God of Destruction

Chapter 3945: Give up

Chapter 3945

For someone who is not determined, when faced with such a big temptation, he will only give up the opportunity to clean up his own hidden dangers and choose the so-called opportunity. This is a move of abandoning the original and the last. Once you make such a choice, it is true Stupid to get home, it’s a rare opportunity to know that you can clear your own hidden dangers. Once you miss it, you will need to work ten, a hundred times, or even a thousand times, ten thousand times, because everything you have comes from Self, not external force!

When faced with temptation, not everyone can make the most correct choice, and in the midst of the catastrophe, the heaven and the earth will continue to induce the destruction of sentient beings, especially those who have been targeted by Xing Tian, ​​every opportunity All were accompanied by great terror and great danger. At this time, it was really rare for Xing Tian to make such a decision.

The power of destruction poured into him, although it was only a flash, but the appearance of this power of destruction caused Xing Tian’s physical body to undergo another tempering. Under such pure destruction of power, Xing Tian’s physical body strengthened again. For a few minutes, it’s just that when the physical body is strengthened, Xing Tian’s origin is also huge, and every increase in the physical body is above the consumption of the original. The huge consumption of the original is transformed into the energy of the physical strengthening, so that the physical body has been evolved. Has been enhanced!

"Hehe, what do I do with so many original treasures? The treasures that can really protect the body can't be used so much. Although the city of time and space is good, it is not in line with its own avenue. Although the city of thunder and punishment is powerful, once the enemy has Preparation, it is hard to say how much power can be exerted, if it is only used to deal with the weak, it would be too small to use, fusion, maybe this is the opportunity to merge the two treasures, maybe the fusion of the city of thunder punishment will completely destroy time and space All hidden dangers in the city!"

With a thought, Xing Tian did not hesitate. The City of Time and Space and the City of Thunder Punishment quickly merged together. Under the guidance of Xing Tian, ​​the origin of the City of Thunder Punishment continued to flood into the City of Time, although the City of Time and Space was resisting the fusion of this new origin. , But under the influence of the power of destruction, the original power of the city of time and space cannot separate the power to resist the original power of the city of thunder and punishment.

If anyone knows about Xing Tian’s current crazy behavior, he will definitely regret it. You must know that the city of thunder punishment is the original treasure of the road of thunder. Such a pure original treasure is most suitable not to be integrated with other original treasures, but to be used Zhan Dao is used to support oneself, but Xing Tian used it for fusion, which is a bit too wasteful!

Perhaps this is crazy and unacceptable in the eyes of other people, but Xingtian still did it. Under Xingtian's control, the origin of the city of thunder punishment was integrated into the city of time and space little by little. When the city of thunder punishment is fully integrated into it, the origin of the road of thunder condensed by the city of thunder punishment occupies a quarter of the space of the city of time and space, and the road of time and space of the city of time and space occupies half of the enemy, and the remaining four points One of the sources is occupied by the terrifying force of destruction.

Originally it was only the power of destruction, even if the city of time and space can be washed, its vitality will be greatly injured, but now with the origin of the city of thunder punishment, everything is different. When the origin of thunder punishment can resist the power of destruction, The origin of the city of time and space began to actively merge. The Avenue of Thunder is a manifestation of order and a manifestation of the world of punishment. This kind of power is the most suitable to fight against the power of destruction. Although the origin of time and space is strong, it is not as good as the power of fighting against destruction. The origin of the city of thunder punishment.

Tolerance, for an instant, the origin of time and space encompasses the origin of the Avenue of Thunder, a trace of thunder is condensed on the city of time and space, everything in the city of thunder punishment is gradually integrated, bit by bit is swallowed by the city of time and space, with the help of blood With the power of refining, Xing Tian’s grasp of the city of time and space has improved a bit. When the city of thunder punishment was fully integrated into the city of time and space, Xing Tian finally felt the power of hidden danger hidden in the origin of the city of time and space. When he noticed this power, Xing Tian was shocked.

Although Xing Tian had already thought that there would be hidden dangers in the city of time and space, Xing Tian never expected that this hidden danger was much more terrifying than he thought. This is not the power of the time and space road, but the real power of the world, hidden in the city of time and space. It is not the will and soul of the power of time and space, but the power of the world, the power of the world of a truly shattered era world.

"Damn it, how could this be? The power of the world is hidden in the city of time and space. The city of time and space is not what I think it is. It is the ultimate treasure cultivated by the gods and demons who practice the path of time and space. The essence of the source is the treasure of the source, and its core is not the origin of time and space, but the power of the world, the power of the complete world!"

At this time, Xing Tian finally understood why the previous reaction of Time and Space City was so fierce. What the power of the world fears most is the destructive power formed by the destruction of the world. Even if Xing Tian’s inner world is weak, this is also a complete one. The world, the power of destruction formed by the destruction of the world can naturally destroy its roots and cut off its vitality!

Yes, it is vitality. The power of the world in the core of the city of time and space has a vitality, and the existence of this vitality can allow it to grow again and re-evolve into a complete world. At this time, Xing Tian finally understands the chaos. Why is the pool hidden in the city of time and space, because the city of time and space wants to use the power of the chaotic good fortune pool to complete its rebirth. Unfortunately, this opportunity was destroyed by Xingtian, making it completely lost the chaotic good fortune pool, otherwise Xingtian wants to truly master Time and Space City is not an easy task!

What a world power, what a world evolves, perhaps the world power of this time-space city is the same situation as the realm battlefield world, both born a world will with wisdom, when the world is shattered, when the world goes to destruction At that time, they all inevitably made crazy moves, vainly wanting to go against the sky and reverse their own destruction!

"No, **** I was fooled. This is not a chance at all. This is a catastrophe. The city of time and space appears in my hands. It is a catastrophe. The existence of the power of this world is deliberately trying to seize my inner world. Shattered my vitality, and the so-called fusion is just to contain my real body, **** it is the will of that world is calculating me, or the world is calculating me, it has set up such a vicious situation, to be completely Kill me Xingtian here!"

auzw.com Xingtian quickly reacted. This is not a chance. For many people, the power of the world is a great opportunity, a great fortune, but for Xingtian Different, because at this time his inner world has been completely shattered, his own world tree clone has been destroyed, and only a trace of life is left. If this time is eroded by the power of the world hidden in the city of time and space, what I have paid before All costs will be reduced to nothingness, and your inner world will become the source of the power of this world!

Calculation, I have to admit that this calculation is really sinister, even if Xing Tian was secretly calculated by it for a while, and he was caught in such a terrible situation. If the inner world is captured, his deity will definitely be due to time and space. The origin of the city suffered a devastating blow. It would be unrealistic to rely on its two great origins to suppress it. The origin of the city is far from the opponent of this time and space city. The most important thing is that at that time, I did not have it at all. Opportunity for confrontation.

Yes, Xing Tian is worried, fearing that the origin of this time-space city will directly explode. The horrific power generated by the spontaneous explosion of a time-space treasure is enough to destroy all the vitality of Xingtian's deity and destroy all the origins of Xingtian, even if Xingtian cultivated chaos The Great Dao of Destruction and the Great Dao of Chaos could not resist either, because Xing Tian's realm and strength were too weak.

Weakness is a sin. Xing Tian knows this very well. The reason why he has fallen into such a terrible desperation is that the enemy’s calculations are too terrifying and insidious, and the other is that he is still too arrogant and self-righteous, always thinking Everything is under my control, and things are in harmony. On the contrary, I have never mastered the general situation. Everything I encounter can be arranged by the enemy, and I have long been caught in the enemy's terrible calculations.

"Asshole, you want to take my Xingtian vitality, and you want to use all the origins of my Xingtian as a nutrient for resurrection. You value yourself too much, and you too underestimate my Xingtian. If you dare to be so crazy, I will die with you. Fight, explode me!" When he finds that the situation is out of his control, when he finds himself in a real crisis of death, Xing Tian will not hesitate anymore. If he is hesitant at this time, he will only let himself die more. Fast will only make yourself a nutrient for your enemies.

When desperation came, what Xing Tian had to do was not to fight against it, but to pull the other party to death, and all his dangers came from the city of time and space, from the power of the world at the core of the city of space, so Xing Tian directly blew himself up at this moment. With the power of the source that he has mastered, he will not give the power of the world hidden in the core any chance at all.

For Xing Tian, ​​the pure power of destruction is not an enemy, and his only real enemy is the power of the hidden world. Even if he pays a great price, he cannot let the other party’s conspiracy succeed and explode. The source of mastery is not to directly destroy the power of the world, but to delay time and prepare for the counterattack of your own real body!

With a loud bang, there was an earth-shattering explosion in the origin of the city of time and space. The force of this explosion directly blasted the origin treasure of the path of poison and the powerful and pure power of destruction, and rushed directly towards The hidden power of the world!

When the situation reached this point, Xing Tian had no choice. For him, there was no retreat. His clone was shattered, and his true body was facing such a terrible crisis. At this time, he had to die. In World War I, you can only pay your own biggest price, and only then can you have the chance to come back and have a ray of life!

What is Xing Tian's chance? It is to reshape the true body of the deity. It is to use the power of self-detonation to fight for the chance of self-destruction for the deity’s true body, directly detonate everything in the deity’s true body, whether it is the soul or blood, to blew it to cut off everything. The hidden danger, whether it is the body or the soul, is the same, and only in this way, can I seize the first line of life!

Opportunity cannot be missed. Lost will never come. Xing Tian has only one chance and only a glimmer of life. There is only that little time. When Mind returns, Xing Tian made the craziest decision, the body began to collapse, the blood began to explode, and the soul It was also disillusioned, a breath of great dying radiated from Xing Tian's body, and a breath of terrifying lore radiated.

For Xing Tian, ​​he never lacks a decisive heart, never fears death. When this terrible crisis comes to himself, Xing Tian will not fear, let alone avoid it, the aura of destruction radiates madly, Xing Tian’s The two primordial treasures are trembling. This is not a fear of death, but an instinctive reaction. The power of great annihilation and the aura of great destruction are constantly impacting the roots of the two great primordial treasures, eroding their primordial power, one But the origin is completely eroded, Xing Tian's two great origins will be completely destroyed, Xing Tian's vitality will also be completely wiped out, then Xing Tian truly disappeared in the long river of time and space.

Palpitations! At this moment, all the creatures related to Xingtian felt a terrible heart palpitations, as if danger was coming. This is the impact Xingtian brought to them, and this is the change caused by Xingtian. Once Xingtian died, this All the creatures related to Xingtian will be erased from the memory, the memory of getting along with Xingtian will be erased, everything in Xingtian will be completely dissipated in time and space, and there will be no breath of Xingtian in the entire time and space.

This final death is not the obliteration of Xingtian by the power of the world, but the result of Xingtian himself, because Xingtian is doing the final struggle and using all of his own as a counterattack force. The result of failure is self-destruction. Only in this way will Xingtian truly die, lose everything, and erase all memories of existence!

Why did Xing Tian make the last fight so madly? It's the ray of life, for rebirth, because only in this way can I reverse this mortal situation, be able to live from death, and smash my own blood path from the endless death, and then be able to walk in the sky. Origin, stepping on the power of the world to rebel against the true body. Not only is his clone facing great destruction and destruction, but also his own real body. It can be said that Xing Tian is truly in desperation this time, and he is really forced to desperate, and he can only do this last one. Strike, survival and death are all in this confrontation, all in this battle, as long as Xing Tian can persist to the end, there will be a ray of life, failure can only be destroyed, only vanishment!


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