God of Destruction

Chapter 3984: Festival shock

Chapter 3984: Shocking

"Perhaps this **** killed too many people. He was too murderous and caused Tianquan to be angry. It's best to let Heavenly Punishment hack this **** **** to death. His life is a great threat to us. I don't think anyone is willing to accept it again. The previous threats, now he dares to threaten us so unscrupulously, you can imagine what it will look like in the future!"

"That’s right, it’s better to let Heaven Punishment smash this **** to death. With such a powerful Heaven Punishment, if this kid doesn’t have a back hand, he will definitely be dead or alive, saying that he doesn’t master the city of Thunder Punishment. This time we can. Check it out, under such a terrible punishment, I think it’s impossible for this lunatic to conceal, unless he dares to risk his life, no one will make such a stupid decision, and Xing Tian is no exception. It's our chance, a chance to find out!"

When hearing these words, everyone's eyes brightened. Before, everyone was speculating whether Xingtian had the city of thunder punishment, the original treasure, although many people have seen Xingtian use it, but they are people. I didn’t see it with my own eyes. If Xing Tian didn’t want to die, he would definitely show his hole cards and use his hole cards. If the city of thunder punishment is in his hands, everyone can see clearly. No matter how much Xing Tian conceals it, it is impossible to escape their gaze, and they cannot blind their perceptions, so these words made them tempted!

If Xingtian really grasps the treasure of Thunder Punishment City, I'm afraid that everything that I said before will become nothingness, and not many people will care. After all, the temptation of Thunder Punishment City is too big to be present. Everyone is tempted.

Wait, we must wait to determine the true background of the lunatic Xingtian and the existence of the city of thunder punishment. If the city of thunder punishment is really in the hands of this lunatic, even if it pays a great price, we must take it. I'm afraid that I would not hesitate to turn my face with the empire, after all, this is the supreme source of treasure that can control the punishment of heaven and earth.

In an instant, the hearts of these powerful family members were born with such greedy thoughts. This is their true inner thoughts, what promises, what rules, they have already been forgotten by them at this moment, and they are only profitable. It is the most important thing. Interest is above all else. As long as the existence of Thunder Punishment City is confirmed, they will make a big move without hesitation.

Of course, in the hearts of some people, they also understand that the emergence of Heavenly Punishment is not only because of their greed, but the entire imperial capital does not know how many forces are eyeing Xingtian, the City of Thunder Punishment, and even The royal family will also move for this, regardless of Xingtian's identity, it is nothing in front of the original treasure like the city of thunder punishment.

Everyone secretly glanced at each other, and everyone could see the flash of greed in each other’s eyes. They all understood that the city of thunder punishment caused greed in everyone’s hearts. If the city of thunder punishment does not appear, it would be better. Once it is really out of Xing Tian's hands, an internal fight is inevitable, and no one is willing to give up this treasure of origin. As for what Xing Tian would think, they didn't care anymore, because at that time, they believed that Xing Tian was dead!

For these people, they don’t think that Xingtian can be unscathed under such a terrible punishment. Even if he does not die, he will be severely injured. This is their calculation of Xingtian’s punishment. In their view, Xingtian is In the imperial capital, it is a completely stupid move to spend the day's punishment. This seems to threaten all forces, but it also puts oneself in death.

Before you really become a strong one, when you can't dominate the world, it’s better for people to keep a low profile, such as Xing Tian’s high profile. From their point of view, this is killing themselves and joking about their own lives. The behavior is too hateful, and too crazy. It doesn't leave any room for myself or leave a good impression on everyone!

For the people in the imperial capital, seeing the appearance of the Eye of Heaven’s Punishment, all of them had all kinds of greed in their hearts, but in Xingtian’s eyes, the appearance of the Eye of Heaven’s Punishment was not unexpected. At that time, Xing Tian understood that what he was facing was not a catastrophe, it must be a thunder penalty, and this thunder penalty was not caused by his previous provocations. Even if he did not take the previous actions, the thunder penalty would still occur, because it was perfect. One's own chance, this is one's own perfect chance.

"Eye of Punishment, huh, even if you appear, can you really put me Xingtian to death? It's ridiculous, no one can make me Xingtian die, and you are no exception, come on, let me see this thunder How amazing the punishment is, let’s take a look at what power you use to wipe out my mortal enemy and put me in an eternal destruction!"

Xingtian knows nothing about Tiancai, so when faced with it, Xingtian didn’t have any fear in his heart, he was just a little excited, a little eager to move. Tiancai is ruinous in the eyes of others, but in Xingtian’s eyes It is an endless opportunity. Although he is only a phantom body and has not yet a perfect body, the fighting spirit in his heart will not be obliterated!

"War!" With a low roar, Xing Tian's fighting spirit rose into the sky again. In that huge fighting spirit, with terrible killing intent, Xing Tian rushed into the heavens like a **** of killing, facing hard. Shaking the Eye of Heaven's Punishment, use this most direct and violent means to show your strength and destroy the power of the Eye of Heaven's Punishment!

Xing Tian, ​​who has countless experiences, when the Eye of Punishment appeared, he understood deeply that he could not give the Eye of Punishment too much time, and he could not let the Eye of Punishment condense too much origin, or even if he had the heart to kill. , There is a fetus that devours the fetus, and it can’t resist the eye of the day of punishment. After all, the power of the eye of the day of punishment comes from the way of heaven. With enough time, the eye of the day of punishment can condense the power to destroy the sky and destroy the earth. The phantom body is not the opponent of the eye of punishment at all.

When Xing Tian's body rose up into the sky again, everyone shook their heads involuntarily. They were all shocked by Xing Tian's actions, thinking that Xing Tian was too stupid. At this time, he was still provoking Tian's punishment and wanted to be positive. It’s too arrogant to shake the eye of Tianpu, but when you think about Xingtian's threat to everyone with Tianpu, everyone is gradually able to accept it. After all, this is a lunatic, an unscrupulous lunatic, for a lunatic. , No matter how crazy you are!


Xing Tian is a lunatic, but do people like them really have to see Xing Tian through? No, these aristocratic families, sect forces, and even the empire did not see the truth of Xing Tian. What they saw was only the surface. They didn't know what Xing Tian wanted to do, and they didn’t know Xing Tian’s pursuits. It is said that stability and punishment is the best choice and the safest, but this is just their ridiculous experience, and it cannot be applied to Xingtian, because Xingtian walks on a different road from them, and Xingtian does not pay for it. Okay, there is no big problem. Once the catastrophe is completed, you will face the real test of life and death. With this so-called security experience, you will definitely die without life. Only if you go forward courageously and only let go, can you kill one of your own. Only by the **** path can you wading out of your own avenue and out of your own way!

"No, let me see your power, see what you use to destroy my Xingtian, the sword of killing, killing the sky, killing the land, killing the common people, killing the great road, slaughtering the common people!" Following Xingtian's violent roar , A sword light slashed out, piercing the void like lightning, illuminating the entire world, this sword burst with endless light, and in that light there is a terrible murderous intent. This is Xing Tian's killing avenue to himself The condensed sword, the real sword of killing, has the meaning of killing the sky, the land, and the common people. The real thing is that there are no people and things that cannot be killed in the world. Everything is being killed!

"What a killing avenue, what a slaughter of the common people. In the eyes of this lunatic, all living creatures are ants. Anyone who stands in his way is ants and should be killed. The meaning of such crazy killing is really terrible. This Once a madman grows up, he can threaten all the creatures in the world. There is no right or wrong in his heart, there is no justice or evil, and there is only oneself!"

"Huh, a madman who dared to smash the punishment head-on, who dares to take a shot at him, once he fails, the consequences will be unimaginable, unless the madman is severely injured in the punishment, otherwise no one will take action, even if it is The city of thunder punishment is really in the hands of this bastard, and not many people have such determination and perseverance. After all, this is no small matter!"

"Enough, don’t quarrel. It’s useless for us to say so much. No matter what you have in your mind and whatever you want to do, you must be fully prepared and don’t drag everyone down. , If you really have to fight this madman’s idea, it represents only your family, not all of our families. The success or failure will be borne by you. This is the rule, the unchangeable rule, and now you are looking at it carefully. It's also a chance."

What a chance is that heaven's punishment comes. Although this chance is accompanied by great horror, it is a great chance for all practitioners to see the appearance of heaven's punishment and see Xing Tian's catastrophe. If they can get it from it A little insight will make a qualitative leap in one's own practice. Instead of wasting time to calculate this and that, it is better to invest your energy on the perception of heaven's punishment, the perception of the great way, and strengthen your own foundation. Enhance their combat power.

There is only one chance. I really missed it. What a shame! As a strong man, no one is stupid. Soon everyone will leave Xing Tian behind, whether he is alive or dead, whether he can survive this catastrophe, but put his mind on the right road. On top of his insights, maybe he can use Heaven's Punishment to comprehend the true meaning of the Dao of Thunder and make his own practice go further!

At this time, the people who watched this punishment immediately appeared in different stratifications. Those who truly stood at the top of the world fully understood the Dao and the origin of the punishment, while the middle-ranked people were looking forward to the punishment. Punishment can eliminate the danger, and those inferior people who don't know anything are just looking at the landscape, and they don't know what it means.

The power of Heaven Punishment is beyond everyone's imagination. Xingtian's horrible sword of killing the sky, killing the earth, and killing the common people did not tear open the defense of the Eye of Heaven Punishment, and was directly blocked by the source of the punishment. There is nothing unusual. The results shocked many people. Although it was only a brief moment of confrontation, everyone could clearly feel the horror of Xingtian’s killing avenue, and the terrible punishment of heaven, such a powerful blow. It was completely swallowed by God's punishment!

Yes, it was swallowed. Heaven Punishment directly swallowed Xingtian’s killing sword. That huge killing intent, and terrible fighting intent were directly swallowed by Heaven Punishment, as if it had never appeared before, even some Everyone wondered if there was a problem with their eyes, but this is the fact, such a terrible punishment made their hearts extremely solemn.

As the powerhouses who really stand at the top, they all understand that the strength of Tianchao is closely related to the people who save the robbery. Such a terrible Tianchao shows that Xingtian is extremely powerful, and Xingtian hides too many things from them. Strength, otherwise Heaven’s Punishment could not be so horrible, so terrible, such a result made their minds turbulent!

In an instant, many people were stunned by this sudden result. They were sober from the sentiment of the great road, their faces were extremely heavy, and their hearts were all scolding Xingtian: "Damn bastard, you hide this. Formidable power, what does he want to do, really want to prove the supreme way with the killing avenue, really want to kill the common people?"

What's the use of scolding? All of this has happened, and they can’t do anything to punish the sky now. Now Xing Tian is in the punishment of the sky. Although he is attacked by the sky, the attack is also protecting Xing Tian. Anyone dares. To attack Xingtian, he must first face the backlash of Tianchao. No one wants to do such a stupid thing at this time.

To intervene in other people’s salvation is to risk one’s own life, which is irresponsible to one’s own life. Once taken, it will surely invite the Heavenly Punishment to come and be attacked by Heavenly Punishment, and now there is something hanging high in the void. The Eye of Reunion's Punishment, that terrifying aura shocked everyone. At this time, Xingtian was conspiring to perish.

"I know that this **** can't be accurate at all. Since he dared to survive in the imperial capital, he naturally has his own support. Originally, we all thought this lunatic's back was the city of thunder and punishment. Now it seems that we are wrong. Now, this **** relies on his own power. His power is far beyond our imagination. If we look at Xingtian from the previous perspective, we will only suffer in the end, and it will only be us who will suffer!"


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