God of Destruction

Chapter 3865: Section for help

Chapter 3865 Help

Today’s northern land has become more terrifying, more dangerous, and crazier. Under the temptation of interest, it has almost become a crazy battlefield. Almost all forces are invading here and want to stand firm in the north. Heel, originally only the power of the north was fighting here, and later other powers of the empire were added. With this amazing change, with the emergence of the secret realm, all the powers of the entire world will be watching here. Will arrange for manpower to settle in this north!

Originally, the Northern Land was just a layout of the empire, but now this situation is out of control, beyond the control of the empire. It is no longer the empire that really controls the overall situation, but the will of the world in this world. In this chaos , Moro became the center of gravity, Xing Tian also received the attention of all major forces, a **** battle is about to be staged here, with the appearance of the barbarian cavalry, the chaos in the north will be crazier, the killing will be more terrifying, without any The forces were indifferent to the secret realm close at hand, and now the barbarian cavalry appeared, blocking the actions of most people, and naturally attracted public anger.

"Those **** bastards, I know they are unreliable. They keep saying that they must work together to fight against Moro and take the Northern Lands. But in a blink of an eye these **** forget their previous promise and use the power of the barbarian cavalry. Come to block our actions, so that we can't intervene in this new secret realm, we absolutely cannot agree to such a thing!"

Soon those groups in the empire that joined forces to seize the interests of the north were in civil strife. Under the temptation of interests, those forces that colluded with the barbarians took advantage. They used their power among the barbarians to block the empire. Other forces’ exploration of the secret realm, in a word, they want to swallow the benefits of the secret realm. As for the reaction of the barbarians, they don’t care, because the real powerhouse of the barbarians, and the real army, have no time to appear here. These aristocratic families and sects had such a crazy decision, and their decision directly led to the anger of many forces.

The alliance formed by these forces originally had rifts, and when this situation emerged, the so-called alliance, and the interest groups, all collapsed directly because of their interests. In the face of their interests, they all made choices that benefited them. They all want to do their best to get the most benefits. The so-called covenants and promises are all left behind by them. This is the cruelty of reality. In the face of absolute interests, there is no friendship or kindness!

"We should unite, discuss with Moro, and work together to kill these bastards, let them know that we are not easy to provoke. If they want to monopolize the benefits, they have to face the threat of death! I don't believe these **** are capable of resisting. If we can resist our joint attack, as long as the barbarians are destroyed, their conspiracy will be shattered!"

"Union, Morrow? Do you think everyone can still be united now? Under the temptation of interest, no one can believe it. As for Morrow, it is even more impossible. What qualifications do we have to unite with Morrow? However, after he has mastered the major forces in the north, he is already the true king of the north. How could he be so stupid to cooperate with us, so that he would have to separate a part of his benefits and have some more powerful enemies!"

In this situation, even if Moreau agrees to join forces with these people, when the struggle for the secret realm is over, these **** cannot give up the invasion of the northern land. Benefits are more important than everything, and they will do everything in front of them. It can be concluded that Moreau is not a fool, it is impossible to accept such a result, and it is impossible to fail to see through it!

"It is impossible for us to just give up like this. This is a mystery. The benefits are not trivial. If we miss this opportunity, it will be very detrimental to our development. We can't just give up like this. Even if we pay a high price, we must overcome the barbarism. The defense of the human cavalry must capture the benefits of the secret realm before the bastards!"

Interests make people crazy. Under this huge temptation, many forces are crazy about it. They don't want to care about any allies, and they don't want to care about the overall situation of the empire. They only have interests in their hearts, and only interests can make them move!

The secret realm has not yet been opened, and the war has already begun. Under the temptation of interest, nothing is impossible. All the major forces are working hard for the benefit. The opportunity cannot be missed. The loss will never come. Faced with such an opportunity, if you fail , Will lag behind other forces, falling behind in the catastrophe means destruction, means death, no one is willing to face destruction and death!

I have to say that this time the forces that colluded with the barbarians got a big advantage and took the first opportunity. Their proactive attack directly puts themselves ahead of other forces, and even if they are willing to pay with all their strength, they have the opportunity to directly attack others. The power is blocked from the secret realm, and the opportunity to swallow the whole secret realm is the result they are looking forward to!

Mobilization, no matter which force it is, whether it is hostile or not, it can be said that the major forces in the entire world are mobilizing frantically. Although this drastic change broke their plan, no one cares about this, everyone. They were all shocked by the huge benefits, and all their minds were cast into the snatching of benefits, even those who have been hiding in the dark, secretly promoting this great chaotic world of heaven and earth descendants. Crazy, they risked great danger for what it is. Shouldn’t it be for this moment? Isn’t it just for the opportunity to seize the battlefield world of this boundary? Now that the opportunity has appeared, it will be too late if they don’t do anything. In the hands of others, everything they did before is wasted.

Awaken the ancestors, some small forces under this huge temptation, under the terrible pressure of the outside world, are doing even more crazy, awakening their ancestors who are in retreat and suspended animation, in order to capture enough from this great opportunity The benefit of this great catastrophe, and the opening of the secret realm this time, will be an earth-shattering transformation for the entire world of battlefields. As long as they can seize the opportunity, any creature may surpass itself.

In the important town of the border, Moreau had a sullen face. He was a headache for the sudden change and the savages of the barbarians outside the border. Although the number of them was not too much, they existed. It really affected his plan and contained most of his forces. How could Moreau not have a headache.


To fight foreigners, he must first settle in. Originally, Moreau planned to sweep the entire northern land with his army and sweep all enemies. You must know that in this turmoil, all the forces hidden in the northern land are exposed. This is one time. It was a great opportunity to clean up, but at this moment such an accident happened, and the birth of the secret realm brought too much impact to everyone.

"It seems that I have to ask Xing Tian for help. At this time, under this situation, only Xing Tian can help me. As long as Xing Tian can make a move, even those enemies will be unbearable no matter how crazy they are. The barbarian army In front of Xing Tian, ​​that is the ant, the ant that can be killed easily, just wanting to persuade Xing Tian is not an easy task!" Moreau sighed secretly, he had seen Xing Tian before and knew Xing Tian’s thoughts, and then went to seek punishment. Heaven helps, some are difficult.

Shaking his head, Moreau murmured to himself: "I have no choice. Now I have to send an arrow on the string. If you don't quickly clean up the barbarian's cavalry outside the border, when the secret is opened, all opportunities will be melted. For nothingness, once this great opportunity is lost, I am afraid that the major sects and major families that have just taken refuge in will also shake their minds. In any case, they cannot let such a situation happen. Once it happens, my own north The title of King will leave me!"

The King of the North, this is Moreau’s ambition. It is good to have ambition. But now this ambition makes Moreau a little bit waxy. He has to make a quick choice amidst this panic and resolve all the crises. At this time, Moreau couldn't help but miss the God of Tongtian River. If the God of Tongtian River was still in the north, he could still use his power to persuade Xing Tian, ​​but now he had to bite the bullet and go to Xing Tian again and ask for help.

As for Xingtian’s current situation, Moreau knows in his heart. As long as he meets Xingtian himself, it won’t take a moment or three for many forces throughout the empire to know the news. They all understand what they are going to do, and they will respond quickly. , Time waits for no one, there is not much time left for myself, if you don't speed up, chances will really leave you.

Is face important or interest important? For Moreau, it is natural that interests are important. Moreau has bowed his head to Xing Tian before, so this time he has no pressure in his heart no matter how he bowed his head, and he doesn't feel that it is unacceptable. As long as he can let Xing Tian make a move, it will be lost There is nothing on the face, after all, if you get benefits, you will get rewards if you pay!

When he appeared in Xingtian’s courtyard again, Moreau’s heart was extremely heavy. This time he felt tremendous pressure in Xingtian’s courtyard. As he stepped into Xingtian’s courtyard, Moreau’s heart It seemed to be pressing a boulder, making it a little breathless, and Moro had never felt it before.

"What is Xing Tian going to do? Could it be that this pressure is directed at himself? It is to let himself get out of trouble, and Xing Tian is unwilling to help?" Moreau couldn't help but wonder, thinking about the changes. The impact.

In fact, Moreau himself thinks too much, Xing Tian has no intention to embarrass him, and there is no need to do such a stupid thing. If Xing Tian is so unwilling to participate in this catastrophe, he is unwilling to help, naturally not. Let Moreau enter the door. The reason why Moreau had such an astonishing feeling is mainly because there is a horrible atmosphere of disaster origin in this courtyard, and Moreau is in the midst of the disaster. Once stepping into this courtyard, he will naturally If Moro had no reaction at all, there would be a ghost, and Xing Tian would be shocked by it, knowing that the origin of the calamity can suppress the minds of all creatures.

After a while, Moreau saw Xingtian with a stomach of worry. When he saw Xingtian again, Moreau's heart jumped involuntarily. This was not caused by tension, but Moreau felt it in Xingtian. Strong pressure, this pressure comes from Xing Tian's own strength, which shows that in a short period of time, Xing Tian's cultivation base has increased a lot.

"Damn it, how could this happen? In just a few days, Xing Tian's cultivation level has increased a lot. Does it mean that after realizing himself, his cultivation speed will really increase so much? If so, Xing Tian will not take long. It will go further, and the Tongtian River Water God will do the same, which is really incredible!"

Although there is endless horror in his heart, I must not show it. He took a deep breath and said, "Friend Xingtian, I must have known my intentions. Now that the world has changed drastically, I have to come home. I ask fellow daoists to help me, and I also ask fellow daoists to see that for the sake of the past, they can help me through the current catastrophe!"

For Moreau, there was no need to cover up, and he straightforwardly stated the purpose of his trip. There is no need to cover up in Xingtian's face. You must behave like a beggar, and you can't be muddled. The most important thing is the time. Waiting for no one, there is not much time left for Moreau. If it is too long, it will only give the enemy more preparation time, which is even more unfavorable and more dangerous for Moreau, who has a lot of combat experience. Don't dare to underestimate your opponent.

Regardless of the barbarians’ army already evacuated, there are just some stragglers from the barbarian tribes outside the border, but this is not a reason to despise the other side. No matter how weak the barbarians are, they also have the strength to attack the border town. Moreau doesn’t want to because Own carelessness, and ruined his own life, ruined the soldiers who followed him after turning off the border!

"General Mo is serious. This is your chance. It is not convenient for me to intervene, and the general must not forget that the empire center has not yet made a decision. At this time, it is even more impossible for you to let me take action. Now, I can’t ignore his existence, there is no order from the empire, there is not enough cause and effect, do you think it is necessary for me to participate in this war, cause unnecessary trouble for myself, and be contaminated with huge causal karma? It's impossible. Xingtian is not so arrogant, and I won't let myself fall into a crisis. Let's go, I can't help with that!"

For a person like Moreau who doesn’t have much to do with him, taking such a risk, Xing Tian is not so stupid, nor so arrogant. Moreau attaches great importance to interests. Doesn’t Xing Tian care about interests? This is naturally impossible. , Xingtian also cares about interests, but the interests Xingtian seeks are different from Moreau!

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