God of Destruction

Chapter 4039: Sacred Fire

The fourth thousand and thirty-ninth chapter ignite the fire

The original soul of Xing Tian’s clone is still weak. After all, this soul is divided from the soul of the deity. There must be a certain amount of damage. As the great road continues to polish the soul, Xing Tian can clearly feel that his soul is a bit A little bit of perfection, this is the essence of perfection. The original perfection needs endless years to sharpen, but this time my own perception and the polishing of the road have greatly shortened this time, allowing Xingtian clone to walk above the soul. On the fast lane!

With the continuous polishing of the Dao, Xing Tian’s soul gradually began to materialize and began to undergo a qualitative transformation, and the appearance of this transformation caused Xing Tian’s body to also change. The change of the soul affected the changes in the body, even if this one No matter how powerful the real body of the gods and demons is, it is also affected by the change of influence, and is changing subtly. The origins of their own great avenues are being integrated into the body little by little, and into the origin of the body, prompting the physical body to also change. The new direction changes.

It’s just that the transformation of the flesh is different from the transformation of the soul. Although the various avenues of the flesh are integrated into the body, the original avenue brand has not disappeared. On the contrary, in this transformation, the original avenue brand is constantly being refined. , Many imprints are also merging with each other, giving Xing Tian a deeper understanding of the Avenue of Killing, the Avenue of Swallowing, and the Avenue of Death. With the fusion of the avenues, the imprints of the three avenues are gradually decreasing. Xing Tian There is also a special breath in Xing Tian’s body. If this transformation continues, as time goes by, the three kinds of Dao Brands on Xing Tian’s body will condense into one, becoming three Dao Brands. At that time, Xing Tian Will truly master the essence of the three avenues.

Different from Dao Sensation, Dao Sensation, as long as one gets the opportunity, grasps the opportunity, and understands the Dao, then it can be promoted, can grasp the essence of Dao, can strengthen one’s soul, but the way of the flesh is not good. Dao needs a huge source and needs time to polish. Even if Xingtian has the real body of gods and demons, it also has a chance, but the improvement of the physical body cannot be completed in a short time. If the physical body is greatly improved in a short period of time, it can only be said to be self-decision. The way of practice, the way of avenue practice cannot be careless, let alone ***. The origin of the body is the foundation of the true body of the gods and demons. If it is not polished well, it will only ruin the future evolution of the avenue of the body. There is no solid foundation. There will be no powerful gods and demons!

Compared with the metamorphosis of the body, Xing Tian’s soul is even better. After being tempered by the Dao and nourished by the Dao, Xing Tian’s soul is also stained with a ray of mysterious light, and this light gradually condenses in Xing Tian’s soul. As the accumulation continued to increase, this ray of light condensed into a gray lotus and fell at the feet of Xingtian’s soul. At this moment, I saw the soul-body villain of Xingtian sitting down with his hands on his chest. Mysterious India.

When the printing process was completed, a mysterious flame appeared in front of Xingtian’s soul villain. This flame looked like soul fire, but this flame was different from normal soul fire. In this flame There is a mysterious aura, as if the origin of death, killing, and swallowing are condensed in this flame, and it has the essence of three avenues.

This is the sacred fire, the sacred fire ignited before the condensing of the godhead. It is the beginning of the cultivation of the sacred fire. When the sacred fire is ignited, it is qualified to be a god. It can be said that when this sacred fire appears, Xing Tian has truly embarked on the road of the gods and the monsters. , With the ability to open up the kingdom of God! The ancient gods and demons are not only powerful bodies, but also terrifying kingdoms. Just like Xing Tian is in the kingdom of gods now, even the broken kingdom of gods still possesses terrifying power and can still give the invading enemy powerful suppress!

The sacred fire is owned by every sacred fire, but the sacred fire of each sacred fire is different, and the laws are different. The sacred fire is naturally different, and even the same law. Different cultivators, the condensed sacred fire is still different, after all, every soul They are all unique, and the sacred fire evolved from the fire of the soul. To ignite the sacred fire is to ignite the fire of the soul. With the power to condense the godhead, only with the sacred fire can a powerful godhead be condensed. The refined godhead is vulnerable.

What is the strongest of the gods and demons, and what is the strongest? It is not the terrible real body of the gods and demons, nor the mighty kingdom of the gods, but the godhead. The godhead is the foundation of a **** and devil. The quality of the godhead determines the cultivation of the **** and the devil, and determines the future of the **** and devil.

The sacred fire was just lit, and under the guidance of the villain of the soul, the sacred fire went to the eyebrows of the villain. This is the origin of the villain, the sea of ​​consciousness of Xingtian, and the foundation of the soul. After falling, Xingtian’s sea of ​​consciousness began to boil. Under the burning of the divine fire, Xingtian’s sea of ​​consciousness continued to expand. With the expansion of the sea of ​​consciousness, the sphere condensed by Xingtian’s soul began to shrink, and that huge origin was gradually absorbed by the sea of ​​consciousness. Absorbed.

After just a few breaths, the huge soul origin of Xing Tian's essence poured into the sea of ​​consciousness. At this time, the power of the three great primordial origins above Xing Tian's soul finally disappeared. No, it should not be said to disappear, but to merge In the sea of ​​consciousness, when all the origins of souls and avenues are pouring into the sea of ​​consciousness, a little light shines at the center of the sea of ​​consciousness. That is the godhead. At this moment Xingtian finally condenses a new godhead, and Xingtian's avenue finally Completed metamorphosis and evolution.

When the godhead appeared, the light continued to strengthen, and gradually the godhead was like the same sun to illuminate the entire consciousness sea. At this moment, Xingtian's consciousness sea has expanded ten million times, and the whole consciousness sea is also empty, without a trace of law. All power is attributed to the godhead, and at this time, the three source treasures gathered before Xingtian also undergo a slight change under the shining of the godhead. The three source treasures are revolving around the godhead, as if in Holding the godhead, it seems to be driven by the power of the godhead, rotating on its own, but every time these three source treasures rotate, there will be an extra point of that mysterious power.

What power is this? It's the divine power, the great power of the new life! Under this newly-born great power of the Great Dao, not only did the three great treasures of origin have not been traumatized, but under the nourishment of this divine power, the three great treasures of origin are constantly growing, almost at a speed visible to the naked eye. The power of the treasure means the strength and perfection of its own avenue. The stronger the original treasure, the stronger the avenue that can carry it, and the stronger the three original avenues Xing Tian owns.

If Xing Tian is awake now, he can clearly perceive that the three avenues of swallowing, killing, and death are being strengthened at a rapid rate, and the original treasure is constantly accumulating and evolving. If it grows at the current rate, use It won't be long before these three primordial treasures will be able to advance and complete the transformation.


How difficult it is to evolve the great treasure of the Dao’s origin, not to mention the other is the extinct black lotus and the good fortune green lotus in the hands of the deity. It took great opportunity and accumulation to complete the transformation, but now these three avenues are cloned. The Primordial Treasure is growing at a rapid speed, which is a bit weird, a bit abnormal, maybe this is the power of the new avenue!

What road is this? Now Xing Tian hasn’t figured it out yet, because today’s Xing Tian is still immersed in the perception of the Great Dao, still in the unity of man and nature. At this time, what Xing Tian feels is not the power of the new Dao, but the killing, death, and devouring. The essence of the three great avenues, the longer the enlightenment time, the more beneficial to Xingtian's growth.

It is a pity that even if Xing Tian had accumulated such a huge source of origin before, and also plundered a part of the origin of this incomplete kingdom of God, he still couldn't condense more great powers, and Xing Tian's sea of ​​consciousness was still empty, even a share. The complete divine power was not condensed, because every trace of divine power was absorbed by the three source treasures as soon as it appeared. The three origins have condensed this new avenue, and now it is the Xinsheng Dao origin that feeds back the three primordial treasures and enhances the power of the three avenues!

Time is passing bit by bit, the three essential treasures are constantly changing, and the traces of the great power are constantly tempering their qualities, and gradually these three essential treasures emit a faint light, every trace The rays of light contain powerful power, and they contain a great source of law, and the three most important sources are about to advance.

At this moment, Xing Tian's mind gradually woke up from enlightenment, feeling his own changes, feeling the metamorphosis of his body, and what shocked Xing Tian most was his own soul sea of ​​consciousness, his own sea of ​​consciousness, and the current sea of ​​consciousness. The change was so great that it shocked Xing Tian. At the moment when Xing Tian was sober, new changes occurred in the sea of ​​consciousness. Under the traction of the three great treasures, the three gods condensed in the sea of ​​consciousness. , Although each godhead is very small, it is extremely pure, as if the power of the godhead is infinitely purified after a period of tempering.

"Hey! How could this happen, what happened when I realized the Dao? Why did the Sea of ​​Consciousness have such a change, and what is the Dao of the newly condensed Godhead? How could one's own Dao's source and treasure have such an amazing evolution?" In response to the changes in the sea of ​​consciousness, Xing Tian's mind also endured a huge impact, and everything here made him extremely shocked.

Xing Tian knew very well what huge source is needed for the transformation of the Primordial Treasure. It is already great that he can condense the three Primordial Treasures, but in a blink of an eye, his three Primordial Treasures have such great fortunes, even their own. A new Dao Godhead has also been condensed in the sea of ​​consciousness, and this newly born Dao Godhead is obviously the foundation of one's own practice, but in fact, I don't know anything about this new Dao. How can this not let Xing Tian be shocked!

After careful observation, Xing Tian was able to discover that this newly-born Dao Godhead is closely related to the three roots of his own practice, or that the newly-born Dao is condensed from the fusion of the three roots, but he still cannot Sensing the power contained in the godhead, because the power of the godhead is absorbed by the three treasures of his own.

Xing Tian also wanted to use his own power to influence the Three Primordial Treasures, so that he would no longer absorb the power of this new godhead for the time being. However, such a thought only flashed through Xing Tian's mind. Xing Tian still had a way of cultivation. A lot of experience naturally understands that at this time, I cannot interfere with this transformation, otherwise it will only ruin my own opportunities.

Wait, for Xing Tian now, he has to wait and wait for the three essential treasures to complete the transformation. Only in this way can he come into contact with the new Dao Godhead, can truly understand the power of this new Dao Godhead, and know what he is unconsciously. What a great opportunity has been obtained, what a strong Godhead has been gathered, and what a powerful force has been mastered.

Xing Tian believes that the power of this newly-born godhead is definitely not weaker than the world tree clone, and its potential will not be lower than the world tree clone. After all, this is the power gathered by the three origins, and it is the power gathered in such a dangerous environment. It can be said that this opportunity has squeezed all of its own potential. If it is not strong, it will be abnormal, especially its own changes, it is even more amazing.

Although the physical body has not completed a new transformation, Xing Tian discovered that the physical body is a hundred or thousand times stronger than before. Even with the passage of time, the power of the original law is continuously tempered, and the physical body will have an even more amazing improvement. His own realm has not improved much, but Xing Tian knows that his combat power has increased a hundred times, a thousand times, or even higher. Why Xing Tian can’t determine his actual combat power, mainly because of the newly born godhead. Before understanding the power of this godhead, Xing Tian couldn't determine his true combat power. After all, the opportunity this time came too suddenly!

However, there are two sides to everything. Xing Tian’s strength is greatly improved, but as his own combat power increases, the calamity on his body is stronger. After waking up, after calming down a little, Xing Tian can feel the power from the void. Endless pressure, that is one's own great calamity, one's own great calamity, when one's own great great road is promoted, the power of Taoist is also frantically increasing. Originally, because of the cover of the city of death, the power of Taoist cannot affect Xingtian He himself, but now the power of Dao Jie has passed through the void and fell on Xing Tian's heart. If Xing Tian appeared in the outside world at this time, he would have a terrible Dao Jie disaster!

"There is a close connection between gains and losses, and there is a close connection between gains and losses. I don’t know if my decision this time is right or wrong. Although I have got a great opportunity, Dao Jie has become more powerful. I really can resist it, and the consciousness of heaven and earth has planted such a bad situation, can I really go retrograde to cut the sky and get out?" At this time, Xing Tian also had a faint worry in his heart. The power of Dao Jie is too terrible, let Xing Tian also had to be careful!

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