God of Destruction

Chapter 3838: Massacre

Chapter 3838 Massacre

"Kill! Kill this ignorant ant, take away his good fortune, since everything has been exposed, then we don't have to hide anything, just let the horse kill it, no one can stop us, Moreau can't, Queen Niang Niang will not work either!"

Suddenly, such words came from the crowd, and when these words fell, the angry enemies were startled first, and then endless killing intent appeared on each and every face. This is To be honest, when things have reached this point, when the situation becomes like this, unless everyone lets go, otherwise, there will be a battle with Xingtian. If you want to fight, why not let it go at this time, with everyone so powerful Strength, even if it uses a number of people, it can kill the **** in front of you!

"Okay, this is a good idea. Since it is inevitable, why should we retreat, kill, kill this bastard, and use his blood to declare our existence. The opportunity is not to be missed. If we wait for the empire, If we intervene, we will never have this chance again. If the **** Morrow is allowed to take action and the army moves, even if we have the advantage in numbers, it will be difficult to attack the bastard. After all, there is Morrow behind him, and there are queens and women behind him. It is very unfavorable for us!"

Soon, this group of ignorant **** reached an agreement. Together, they killed Xingtian and the Tongtian River Water God, and then decided the distribution of benefits according to their respective contributions. This plan was also given by the commander of the empire. Acknowledgment, interest is moving, facing the huge interest, the commander of the great general is also moved by it, and he dares to ignore the rules of the empire and dare to use the power of the army to deal with Xingtian and Tongtian River Water God.

Of course, the reason why everyone drew the commander of this empire in this way was not against Xingtian, but against the ancient **** who had been supporting Xingtian behind his back, Tongtian River God of Water. Compared to Xingtian’s threat, they were more worried about Tongtianhe. Water god, as an ancient god, the threat of Tongtianhe water **** is greater than Xingtian, at least in the eyes of these people!

Regarding what is the most powerful force for gods to suppress, it is naturally the empire’s luck and the might of the army. With the powerful military might of reinforcements, everyone believes that the God of Tongtian River has another method and is amazing. It’s hard to stop everyone’s plans. They will all end up dead, threatening Moro and the Queen’s empress with the death of a god, and keeping them silent. This is worthwhile, as long as the two can keep them. Silence, the center of the empire will not make any noise!

"Kill!" With a deep cry, the army moved instantly, and many disciples of the aristocratic family moved instantly, and the war began. Although they were not fully prepared, it was chaotic to attack like this, but the number of people was There, they believed that no matter how great the gods of Xingtian and Tongtianhe were, they would only die.

The idea is good, but the reality is destined to be cruel. Their ignorance and their stupidity are destined to pay a price. Before even knowing the true situation of the enemy, they attacked before they knew the enemy’s power. I have to say that their self-confidence is overdone, and their ignorance and self-confidence have brought a terrible disaster to themselves!

"Haha! It's really interesting. It seems that these **** are still a bit prepared to use the military might of the army to suppress the power of the gods, but that's good. You might take this opportunity to adapt to the oppression of this military might. Bastard, I can deal with it alone, you can withdraw for the time being!" At this point, Xing Tian's eyes showed endless killing intent. At this moment, the killing intent in his heart had already boiled to the extreme, and he was about to suppress it. live!

Seeing such a scene, Tongtianhe Water God couldn't help shook his head. He was extremely disappointed with these ignorant and stupid bastards. Originally, Tongtianhe Water God thought that even if the enemy is unbearable, they will be prepared and will make arrangements early. , But it turned out to disappoint him. This group of **** had too much preparation. The only preparation was to use the military might of the army to suppress their spiritual origin. Perhaps in the hearts of these bastards, this battle was not regarded as a major event. , In their opinion, everything is under control, everything will be extremely smooth, killing Xingtian is just easy to do!

Ignorance, stupidity, this is the enemy I face, such a group of ignorant **** want to take the benefits of Xingtian, this is simply a big joke, an ancient powerhouse is not as simple as they think, even if the other party Having reincarnation, even if the opponent did not restore the strength of the heyday, how could the ancient powerhouse who reincarnated as a reincarnation not prepare the magical powers and treasures for him, how could he not prepare himself for the worst!

There was such a big movement, but in the barracks not far behind Xing Tian, ​​it was calm and abnormal. There was no movement, as if they hadn't noticed the change here at all, and such an abnormal reaction didn't even cause it. The attention of this group of enemies has to say that they are really ignorant, stupid, and arrogant to the extreme.

As the commander of a large army, as an important general at the border, commanding an iron-blooded division, it is impossible for them not to notice this change, and why did the enemy not move at all, these enemies did not think about it? It’s not that they haven’t thought about it, but they’re too confident and arrogant, thinking that their momentum makes Moreau not daring to act rashly. They never thought about it. This is Moreau’s plan to kill people with a knife. The order for cleaning has been issued.

In an instant, the army was charging, and thousands of people gathered into a terrifying torrent and rushed towards Xing Tian. Without seeing Moro's army dispatched, the children of the imperial family were all crazier, more arrogant, and even more powerful. He didn't put Xing Tian in his heart at all. In their opinion, as long as they charge, they can directly kill the'ant' in front of them!

Regarding Xingtian as an ant, we can only say that some people's hearts are too wild, too big, and too ignorant! The power of thousands of people made Xing Tian shook his head involuntarily. If it was a charge of tens of thousands of people, the murderous intent formed might be against him. He could stand against him for a period of time, but the power of thousands of people, Xing Tian's eyes are not worth mentioning!


At this moment, Xing Tian even used the power of Thunder Punishment City and the power of the inner world without thinking that the charge of these thousands of people is like an ant. With a thought, the terrible chaos on Xingtian destroys the road. The breath was mobilized, and the terrifying chaotic destruction origin and Xing Tian’s own murderous aura instantly merged together to form a terrible destruction storm, which directly enveloped these thousands of people, and the terrible destruction storm directly blocked everything of them!

"Death!" A deep shout rang from Xing Tian's mouth, and as the shout fell, thousands of people in the storm of destruction had no chance to react, even the chance to struggle, and they fell straight down. I fell down not far in front of Xingtian, and died so weird and terrifying. There was no terrible surprise. With just a deep cry, thousands of people died on the spot. This result left behind. Those children of the aristocratic family were shocked, and this reinforcement was shocked. This was too weird and terrifying. This was not the result they wanted, it was completely different from what they thought!

"Damn it, how could this be? This is an army of thousands, and they fell under a heavy drink from the other party. Even thousands of pigs shouldn't die so fast. What is going on, can it be said? The other party has a terrible magical power, why don't we have any news about this?" The mentality of the children of the family was a little broken. Such a terrible impact made them feel a great threat and made them feel the breath of death.

"What should we do? Are we going to continue? Thousands of people just fell down like this, and they didn't even test out the reality of the other party?" Some of the courageous family children couldn't help panicking, with the intention to withdraw, because these family members The children have no real abilities, they all want to join the army, when faced with such a strange death threat, they are all fearful and uneasy!

"Assholes, you **** want to retreat. Isn't it just the death of thousands of people? For us, this is no big deal. There are hundreds of thousands of troops behind us. What are we afraid of? Damn this bastard!"

"Trash, I knew you **** were so timid and fearful. You shouldn't have joined you in the first place. If you didn't dare to continue, then let me get away. Don't let us see you again, or Xingtian This **** shot, we all first joined forces to kill you **** who shakes the military's mind, even if you kill you, your family dare not say anything!"

A shout of anger sounded among the children of the family, and they instantly became confused. This is the children of the family, and this is the enemy of Xingtian. I have to say that these children of the family are really stupid. At this time, they are all in chaos. It is a big joke to expect such a group of ignorant and stupid people to kill Xingtian!

"Damn it, I knew that these aristocratic children could not rely on their power to kill Xingtian. It was impossible. Sure enough, these **** didn't do it. Not only that, but the enemy didn't mess up. They got into chaos first. It’s extremely stupid. It’s really bad luck to deal with such a group of bastards, but that’s good, I can get the most benefit when I finally reap the rewards. If I didn’t take into account the family behind these bastards, I really want to borrow Xingtian’s bastard. The hand of the hand destroyed them!"

Seeing the chaos in front of him, the commander of the army sneered again and again, despising the aristocratic disciples in front of him, and despising them. Under this situation, he had to react quickly, because he He didn't dare to give Xing Tian too much time. He was afraid that Xing Tian would use his magical powers to directly obliterate these ignorant and stupid family children, so that even if he was a general, he would not be able to withstand the pressure of many families behind and could not give these families a confession. !

"The iron cavalry charge, save me those ignorant bastards!" With a wave of his hand, an imposing iron cavalry rushed out of the army, quickly charged, and a few breaths came to the body of the chaotic family children. Before, I blocked Xing Tian's momentum for them, and isolated the distance between these **** and Xing Tian!

Seeing this situation, Xing Tian shook his head again. If he really wanted to destroy the ignorant and stupid family children in front of him, he didn't need to prepare, and he could accomplish it with a single thought. The reason why these family children can live is Because Xing Tian didn't want to rush to destroy them, Xing Tian wanted to use their power to test the reinforcements behind him!

"Sure enough, as I expected, this reinforcement has already been murderous against me. The children of the aristocratic family are nothing, but this army can't be underestimated. After all, an army of hundreds of thousands is a condensed army. The evil spirit is enough to shake any magical power!" When Xing Tian said this, there was a horrible killing intent in Xing Tian's eyes. This was not only for the support army in front of him, but also for the enemies who were hidden in the dark and manipulated everything. , In such a situation, if there is no Xuan Weishou behind, Xing Tian would not believe it. If there is a black hand, the biggest black hand is naturally a creature from the highest chaotic world like himself!

Not only Xing Tian thought of the changes in the reinforcements, but General Moreau also thought of it. When this cavalry was dispatched, General Moreau couldn't help but shook his head and sighed softly: "Sure enough, some people in the Empire can't help but think about it. His greed has betrayed the empire and colluded with those aristocratic families, but it’s a pity that he jumped out too early. It’s not so good to be a bird in the early days. A careless person will only be beaten to death by a stick! No matter how strong the family is, As long as the empire is not destroyed, it will be difficult to resist the pressure of the empire!"

Moreau was right. He was right. Even if there is no Xingtian, as long as the empire has not fallen, the power of the aristocratic family will still be unable to fight the empire's fortune. The early birds who jump out at this time will be slapped. Killing, if the empire is really good for confrontation, how can Moreau endure the bad breath in his heart, how can he not turn his face with the empire, you must know that the empress is in his control, as long as he has the heart, he can give the empire anytime Counter-strike!

Why didn't Moreau do this, because he didn't dare, he didn't have the confidence and strength to fight against the imperial fortune, even if he knew that the imperial family regarded himself as an abandoned son, as a sharp blade to kill the family, he had to Accept, in the face of absolute power, he can't help but not surrender. This is reality. Facing reality, Moreau can only compromise, because only by living can he have the opportunity to resist and have the opportunity to laugh to the end. Living is the root of everything!

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