God of Destruction

Chapter 4074: Secret of Gods and Demons

Chapter 4074: The Secret of Gods and Demons

"Yes, that's it! It's a pity that we still underestimated the evolution of the world, and underestimated the evolution of this world. Things are not as easy as we thought. Everything is not as smooth as we thought. The will of the world is born. With wisdom, everything becomes different, everything is beyond our plan, but unfortunately we were already asleep at that time, and there was no power to change. When we wake up, everything is too late and everything deviates from our plan. !"

When the death **** and demon said this, Xing Tian couldn't help but frowned. This was not what he wanted to know. The death **** and demon suddenly said what he wanted to do. Could it be that he deliberately wanted to hide the secret and lead himself to Other directions?

Just when Xing Tian was considering whether to speak, suddenly the death **** and demon's voice changed, and he said in a deep voice, "Do you think I am deliberately hiding something and don't want to tell you the secrets of this? In fact, you think too much. Secrets are nothing to us ancient gods and demons, and so are you, because you condense the true body of the gods and demons!"

When he heard the words of the death **** and demon, Xing Tian's gaze condensed. It was not that Xing Tian was a little embarrassed when he was uttered, but was surprised by the last sentence of the death **** and demon that condensed the **** and devil's true body. Only one sentence represented it. An extraordinary meaning, condensing the real body of the gods and demons by oneself seems to have embarked on a road that should not be, a dangerous road!

"Oh! Is there anything to say? Doesn't it mean that the gods and demons shouldn't be condensed, and shouldn't be embarked on the path of the gods and demons? Or is it that no acquired creatures have such qualifications?" The tone is heavy!

The death **** and demon shook his head and said: "No, the **** and demon's true body has never been stopped. Even if it is a kind of road of fellow practitioners, no one will stop it. However, the world has changed. The existence of the devil does not allow the road of gods and demons to practice. You have gathered the real body of the gods and demons. If you step on the road of the gods and demons, you have become the target of strangulation. You are a cultivator, and you should understand the end of confrontation with the world. How terrifying is the majesty of heaven and earth!"

"Haha! I think it is a serious consequence. The confrontation with the heaven and the earth is like a shuttle. I Xingtian never fears any challenge. The heaven and the earth are no exception. No force can stop our path of cultivation, and neither can the heaven and the earth!" At this time, Xing Tian's body rose with endless fighting intent, fighting the sky and fighting the earth, the endless fighting intent condensed into a terrible mood!

Yes, Xing Tian never feared challenges, because Xing Tian originally walked on a road against the sky. He has already been targeted by heaven and earth. He is already an enemy of heaven and earth. Even if he steps on the road of gods and demons, even It is no big deal for Xingtian to provoke the anger of Dongtian Earthquake again, it is just that he has added a lot of pressure!

"Okay, really courageous, no wonder you have been able to come to this day, no wonder you have such a strong strength, speaking of today you are no longer different from us ancient gods and demons, no matter how you hide, you will eventually be The suppression of heaven and earth will be hit by heaven and earth, or even destroyed, because heaven and earth cannot tolerate the existence of gods and demons!"

"Why? Why are the gods and demons being hostile to heaven and earth? Is it because you ancient gods and demons did something that shouldn't be done, angering heaven and earth, or is there any more terrible conspiracy and calculation?" Xing Tian frowned, and he could have made Xing Tian feel that there was definitely a big problem, a big crisis!

"Oh, we have to elaborate a little bit, otherwise you won't understand the secrets!"

"I have time to listen to you. You don't need to be anxious, say little by little, it is best not to miss a bit!" At this time, Xing Tian was very calm, no matter how urgent his time is, at this time, Xing Tian Have enough patience!

"Then I will start from the situation in this world. This world is the condensate of our ancient gods and demons. You know all of this. Then I will talk about our detailed plan. In fact, in your heart, you will feel that we are staying. It is an irrational choice to let the heavenly arrogant of the Supreme Chaos World come down to seize the opportunity through such a channel. It will bring endless hidden dangers to this world. In fact, it is not. We are using the bodies of your heavenly arrogances and the source of your body to condense. The source of the supreme chaotic world, although you don’t have many sources of the supreme chaos in each of your Tianjiao, but the accumulation of less and more is also considerable, enough for us to condense the source of the supreme chaotic world, with such a share From the origin, we can use the back hand that was left in the Chaos Sea to directly take the entire world into the Supreme Chaos World when the world is destroyed!"

To accumulate the origin of the Supreme Chaos World with the origin of the many arrogances and evil spirits in the Supreme Chaos World bit by bit, this is really crazy, and it is too unbelievable. This kind of plan is really terrible enough, with endless years. Little by little accumulation, this is something that no one can imagine. Even this world will did not think of it. It is a pity that after this world will gave birth to wisdom, the development of the world has changed, so Everything is out of the grasp of ancient gods and demons!

"Unfortunately, we overestimated the means we left behind, and underestimated the will of the world. How can we never think of the impact on one world when the will of the world has wisdom, so our There were loopholes in the plan, so that many things could not be carried out, so that the many assassins in the secret world were not used, so that the creatures of this world got all kinds of benefits from the secret world and separated from ours. Bondage!"

auzw.com At this time, Xing Tian said thoughtfully: "Oh! If you follow your plan, it is to make this world develop as the result you want most, shouldn’t Maybe this world doesn’t have any cultivation, right? If you are a group of creatures who have no resistance at all? But if it is this, what good will it do to you ancient gods and demons? What help?"

"Yes, we just want such a creature. What we need is a creature without a cultivation system, so that we can quickly condense an army of our own, which can be used to conquer the highest chaotic world and the chaotic sea, but now Everything is in chaos. The creatures in this world already have their own system, and they also have the system of the highest chaotic world. This has a huge impact on our plans, and it is not the changes in these creatures that worry us most. , But the change of the will of the world, it deliberately wants to break free from its own shackles, want to break away from the body of this world!"

"What? How is this possible, a world will want to break away from its own body, if it wants to break free from the bondage, there is nothing, after all, as long as the wise beings are not willing to be bound by others, it is a bit crazy to break away from the body. It’s also unbelievable. What is the purpose of this world will and what is it good for?" Xing Tian's face showed a trace of doubt and a trace of anxiety, instinctively to make Xing Tian feel the trouble of the problem!

The death **** and demon stared, and said in a deep voice: "It is very simple, because it wants to have real life, it wants to seize the supreme chaotic origin accumulated by our endless years, and it wants to condense the true body of the **** and demon, and incarnate into the real Chaos God and Demon!"

"What? A world will want to become a chaos **** and demon. This is crazy and unbelievable. Even if it can capture the highest source of chaos you have accumulated, is it possible to condense the true body of chaos **** and demon? Does the Supreme Chaos World allow such a situation to happen? Does the Great Dao allow it to be born?" For a moment, Xing Tian felt endless emotion. He originally thought he was crazy, but compared with this world, he was still far behind. far away!

"It can’t take care of that much, because there is a problem with its wisdom, or that this world has affected its wisdom, and its wisdom is full of madness and adventure. This is the true intention of this world’s will. The reason it is eyeing you is precisely because of the origin of you, the great breath of you!"

When he said this, the death **** and demon's voice was another meal, and he shook his head lightly and continued: "Well, we don't have to do too much explanation about the will of this world, even if it is us ancient gods and demon, I don’t know much about it, because in those endless years, we have all fallen into a deep sleep, so we know only a little!"

At this time, Xing Tian vaguely understood some of the intentions of the ancient gods and demons, and also understood the purpose of the original treasures in the secret world! Xing Tian took a deep breath and said: "Death God and Demon, is your source of treasure in the secret world for the purpose of preventing accidents? Is it to be used to entrap the princes who come from the highest chaos world? Their bodies then quietly entered the Supreme Chaos World, reuniting with you inside and outside at the right time, breaking through the defenses of the Supreme Chaos World in one fell swoop, allowing you to easily succeed!"

The death **** demon nodded and said, "Yes, that's what it meant. It's a pity that everything was wasted, and the original treasures were wasted. Our biggest mistake is to underestimate the changes in the will of the world. It exists. It directly dashed our hope, and it is exactly that, we will go to war, and will have to force the world to move to the highest chaotic world!"

When he heard such words again, Xing Tian's heart moved again and asked: "Death God and Demon, I still have one thing I don't understand. If you really want to bring the whole world to the high chaos world, you can completely match this world. Many forces cooperate. After all, they also hope to enter the highest chaos world. If they know your plan, they will definitely cooperate fully. Then you don't have to pay such a high price, and you don't have to worry about the obstruction of the will of this world? "

"Do you think we don’t want to do this? It’s just that we can’t do it, nor can we do it. Once we do, we have to fight directly with the will of this world. The whole world will face collapse. All our plans are completely destroyed, and the calculations of endless years will completely collapse. This is not the result we want!"

After shook his head slightly, the death **** and devil continued to say, "Well, you know the secrets of this world. Now we can talk about the secrets of gods and devils, and talk about the secrets of us ancient gods and devils. The greatest secret is also the greatest secret of this world! Xing Tian, ​​for you, how do you know the world about the ancient gods and demons?"

Xing Tian sighed and said, "Oh! To tell you the truth, what I know about the world is still limited. Originally, I thought I knew the world very well, but as the situation changed, I found out that I knew about the world. It's really very limited. As for the ancient gods and demons, I understand a little bit. Every ancient **** and demons are actually chaotic gods and demons. They are all children of the avenue. If you master the rules of the avenue, you can naturally master the power of the avenue, and you are unique!"

"Haha! This is what you know about ancient gods and demons, and what you know about chaos gods and demons! Wrong, you understand everything wrong, it can be said that you were also deceived by the Dao, it can be said that all of our Chaos Gods and Demons are deceived by the Dao I was deceived. We are all the pawns of the Dao, and we are all the abandoned pieces of the Dao. Do you know that no matter which era or world, it is impossible for any chaos **** or demon to live to the end of the era. In your mind, we ancient gods and demons were all destroyed when the era was broken, were we all killed in that era?"

Xing Tian nodded and said, "Yes, can it be said that this is not the case? You didn't fight each other to fight for the chance of transcendence at the end of the Era Tribulation, and then all died together and died in the destruction of the world?"

"Hmph! Lies, these are lies inherited from the Dao. All of our Chaos Gods and Demons did not die in the Great Tribulation of the Era, but were destroyed by the Dao not long after the world was reborn, turned into the nutrients of the world, and became the nutrients of the Dao. It’s not just us, but all the creatures in the world are like this. It’s just the nourishment of the great road. We paid such a high price. Is it just to return to heaven and earth, wrong, we are to get back everything that belongs to us, Get back everything we deserve, you now understand why I said that after knowing all this, you will be involuntary! Do you regret now, knowing such a big secret, knowing the greatest secret of the avenue, you say you will Will not be targeted by the avenue? Now you have fallen into the tribulation of the avenue, condensing the real body of the chaos **** and demon, you are destined to be targeted by the avenue, we are on the same line!"


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