God of Destruction

Chapter 3889: Secret of Ancient Times

Chapter 3889: The Secret of Ancient Times

When disaster strikes, no matter how powerful the gods and demons are, no matter how powerful they are, no matter they are the gods and demons who have mastered the laws against the sky, they cannot resist this terrible disaster. A **** and demons have no resistance to be weakened in the disaster. The origin, the weak gods and demons fell directly into the disaster. As for the weak creatures, they were unable to resist and stepped into death, while the powerful gods and demons started a crazy civil war in order to survive. Crazyly plundering the origins of other gods and demons to support their own vitality.

Natural disasters and man-made disasters, this is the end of the world, it is only a short time, in order to survive, the gods and demons make a big shot, the world is broken, and the world enters the state of apocalypse. This is the twilight of the gods and the destruction of the world! In the battle between gods and demons, Xing Tian saw the corpse of the gods and demons. It was the life **** and the devil, and he was fighting against the gods and demons who held the path of poison. In the end, the two gods and demons were both defeated. Even the body of the gods and demons was blown up, and the life gods and demons were killed by the original treasure of the poisonous gods and demons, and the corpses were finally sealed in this small world.

The life **** and demon do not want to die, he is still struggling desperately at the final moment, and the mutant life poison lotus that Xing Tian saw before is the life **** and devil's most precious life, but it is a life **** and demon no matter how hard he struggles. Having escaped the strangulation of the poisonous gods and demons, the power of the poisonous road has eroded into his origin. The life gods and demons deliberately use the original treasure to carry their souls so that they can be reborn. In the end, they failed. This weird and terrifying planet!

When seeing the life **** and demon finally heading towards destruction, there was a loud bang, and the picture in Xing Tian's mind came to an abrupt end, and a blood stain came out of his mouth again. This time Xing Tian suffered more shock than before. Fierce and more terrifying, although Xing Tian got everything he wanted, his body and soul were traumatized again. At this moment, Xing Tian's head was about to explode, and the pain was extremely unbearable!

This is the result of the instinctive counterattack of the corpse of the life **** and devil, not only the soul and spiritual trauma, but also a trace of cracks appeared on Xing Tian's body, and bloodstains spread all over his body!

"This is a **** and demon in the ancient mythology. Just a corpse that has lost its vitality can cause me to suffer such a terrible blow. This is really terrible, terrible, and the ancient catastrophe is even more terrifying than I thought. , Even more dangerous!" When these words fell, Xing Tian's eyes showed a terrifying light. Although his act was a bit reckless and crazy, so that he was subjected to such a terrible impact, but also peeped into it. Unimaginable secrets. From the pictures of memories just now, Xing Tian peeped into a little bit of the original secrets of the ancient gods and demons, allowing Xing Tian to see a trace of the truth about the Avenue of Life and the Avenue of Poison. It is a pity that his world tree clone is now undergoing transformation. Otherwise, just this little gain is enough to make the tree of the world go further and make the avenue of the inner world more perfect.

"Is this the power of the ancient gods and demons? I have to say that the ancient gods and demons are indeed terrifying and more powerful. Their cultivation methods are of great help to my practice!" Xing Tian soon came to his senses from the shock. I squeezed my fist tightly, and muttered very excitedly, because I saw a true ancient **** and demon, even if the other party is just a corpse now, I don’t know how many epochs it has died. But it still exudes incomparable divine power, and can't even get close. The most important thing is that he got a trace of ancient memory from the corpse of this **** and demon.

"It's incredible, it's really incredible. The ancient Dao of Gods and Demons has many similarities with my practice. Their practice is not the current practice system. They are not only taking the Origin Avenue, but also the fellow practitioners of the World Avenue!" It was just a brief contact, only a little furry memory, but Xing Tian saw a trace of the essence of the ancient gods and demons, and saw the similarities between himself and the ancient gods and demons.

The practice of Xingtian and the ancient gods and demons are both roots and world avenues, but Xingtian’s avenue practice is mainly based on the avenue of chaos destruction and the avenue of chaos fortune. The world avenue is even more different from the ancient gods and demons. The ancient gods and demons condense the world with their own avenues, while Xingtian’s clone is the three thousand avenues to condense the origin of the world. It is a truly perfect road to the world and a way to the world without defects!

Of course, Xing Tian walked on his own road, and this road is against the sky. The ancient gods and devil’s road practice can perfectly integrate the original road and the world road, which can be compared with each other. Their own power is more terrifying several times, or even dozens of times more powerful, because their avenues are essentially the same, but Xingtian is different. Xingtian’s avenue practice is completely different. World avenue is world avenue, and origin avenue is origin avenue, physical avenue. It is the physical avenue. The three are different. It is even more difficult to merge together.

Of course, everything has advantages and disadvantages. Although such scattered avenues cannot be perfectly integrated, Xingtian’s combat power is not necessarily weaker than that of ancient gods and demons. Relatively speaking, Xingtian’s avenues are bigger. potential!

"It's a pity that the original treasure of life gods and devils is incomplete. I don't know whether it was affected by the destruction of the universe or the erosion of the source of poisonous gods and devils. However, the corpse of this **** and devil still retains a huge source of power. If it can swallow this The origin of the corpse, oneself may have the opportunity to transform the original treasure of the Great Dao of Chaos Good Fortune successfully, and condense the first grade of Chaos Good Fortune Qinglian!"

Such thoughts only flashed through Xing Tian’s mind. Even if it was just a glimpse, Xing Tian could perceive how terrifying the life **** and devil’s corpse in this ancient myth was, and experienced the cosmic destruction, endless. Its destructive power, its body still maintains signs of immortality. Moreover, every cell in its body is filled with terrifying divine power. It seems that the corpse can still rely on the power of instinct, can continuously swallow the original energy of the universe, and continuously regenerate, so that the corpse of the **** and devil still contains incredible destructive power. Even if his divine consciousness just touched it, he suffered a fierce counterattack from the corpse of the **** and devil, as if mortals could not look directly at the gods, otherwise they would definitely die.


This is the power of the ancient gods and demons. Fortunately, Xingtian's soul power is strong enough, the will is firm enough, and the fighting spirit is strong enough. Otherwise, even if it is touched lightly just now, the corpse of the ancient gods and demons will convey the terrible body. If you know that not everyone is qualified to bear the ancient secrets in the corpse, if you can’t bear even a little pressure, you still want to understand the secrets of ancient times, to understand the great catastrophe of heaven and earth, and the great destruction of the universe. The secret is self-destruction!

For mortals, it is impossible to withstand the power of ancient gods and demons. Even a little information is not accessible to them. For mortals, ancient power is poison, a poison with no solution, and death if touched. This is the rule of heaven and earth. the power of!

"Haha! This is impossible, even if this is just a corpse, even if he has lost his life, but as long as the instinct still exists, it is not something I can touch, what can be swallowed, instead of the idea of ​​hitting the corpse , It’s better to think about how to get the source treasure of that poisonous **** and demon from this corpse. Now that the source of the city of thunder punishment has been lost, I lack a powerful assassin. If I can get this poison The original treasure of the gods and demons can make up for this loss!"

Yes! Instead of hitting the corpse of the life **** and demon, it is better to target the source and treasure of the poisonous **** and devil. In contrast, the source and ultimate treasure is easy to get, although this source and ultimate treasure killed the life **** and devil. , But in those endless years, this Primordial Treasure has lost most of its original power. After all, this Primordial Treasure is a tree without roots. Even if it can kill the ancient life gods and demons, its own loss is also huge. After experiencing endless years of hard work, Xing Tian believes that this treasure of origin is no longer as powerful as the ancients. If he can succeed, it will be enough to make up for all his losses!

In fact, Xing Tian still has an idea in his mind that the original treasure of the poisonous **** and demon can corrode the original treasure of the life **** and demon, and can destroy the soul of the life **** and demon, while the corpse of the life **** and demon cannot corrode the original treasure of the poisonous **** and demon. Yes, if this treasure of origin is eroded by the origin of the corpse of the life **** and devil, it will naturally have a huge life origin. If you can integrate it into your own chaotic avenue, you will also have the opportunity to perfect your chaotic good fortune avenue and let yourself Condensed a grade of chaotic good fortune green lotus, to carry your own chaotic good fortune avenue, balance the chaotic good fortune avenue and the chaotic destruction avenue!

"There are opportunities, but if I want to succeed, I must pay a high price. With my current situation, if I continue, I will only perish myself. If I want to succeed, I must restore the strength of the heyday. To recover from this injury, to recover the huge source of energy consumed by oneself, only by making comprehensive preparations can one have that opportunity!"

Xing Tian squeezed his fist once again. Regarding how terrifying the corpse of the life **** and demon in front of him was, he deeply understood that every drop of blood and every cell in the corpse seemed to be the embodiment of the law itself. From illusion to reality, it is the true embodiment of the law, which seems to have reversed the boundary between reality and illusion, and is a flesh and blood body condensed from the law.

"The ancient gods and demons are very powerful, so powerful that they can't be conquered, but they are still dead. What disaster caused all this to happen and the dusk of the gods appeared? It is the origin of the universe that was absorbed by the gods and demons, and even Is the balance of the cosmic world destroyed, or is the cosmic world evolving?" Xing Tian is thinking about this question. This is the essence of the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth. If he can figure out this question, he may be able to find a direction for detachment!

The balance of a small world may be broken by the gods and demons of practice, heading for destruction, and into destruction, but can a climax universe like the Supreme Chaos World really be broken by the practice of gods and demons? Xingtian has great doubts about this. At least in the memory of life gods and demons, Xingtian did not see such a situation. It is not that the balance of the universe is broken and the catastrophe comes, leading to the emergence of the gods. , But if it is the evolution of the world, this is difficult to tell. After all, the universe is still shattered in the end, or let an era disappear, and the evolution is not successful!

"Forget it, this is not something I can touch now, nor is it something I should consider. The most important thing for me now is to recover myself, to find a way to get this original treasure from the life **** and demon, to let My own avenue of chaotic good fortune is perfect, and I condensed the first-grade chaotic good fortune green lotus that carries my avenue of chaotic good fortune!"

In Xing Tian’s heart, he vaguely felt that although this secret world had a great opportunity, it could allow many people to gain a powerful inheritance and access to the secrets of the previous era, but instinctively made Xing Tian feel that this is also a trap, a deliberate temptation of the world The person stepped into the trap of the wrong path, and if he really stepped into this trap, it would be very difficult to get rid of it.

There are also great dangers in chance. Since ancient times, there has been no chance without traps or hidden dangers. Great chances have always been accompanied by great horrors and great dangers. This secret world is naturally no exception, let alone stepping into this secret world. At that time, he has been calculated by external forces and has been facing terrible crises one after another.

If there is no calculation in this weird world, if there is no calculation in the chance of this life **** and demon, Xing Tian will not believe it. If there is a calculation, then the calculation is for what it is, naturally it will affect his own practice, and it will naturally lead to it. No one can resist the temptation of the corpse of this life **** and demon. No one can resist the temptation of the original treasure. As long as there is greed in the heart, it will inevitably be calculated and will inevitably step into a trap. It is not a conspiracy, but a real conspiracy, even if one can see through everything, but it is difficult for anyone to refuse this temptation.

In the face of this terrible temptation, even Xing Tian could be vigilant, but when faced with the temptation, Xing Tian still couldn't refuse, and still had a heart for the original treasure. This is the most terrifying part of the trap. There is that powerful god. The temptation of the corpse, as well as the temptation to allow smart people and self-controlling creatures to see the source of hope, there are two choices. No creature can get rid of the temptation of conspiracy, and cannot turn away from the temptation of this trap. Leave in!

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