God of Destruction

Chapter 3891: Chaos Pool

Chapter 3891: Chaos Pool

"No, it's not the original imprint of the Chaos Avenue in the last era, but the true treasure. Only such a treasure can have such a powerful aura. It can not be wiped out in the erosion of endless years, even without the slightest weakening. Today I still have the power that can affect the God’s Forbidden Array, but I don’t know what kind of chaotic creation treasure this is!" Soon Xing Tian shook his head and murmured softly, and his expression followed My own words are constantly changing!

A supreme treasure sealed by the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth is definitely not comparable to ordinary supreme treasures, even the original supreme treasures of those ancient gods and demons themselves. If it can be said that it is possible only the supreme treasure bred by the good fortune of heaven and earth is in charge of the real The supreme treasure of the natural power of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, no matter what type of such a treasure is, it is enough to make Xing Tian be moved by it, and make Xing Tian long for it. Perhaps with this treasure, not only the Great Dao of Chaos Goods can be completed, but even Your inner world will get huge benefits and get a further transformation and evolution!

It’s good to have an idea, but it’s not easy to accomplish it. Now Xing Tian hasn’t even seen the shadow of the treasure, let alone contact and refining. Now Xing Tian just relies on what he sees in front of him. I guess that if you want to really put it into action, you must at least really see the existence of the treasure, or else you will act rashly and pay a heavy price. In the end, there is no treasure in this **** forbidden formation, only that group. The origin of the Great Dao of Chaos Good Fortune, so the price Xing Tian paid was a bit high, and he would waste his energy and origin in vain.

It’s not an easy task to use the divine sense to go deeper, even if the divine sense can avoid the limitations of the divine forbidden formation, but the real core point, Xingtian’s divine sense wants to rush over is just a joke. If the Divine Forbidden Formation is so easy to be invaded, it would not be possible to protect this mysterious place for such a long time. It is precisely because he understood this in his heart that Xing Tian did not truly place his hopes on this divine consciousness. For Xingtian, he has the worst plan for doing anything, and he is fully prepared, and this time Xingtian's real method is his own supernatural power!

"Open it to me, come out with magical powers!" With Xing Tian's deep cry, his own bloodline power was fully opened, the original power was fully opened, and his eyes were completely exposed. Under the guidance of the gods, a divine light came from Xingtian's eyes. The outbreak broke through the Divine Forbidden Array and pierced the many defenses. For a moment, Xing Tian observed the situation in the Divine Forbidden through the Divine Forbidden Array.

Everything is completely different from what Xing Tian thought before. God’s forbidden is not a treasure, but a planet, a planet that has been completely sealed, and on the core of that planet is a powerful treasure of the origin of chaos. With just a little exploration of supernatural powers, Xing Tian's mind felt the transmission of a message, letting Xing Tian know the name of the sealed treasure, "Chaotic Good Fortune Pond"!

'Chaotic Good Fortune Pond' This is not a general chaotic good fortune avenue supreme treasure, but an epoch, even the origin supreme treasure bred by a universe, can truly control the origin supreme treasure of the heaven and earth chaos avenue, this supreme treasure has no attack power, it is An auxiliary treasure, but in comparison, its value is not comparable to attacking the treasure. ]

Shock! Suddenly Xing was shocked! What kind of treasure is the Chaos Fortune Pond that shocked Xing Tian? This is not a true treasure of the Dao of Chaos Good Fortune. Although this pool of good fortune is called Chaos Good fortune, it is not only the original source of the Dao of Chaos Good Fortune. This Dao treasure also has a huge swallowing original law that can continuously Swallowing the origin energy of the universe, giving birth to strands of origin and origin of good fortune. If ordinary creatures are eroded by the origin of good fortune day and night, they will soon be able to transform into a cultivating genius with super qualifications, and even be able to improve stability and have descendant bloodlines. Level, for those who are strong in cultivation, the aura of good fortune also has huge benefits. If you are constantly nourished by the aura of good fortune, it will be easier and faster to understand the laws of the universe. It can be said that this is a great shortcut!

At this time, Xing Tian finally had a hint of understanding in his heart. The **** forbidden formation outside the'Chaotic Creation Pool' was not to seal this treasure, but to protect it, to create an independent space and create a powerful Treasure land, a treasure land for people to practice, it is a pity that this treasure land was also sealed in the secret world when it was destroyed in the last era.

"It turns out that there was such a powerful Dao Treasure in the last epoch, which can be as supreme as it is against the sky. Its existence is simply against the sky. No wonder this treasure will always be sealed because it shouldn't appear here. In the world, that is, the battlefield world in this area is going to be destroyed, otherwise the will of this world cannot open this secret world, and it is impossible for me to get such an opportunity. The previous calculations may be just a test for me. , If I can't pass this test, I will pass this opportunity naturally. It seems that the will of the world on the battlefield is selfish!"

If you have such a supreme treasure, a heaven-defying treasure, it will have endless benefits for yourself. I was still worried about how to better cultivate my own army, my followers, But now Xing Tian finally found his way, as long as he can get the supreme treasure in the forbidden formation of the gods, "Chaotic Good Fortune Pond", everything will be solved, not only the completion of his own chaotic good fortune road, but also the training of his subordinates. Can be solved!

As long as he can obtain this treasure, his path of practice will be unimpeded, at least in a short period of time. With the huge accumulation of the'Chaotic Pond of Good Fortune', Xing Tian can enhance his strength and improve his realm without any consideration. Don't worry about the foundation being unstable, don't worry about the slightest hidden danger, the power of the'Chaotic Creation Pool' can make up for everything.

"What a'chaotic pool of good fortune', what a great treasure, such a treasure, such a treasure, there may not be one in an era, but now it is in front of me, as long as you master it, everything is possible !" Looking at the terrifying God Forbidden Formation, Xing Tian’s eyes are constantly shining with rays of light. The opportunity is not to be missed, and the loss will never come. Such a treasure will never let go or flinch, if it is because of To give up on the horror of God's forbidden formation is tantamount to abandoning one's own practice, abandoning one's own avenue, and no longer have any chance for growth in the future.

auzw.com "No one can stop me from receiving this supreme treasure. The'Chaotic Nature Pool' must be mine Xingtian. No matter how much you pay, you must get it in your hands. With this treasure in hand, the world avenue of the inner world will be more complete, and the world avenue will no longer have a bottleneck. The power of the'chaos fortune pool' is enough to transform the inner world!"

Yes, if you say that the greatest use of the "Chaotic Good Fortune Pool" is not to train your opponents, nor to perceive the Dao, but to integrate into the World Dao, which can give the World Dao a more terrifying background and unlimited potential. Although Xingtian’s world avenue is already complete and remarkable, the tree of the world, as a clone, as a pillar supporting the world, can continuously absorb nutrients from the highest chaotic world and transform the origin of the world, and this'chaotic good fortune pool 'It also has this effect, and it is even more powerful. If the inner world is integrated into the'chaos fortune pool', the quality of the entire inner world will have a qualitative leap!

Xing Tian was lowering his head in thought, thinking hard about the feasibility of this matter. For Xing Tian, ​​he knew the benefits of this supreme treasure, and naturally understood the power of this heaven-defying treasure. Although no one has stood up and fights with him now, he can enjoy all the benefits for himself, but this is also the problem. Now there is such a terrible defense of God's forbidden formation outside this'Chaotic Creation Pool', and I want to tear apart God. Forbidden formation is very difficult, let alone refining this supreme treasure, for the current Xing Tian, ​​this treasure is visible and intangible, and it is simply as difficult to achieve success!

"General strength is unable to shake the defense of the God's Forbidden Array, and even the defense of the God's Forbidden Array cannot be broken. Although your own chaotic destruction avenue is powerful, you can't do anything to penetrate the defense of this powerful God's Forbidden Array. If you want to achieve your wish, you can only think of other ways. There is no chance with ordinary means. Maybe only extraordinary means have a chance!"

Normal methods are not working. Xing Tian naturally thought of extraordinary methods, but with so many extraordinary methods, which one can penetrate the God’s forbidden formation and allow himself to pass through the God’s forbidden formation and enter the world. If you can't even do this, you don't have the qualifications to think too much, let alone get this heaven-defying treasure!

"Well! I have to use my brains and think about other methods. No matter how powerful this God Forbidden Formation is, as long as it exists between heaven and earth, there must be a solution, but I haven't thought of it yet!" Xing Tian was constantly encouraging himself, convinced himself that there must be a way to solve this problem, and that he would be able to achieve his wish!

The idea is good, but it is extremely difficult to achieve. Xing Tian understands in his heart that even if he can really think of a solution to the problem, he will still have to pay a huge price in the end. It is proportional, there will be no gain if you don't pay, you must be prepared for bleeding!

"Test the reality of God's Forbidden Array, and then look for solutions to the problem bit by bit?" No, Xing Tian didn't have such a stupid idea. For general exploration, this choice is correct and works. Everything is completely different for this **** forbidden formation. There is only one opportunity. Once you make a move, it will inevitably cause resistance from the **** forbidden formation. Failure means that you will completely lose this opportunity and even give your own life. !

His own life is indeed very important. No matter how good the chance is, there is no life as important, but this is just a general situation. Now Xing Tian doesn't have such a stupid idea in his mind. Faced with such a big chance, Xing Tian took his own life to risk it, because This opportunity is something Xing Tian cannot give up and cannot give up. Giving up also means that one's own demise has begun, which means that oneself is going to death bit by bit. Losing this opportunity will definitely leave a terrible mark in his heart. , Will definitely cause demons.

After the demons appear, do they really have a chance? No, Xing Tian would not think so. The average heart demon himself may have the ability to resist, but if it is too late because of the supreme treasure of the "Chaotic Pond of Good Fortune", it will entangle him for life. Unless you are dead, or else, even if you are reincarnated in reincarnation, this cause and effect, this demon will always accompany you, making you powerless to break free from the **** of this demon, and powerless to get rid of your own destiny!

When this happens, what is Xing Tian's fate? Naturally it is death and destruction. As a person against the sky, Xingtian will naturally be hostile to the will of the sky and the earth. As a person against the sky, Xingtian will be able to relax a little bit, but he can sing a high profile. If the will seizes the opportunity, he is truly dead without life and no place to bury him!

"You can't be careless, you can't be sloppy. Any mistake you make is a consequence that you can't bear. If you want to succeed, you must be fully prepared. You must be careful. Don't ask for merit, but ask for nothing. , Even if it means spending a little more time, bearing a little more burden, and a little more pressure, there can be no carelessness, no mistakes, or the consequences will be beyond my tolerance and acceptance!" Xing Tian was muttering to himself, and as he whispered softly, Xing Tian's breath became more and more dangerous, and his expression became more and more serious!

This is not a trifling matter. I have only one chance. A miss will not only pass this great opportunity, but also ruin his own life. At this moment, Xing Tian couldn't help but sigh inwardly. , I also have a hint of illusion in my heart that if I succeed, I will have amazing gains, and I will definitely make my own combat power even further. Of course, Xing Tian hopes to obtain the original treasure on the corpse of the **** of life and devil before he collects the ‘Chaotic Creation Pool’.

If you can obtain the original treasure of the Poison Avenue on the corpse of the gods of life, you can make your Chaos Path of Good Fortune go further, so that you can have more powerful combat power, and you can charge the'Chaotic Creation Pool' for breaking into the God Forbidden Formation. This supreme treasure also has greater confidence and greater confidence. After all, the stronger the strength of oneself, the stronger the pressure and the stronger the attack that can be resisted, and the stronger the attack. Penetrating power, able to tear open this **** forbidden formation!


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