God of Destruction

Chapter 3941: Eternal Black Coffin

Chapter 3941: Eternal Black Coffin

Succeeded? The true power of the will of heaven and earth prevented the resurrection of the life gods and demons? It can be said to be successful or it can be said to be a failure, because all this is just a bait, a bait used by the life gods and demon to contain the will of heaven and earth. Although the resurrection of the body of the gods and devil failed, the life gods and demon also got what they wanted. Everything, such a result is a big blow to the will of heaven and earth!

As Xing Tian who has been watching everything with cold eyes, he clearly felt the changes of the life gods and demon, felt the fierceness and viciousness of the life gods and demon, and was deeply shocked by the methods of the life gods and demon. Before making such a decision, I have to say that this is a ruthless man who made his own **** and devil body into a puppet and used it as a bait. This kind of cruelty cannot be made by anyone, at least Xingtian will not. Do it, but the **** of life did it!

"What a life **** and demon, a decisive disposition, no wonder his original treasure is not left, no wonder he will be suppressed here, in fact, all this is just a game, this pit is really deep enough, even the will of heaven and earth It seems that this is just a decoy game, but this is a two-way game. If the will of heaven and earth does not stop, he can directly return from the endless time and space, and if the opponent stops it, there is nothing, just can swallow the opponent The power of the origin of the world!"

Yes, the life **** and demon is so terrible. No matter whether the will of heaven and earth will intervene, he will be the winner. In the face of such a existence and such terrible calculations, how can Xing Tian not be shocked, so this battle is life **** and demon. Won, and Heaven and Earth Will was led by the nose from beginning to end, wasting that powerful source for nothing.

Of course, the will of heaven and earth really has no way of using life gods and monsters, is it really a complete failure? Xing Tian is not sure. After all, such a confrontation is not only a confrontation of strength, but also a confrontation of strategy. How can victory or defeat be determined by the current results? The final decision is the final catastrophe in the realm battlefield world. At that time, only at that time can we truly determine who wins and who loses. Now is just the beginning of the battle. It is still a bit early to judge the gains and losses of victory or defeat!

"Compared with a strong man like the life **** and demon, I am still far away. Every ancient **** and demon is not so easy to calculate. It seems that they have already died and disappeared, and they have long been buried by the long river of time and space. But when the final tribulation of heaven and earth comes, they will all choose to return, because they have left themselves too many back hands." Thinking of this, Xing Tian shook his head, the expression on his face became extremely solemn, heaven and earth The catastrophe is both a chance and a danger. Such a catastrophe with insufficient strength will only be ants!

"What is the temptation of the realm battlefield world? It is worthy of so many calculations by the life gods and demons in advance, and it is worthy of a lot of power to come here. The purpose of the secret world is not necessarily to protect those strong from the previous era. Its existence may also have its own calculations. In this battle, I have learned some information, but there is more pressure!"

Pressure. After this battle, the pressure on Xing Tian was indeed much heavier. He didn’t really understand the power of the ancient gods and demons. He didn’t know the power of the will of heaven and earth. Xing Tian would not worry about it yet, but now everything is different. If you don't work hard, when the catastrophe completely erupts, waiting for yourself is bound to be a dead end, strength is the root of everything!

Not to mention anything else, during this battle, Xing Tian could clearly feel that the life gods and demon still had reservations, only the bloodline burst did not fully show, as an ancient **** and demon, a **** and demon born in chaos. , How could he not have the power of his own bloodline, but in this battle, the life **** and demon did not break out. If it is said that this is because the body of the life **** and demon has become a puppet and loses the bloodline power, Xing Tian will not Believe it, the only explanation is that the life gods and demons are deliberately preserving their strength, and don't want the will of heaven and earth to truly know their foundation, and they don't want to be completely seen through!

Of course, the will of heaven and earth also has reservations, perhaps it has the same plan as the life gods and demons, but fortunately, Xingtian's gains in this battle are also amazing, and even if the life gods and demons and the will of heaven and earth have completely erupted, they can use Xingtian. With the current realm and vision, it is impossible to get a fundamental understanding. We must know that there is a huge gap between Xing Tian and them.

The will of the heaven and earth completely sealed the corpse of the life gods and demons, and the chain of the avenue was finally changed, condensed into a huge black coffin, on which gleaming rays of law were condensed by the origin of the avenue. The law, as long as the black coffin is immortal, this law will last forever, and the body of the life **** and demon will have difficulty escape.

When the black coffin appeared, Xing Tian's mood was even heavier. Although it was only for an instant, the black coffin brought a huge impact to Xing Tian. This was not a normal power, nor a normal seal. This was to devour the avenue. Fundamentally, the eternal black coffin condensed with the three thousand avenues as the branch, as long as it is sealed in this black coffin, it is difficult to get out, because the power of the black coffin is always absorbing the origin of the creatures in the seal until this sealed creature Complete destruction!

What is this? This is the ultimate supernatural power that has evolved based on the swallowing of the Great Dao. Although all this is only performed by the will of heaven and earth, in this supernatural power Xing Tian saw the direction of his own practice, and saw another path of the great practice. The ultimate power is a huge threat to any creature, and its existence can be said to be eternal!

Eternal black coffin, eternal power, is this the truly terrifying existence of the will of heaven and earth? Even if it only uses the swallowing avenue to evolve the magical powers, it is enough to win the life gods and demons. If it is based on the three thousand avenues, it will condense What kind of terrifying magical powers, what kind of earth-shattering power, and what impact will it have on this world?

Xing Tian is thinking, with the help of the eternal black coffin, Xing Tian is looking for a new way for his world tree clone. The world tree clone has mastered the three thousand avenues. The power of the will of heaven and earth is the best for it. For reference, it is a pity that this eternal black coffin comes quickly and goes faster. When the life gods and demons are sealed, it instantly turns into a light and disappears!

The emergence of the Eternal Black Coffin, Xing Tian is far away, and the power of time and space does not cause too much impact on itself, but it is different for those greedy human race powerhouses and barbarian kings. When they appeared, the barbarian kings all felt the terrifying power in the black coffin and felt the changes in their own road of destruction. Some barbarian kings could not help stepping forward and deliberately explore the eternal black coffin. Nature. The moment they approached the eternal black coffin, those barbarian kings instantly turned into fly ashes, and their origins were swallowed by the eternal black coffin. Without even a scream, they disappeared completely between the world and the earth. This shows the horror of this eternal black coffin!

auzw.comOf course, it is not only the barbarian king who suffered this terrible damage, some human race experts also screamed in an instant. Compared with the impulse of the barbarians, the human race experts have What they retained, they just opened their own magical powers, vainly wanting to see the essence of the eternal black brown with the eyes of the magical powers, and to see the true situation of the life gods and demons in the black coffin. Unfortunately, they underestimated the eternal black coffin. The power of, a powerful force directly counteracts themselves through magical powers.

Although these strong human races did not directly touch the eternal black coffin, the backlash of supernatural powers directly affected their souls. Under a scream, these strong human races fell directly, and their souls were hit by death. One by one, the souls were strangled by the power of the eternal black coffin. This is the end of greed, and this is the end of ignorance!

"Damn it, go back, everyone don't look at it, or there is only a dead end waiting for you!" Although everyone doesn't know what this eternal black coffin is, this terrible power makes them understand that this is not something they can explore. This power is beyond their imagination, and if they want to explore it, they will only ruin their lives here.

Originally, all the wars were over and everyone could leave easily, but no one thought that such a situation would happen in a blink of an eye. The barbarian kings were extremely arrogant, so this time they were the most deadly and injured. It can be said that they came here to plot. The king of the human race does not exist, and 90% of the power is left in this secret world forever.

However, the human race is not much better than the barbarians. Under this battle, they also suffered heavy casualties. Most of the people fell completely in this secret world, and fell in this earth-shattering drastic change. The human race is now standing on the spot. The strong are already less than 40%. It can be said that this big change has caused a devastating impact on them!

"It's terrible. The power of the will of heaven and earth is terrible. It's just that the evolving supernatural powers have such terrible power. Those who practice the great path against the heavens are really ignorant and terrible. Faced with such power, they will eventually be inevitable. Die!"

When the eternal black coffin disappeared, everyone did not dare to act rashly, for fear that an accidental force would once again alarm the original force of the eternal black coffin, causing the terrible strangulation, and when the eternal black coffin completely disappeared, everyone Only then did they breathe a sigh of relief, and they couldn't help but feel a little aftermath in their hearts! It was not easy for me to survive this time. The panic was too terrible and cruel. Everything I could survive was due to luck!

At this time, no one will be self-righteous, thinking that their survival is a performance of their strength, no matter how arrogant people, they will not have such ridiculous thoughts, because all this has too much impact on them, let them one by one They don't dare to have such thoughts, they don't know if they have such thoughts, will they be punished by the will of heaven and earth!

Carefully sail the ship for ten thousand years. No one wants to plunge themselves into a desperate situation because of arrogance, and be watched by the will of heaven and earth. Once such a situation occurs, one's own trouble will be big, and oneself will really be dead. Sheng, step into the footsteps of those before!

It didn’t take long for joy. After everyone breathed a sigh of relief, their positions soon changed. The strong human race quickly gathered together and surrounded the barbarian kings. They did not forget that they were before this. The barbarian’s all-in-one array was annihilated, and he did not forget that the other party wanted to put himself to death. Although the human race suffered heavy casualties after this shocking change, it was much better than the barbarian in comparison. If you don't fall into the trap and give the barbarian a fatal blow, you are too sorry for the many companions who died, and for the heavy price you paid.

"Damn human race, what do you want to do? Do you know the consequences of doing this?" When seeing the strong human race forming a siege on one's side in an instant, the expressions of many barbarian kings became extremely hideous, angrily Yelled.

"Consequences? What are the consequences that we can't bear. If it weren't for you **** bastards, how could we end up like this? If you dare to calculate us, you have to pay the price for it and want to bluff to intimidate us. , You are too self-righteous, and now you still have a bit of strength left, even if it explodes, it won't cause us much harm!"

"Well said, these **** **** should kill them, dare to calculate us, there is only a dead end waiting for them!"

In an instant, many human races yelled at the barbarians. Before, everyone suffocated their anger, but now they are finally able to vent, and these barbarian kings are naturally the best targets for venting. Of course, this is not the most important. The important thing is that you don't want the barbarians to threaten you to find opportunities, and you don't want to give others a chance!

As for Xing Tian, ​​no one cares about his existence. Without the will of heaven and earth and the existence of the gods and monsters of life, even if Xing Tian holds the original treasure in his hands, it is impossible to cause too much impact on them, and if Xing Tian really dares to show up, they They are also very much looking forward to it, as soon as Xing Tian appears, they will be determined to keep Xing Tian!

"Damn human race, don’t do things too terribly. That’s not a good thing for everyone. If you’re anxious, we can only die together. Don’t think that your little power can really keep us all behind. Open, let us leave, I know what you are thinking about, we will never interfere with the opportunity here, and we will never reveal it to others. Now you should be satisfied!" People have to bow their heads under the eaves, this At that time, the barbarian king had to ask for peace, even if he lost his face, he had to do so. After all, this is related to everyone’s lives. There can be no difference. Even if it is more angry, it is not a big deal. After all, everything Put your own safety first, everything else can be put down temporarily!


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