God of Destruction

Chapter 3943: Festival world collapse

Chapter 3943: The World Collapses

Although only a short time has passed, Xing Tian can clearly feel that the origin of the battlefield world in this area is changing, that is, only people like Xing Tian who have swallowed the origin of the battlefield world in this area can detect this change. , It’s hard to detect this change even if it’s the old beings when it’s replaced by other powerhouses, and this change in origin has given Xing Tian some expectations and worries in his heart. Such a change is good for him. It's bad and hard to predict!

In fact, when Xing Tian really sensed that the will of the battlefield world in this realm was wise, Xing Tian understood that all situations were out of his own conjecture. A wise will of heaven and earth would have endless changes, no one Knowing what direction the situation will develop in the end, no one knows what the end of this world will appear.

If Xingtian had been notified by the sect before that the two worlds would merge after the final catastrophe of the boundary battlefield world, but now Xingtian has no such illusions. After all, a wise will of heaven and earth will bring endless differences. It’s hard to say what the world will look like in the end. Especially now that the secret world also has the original aura of the previous era, the existence of the gods and demons of the previous era, and even The other party has begun to make arrangements, and all this has brought huge pressure and impact to Xingtian, and Xingtian has to reconsider his plan!

"This is really a ever-changing world, a world that people can't see through. Is this the general trend of the world or something deliberately guided? If it is the former, this is the evolution of heaven and earth, if it is the latter, everything will be unimaginable. In the end, this world I'm afraid it will become more cruel, crazier, and more frightening!"

The stronger the vitality of the world, it proves that the origin of this world is growing, and that the world is growing wildly, and this will greatly enhance the power of the will of the world. At this time, such a change really makes Xing Tian's heart faint. disturbed!

It was not that Xing Tian had never thought about whether he could reconnect with the origin of this world, and continue to consume the origin of this world with the help of the first-grade extinction black lotus, strengthen his own heritage, and speed up his own cultivation, but this idea is in Xing Tian A flash in his heart, it seems that this choice can give him enough power in the shortest possible time, but everything has two sides, this is only the good side, if the bad side appears, the consequences will be even more uncontrollable .

Whether it is the deity or the clone, Xing Tian can’t act rashly right now, and he can’t take risks with his head, because this is related to his own life and death, and to his future practice, whether it is his deity or his own world. Tree clones have huge hidden dangers. At this time, you shouldn’t put more pressure on yourself in order to improve your combat power, and carry a heavy burden. Too much pressure and burden will only make you breathless. Coming will only make one's own situation more dangerous, so that oneself will gradually be overwhelmed by that external force, and eventually lead to destruction!

Be careful to sail the ship for ten thousand years. The more you get to this time, the more you get into this dangerous situation, the less you can make a single mistake, because Xing Tian knows that such consequences are beyond his ability and he does not have enough power. Faced with such a terrible ending, if you want to survive, if you want to survive this coming crazy catastrophe, you have to be cautious, face every crisis carefully, and let yourself be the greatest May save yourself!

The world is changing, the order of heaven and earth is also changing, the practice is also changing, and the laws and regulations are also changing. Although all this is slow, this is an indisputable thing. If you cannot follow the changes of the times, the changes of the world, and the changes of the world. Change, then in the end you will only be abandoned by the world, abandoned by the times, and become the abandoned son of heaven and earth. Unless you have enough power to reverse everything, you can be unafraid of this change of heaven and earth, regardless of the change of order, and no fear of the change of law. , And such power is temporarily impossible to appear in Xing Tian's body, nor is it possible to appear in this world, at least Xing Tian did not find such a powerful force!

"There is no time, and I can't delay any longer. If I don't plan anymore, when the strong come out of the secret world, everything will be too late. No matter what changes in the human race, no matter what changes in this world, I will It is necessary to arrange and arrange everything before everything breaks out, otherwise everything will be too late!"

Feeling the change of heaven and earth, Xing Tian did not dare to hesitate any longer. Although his inner world was also changing, he also had great opportunities, which could bring great benefits to the creatures in the inner world, but time did not allow Xing Tian to continue to delay his identity. The importance of is more important than chance. If you don’t even have a normal identity, how can you integrate into the world, how can you become a powerful force of yourself, at this time, Xing Tian has to wake up his world tree clone, and has All the creatures in the world moved out of the inner world, allowing them to merge into the realm battlefield world with this great opportunity!

This is the best time. Most powerhouses in the world have entered many secret worlds, looking for opportunities, and the will of the world is also fighting against the life gods and demons. No matter whether they are damaged or not, they will not be temporarily He would pay attention to Xing Tian, ​​would not care about the changes in the world, would not care about the creatures in the world, after all, in its eyes, all these creatures are only ants.

How can the supreme being, who is in charge of the Avenue of Heaven and Earth, care about the life and death of a group of ants, how can they care about the changes of ants, even if Xing Tian puts the creatures in his inner world into this world, that number is not in the whole world? It is worth mentioning that it is unremarkable and can not stir any waves. If this opportunity is missed, everything will be different when the strong come out of the secret world. Then Xing Tian will have to pay a greater price if he wants to make a layout. ,Work even harder.

auzw.com This time, Xing Tian is not a little trouble, but to empty the entire inner world, leaving no intelligent creatures in his inner world, this time Xing Tian wants to take the opportunity to complete himself The perfection of the inner world must make up for all the deficiencies of the inner world. If not, after missing this opportunity, it would be extremely difficult for him to do so again.

Wisdom creatures continue to live in their own inner world, they will definitely affect the perfect transformation and evolution of their inner world. After all, the existence of smart creatures itself will cause changes in the rules of the inner world. If this messy breath is integrated into oneself In the origin of the world, there will be a trace of deficiency in the origin of the world within himself, which Xing Tian cannot accept!

Just to do this, Xing Tian will have to pay a heavy price to clear the entire inner world. This is a huge problem. Even if the entire inner world is in his own control, the source of consumption is extremely amazing, just for himself. For his own origin, Xing Tian has no choice. Unless Xing Tian is willing to abandon the huge advantage of his inner world, it is obviously impossible. As long as Xing Tian is a little sober, he will not make such ignorant actions.

After breaking, Xing Tian’s inner world has changed too fiercely. If you want to turn all gains into nutrients, you must do this. It can be said that Xing Tian has no choice, unless Xing Tian is willing to give up his own for the creatures in the inner world. Interest, and this is obviously impossible. Even if these creatures are important to Xing Tian, ​​they are not as important as their own practice. After all, strength is the foundation of Xing Tian’s self-protection, not these creatures. If Xing Tian himself does not have strong strength, When the crisis came, it was difficult for these creatures to survive, after all, they were all attached to Xing Tian.

Xing Tian can still distinguish the priorities. After making this decision, Xing Tian did not hesitate. The world tree in the inner world was surging crazily, the mighty power of the world erupted crazily, and the gates of time and space opened. Under the guidance of Xing Tian's original source, it is constantly opening up, and it is filled with the world that Xing Tian can sense. Of course, most people are still left in the north by Xing Tian. After all, this is the easiest place to integrate into the world.

Under Xing Tian's full strength, all the creatures in the inner world disappeared. All that was left was the flowers, plants and trees. When all the creatures were sent away by Xing Tian, ​​the inner world was also severely damaged. You have to know. Zi has disappeared so many creatures, and the entire inner world is also suffering a huge backlash. After all, these creatures survive in the inner world and are closely related to the inner world. The departure of these creatures directly brings the ecology of the world within the penalty day. crisis.

"Unexpectedly, the most worrying thing still appeared. Once all the intelligent creatures leave the inner world, the origin of the world will mutate, and it will backfire itself. This is the crisis of the World Avenue, but this is nothing to me. , I can take this opportunity to completely integrate the Chaos Fortune Pool into the inner world, and destroy it!” With the anger of the Xingtian world clone, the entire inner world began to collapse, and a terrifying atmosphere of destruction enveloped the entire world. , And the world tree clone frantically began to swallow the origin of the world, the original treasure of the Chaos Fortune Pool was directly sent to the origin of the inner world by Xing Tian!

Crazy, this time Xing Tian was really crazy, and he made an unimaginable move, using the collapse of the world as a spear to completely eliminate all the negative forces and hidden dangers of the original treasure of the Chaos Fortune Pool, under the impact of destruction. , Under the impact of the power of the world, the Chaos Fortune Pool was under tremendous pressure, even if this original treasure was no matter how strong, but the aura of destruction condensed from the collapse of a world still caused huge trauma to it.

What is Xing Tian doing? Using the power of world collapse to destroy the chaotic good fortune pool is not worth the gain, so even if the hidden dangers of the chaotic good fortune pool can be eliminated, the own loss is too great, so big that the world tree of Xingtian will have to pay a heavy burden. But Xing Tian did this, breaking and then standing. Xing Tian hopes that the entire inner world will be destroyed, live from death, and reconsolidate that huge vitality. It is best to bring all the origins of the chaotic good fortune pool to the collapse of the world. All are crushed, let that origin completely blend into the new life of the world and turn it into the nutrients of the new world!

To use a treasure of origin as a new life in the world to complete the re-transformation of the inner world. I have to say that this is really crazy. The origin of this is a bit amazing. The tree of the world will also bear a huge impact. Chaos fortune pool A fraction of his power would dissipate, but Xing Tian did just that, not caring about the loss.

To be willing, to have to do, to have, a bird in the forest is not as good as a bird in hand, the Chaos Fortune Pool does have amazing benefits, but no matter how good such a treasure that is not completely controlled by himself, Xing Tian dare not want it, because it The existence of is likely to threaten his own world tree clone. In contrast, Xing Tian would rather pay a huge price and clear all hidden dangers for himself!

When the world tree clone manipulated the power of the world to crazily destroy the inner world, Xing Tian's deity also felt the backlash from the inner world, and he couldn't help but snorted, and a blood stain flowed from the corner of his mouth, and he was injured. , Xingtian’s mind was also hit hard, it was just a counterattack. Whether it was the world tree clone or the deity was hit hard, the price is too staggering. If Xingtian hadn’t chosen the right time, Doing so will only plunge oneself into a real crisis of death, and I don't know how many enemies took the opportunity to kill Xingtian.

The temptation of an original treasure is amazing. Whether it is the strong human race or the barbarian king, if they know that Xingtian's mind has been hit hard, they will put down everything to chase Xingtian, take the original treasure in Xingtian's hands, and rob Xingtian's qi. Fortune, as long as they can succeed, it will be an amazing opportunity for them, and a great opportunity to make themselves soar into the sky!

"Damn, I still underestimate the power of the Chaos Fortune Pool. Even the destruction caused by the collapse of the inner world cannot obliterate everything. Its core origin is still unshakable. If it is so, it is still true to myself. If you use it as the core of the world, if you accidentally use it as the core of the world, the whole inner world will be swallowed. All your efforts will be the wedding dress for others. This is not the result I want, but what I want Unacceptable results!"

How to do? Xing Tian was thinking about countermeasures. In the end, it was because of his lack of strength. If he had enough power, he didn't need to pay such a big price, he didn't need to bear such a terrifying impact, and he could completely wipe out everything in the Chaos Pool. , But now Xing Tian had to accept such a result and had to continue to think about countermeasures!

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