God of Destruction

Chapter 3840: Fear

Chapter 3840: Fear

For Xing Tian, ​​there is nothing he dared to do. Some families are not enough to make him afraid. In Xing Tian’s eyes, the shouts of the disciples of these families are just whispers from ants and are of no use. Such a scene fell on General Moreau. In the eyes of Xing Tian, ​​he even showed Xing Tian's crazy killing intention, which could make these disciples of aristocratic family break down. In contrast, the most shocking thing is the reinforcement commander who has always been standing behind. All this is beyond his imagination, everything is out of his grasp. When this city of thunder punishment appeared, when the world of thunder punishment came. , His heart couldn't help but panic. Is the number of people really possible to pile up Xingtian who mastered the terrifying weapon of Thunder Punishment City? What would the consequences be if he failed?

as a result of! At this moment, the reinforcement commander thought of the consequences of failure. Unfortunately, everything was too late. The only result of failure was death. For him, the hundreds of thousands of troops were his own support, and he could hardly violate the imperial order. But in Xingtian In his eyes, hundreds of thousands of troops are just ants, just their own nutrients. If they can kill these many troops in one fell swoop, they will condense the endless source of destruction, which can attract more terrifying negative forces, and make the world a big disaster. It's even more terrifying and dangerous. It can also deter all enemies, whether it is the enemy on the surface or the enemy in secret, they will be frightened!

The city of thunder punishment is now, thunder punishment moves, no matter how powerful it is, no matter how powerful an enemy is, it is difficult to resist the bombardment of thunder punishment from the void. The charge formed by a large army is indeed very It's terrifying and terrifying, but in the face of the city of Thunder Punishment, which is the treasure of the Heaven and Mine Punishment Avenue, this power is vulnerable. Under the thunder punishment, the army collapsed, and the minds of countless people were fallen from the void. Shocked by the thunder penalty, he lost his mind, and no longer had the determination to die before!

When the mind is defeated, when the will is shaken, this army will be completely finished, and there will be no chance to turn over again. After all, the impact brought by the city of thunder punishment is too terrifying and terrifying. It makes the hearts of this army soldiers Inevitably, an unstoppable thought came into being. In the face of such a terrible force, the sun in their hearts naturally emerged, and escape became their only behavior!

In just a moment, the soldiers who charged at the forefront collapsed one by one, involuntarily fleeing all around, wanting to escape from the shadow of the city of thunder punishment, and want to escape from this terrible thunder punishment. It’s just that it’s too late now, and their bodies have been marked with thunder punishment. No matter how they escape, it’s just a waste of effort. As long as thunder punishment increases, they will be unable to get rid of the city of thunder punishment in the void. The bombardment, the thunder-penalty aura that does not destroy themselves for a day, they can't get rid of the threat of thunder-punishment attacks in one day, and they can't just themselves!

"A group of ants also want to be enemies with my Xingtian. I really don't know how to live or die. Today, I will use the lives of you ants to warn those ignorant bastards, and let them know who can't offend!" Xing Tian sneered disdainfully, and thought again. It was a movement, the thunderstorm above the void exuded thunder rays, countless thunder rays quickly gathered together, and a thundercloud condensed above the void. When this thundercloud came out, everyone felt terrible. pressure.

"What a terrifying pressure, this is the power of thunder punishment, this is the assassin of Xingtian, with this city of thunder punishment in hand, unless it can be bombarded in the first time, or if Xingtian time is given, it will be this Shrouded by the terrible thundercloud, even the most powerful people will be abruptly rubbed to death by that terrible thundercloud!" Feeling the breath of the thundercloud above the void, General Moreau couldn't help but sigh again. With a sigh of relief, Xing Tian's power once again moved him!

With such a terrifying city of Thunder Punishment in hand, the so-called number of people is just a joke in front of Xingtian, a big joke. At this moment, General Moro finally no longer worried about Xingtian’s safety. There is such a powerful Thunder Punishment. City Guardian, who can kill Xingtian, at least now Moro can’t find a single person. Perhaps there are such strong people in the empire, but they will definitely not take action easily. After all, Xingtian’s performance is too enchanting, as long as one If you fail to hit, you will provoke yourself a terrible enemy of life and death. As long as you are not a fool, you will not act rashly. No one wants to be the first bird!

No, it cannot be said that no one has made the first bird. The reinforcement in front of him is the first bird. Perhaps the lunatic Xing Tian could kill hundreds of thousands of troops in one fell swoop and use the lives of these hundreds of thousands of troops to warn all enemies. Less than Xingtian's weakness, as long as he didn't have the ability to kill with one hit, Wu Zai was safe in a short time.

"Okay, it's really great. This is the power of the ancient strong man. He has restored the ancient memory and mastered the magical powers of the guardian that he prepared for the forecast. No matter how crazy the enemy is, it is difficult to threaten his life. The previous magical powers It's scary enough. Now that the city of thunder punishment comes out, hundreds of thousands of troops are really nothing. Under thunder punishment, the so-called numerical advantage is just a joke, and it can be destroyed with a wave of hands, as long as the thunder cannot be stopped. With the power of punishment, one blow is a large piece of death!"

Seeing the riots in the city of Thunder Punishment, the eyes of Tongtian River Water God revealed endless joy. For him, the stronger Xing Tian is, the more beneficial it is for him. Today's Xing Tian does not need him to defend the way. With the city in hand, it is almost impossible for anyone to threaten Xingtian’s safety, and the combat power Xingtian demonstrated is not the most powerful. This is not necessarily Xingtian’s true assassin, as a powerful reincarnation. , It is impossible to be stupid enough to expose all of your hole cards at this time.

Although the current attack in the city of thunder punishment is very powerful and has terrible power, is it really all the power of the city of thunder punishment? Tongtianhe Water God would not think so, and General Moruo would not think so. They all saw the truly terrifying side of the city of thunder punishment. They all understood that the thunder punishment power Xingtian was currently displaying was not the most powerful. Power, this is only the initial strength of the City of Thunder Punishment. Although they don't know that Xing Tian can master the power of the City of Thunder Punishment, they will definitely not only master the first level of power. Xing Tian also hides more terrifying power.

"There is a city of thunder punishment, as long as Xingtian is given enough time, perhaps Xing Tian can refine the entire city of thunder punishment, and he can really control the avenue of thunder between heaven and earth! At that time, even if it was an empire, it would be difficult to resist Xingtian’s. Terrible attack!" Looking at the thunderclouds above the void, General Moro sighed softly, with a faint loss in his heart. He had exhausted his mind before completely mastering his army and had a trace of the capital to fight the empire. , But Xing Tian had this ability in an instant.

auzw.com Unfortunately, General Moreau didn’t know that Xing Tian had already mastered the City of Thunder Punishment, and had completely refined it and integrated it into the sea of ​​knowledge of his own soul. Knowing all this, it will be even more shocking.

"Damn it, stop it to this general, do you know what you are doing, you are fighting the empire!" When he saw Xing Tian frantically mobilizing the terrifying thundercloud in the void, he continued to bombard his troops. , The reinforcement commander finally couldn't bear the fear in his heart, and shouted frantically, wanting to use the power of the empire to force Xing Tian to stop.

The idea is good, but the reality is cruel. It is really a big joke to suppress Xingtian with the empire's fortune. Today, Xingtian dares to kill so madly here in order to deter all enemies. For Xingtian He was not afraid of all enemy threats at all. What's more, Xing Tian knew the thoughts of the imperial family from General Moro before the war. Even if he did not take action, General Moro could kill the generals of the reinforcements. In this situation Under the circumstances, how could Xing Tian care about the threat of the opponent, and this person also valued his own value, even if Xing Tian beheaded him, the imperial movement would not take action against Xing Tian. Before he had no confidence to kill Xing Tian, ​​the imperial movement would He would not act rashly, especially since Xing Tian also mastered such a terrifying killer in the City of Thunder Punishment. Until Xing Tian's true situation was understood, the empire would only remain silent.

If it is because of the death of hundreds of thousands of troops, it is not a good thing to attack Xingtian. It really angers Xingtian and introduces the city of thunder punishment into the empire. No one can bear the consequences. Of course, The premise is that Xing Tian can not be attacked by the penalty of heaven and mine after killing hundreds of thousands of troops, and will not be destroyed by the penalty of heaven and mine!

When Xing Tian mobilized the power of the city of thunder punishment, when the terrible thunder cloud was densely covered in the void, the empress empress in the barracks also felt the terrible impact. Seeing the change in the void, the empress ordered someone to invite someone. General Morrow, she needs the help of General Morrow, because only General Morrow can feel the terrifying power of Xing Tian, ​​and be able to detect a trace of Xing Tian’s true combat power, how powerful and terrifying Xing Tian is. , This is very important to the empire!

At the call of the Queen Empress, General Moreau did not refuse, and quickly came to the Queen Empress’s camp. At this time, the Queen Empress did not rest in the camp, but stood outside the camp and looked up at the dense clouds in the void. Leiyun, looking at the thunderous city of thunder punishment, he didn't know what he was thinking, the expression on his face was constantly changing!

After seeing the arrival of General Moreau, Empress Empress sighed and said: "General, now you can feel the reality of Xingtian, can you feel the power of the terrifying city of thunder and punishment in the void? Is Xingtian? I really have completely mastered this terrifying treasure. If such a thundercloud attack, can the empire army resist it?"

When he heard the series of questions from the Queen Niangniang, General Moreau couldn't help but smiled bitterly: "Niangniang, I can't feel the reality of Xingtian. As a strong man of reincarnation in the ancient reincarnation, it is difficult to figure out the hole cards he has. Even if Xing Tian is standing in front of me, I don’t have the ability to do this. As for how powerful the city of Thunder Punishment is, this is still an unknown number. After all, we have not directly touched it or felt it. As for whether Xingtian completely masters the city of thunder punishment, only Xingtian himself knows, but even if not, all of this shows that Xingtian can mobilize the origin of the city of thunder punishment. Such a terrible attack, as far as I know, borders. All the armies in the game are unable to fight against it, unless the army condenses the army to kill the formations and provoke the iron and blood, but this can only last for a period of time and cannot be maintained for a long time, and we don’t know how long Xingtian’s attack on the city of thunder and punishment can last , So all this is still unknown!"

unknown! This is the explanation given by the General Moreau, and such a result naturally cannot satisfy the Empress Empress. However, the general General Moreau told the truth. Xing Tian is too mysterious. As a strong man of ancient reincarnation, there is no People can know his trump cards, no matter how strong General Moro is, he can't do this.

"Is there nothing we can do? Although Xing Tian's behavior does not have too much resentment against the empire, it is different after this battle. The siege of hundreds of thousands of troops is enough to make Xing Tian feel against the empire. There is huge resentment. Once such a situation occurs, it is very unfavorable for the empire. I don’t want to see such a situation happen, and the empire cannot withstand such consequences. Can the generals have a way to resolve it?" , Empress's eyes stared at Moreau, carefully observing all the reactions of Moreau, waiting for Moreau's answer!

As a general, as a strong man in charge of the border, how could Moreau easily let others see what he was thinking about? Although there is endless resentment towards the queen empress’ request, you must know that all this was not caused by Moreau. , It was caused by the empire itself. The most important thing is that the imperial royal family asked themselves to pack up the reinforcements and the disciples of the aristocratic family. And now this killing has just begun, the empress wants to change everything, she wants to stop all of this, which is too difficult for people Up!

General Moro gently shook his head and said, "Manny, I can't do your request. War is not a trifle. It doesn't start when you want to start, and it ends when you want to end. When the killing is together, everything is already If you lose control, no one can stop Xingtian. I can't do it, and you can't do it. You really have to stop Xingtian unless you can kill Xingtian, and we have no such ability, not to mention that there is Tongtian River God behind Xingtian. , Will not give us such an opportunity!"

"Is there really no way? Do you really have to watch these hundreds of thousands of soldiers die here like this? These soldiers are innocent, they are the foundation of the empire, it is the generals who really deserve to die, not the ordinary ones? Soldier!" The Queen Empress once again asked Moreau and put pressure on Moreau, hoping to make a turn for the better!

. Writing Chinese Network m.

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