God of Destruction

Chapter 3847: The world is shaking

Chapter 3847: The world is shaking

Mountains and rain are eager to wind up the building. I don’t know why, many people feel this way, and these people are powerful men with powerful forces, and they are all overlords, but no one knows why, and no one. I can think that all this was triggered by the changes in the empire. If everyone knows, I am afraid that the situation will undergo new changes!

What is Xingtian doing at this time? Practice! After he settled down with his mother, Xing Tian practiced in retreat again after he hadn’t taken care of it, because Xing Tian also felt the pressure from the void, and felt the breath of the rain and the wind. In such a great change in the world, If you don’t speed up your practice and increase your combat power quickly, it won’t take long before you will be crushed by the world. Don’t look at the current situation of punishment, the weather is so powerful, and the world is overwhelming, but this is just superficial and truly terrifying. The power has not been shot yet, once those hidden powers attack, the whole world will usher in the most decisive catastrophe.

The border land, even if there is no crisis in sight, even if the barbarians have retreated far, but no one dares to take it lightly. The threat of barbarians is always there. Morrow is a war-fighting general. He still maintains sufficient vigilance, especially now that his army has been maimed. Under such circumstances, he dare not be sloppy! It is impossible to expect the empire center to replenish the soldiers. From the moment Moreau made the capture of the border town, the road was cut off. All Moreau can do is to supplement what he needs from the border. It takes time, a lot of time, and a real war for a recruit to grow up.

Time and war are things that Morrow doesn’t have right now. Under such circumstances, it’s not easy for Morrow to restore the army’s vitality. It requires him to put in a lot of energy and so much mess. However, Qiaqia wasted his time in practice. He clearly had a very good feeling when Xingtiandu thunder and punishment catastrophe, but with the continuous messy things, Moreau couldn’t take it. He was born to practice, so the good chances have been lost little by little.

For such a situation, Moreau also has all kinds of helplessness in his heart, but this is reality, and reality is so cruel and ruthless. There is no good thing about the beauty of both worlds. If you want to protect yourself and get rid of the pressure of the empire, you need more than just Only his own combat power requires a powerful force, and his army is the only force that Moreau can use. Therefore, in terms of self-cultivation and recovery of the army’s vitality, Moreau can only choose the latter, and can only give up on himself. Spiritual practice.

Compared with Moro’s clutter and unable to practice, Xingtian and Tongtian River Gods did not take such considerations. After Moro arranged the life of the villagers, Xing Tian could devote himself to his own practice, while Tongtianhe The water **** didn’t pay much attention to it. Although his own cave was not in this pass, the water **** still had another place in the pass through Tianhe, and after receiving the Dao inheritance taught by Xing Tian, ​​he no longer cared about the empire. The Dongfu in the center, no matter how good the Dongfu is, it is not as important as your own practice. Only by following Xingtian can you continue to grow and evolve!

Time is passing bit by bit, Xing Tian is seizing every minute and every second to strengthen himself, recovering his combat power with all his strength, and constantly digesting the gains from this opportunity, bit by bit. Consolidating my own perception of the Dao, and constantly making my Dao more complete and complete, breaking and then standing, it is really a great help for Xing Tian, ​​and the rebirth of the Chaos Destruction Avenue and the Good Fortune Avenue have undergone a qualitative transformation. The inner world has also been reborn because of the power of the signs of heaven. It can be said that after a thunder penalty, Xing Tian's practice has been greatly enhanced.

As Xing Tian fully integrates the heart of the world into his inner world, and as the inner world continues to refine it, at every moment, Xing Tian can feel the deepening of his connection with this world, every moment. Feel the back-feeding from the origin of this world. Every moment, my inner world is evolving rapidly. The three thousand avenues in the inner world are constantly improving, transforming, and evolving. The tree of the world that supports the world is evolving, perhaps as the world’s After the tree has completely absorbed the heart of the world and the heart of the world is fully integrated into the inner world, Xingtian's inner world will be completely completed, and the world tree will undergo a qualitative transformation!

Of course, all this is just Xing Tian’s own guess. It takes time to truly refine the heart of the world, and the world is constantly changing. The Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth is also constantly promoting changes in the world. The heart of refining the world has a great influence in the world, but all of this cannot be controlled by Xingtian, but everything has pros and cons. This is only the bad side, and the good side is that as Xingtian continues to refine the heart of the world, and The connection with the world is constantly strengthening, Xing Tian can more clearly feel the changes in the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth, and can give himself more time to react in the Great Tribulation.

In such a terrible world catastrophe, one more vigilance than others, one more preparation, then one more vitality, one more gain, unfortunately Xingtian has no time to personally participate in this world catastrophe. , Can’t rely on the perception of the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth to promote the development of Great Tribulation to one's own benefit. After all, it takes time, a huge amount of time and energy, and Qiaqia is what Xingtian lacks most, and it is greater than promoting the Great Tribulation Xing Tian pays more attention to the enhancement of his own strength. No matter how big and attractive the benefits of the Great Tribulation, there is no benefit from the enhancement of his own strength. No matter how good the external force is, Xing Tian will not do it for that little bit. Gain and give up the improvement of your own strength.

The biggest difference between Xing Tian and other creatures from the Supreme Chaos world is that he pursues the improvement of his own strength and the enhancement of his own realm, while other creatures pursue the gains of interests. After experiencing thunder punishment, Xing Tian has the resources of this world. I don't care too much, because the biggest benefit is already in my hands. With the heart of the world, no benefit can attract Xing Tian. What Xing Tian needs most is only time, so that he has enough time to practice!

In the eyes of many forces, Xing Tian dared to slaughter hundreds of thousands of troops at a young age, dared to fight the empire’s face, and dare to confront the empire. Such a person is definitely not a fuel-efficient lamp, and definitely not a person who can practice quietly. After a little longer, Xing Tian will inevitably walk out of the border and take the initiative to participate in the tribulation of heaven and earth. At that time, everyone can naturally see the reality of Xing Tian and understand the true power and realm of Xing Tian without having to go by himself. Take a risk!

After Xing Tian massacred hundreds of thousands of troops, all his experiences in this world were clearly touched by those caring people. In the eyes of these caring people, Xing Tian practice is not the avenue of thunder, but the avenue of killing. Xingtian can In the world, being able to take charge of Thunder Punishment is only with the help of the city of Thunder Punishment. Of course, it does not rule out that Xing Tian obtained the inheritance of the ancient Thunder God from the City of Thunder Punishment. It is just one thing to get the inheritance. Going on.


The more powerful the inheritance, the more difficult it is to practice, and the longer it takes. Xing Tian is different from ordinary practitioners. He is the reincarnation of the ancient strong, whether it is the reincarnation of the strong in the battlefield world of this domain, or from the highest chaos. The reincarnation of the world’s powerful people is impossible to abandon their original practice and transform the practice of the road of thunder, especially those creatures who come from the highest chaotic world like Xing Tian. The more clearly they understand the true situation of Xing Tian, ​​the less Worried that Xing Tian would stay at the border, they all believed that Xing Tian could not give up his original road.

It’s a pity that everyone underestimated Xingtian, or looked at it. They didn’t see through Xingtian at all, and they didn’t even understand Xingtian’s true cultivation path. Not to mention them, even the Tongtian River God who knew Xingtian the most. Xingtian’s real path of cultivation did not even figure out what path Xingtian practiced, so naturally there was no way to deal with it. This so-called waiting became a big joke and gave Xingtian enough time.

Under the ridiculous thoughts of various forces, the border gate where Xing Tian was located has been very quiet. No one came to bother Xing Tian, ​​and no one came to make trouble. Even the previously lost families did not jump out of the trouble, as if it was the previous one. A slaughter did not exist, as if the empire had never lost that hundreds of thousands of troops.

Some people are happy and others are lost. The family’s reaction is beyond the imperial royal family’s conjecture, but that’s good, it fits the imperial royal family’s arrangement. The three deeds fall, Xingtian and Tongtian River Gods are given positions, and Xingtian is the Northland. The general governor, commanding the military and political power of the North, named Tongtianhe Water God as the **** king to rule the North God, and Moro as the northern general, in charge of the safety of the north, and can expand the army by one million. This kind of order will make the whole world do it. Shock.

Xing Tian is just a small child, but he was directly named the Governor of the Northland. This is an unprecedented thing. Since the empire was moved to the dynasty, this situation has never happened before, but now it has appeared! Why this is so, the major forces are naturally very clear, this is to make Xingtian and Moreau enemies, as long as Xingtian has the heart to get involved in the military and political power of the North, he will definitely confront Moreau, and Moreau will not easily hand over his hands. Right, as for the water **** of the Tongtian River, it was just an auxiliary existence, worried that Xingtian would not be able to defeat Moruo's army, and let him assist Xingtian.

With such an order, many aristocratic families and many sects in the Northland were furious in their hearts. This was creating difficulties for them. These three seals gave them three more mountains, and they naturally did not want to accept it. But Xingtian’s fierce might be there, no one dared to take the lead. They didn’t have the confidence to resist Xingtian’s terrible killing, but they had to surrender the power in their hands, and they were unwilling. They were naturally anxious and anxious. abnormal.

Compared with the anxiety and fear of the major forces in the North, all the other forces in the empire are naturally ecstatic. They all hope that the North will become chaotic soon, and look forward to Xing Tian's fight after receiving this seal. Fighting for the rights of the north with Morrow, so that everyone can quickly understand the real situation of Xingtian, so they are closely watching everything in the north, waiting for a big show to be staged, waiting for Morrow and Xingtian. The war begins.

When this seal was issued, Xing Tian didn't respond much, and didn't care about the so-called Grand Governor, but Moreau's face changed again and again. He deeply felt the malice from the imperial capital, and felt his own pressure soaring instantly. He understood that this was the calculations made by the aristocratic families in the imperial capital, and those high-level officials were deliberately creating trouble for themselves. Adding a child as the chief governor, is there such a ridiculous seal in this world, but it has appeared now.

Although there is a lot of unwillingness and anger in his heart, Moro is not an ordinary mortal. He didn't hate Xingtian for this, and he never thought about going to Xingtian for trouble. If he did this by himself, then he would really have caught the calculations of those **** in the capital. , I really fell into the other party’s conspiracy, and it is very difficult to get out again. The most important thing is that once I do this, it is very likely that I will give the other party an excuse to beat myself and an excuse to clear myself. .

"General, do we really have to endure this bad breath? Is this the way the empire treats us who are worthy of merit? The previous failure was not because we didn’t work hard, not because we didn’t work hard, but because the imperial capital’s plan had problems. We can’t even go back home, but in exchange for such a result, we are not reconciled, this shows that it is cheating us!"

"Yeah, General, we can't bear it anymore. Last time we endured the bad breath and paid a heavy price. This time we can't bear it anymore, we can't back down anymore, otherwise the **** of the Imperial Capital will We have been bullying us honest people like this, we have been treating us inappropriately, we fought for the empire, but in exchange for such a result, we cannot accept it, the empire must give us an explanation, we must give us an explanation!"

"Yes, the empire must give us an confession. We sacrificed so many companions and fought for the empire for more than ten years, but in exchange for such a result, who can accept it, I cannot accept it. Forced, made it clear that we don't give us a chance to survive, we have to ask for an explanation!"

An angry voice sounded in the camp. The generals under Moreau felt resentful and were very dissatisfied with this result. They hoped that General Moreau could stand up and resist the Imperial Capital. In their opinion, this is Slaps in the face, hitting them in the face of soldiers who fought for the empire, this is unacceptable to them.

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