire, and directly have sufficient reasons to kill these soldiers and use their blood to establish their power!

Seeing a disaster is about to happen, if at this time the ridiculous greed of these ignorant soldiers triggers a terrible killing, this will be a huge trouble for the empire, and even the safety of the empress will be Affected, General Moruo didn't think that when the war came together, the God of Tongtian River would be merciful, and Xing Tian would be merciful!

A lunatic who can retrograde the sky and madly refining thunder and punishment city, there is nothing he can't do, and at one end of the war broke out, even if it is Xingtian and Tongtian River water gods, no matter how many imperial soldiers killed. There will be a trace of cause and effect, because all these are ignorant and stupid **** who asked for themselves. They were ungrateful and treachery. No one can accuse Xingtian and Tongtian River God. The empire does not dare or cannot, because Doing it means that the empire has lost its righteousness. After losing its righteousness, the pillars supporting the existence of the entire empire will surely collapse!

"No, I can't let this happen. I can't let the luck of the empire fall on these ignorant and stupid bastards, and start first. Since these **** are already uneasy and kind, they are crazy enough to lose their minds and be greedy in my heart. Controlled by Nian, I can only cut the mess with a sharp knife, and take them down first, so as not to let these **** ruin the major affairs of the empire!"

The arrow had to be sent on the string. When the situation reached this level, when it reached the point where it was out of control, General Moreau had no other choice. With a wave of his hand, General Moreau summoned his iron men and told his decision. They, let them use the shortest time and the fastest speed to take down those family children who have strange thoughts.

Upon hearing the command and explanation of General Moreau, all of his guards were shocked for an instant. They did not expect that these soldiers from the family would be so crazy, so greedy, and even have ungrateful hearts. The important thing is that once these **** shoot, everyone will be implicated by them, and they will bear a reputation that can never be washed away!

Although they are colleagues, it is impossible for these guards to be merciful at this time, and they can’t take into account the affection of their colleagues, otherwise the entire army will be implicated by them, and these colleagues who survived don’t know how many people there are. They will be buried in this border, and they will have to bear the terrible name after death. This is a result that they cannot accept, and they cannot accept it!

At this time, General Moreau did not choose to discuss with the Empress Empress, because he didn't know what choice the Empress Empress would make, and this matter is related to the life and death of the entire army and his own reputation. General Moreau Only arbitrarily!

When General Moro arranged his men, Tongtianhe Water God saw all this in his eyes. Originally, Tongtianhe Water God thought that General Moruo would stand by and let these ignorant **** take action. After all, when the thunder penalty came to a climax , Tongtianhe Water God discovered the reaction of the soldiers from the family, and felt the strong malice in their hearts, but the larger General Moreau did nothing. This had to make Tongtianhe Water God doubt whether this was a general. Morrow's acquiescence!

"Okay, very good, Moro, you finally didn't let me down, otherwise a killing will inevitably happen. Although I may not be your opponent, but with this strength, I also want to calculate the penalty sky, which is also a sky. Big joke!" Tongtianhe Water God sneered disdainfully. In his opinion, these soldiers were completely destroying themselves. Once they acted, what awaited them would be death, destruction, and even the entire army. And the empress will bear Xingtian's anger!

A strong man who dares to go against the sky and can go against the sky, would he care about killing a little? Moreover, the city of thunder punishment above the void is not a display. Now Xing Tian has mastered most of the city of thunder punishment. Even if the thunder punishment is over, Xing Tian can still inspire a trace of the city of thunder punishment. In the face of such a terrifying treasure as the City of Thunder Punishment, an incomplete army is not worth mentioning. As long as Xing Tian is willing, he can mobilize the power of the City of Thunder Punishment to destroy this army!

General Moreau’s shot was very decisive and fast. He did not give the disciples of the aristocratic family a chance to react. In the silence, he took these people down and imprisoned them. This fast action made The other soldiers did not notice at all, only some generals of ordinary origin had a trace, and their expressions became gloomy!

auzw.com can become a general, no one is a fool. At this time, General Moreau shot so quickly and took down these family-born soldiers, without General Moreau explaining, they also knew what happened. What happened? I also understand what the children of the aristocratic family want to do because they are not the first to see such a thing!

"Damn bastards, you used to deal with the enemy, it was nothing, but now you are targeting your benefactor, and you also want to drag us all into the game. You **** want to die, but it doesn't matter to us. , Can’t let us carry this black pot for you!” Those generals are scolding in their hearts. If the current situation is not stable and the military is turbulent, they are all determined to kill the soldiers from the family directly, so as not to be encumbered by these bastards. Up!

Leaving aside the previous kindness, just Xing Tian's strength is enough to shock everyone! Is it easy for such a madman who has the power of terror and is like a demon **** to be calculated? If he fails, who will bear the consequences? No one thinks that everyone's strength can fight against lunatics like Xing Tian. After all, the previous war has explained everything. In the face of absolute strength, the so-called number advantage is just a joke, a big joke!

After taking down these greedy people cleanly, General Moreau breathed a sigh of relief before he came to the Queen Empress and told the Empress Empress of his behavior. Although he cut first and played later, after everything was over, General Moro couldn't hide anything from the Queen Empress, he had to tell the Queen Empress, this is what a courtier must do!

After hearing the words of General Moreau, Empress Empress had endless anger in her heart, her face was gloomy and terrible. He was not irritating General Moreau's first beating and then playing. The right to command the general Morrow, the empress is angry with the greedy and ignorant family children, angry that these **** have put themselves and the queen in a dangerous place for their own selfishness, so that they have to carry a scapegoat for them, such a thing If it happened, who would believe that the queen didn't know at all, everyone would think that all of this was secretly instructed.

"If you catch them well, these **** should be arrested. If they hadn't done much before, their actions alone would be enough to behead them to the public. This is destroying the credibility of the empire and the reputation of the empire. But with such notoriety on her back, will anyone help the empire in the future?" Empress Empress murmured angrily. Although there was endless irritation in her heart, at this time, under such circumstances, she still did not Dare to speak up, so as not to shake the army!

Wohuo! Obviously there is endless anger in her heart, but she can't release it. This makes the empress woman very angry, but everything must be focused on the overall situation. Who makes her the queen is responsible for the entire empire, even knowing that these **** committed death crimes, but But they can't be killed here, because this queen can't bear that cause and effect!

"General, you will handle all of this matter. As long as they do not harm their lives, you will be in charge of everything. Before returning to the imperial capital, they will be detained by you before they get your majesty’s verdict. No one is allowed. During the visit, all news must be sealed, and no news can be passed out. The consequences are not something you and I can bear!"

The Queen Empress’s remarks are right. The consequences are indeed not something they can bear. If such notoriety spreads, the consequences will be unimaginable. Not to mention that it will offend countless powerful people and damage the credibility of the empire. Even the soldiers of the empire will lose their trust in the empire. After all, it is impossible for an ungrateful empire to be recognized by the soldiers!

"Niang, I'm afraid we can't make the decision on this matter. I want to have the intention to block all this news. It depends on whether Tongtianhe Water God is willing to accept it. All this is in his eyes, and he notices those **** before me. If you can’t convince him, all this is just empty talk, even if we prevent it from happening, Tongtianhe Water God and Xingtian will no longer believe in the empire, will no longer stand with the empire, after all, this matter Too bad!"

When she heard these words, the expression on the empress’s face changed. She was unwilling to bear this heavy responsibility, but now she couldn’t help herself. Who made all this happen, and she was a queen, if she didn’t stand. If you stand up and take the responsibility, who can stand up and take the responsibility? Although the general Moro has this ability, he is not suitable for this situation. After all, the former general Moro has hated the God of Tongtian River and Xingtian!

"Don't worry, I will bear everything. The Empire will recognize this responsibility. The Tongtian River Water God did not immediately counterattack, indicating that he does not want to turn his face with the Empire. As long as we give enough benefits, everything can be discussed. The stability of the empire, this little effort is nothing, and since these **** dare to have such evil thoughts, they will definitely pay for it. The empire will not let them go easily, or the situation will be out of control! "

Without hesitation, the Queen Empress made the decision directly, and directly gave the General Moreau an explanation, a guarantee, and only in this way, can the military's mind be stabilized, and the matter can be resolved, so that the empire can survive this terrible disaster.

Hearing what the Queen Empress said, General Moro nodded, and said nothing more. At this moment, he had nothing to say. After all, all this is too horrible. If you say too much, it will only make yourself sink deeper. , I don’t have to fall into this terrible quagmire, and give a karma to those **** bastards.

Regarding the conversation between General Moro and Empress Empress, Tongtianhe Water God was listening, because from the beginning to the end, General Moruo did not cover up. In such a situation, if he had been covered up, it would only make Tongtianhe Water God in his heart. Increasing vigilance will only make the situation more dangerous. Only by letting Tongtianhe Water God hear all this can we have a chance to resolve the hostility between the two sides! However, for all this, General Moreau did not tell the Empress Empress, but concealed all of it. Fortunately, the Empress Empress did not make a wrong choice, otherwise things would be equally troublesome.

Gambling, General Morrow was gambling, taking his own life, taking the life of the army, taking the life of the queen's wife, and gambling. Fortunately, he won the gambling and the situation did not develop in the worst direction, which made him relax. With a sigh of relief, my heart feels a lot more relieved. With the words of the Queen Empress, no matter how much dissatisfaction and grievances are in the heart of Tongtianhe Water God, they will all dissipate. After all, the interests are moving. In the face of absolute interests, The water **** of Tongtian River cannot resist this temptation. Whoever makes the water **** of Tongtian River have huge defects innate. The body of the **** is always suppressed by the empire’s air transport, and influenced by the empire, it is not a last resort, Tongtianhe The water **** will not completely turn his face with the empire and become an endless enemy!

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