God of Destruction

Chapter 3975: Festival Avenue Yuan Tire

Chapter 3975

"Perhaps I should make my own decision. Even if there is no deity, I can condense the origin with my own strength and condense the Dao Yuan. It may take time to kill the Dao Dao, but the Devour Dao Dao is different. As long as I am willing to make sacrifices, It will be able to condense the great primordial fetus to complete its own evolutionary transformation. After all, there is a source of power left by the deity in my body!"

Without the help of the deity, only relying on its own strength to condense the Dao Yuan Ti. What a price it will pay, it is very big. The Dao makes Xingtian’s phantom body hesitate because it relies on its own strength to gather Dao Yuan Ti, whether it is Your own mind or origin will be severely damaged, and your own combat power will be greatly affected. At this time, in this crisis-ridden imperial capital, if a slight change occurs, you will fall into a desperate situation and affect the deity. plan of!

give up? No, Xing Tian’s phantom body cannot give up, because the opportunity is right in front of him. If he missed it, he doesn’t know how long it will take to regain this opportunity. After all, the imprint of the Dao of Enlightenment is still on his own soul. In this time, if you let go of it, it is the easiest to succeed.

"Done, there is nothing to hesitate. Isn't it just a little sacrifice? Isn't it just a risk? At this time, I don't let it go. When things change, I don't have so much time even if I have this thought. Time waits for no one, too little time is left for me, and now I don’t have too much pressure, it's better to let it go!"

Yes, for Xing Tian, ​​time is limited. Now that he is dealing with the emperor, many things can be put aside for the time being, and the enemies hidden in the dark are also taken care of. They dare not act rashly. It can be said that in a short time. His own safety is still guaranteed, but after all this has passed, it will be impossible for him to want this kind of time. After all, he has too many enemies, and they can't always suppress their anger.

"Action, opportunity cannot be missed, and loss will never come. Although the emperor does not know what decision will be made, it is impossible for me to focus my energy on the transaction with him. There is only one kind of grand fetus, and it will undergo a qualitative transformation. Even if there is a period of weakness, the road of cultivation has never been smooth!"

Soon, Xing Tian stopped hesitating, and his thoughts moved. The defensive formation he had laid earlier was fully opened, and he directly used his own insight to begin to condense Dao Yuan. Although Xing Tian was very urgent in his heart, Xing Tian did not directly condense the two. Yuan Ti, even if he has such an ability, but for the sake of safety, Xing Tian began to condense and swallow Dao Yuan Ti. After all, this is the most sure of himself. There is a real power to swallow Dao origin in himself.

The mind quickly gathered, the spirit returned to himself, and he looked at himself inwardly. When the spirit returned completely, Xing Tian felt the pure power of swallowing the origin of the Dao in him. This is the seed of his own cohesion of the Dao Yuan. As long as there is this kind of child With the existence of, you can use your own insights to nurture the primordial birth of Dao Dao. With a move of heart, Xing Tian’s insights on Devouring Dao flooded into the power of the origin. With the influx of his own insights, the origin of Devouring Dao began to change. The brand surging frantically in the origin, that is Xing Tian's perception of the Devouring Avenue and his grasp of the Devouring Avenue.

Countless avenue imprints are constantly condensing, and with the increasing number of imprints, the origin of Xingtian’s swallowing avenue has also changed. A faint vitality appears in the swallowing avenue, which is derived from the evolution and evolution of the swallowing avenue. Vitality is also the inevitable product of the condensed elementary fetus. With this vitality, Xing Tian can borrow some condensed avenue elementary fetuses, and can trust his own avenues, but this is only the beginning. To truly condense the avenue elementary fetus, more investment is needed. It requires Xing Tian's phantom body to devote all his energy, and there can be no distraction, otherwise it will only waste opportunity and time.

When Xing Tian began to condense the Dao Yuan’s womb, when Xing Tian opened the defensive array, the entire imperial capital was in chaos. The enemies hidden in the dark were surprised by Xing Tian’s sudden action. They did not understand why suddenly Xingtian opened the defensive formation during this time. Who was Xingtian doing to guard against? Could it be that Xingtian reached an agreement with the Emperor?

When there was such a suspicion in my heart, many forces in the entire imperial capital moved, and they all went to inquire about the news, trying to find out what happened when the queen empress and Xingtian met, and whether they really had to reach Xingtian. According to the agreement, all the spies in the imperial palace all started to take action, all of them desperately inquiring about the news, doing their best to spy on the emperor and the empress, and learn as much as possible to determine the matter. The reality!

This change in the palace, the changes in the power of all parties in the imperial capital, are all in the eyes of the emperor. When the spies move, they will naturally be exposed. If the emperor is interested, he can use the shortest time The spies from all sides swept away and quieted the palace, but the emperor did not do this, but simply ignored all this, as if these spies did not exist at all, and let these spies continue to inquire about news and continue to spy on information. !

Speaking of which, at this time, the emperor also had doubts, and he did not know what Xing Tian wanted to do. Even when he heard the news, the emperor was wondering if Xing Tian was preparing to leave. After all, the former queen The news that Niangniang brought back was very dangerous. Xing Tian was already intolerable, and it was not impossible to make a decision to give up at once!

"Damn, what exactly does Xingtian want to do? Is it possible that he really has to give up everything, really careless about the relationship with the royal family, careless about his own blood, if that is the case, this time I really have trouble, really missed a game in vain Fortunately, we have lost a big help. We are still too arrogant, too self-righteous. The addition of the emperor status has made my mind a little arrogant, and some can’t see the situation clearly, and a person who reincarnated like Xing Tian When making a deal, you can't move any idea of ​​using the other party at all. He is a real old fox, not a foolish young man who can't figure out anything!"

When auzw.com thought of this, the emperor sighed softly and said to the empress empress: "My queen, you have dealt with Xing Tian several times. You think this lunatic really doesn’t care about us. Isn’t it related? Don’t you really think of the status of the royal family as the same thing? Is there really no favor in his heart? He wants to be so clear with us and not suffer any loss!"

"Perhaps, it seems to me that Xing Tian is crazy, crazy, without any consideration or burden in his heart, and he doesn't regard his royal identity as the same thing. After all, he is a powerful reincarnation, yes. For such a person, he has only his own strength in his mind. As for the human touch, he has, but not much, perhaps only on his mother. As for other people, he has no consideration. It can be said that this time is the last time he treats us. Warning, if we really don’t respond, we will completely lose the opportunity to contact him, and there will be no possibility of communication between the two sides!” When she said this, the empress sighed with a faint loss on her face. This is the loss of his own failure and the ruthless loss of Xing Tian!

In fact, the empress empress can also understand Xingtian’s reaction. After all, if she stands on Xingtian’s position, she will also make the same decision. A tribe who doesn’t have much contact with herself is suddenly calculating herself. , It is impossible for anyone to accept it, especially Xing Tian still kindly came to help!

It’s because they are too self-righteous, too arrogant, too self-inflated, missed the opportunity, and wicked Xingtian. In their exchanges with Xingtian, they always treat Xingtian with a superior mentality, and they did not regard themselves with Xingtian. Being placed in the same position, he is always looking down at Xing Tian. If Xing Tian is just an ordinary person, this is nothing, but Xing Tian is not an ordinary person. This makes a huge mistake, so that there is no opportunity for remedy.

For a strong man like Xingtian, the first impression is very important. The first impression they gave Xingtian was very bad. This left a huge trouble in the future, and allowed the cooperation that was originally possible to dissipate. Now even the transaction has become a reality. The problem is solved, and now your Majesty is still hesitant, this will make this opportunity continue to dissipate, if it takes a long time, I am afraid that the opportunity will really leave them!

The emperor sighed lightly, the expression on his face was solemn, and there was a trace of doubt and anxiety in this solemnity. He shook his head and said, "What does Xingtian want to do? Just start it soon after you left. With the defensive formation, he is guarding against who, the enemies, or us, or he didn’t say it so simply, he didn’t want to give us a chance to communicate again, he wanted to leave the imperial capital, he wanted to break Lost the last touch with us!"

"I don't know. For ordinary people, I can still see through their minds, but in Xing Tian's body, I can't see any information. He is like an ancient pond, giving people an extremely deep feeling, which makes people confused, but As Xing Tian, ​​since he has said these words, he should not go back, even if we finally made the choice to give up, Xing Tian should not leave early, after all, his identity is there, as a strong man, Naturally there is the dignity of a strong man, and if he really has to do this, he will really be extinct from the empire and from the royal family. He shouldn't be so crazy and ignorant!"

"Haha! Crazy and ignorant, no, my queen, you still don’t understand the cultivator, let alone an ancient powerhouse. They would not treat us as the same thing. If he is really angry, he will do everything. After all, a little bit of language deception is nothing at all. After all, it’s our rudeness first. No matter how many counter-attacks he does, I don’t think it too much. At least for him, this is the real dignity of the strong. Any consideration, everything is self-centered!"

When talking about this, the emperor couldn't help but sighed. This was the situation he was most worried about. If such a situation really happened, it would not be a good thing for the empire. A Xingtian who held such a grudge might be for the empire. Is a big hidden danger!

The empress shook her head slightly, and said disapprovingly: "No, this is impossible. Xing Tian is not that kind of person. Although I can't see his mind, he is not that kind of rude person, even if everything is right. Being self-centered, he won't make such a backlash, won't lose his credibility, that is not the result he wants!"

"My queen, why do you think Xingtian suddenly turned on the defensive formation? It is true that those enemies have acted, and someone can hide from our eyes, and can threaten Xingtian's safety in the imperial capital? It’s not that people don’t exist, but at this time, this situation cannot happen. They can’t take action before this catastrophe comes, even if they hate Xingtian no matter how much they want revenge. Xue Hen will not make a big move at this time, unless something we don't know has happened to Xing Tian, ​​and what is this?"

The emperor is right. Xingtian has indeed changed. Because of the emergence of the empress, the arrogance of the emperor, and the role of his own human nature, Xingtian’s mind has changed, and Xingtian’s perception of the Dao has changed. Further, let Xing Tian take a fight, gather the great fetus, and complete the transformation and evolution of himself.

"I don't know, but for us, no matter what Xing Tian thinks or what his intentions are, we should not stimulate him at this time, let alone do some irrational actions. We can wait and wait. When everything is over, at that time we will discuss with Xingtian again. When that day, I think everything will be clear. At this time, our most important thing is not to explore the secrets of Xingtian, but to stabilize the imperial capital and stabilize the many things in the imperial capital. Aristocratic family, let them stop, don’t act rashly, don’t irritate Xingtian completely on impulse, there will be a battle of life and death in this imperial capital, no matter who is defeated, it is the greatest harm for us, for the empire. It is also the greatest disaster!"

Seeking stability is the most important thing in the empire, and it is also something that the emperor must do. At this time, if Xing Tian is mad, it will be a great disaster for the empire. The empress’s idea is right, just to do it. This is not an easy task. Now the major forces in the imperial capital, many wealthy families are going crazy about it, desperately spying on the secrets of the palace, desperately wanting to know the outcome of the negotiations between himself and Xingtian!


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