God of Destruction

Chapter 3903: Turn against each other

Chapter 3903

silence! For a moment, everyone was silent for it. These people were originally very confident and thought that their previous calculations were great, but now their calculations, their confidence has become a big joke, has become an influence on themselves. The huge threat of this kind of reversal makes it difficult for them to accept for a while and makes their hearts suffer!

"No, it won’t be like this. Even if this panic happens suddenly and is a little beyond our imagination, but the fluctuations caused by the storm need time to pass. We still have enough time to prepare, we still have a chance, we still Occupying the initiative, those **** **** are still in our calculations and can't get rid of our plan!"

"Ignorance, stupid! At this time, you still have this ridiculous and stupid thought in your heart. It doesn't matter if you want to die. Don't hurt everyone. We don't care about your life or death alone, but we can't just because of your ignorance. To ruin one's own life, under such a terrifying change, how long will it take? Anyone with ambitions can feel this terrible fluctuation and be able to determine this position, you think you are in this secret world Are all of you stupid? Or are they all a group of ants that you can kill. You can’t even notice such a big change. If you have such a mind, then let me go. I don’t want to be because of your stupidity. I am ignorant and put myself in a desperate situation, I think most of the daoists present are also like this!"

"Well said, no one can override the interests of all of us. Some people are stupid and ignorant. We can understand, but this stupidity and ignorance cannot threaten our interests. If someone dares to do this, it can’t be solved by rolling. , Only death can ensure that our interests are not affected. I don’t think there is a need for such a person. I don’t want to ruin my chances and my life because of such an ignorant bastard. Daoists are still too kind. Up!"

kindness! This sentence is not wrong. In such a situation, giving that person a way to survive is a threat to everyone’s lives. Such an ignorant and stupid bastard, no one knows what will happen after letting him go. Will you let yourself fall into the crisis of death? After all, people have selfish motives. This **** might be hot-headed to calculate everyone because of the anger in his heart. In the case of mental arithmetic and unintentional, everyone is easily injured!

But is the person who spoke before really benevolent? Did he really not think of this? No, he is not benevolent, and it is not that he did not think of this, but intentionally, because he understands that even if he said so, everyone present would not do it, nor would he let this ignorant and stupid Bastard, he will definitely kill him, but if he said so, he will show his kindness and kindness in front of everyone, and he will be able to win more hearts!

Yes, this is his plan, this is his true thoughts. For people like him, the use of waste is more reasonable. If you can use this **** waste, you can get more benefits, naturally Will not let it go! But will this kind of mind and layout be noticed by others, and will it make those people more vigilant? This is not in his consideration, even if someone notices it, will this person stand up and reveal all this? No, no one would do this. They are not willing to provoke a terrifying and scheming enemy for themselves at this time and under this situation. As long as they are not fools, they will not do it at this time and under this situation. Such an ignorant thing comes!

"Hmph, I'm ignorant, I'm stupid. In my opinion, you are ignorant, and you are stupid. What if this shocking change is beyond our imagination, even if those people can determine the position, we are doing this calculation. Before, you should have a sense of understanding, you should know that there is no absoluteness in everything. What you see in your eyes is failure, what you see is a missed opportunity, but what I see in my eyes is a good side. This is the gap between us, the gap in vision between us. Don’t think that I don’t know what you **** want to do. You are attacking me at this time and rebutting my words. You just want to take the knife to kill people and take this opportunity. Except for me as a competitor, I know all your sinister intentions!"

Counterattack, when faced with the life and death crisis, this strong man did not hesitate to counterattack, tore his face directly, without leaving any affection, because at this time, he did not need to give these **** a face. No matter if he is ignorant this time, he will not be weak, nor can he shrink back, he must shake these **** hard, or he will be dead forever!

When these words fell, the people present immediately changed, and some people became nervous. Although they all gathered together and conspired on big things, they all had selfish intentions. If there were no such words, they They will still recognize the previous decision, but with these words, the result will be different. They are worried that the other person will be the next person to calculate, so they naturally become vigilant, and with this mentality change, everyone naturally It changes immediately!

"Damn, this **** ignorant ant dares to be so presumptuous, dare to say that to me, this **** is picking things up, this is splitting everyone, this **** don't let me find a chance, or I will kill him directly. !" Although there is endless anger in my heart, but at this time, under this situation, I can't act rashly, or I will collapse on impulse, and I will fall into a terrible crisis. In!

"Hmph, you said that I have a sinister heart and that we don’t have enough vision. Then you can tell us what is the good side that you are optimistic about. Under such a situation, what opportunities do we have, if you can say something that will convince everyone To make sense, I can bow my head and apologize. If you can’t tell, then don’t blame me for destroying you, your picky bastard. Your actions are splitting everyone and ruining our good situation. A **** like you won’t Should be alive!"


"Huh, do you think I was scared? Don't use such a ridiculous tone to talk to me. You don't have the qualifications. If you want to fight, I will fight with you. What kind of **** splits, and only you are so insidious I can only imagine that Lao Tzu is not as insidious as you, and what good will Lao Tzu do to me. If I am destroying the overall situation, my own interests will also be damaged. Your vision is not good, and your mind is very vicious. You Such a **** is really a cancer and shouldn't be alive. If you live, you are a threat to everyone and a hidden danger that makes us unable to feel at ease!"

Anyone can accuse them. In the face of such a crisis, they will naturally resist. However, in this situation, just accusing them will be fruitless. When the situation has reached this point, when everyone has torn their skin, they must If someone died, it can be said that only one person on both sides can survive, otherwise no one can feel at ease.

After taking a deep breath, the man looked straight, and shouted in a deep voice: "You want to explain, you want a reason, I will give you a reason, give you an explanation, and let everyone know that you **** **** is here. What to do, know your sinister intentions! In your opinion, we are at an absolute disadvantage, and we can't even see a little hope of victory, but in my opinion, this is not the case, because I think the other party has already noticed us. The calculation of this space storm is not an accident, but a calculation carefully set by the other party. Such a huge storm is indeed beyond our imagination, but everyone understands that this is not a normal phenomenon and can cause such a result. The only explanation is that those **** who are deliberately guided to cause such a terrifying space storm, there is only one possibility, that is, they are deliberately releasing their own breath and uniting the breath of everyone together, and this will happen since then. They do what you are worried about. We will lose the first opportunity, but this first opportunity is only a superficial first opportunity. What we seek is interest, a great opportunity, and this interest and great opportunity Is there in the space storm? No, that is not where the opportunity lies. The other party caused a space storm, which seemed to block our way, but it also caused changes in the secret world, so we have enough time to do it ready!"

"I think I understand what you think. You want to take this opportunity to hide us in the dark again. Under such a terrible storm, more people will be alarmed and more powerful will be attracted. Those **** want to use space storms to stop us, and we can also take the opportunity to hide ourselves in the dark again, and let the people who come later be the dead ghosts and vanguards!"

"Hahaha! Yes, that's it, as long as we take a step back and hide in the dark again, how do those **** **** know whether we are going forward or back, and how do they know who rushed into the space storm? They want to calculate us, We can also count them back, standing at different angles, and seeing different levels. This **** **** has no eyesight, but also has a sinister heart. I want to borrow a knife to kill people. I even wonder if he is the **** who calculated us. The back hand that comes down is the change when we perceive the problem and make a counterattack!"

People are not for themselves and the heavens are destroyed. When these words fall, it also means that the life and death of that person has come to an end. No matter whether anyone believes the true situation of these words, there is one thing that is certain that everyone present dare not stay. He survives, but whether the other party is a spy or not, regardless of whether there is grievance between the two, when deciding the victory or defeat, naturally someone will die, and the defeated person is naturally a dead end, even if there is a slight possibility, no one will Dare to take risks!

kill! Without any hesitation, in an instant, everyone on the scene shot one after another, directly attacking the defeated person, and directly killing him as a specialty, because as long as he is alive, everyone can't feel at ease. In this situation Under the circumstances, everyone can only send him a ride, and only death is the best end!

Those who can stand here are neither weak nor stupid. When he is defeated, when the opponent comes back, this person already understands how dangerous his situation is, just when the people are working together to kill him. , A terrible aura radiated from his body, that was the aura of the origin of space. This person directly detonated the most treasure of the origin of space in his hand, directly tore the void, and escaped this place directly with the help of the most treasure of the space origin. crisis!

"You **** bastards, I wrote it down. We're not finished this time, I won't let you go!" When the voice fell, the figure of that person disappeared like a streamer. He was not. He was bombarded and killed by everyone, but when that terrible force bombarded himself, he escaped with the help of the power of the space avenue. Dare to stand up to oppose, dare to stand up and be the first bird, how could he be unprepared, how could he not think of the result of his failure, it is impossible for these people to kill him, because he has already done it well. Comprehensive preparation, there is already a way to get out!

"Damn it, let this **** escape. I knew that this **** is a spy, and those **** deliberately left behind us. This time we are in big trouble. Let this **** escape, our plan will also be destroyed. The other party knows!"

No one thought that it would be such a result. They did not expect to let the other party escape when everyone joined hands. In front of everyone, they flee under the joint strangulation of everyone. This is the most important thing to slap everyone. It is the escape of this person that everyone will face terrible threats and will face counterattacks from the other side.

"This **** may be really a spy, otherwise he could not have been prepared to escape, and we can still escape under the situation of all of us together. It seems that those **** who calculated us have planned the overall situation right from the beginning. With all-round preparations, we are calculated to death. Our calculations are all in their hands. Our previous calculations are just a big joke. Fortunately, this **** jumped out by himself, or else wait When the other party makes a comprehensive preparation, we will die without life. We must know that with mental arithmetic and unintentional, we have no chance to resist!"

"Yeah, this is also a great fortune in misfortune. To be able to reveal the identity of this **** at this time is still more pros than cons for us, otherwise we can easily be given to by this **** **** without preparation. Scheming and introducing it to the deadly place of death, after all, this **** hides too deeply. He has mental arithmetic and unintentional. We don't even have a chance to resist!"

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