God of Destruction

Chapter 4018: Greed

The 4th and 18th chapter is greedy

For all the forces, the pressure has doubled, and everyone is annoyed. But for Morrow and the Empire, the retreat of the barbarian army is a great thing. At least they can breathe a sigh of relief and relieve their pressure. , Can stabilize the overall situation. As for other things, Moro and the Empire don’t want to participate in it. They have no ambition to seize Xingtian’s luck and inheritance, and in the current situation they would not do it. It was only the forces from all sides who had the idea of ​​killing Xingtian!

give up! Faced with such a crisis, some timid people among the various forces could not help but give up the idea of ​​giving up. After all, no matter how great Xing Tian's interests are, it is not worth mentioning compared with his own "life", let alone the North now. There are so many powerful people in it. Who can win Xingtian and take the most benefits is an unknown number. Under such circumstances, people will naturally shrink back. When the pay is not proportional to the gain, everyone will have This kind of thinking, especially those who think that they are not strong enough, they don’t want to participate in this battle, lest one accidentally becomes a cannon fodder for other people. After all, they don’t have enough power when danger comes. At that time, they will not have the ability to protect themselves, and they will become pawns in the hands of the strong, and cannon fodder in the hands of the strong. Such an outcome is unwilling to accept.

"Enough, it just happened just now, so you are afraid of it. How can such a mind's "sexuality" gain something from this great opportunity? If you didn't pay for that gain, you want to get something for nothing. There is no such thing in this world. Good thing, if you are afraid, then retreat. Without you, we will have less burden and be able to advance and retreat freely!"

When seeing the changes in the expressions of some people, those smart and powerful will naturally understand what the other person is thinking. If you stop the other person at this time, you will not only gain nothing, on the contrary, it will arouse the anger in the other person's heart, and make They become the object of hatred by the other party. Under normal circumstances, these **** dare not act rashly, but once they are in a crisis, these **** will become dangerous people who endanger their lives. It is based on this consideration and Worry, this talent will say such a thing, and use this radical method to stop the other party's retreat, lest the situation becomes uncontrollable!

Of course, such a method cannot be effective for everyone. For those who are smart, they can see through everything naturally. However, human beings are greedy. As long as there is a trace of greed in the heart of the other person, they will not give up easily, and they will benefit from it. Under the temptation to choose to continue, as for the departure of a few people, this is nothing, nothing can be perfect!

"There is only one chance. You still have time to retreat now. If you wait until we act and you want to retreat, then you have to face our anger. We don’t want anyone to hold back. Now you have to think carefully, and continue now. To chase Xingtian this lunatic together with us, or choose to leave, think about it carefully, I hope you can make the right choice, instead of regretting today when you think about it after a few years!"

When these words fell, the field fell into silence again. Everyone was thinking about whether they should continue to act with everyone or give up on their own initiative. Judging from the reactions of the people, most people were reluctant to let go, they all thought. You must continue to act. After all, there is only one opportunity. Once you miss it, it is extremely difficult to get it. Moreover, the situation is not as terrifying as you think, so dangerous. There will always be exceptions to everything, and even if there is a conspiracy, It doesn't necessarily mean that I will fall. With so many people around, how can I be so unlucky that I will be targeted by the enemy and be besieged by barbarians!

People have a fortunate psychology, especially those who are greedy. Their fortunate psychology is even heavier. When greed overcomes reason, they all feel that they will not become the hapless person and are unwilling to give up such a good one. Opportunity, even if there is only a glimmer of hope, they all hope to be able to give it a try, hoping that they can have the last laugh and get the best benefit, but they all choose to "sexually" forget the danger and their own weakness! Yes, these people are very weak compared to the army of barbarians!

While everyone was thinking in silence, there were some more sensible guys who left quietly. Although some people saw their departure, no one stood up to stop them. Everything is important to the overall situation. You can't act rashly at this time, or you'll be fine. The atmosphere that is easy to condense will be completely destroyed, and the situation will completely collapse!

Hate these people who left? No, there is no need. At this time, the most important thing is to stabilize the overall situation, and those who left have reservations and did not do too much. Even if they left, they were silent and did not disturb others. This is for those who control the overall situation. It is already a great fortune in misfortune. If you have to stop the opponent or even hate the opponent at this time, you will only ruin the current situation, and will only destroy the situation that you have finally stabilized!

Those who should leave all left silently. When no one left anymore, those who grasped the overall situation could not help but breathe a sigh of relief. The situation was finally not so bad that it was out of control. Only a few of them left. , Less than one percent, there will be nothing to discover without careful observation. Such an outcome is already a great fortune for them.

"You fellow daoists, is there anyone who wants to leave? If you leave as soon as possible, don’t be lucky. This is not a trifle. If you hesitate, you will only ruin your own "life" and everyone’s. Opportunity!" Although I don't want to see someone leave, I still have to say something on the spot. After all, this is conducive to unity and conviction.

The more at this time, the more you have to finish the scene, and the more you have to let everyone know that you are not malicious. Only in this way will the greedy thoughts in those people's hearts erupt, and they will stay stubbornly and continue everyone. The next action.

After seeing that no one was leaving anymore, the few people looked at each other secretly, and saw a ray of joy in each other's eyes! Yes, it is joy. For them, to be able to leave so many people is victory. With these people, their plan can continue to be implemented, they still have hope, and they will not fail!


"Everyone, the situation is not as dangerous as you think. Although the enemy is very cruel and insidious, it does not mean that we cannot win. Although the barbarian's cavalry is terrible, the empire still exists, the frontier army still exists, and the frontier army is there. , The barbarian cavalry will be constrained, even if they have insidious and vicious calculations, they must also take into account the frontier army!"

When talking about the frontier army, everyone's faces flashed with joy. Yes, there is a frontier army and Morrow's army. Even if the barbarians have crazy conspiracies, they must be taken into account! It's just that they forgot a question. If Xing Tian really had collusion with the barbarians, would Moreau contain the barbarian's cavalry? After all, Moreau and Xing Tian also have a deep friendship! There is another problem, Morokan refuses to use the "life" of his army to support these bastards!

The answer is actually yes. Moreau will not justify the life and death of these people, because their existence is a threat to Moreau, it is a hidden danger. They pin their hopes on Moreau. They can only say that they think too much. Moro didn't care about their life and death. With these **** in one day, Moreau could not mobilize all his power to resist the threat of the barbarians, because these **** always threatened Morrow's safety and threatened the safety of the North.

With so many forces pouring into the north, some forces that had calmed down began to "turbulent" again, and some forces secretly wooed the forces in the north, vainly wanting to establish new forces in the north. Wanting to challenge Moreau's existence, breaking the earth and enclosing borders is a great temptation for anyone and any family. Under such circumstances, how could Moreau give his own strength to these **** and damage his own strength, this is impossible.

It’s a pity that no one can see through this. Under the temptation of greed, these lunatics think more and think better, and some people can’t help but say: "Moreau is the king of the north. His responsibility is to suppress the security of the northern border. The barbarians are his enemy. We should ask Moreau to send an army to sweep the barbarian cavalry to create opportunities for us!"

Crazy, I have to say that under the temptation of greed, the negative power of the human heart will burst out. If this is crazy, some people dare to say what he thinks of Moro, what is the empire, and he thinks of himself. What's the result, I can really help them, this little power can command Moro, can Moro pay for them?

"Damn, these lunatics really dare to think about everything, dare to say anything, who they think Moro is, think we can really influence the empire, influence the frontier army, and we can't let these **** continue to go crazy, if they If we say anything that is not suitable, the consequences will be unimaginable. If such words are passed to Moreau's ears, we will be in great trouble. No matter how good-tempered people are, we can't bear such a provocation!"

Soon those people who mastered the overall situation reached a tacit understanding and stopped giving these lunatics a chance to speak, so as to avoid extra branches and unpredictable changes in things, making Moreau wary of them, or even repelling them. Knowing that they had already touched Morrow’s bottom line when they came to the North. If they wished to force Morrow to destroy themselves, even the forces behind them could not keep everyone’s "life". Angry, they are really dangerous!

"Okay, don’t say more, everyone. Time waits for no one. There is not much time left for us. We must take action before the enemy is fully prepared. Everyone should act immediately. Don’t let Moro do that. The **** escaped too far, or even if we had Morrow's army as a support, it would be very detrimental to us. Everyone formed a team according to their own ideas, and then went out to fight Morrow to the death, and the barbarian cavalry to fight to the death. My human race is fighting for luck!"

Fighting for the luck of the human race, they are also easy to say this. All the **** standing here have never had such an idea in their hearts. The only idea in their hearts is to seize the chance and luck of Xingtian. As for the barbarians, they ride them. They don't care at all, even the luck of the human race. If you use the righteousness of the human race to say things, you can only say that they are too self-righteous and too ignorant!

This is a great catastrophe. Under the great catastrophe, you can’t talk about it. You have to take responsibility for your own words. It’s a pity that these people have been tempted to faint and forget such an important thing when he speaks. When they said these words, they were burdened with human luck and pressure, but at this time no one felt that something was wrong, and no one stood up against it. They all acquiesced in all this. Even everyone is carrying this cause and effect.

Fighting for the human luck, as soon as this slogan was shouted, it was immediately recognized by the world and the human luck. They either did not leave the border or entered the territory of the barbarians, as long as they stepped into In the territory of the barbarians, then it will provoke the counterattack of the barbaric luck, will be suppressed by the barbaric luck, will face the crazy counterattack of the barbarian cavalry, it can be said that once these words fall, they will put themselves in In the crisis, I must face the barbarian's iron cavalry!

If these people, these forces can really work together, then they still have a chance to fight against the barbarian cavalry, but unfortunately they can't work together at all, let alone let go of their greed, so Their fate is conceivable. Even with the blessing of human beings and the blessing of sects, they will not escape death.

Encouraged by greed, these people and these forces all acted quickly, forming a team to go outside the border. Under the temptation of interest, they all acted frantically, who They didn't hesitate, because they only had interests in their eyes, and they chose to ignore everything else.

When these many forces went madly outside the border, Moro of the King of the North sighed uncontrollably, these **** still did not bear the temptation of profit, and they rushed out desperately. Border crossings, launching actions against barbarians, and these **** are completely putting themselves in death. Barbarians are not so easy to deal with, let alone deal with Xing Tian deep in yellow sand, even if it is them. They can find Xingtian, but it is hard to gain anything, because before they see Xingtian, they have to withstand the impact of the barbarian cavalry and resist the attack of the barbarian!

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