God of Destruction

Chapter 3930: Humanity obliteration

Chapter 3930: Annihilation of Humanity

"Damn, I knew this **** never really thought of himself as a member of the human race, otherwise he would not make such a crazy decision, he is betraying his race, this **** is not worthy of being a human!" When Xingtian's breath changed, someone couldn't help but roar, and his roar was full of worry!

Yes, it is worry! Once Xing Tian’s intention is realized, it will be a heavy blow to them. They forced Xing Tian out of the human race, and they cut off a pillar of the human race. They forced away the human arrogance with their own selfishness. They will be backlashed by the luck of the human race, relying on the power of the origin of the human race to suppress Xingtian and attack Xingtian. This is a double-edged sword that hurts others as well as self. If Xingtian's departure causes damage to the ethnic luck , What awaits them is bound to be the terrible backlash of Qi Luck, and the strong who display the supernatural powers of the human race will be directly deprived of their blood, and will no longer be a human emperor!

Can such terrible consequences be borne by these strong human races? No, they can't afford it. They all underestimated Xing Tian's madness and were too self-righteous. In those endless years, the years had worn away the blood in their hearts, but they had not erased the arrogance in their hearts, and now this arrogance is It became the greatest crisis that would ruin their lives. They never imagined that such a small “ant” like Xing Tian could reverse their minds and ignore their threats, so that the matter was out of control. Now In this case, they even have no room for return!

"Asshole, this **** is going to push us on the road to the end. In that case, he can also blame us for his cruelty. I don't think anyone is willing to bear the consequences of failure. If you have any ability, everyone should take it out. Don’t have any reservations. Otherwise, today will be the day when we die, facing this **** lunatic, we can no longer have a trace of luck!"

Yes, when the situation has reached this point, they can no longer have a trace of luck, because the situation is very unfavorable for them. Once Xingtian has passed the trial, once Xingtian, the lunatic, is truly a charitable ethnic civilization, they There must be ten deaths and no life, and this consequence is that none of them can bear, and it is also something they do not want to see.

"My fellow daoists, this can't go on anymore, or else we will die without life, our luck will be backlashed, and no one will want to live, and even reincarnation will be burdened with endless cause and effect! Now we have no choice, kill!"

"Kill!" When the killing character fell, everyone made up their minds to live with Xingtian and not let Xingtian have the opportunity to break free from the power of judgment, even if it is to give his own life, even if it is death, They also have to kill Xingtian, because if Xingtian dies, all cause and effect will cease. After all, this is a catastrophe of heaven and earth, and if Xingtian is not dead, their troubles will be great, even if the endless years are turned back, it will be difficult to eliminate themselves. That huge cause and effect!

"Haha, it's really ridiculous, a group of human races are not dead, and they joined hands with the barbarians to besiege their descendants. Is there still a need for such a person? If you die, Lao Tzu will fulfill you!" When the human race was crazy, Xing Tian's heart also had endless killing intent. If it was said that Xing Tian still had a hint of patience in his heart before, he was unwilling to kill them and cut off all the vitality of these people. But now this line of patience has disappeared!

The kindness to the enemy is the cruelty to oneself. Now these strong human races have no reservations, and are determined to kill themselves. What else can they reserve? People are not for themselves and the heavens are destroyed. These people can do this, Xingtian Why can't you do this, and if you do this, you can completely cut off all cause and effect. Whether it is the cause and effect of this body itself or other causes and effects, it will disappear with this battle. This is the change brought about by the judgment. !

Xingtian’s mind changed during his murderous life, and he had choices in everything. Originally, Xingtian just wanted to use the eruption of life gods and demons to learn more ancient practices from him, so that he could accumulate more. Now in this kind of race Under the trial of, under the siege of these strong human races, another trace of humanity in Xing Tian's heart was completely cut off!

Originally after the reincarnation, Xing Tian was burdened with great cause and effect, and his humanity began to recover, but this time the trial of the race was obliterating Xingtian's humanity, and the siege of the strong human race completely cut off his humanity. This is for Xing Tian. In other words, his mind has naturally undergone a qualitative change, and his indifferent state of mind is constantly pouring out of Xing Tian. If Xing Tian still has a slight affection for the Human race in his heart, there is still a trace of identification, but at this moment, Xing Tian is already indifferent to the Human race. There is no good feelings and no evil thoughts, some are just plain, and all human cause and effect seem to be completely cut off from him!

"No, this kid is cutting off all causes and effects, and he is going to give up his origin!" When he felt the rapid changes in Xing Tian, ​​the human emperor cried out. At this moment, his mood was fearful, Xing Tian's change It was too fast, almost to the point that it was unacceptable for him, once Xing Tian succeeded in cutting the cause and effect before them, the consequences would be serious!

"Kill!" Roars of rage sounded. At this moment, these strong human races no longer have any thoughts to care about others. They have only one thought in their hearts, that is to kill Xingtian, and they attacked Xingtian frantically in the void. Kill, they have no reservations at this time, because it is related to their survival and everything in the future!

Originally, for these powerful human races, they had no ability to attack Xing Tian. After all, Xing Tian was in the void and not in the same space as them, but in order to be able to give Xing Tian a fatal blow, they all took out their own The most important thing for the killer is that under the guidance of the human emperor, the trial of human luck forced Xing Tian out of the void, allowing Xing Tian to directly face this terrible crisis of death and face this immortality. Endless **** battle!

auzw.com Why is this happening? There are two reasons for this situation. One is that the human emperor and these human race powers exploded with all their strength, allowing their will to provoke the power of judgment. On the other hand, the human nature in Xing Tian's heart is not obliterating the human origin power. Feeling the threat, the threat is naturally eliminated in the bud.

"It's a human being and a racial trial. Since you don't give me Xing Tiansheng road and want to completely wipe out my vitality, then it is no wonder that Xing Tian is ruthless, my soul is divided, my blood is broken, cut! Cut! Cut!" Under this terrible attack, under the threat of death, Xing Tian erupted once again, and the obliteration of human nature made Xing Tian once again turn his sword into his will, cutting off the traces of human breath, human soul essence, and The power of blood.

When Xing Tian once again cut down the power of her soul and blood, Xing Tian's birth mother was palpitated in the realm battlefield world. At this moment, she seemed to feel the danger and the disaster, and her mood instantly became extremely heavy. , As if a huge rock was pressing on his heart, as if something was being lost from his body.

Of course, not only Xing Tian’s biological mother, but his biological father, as well as all the relatives of his human race, have felt the inexplicable change. This is the destruction of cause and effect. Under the power of judgment, under the siege of many powerful people. , Xing Tian’s connection with the Human race is breaking. Fortunately, Xing Tian is now just a arrogant man, not the strong man who really controls the origin of the human race. Otherwise, when Xing Tian cuts off the connection with the human race, the whole human race will feel it. Change, and the real strong will perceive the loss of luck, and the departure of a strong will be a great loss to any race!

"My life is involuntary, I dominate my own destiny, no karma for any cause and effect, race, cause and effect will be shattered, destroyed! Killed! Killed!" With Xing Tian's roar, destruction one after another The power of radiated from Xing Tian. This is the original power of the chaotic destruction of the avenue of Xing Tian's practice. Under the impact of the chaos destroying the avenue of the original power, all cause and effect, all karma are dissipating, and the human aura in Xing Tian’s body is madly dissipating With.

"Damn, it's destroying the origin of the Dao, this kid is cultivating to destroy the Dao. He is using his Dao origin to obliterate all cause and effect!" Yes, Xing Tian is using his Dao to obliterate all cause and effect, whether it is the cause and effect above the soul, The cause and effect of blood is still obliterated by the origin of Chaos Destruction Dao. Although this crazy move makes Xing Tian's own breath continue to weaken, so Xing Tian's combat power is also weakened, but the power of trial has also affected Xing Tian. Weakened, they mobilized the human origin power to limit Xing Tian also weakened, Xing Tian's body is breaking away from their lock bit by bit!

"Asshole, how could this be? How could this kid have such a pure power to destroy the Dao of Origin, how could he obliterate his own cause and effect, and obliterate the connection with the human race!" The human emperor was crying frantically, but it was him. No matter how unwilling it is, it is useless. This is the fact that Xing Tian is breaking free from restrictions bit by bit under their crazy calculations, breaking off the connection with the human race bit by bit, completely separating from the human race's luck, and becoming one of its own.

As Xing Tian frantically wiped out his own cause and effect, Xing Tian's mood gradually became dignified, and this dignity was not because of the strong human races who were besieging him, but a trace of cause and effect in the sea of ​​his soul. Xing Tian would not have discovered that in this shocking change, he was touched by someone in the sea of ​​consciousness of his soul. There was a trace of terrible hidden danger!

What hidden danger makes Xing Tian still so angry and gaffes under such a general environment? This hidden danger does not come from reincarnation, not from the battlefield world of the realm, but from the supreme chaotic world, from the human race!

"What a human virtual world, such a sinister method. Everyone who enters the virtual world will be eroded by the breath of the virtual world. There will be a slight change in his soul. Maybe in normal times, this hidden danger will not What impact does it have on yourself, but once the controller of the virtual world has any thoughts, the consequences will be serious! What a treasure of the human race, town and clan, such power, such terrible and strange calculations, anyone who betrays will be silent They are killed without interest, even as long as they need it, they can absorb the origin of all human elites silently."

‘Hi! 'Suddenly, Xing Tian thought of something, he couldn't help but gasped, and muttered to himself: "Damn, the existence of this human race virtual world does not really need to use the power of the human race to improve the world road. Condensed into a real great world, a great world that can accommodate living things, if this is the case, the cause and effect of this town's treasure will be great!"

Relying on the power of all human races to condense a great world, a treasure world that suppresses the luck of the human race, what do you want to do? Is it really just to suppress human luck? Xing Tian would not believe that such a hegemonic and crazy method could not be used to suppress the human spirit. Perhaps the treasure of the town was to cope with the catastrophe of the highest chaotic world.

When thinking of the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth, Xing Tian couldn't help but shudder. How terrible and how dangerous the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth was, Xing Tian knew clearly, because he had received such an impact more than once, even though it was just normal. In the world, it is not the supreme chaotic world, but the world is divided into strengths and weaknesses, and the nature of this great catastrophe will not change.

Only the real powerhouses and elites survive in every tribulation of heaven and earth, and the sects in the supreme chaotic world that oneself live in are only on the periphery. Is such a force capable of protecting oneself from this tribulation of heaven and earth? , Will the high level of the human race take a big shot for their peripheral people, and protect them at all costs?

Anyone with a little bit of mind understands that this is impossible. Once the real catastrophe comes, the first thing to be abandoned is naturally all the vitality on the periphery, even if it is the change of the boundary battlefield world. Will change the thoughts of the high-level human race.

"In any case, you must eliminate this hidden danger in your soul, even if you pay no hesitate to pay, my destiny cannot be affected by external forces, so I will be cut!" A cruel heart, Xing Tian once again turned his will. The knife severely slashed on his own soul. The previous two crazy slashes had already severely injured Xing Tian’s origin, but this time Xing Tian made another move, his soul was weaker, and it was almost on the verge of destruction. Repeatedly, not again, again, and again, three times in a row crazy splitting his soul, even if a determined person like Xing Tian could not bear it, the backlash after that split made Xing Tian suffer both physically and mentally, as well as others. Had a terrible shock.

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