God of Destruction

Chapter 4156: Festival crisis and opportunity

Chapter 4164 Crisis and Opportunity

"You must not fail, you must succeed!" After reporting such crazy ideas, Xing Tian continued his madness, as if Xing Tian's madness and perseverance had been recognized by the world, and it seemed that his perseverance was rewarded, even though it cost It took a long time, but Xing Tian this time successfully condensed into the'Open Heaven Axe', the original treasure he needed.

When the'Kaitian Axe', which was condensed and cast by the three treasures of his own spiritual energy, appeared, Xing Tian felt an inexplicable feeling in his heart. This was the ultimate treasure he wanted, and only this. The original treasure can carry its own path, and only it can integrate and absorb the terrible path wounds in its own gods and demons, and then it can complete its own plan, let one go further on the path of practice, and let yourself be The power suppressed by Dao injury is restored!

"Finally succeeded, this time I hope you don't let me down. I don't have so much time and energy to continue to consume. This may be my last struggle. I hope everything goes well and everything can achieve what I want!" The face of Xing Tian who is muttering to himself is constantly intertwined with the look of madness and desire. This is a crazy battle! Yes, it was fighting. For Xing Tian, ​​this was Xing Tian's battle for his own practice. If he didn't succeed, he became benevolent. At this time, Xing Tian really had no way out.

The successful casting of "Open Heaven Axe" is just the beginning for Xing Tian, ​​and the more terrifying thing is still to come. Now Xing Tian needs to adjust his interest rate and restore his own depletion, one-third of his origin and one-third of his will. , There is still one third of the blood, which has great damage to Xing Tian. What Xing Tian has to do at this time is to restore these losses, and during this time, he can also use his soul to warm up the "Open Heaven Axe" 'This piece is about to carry the original treasure of its own avenue.

Be careful to sail the ship for ten thousand years. You can’t be too careful about practicing on the road, because this is an unknown road. On this road, there will be dangers at any time, accidents may occur at any time, keep yourself The most powerful force is responsible for his own safety. If Xing Tian is eager to continue casting the "Sky Open Axe" at this time, continue to evolve and open up the road, I am afraid that the probability of failure is greater. After all, he is very tired now, no matter what Both body and mind are exhausted. If you continue at this time, you are risking your life and putting yourself in despair!

For Xing Tian, ​​it takes time and a long time to recover from his own depletion. After all, in order to cast the ‘Opening Axe’, the original treasure, Xing Tian paid a huge price, and he also suffered serious damage to himself. Sharpening the knife without accidentally cutting firewood, wanting to succeed in one fell swoop, wanting to directly obliterate and absorb the wounds of oneself, swallow the power of the rules, and make one's'Sky Open Axe' more perfect, there is no shortage of time for recovery, after all, this Is responsible for one's own life!

Taking a deep breath, Xing Tian slowly retracted his gaze, and his mind turned back. This is not a happy time. Even if the "Open Heaven Axe" was successfully cast, he should not be too happy. Now Xing Tian needs to understand his true situation. , I want to find out whether the damage to my body is like I guessed before, one-third of the original division, one-third of the will division, and one-third of the essence and blood consumption will not give me the foundation Doing harm will not affect your fundamentals.

This time, Xing Tian could not be careless. He had to do everything he could to probe his own situation to the best of his ability, and probe his own situation bit by bit, although this would consume a lot of time and also consume A lot of energy, but it is worthwhile for Xing Tian. After all, this is related to his own practice. There is no small matter in practice. As far as practice is concerned, no matter how careful it is, it is right. After all, the slightest mistake in the path of practice may be ruined. Own "life" and future!

The soul carefully probed his own situation. The more carefully he probed, the heavier Xing Tian's mind became. The matter was much more serious than he had previously guessed. Originally, Xing Tian believed that the division of three-thirds should not affect him. There was too much wastage, but Xing Tian was wrong in fact. Now his **** and demon body is on the verge of collapse, and his origin has also been greatly traumatized, and it has even affected his origin transformation.

"Damn, I'm too careless, too self-righteous, maybe my guess is right, but that is under normal circumstances, and I am not under normal circumstances now, I forgot the injury that I have suffered, and Fortunately, I am not eager to continue to do things, continue to cast the'Sky Open Axe', or a collision, without waiting for the'Open Sky Axe' to absorb the power of the rules in the fusion of Dao Wounds, my own **** and demon's true body will collapse first, really. It's so risky, is this also a test of the avenue?"

When thinking of this, Xing Tian couldn't help but sighed deeply in his heart. The situation was more dangerous than he thought. His situation was not as good as he imagined. Now he must speed up the recovery of the gods and demons. Complete the recovery of the essence and blood in a time, stabilize the balance of the gods and demons, at least not let them continue to fall to the direction of collapse!

"Oh! If there are enough resources, it will be fine. If there are enough resources, this damage is nothing. After all, this is just a bad injury. But now I have no resources to recover from this terrible injury. I can only rely on my own strength. Recovering little by little, and it will take a long time for this rapport, and what I lack most is time!"

Yes, the most lacking thing for Xingtian is time, but every time it takes a long time for Xingtian, this is a great shock to Xingtian’s mind and a great test, if there is no unwavering faith Without a strong will, under such impact and test, I’m afraid it’s easy to be overwhelmed by this external pressure. If the faith is shattered, the self-cultivation will be shattered for the most part. It is extremely difficult to want to go further. .


It’s not that Xing Tian never thought about using the resources he left in the world of Chaos Clone, but these resources were left by Xing Tian to the Clone and to the subordinates in the Chaos World. If the deity uses these resources, it can speed up himself. Recovering the injury, but the effect is not too great. You must know that the resources needed by the deity are too huge, and Xing Tian is unwilling to interrupt the transformation of the chaos clone because of the deity. After all, this is not worth the gain. Now Xing Tian has not reached the critical situation, and what he can do, there is no need to alarm the avatar of Chaos, there is no need to break his plan, affect his more development, and let all his plans be "chaotic"!

It’s easier to fight "Chaos" and it’s hard to recover. Once you fight the "Chaos" plan, it’s even more difficult to recover. Now the deity’s practice has had an accident. Xing Tian doesn’t want to see his two major clones have another accident. In controllable, if an accident happens to the chaotic clone, it will be out of control. After all, the chaotic avenue that the chaotic clone cultivates is different from other avenue rules!

"Huh! Isn’t it just a little time? I don’t lack this time. Even if it pays a little price, even if it’s a waste of time, as long as it succeeds, it is worth it. Nothing is more important than your own safety. It’s more important than my own development! It’s not the first time I have experienced the situation of breaking and standing up. Although I haven’t reached this point this time, it’s not much different. As long as I deal with it properly, maybe this is also an opportunity to temper the gods and demons. Chance of the real body!"

There is no absolute danger, and there is no absolute despair. What's more, Xingtian has not yet reached this point. As long as Xingtian can deal with it carefully, there is indeed a way to resolve the crisis, which can indeed turn the crisis into an opportunity. The premise is that Xingtian’s mentality can be calm and able to use Face the current situation with a calm attitude. Don’t lose your mind due to your own problems. The mentality is the most important. If you have a good mentality, everything is possible. After all, everything has a ray of life, and Xingtian is no exception. .

After figuring out his own problems, a faint smile gradually appeared on Xing Tian's face. He was not afraid of danger, not afraid of difficulties, and afraid that he could not figure it out. As long as he could figure out the source of the problem, as long as he could calmly face it. , Everything is possible, no matter how great the danger, no matter how great the difficulty is, it can be overcome and all can be conquered.

Time waits for no one. When he figured out everything, Xing Tian no longer hesitated, and quickly gathered his mind, allowing himself to quickly enter into the practice, with the fastest speed and the best method to recover little by little. The essence and blood consumed by himself, little by little, pulled the true body of the **** and demon who was about to collapse from the edge of danger.

The hard work pays off, as long as you work hard, you will definitely gain. Moreover, Xing Tian still has great experience. Although his own situation is very dangerous, after distinguishing the priority and making a reasonable allocation, Xing Tian quickly got rid of himself. Falling out of the danger of death, he pulled himself back from the edge of death. With the accelerated recovery of the essence and blood, although the true body of the gods and demons was still weak, but gradually out of danger, with enough essence and blood as power, the deity of Xingtian The real body of the gods and demons has been tempered once again, allowing his physical body to go further. It is a pity that Xing Tian did not resolve the erosion of the wound on the physical body. Otherwise, this time I am afraid that the physical body can be transformed successfully. Go one step further and make your own path of practice go further!

Regret it? No, Xingtian doesn’t regret it, and it’s not a pity. This is just a chance. Actually, for Xingtian, he can have this kind of harvest. If he asks more, he will be too dissatisfied and greedy. It is the greatest enemy of spiritual practice. If you are "lost" by greed and lose your mind and "nature", I am afraid that the consequences will be even more disastrous and your own situation will be even more dangerous.

When the **** and demon body was completely stabilized, Xing Tian couldn't help but sighed and muttered to himself: "Fortunately, everything is so smooth, but the essence and blood are consumed too much, and it is impossible to recover in a moment. By the time of Consummation, after all, one's own **** and demon body has lost its greatest support, and it is suppressed by Dao injuries, unable to accelerate the recovery of essence and blood!"

With this terrible Dao injury, I want to use the secret method to speed up the recovery of blood essence. This is not a good thing. If you do this, you will lose your life if you are not careful. After all, the secret method consumes Xingtian himself. Xingtian’s origin and physical strength, and now Xingtian’s body cannot withstand such a consumption, this is Xingtian’s biggest problem!

The more he practices, the more he recovers his own consumption step by step. The more Xing Tian understands how terrifying and serious his injuries are, and it is precisely because of his better understanding of the body that Xing Tian gradually has a new vision of his own body. I feel that there are even greater gains on this road to body refining, but Xing Tian doesn’t have much time or more energy. Otherwise, Xing Tian has the ability to perfect the gods and demons again this time, and let himself once again. The world of "holes" opened in the real body of the gods and demons is transformed and evolved!

However, this time of crisis, Xing Tian has a better understanding of his own "acupoint" world, and Xing Tian has a deeper understanding on the Avenue of Stars, and really figured out how the Avenue of Stars can perfectly integrate into his gods and demons. In the body, how to get rid of the original Dao rules and complete the transformation and evolution of the gods and devil’s real body, it can be said that as long as Xing Tian clears the Dao wounds on his body, then he can go further in the path of the gods and devil body refining and treat other people who cultivate the avenue For the strong, what they pursue is the endless origin of the Avenue of Stars, and what they perceive is the origin of the chaos and stars, while for Xing Tian, ​​what they understand is how to condense their own stars, how to integrate the stars into themselves, how to bless themselves, and how to polish themselves. The real body of the Chaos God and Demon strengthens its origin.

What is the pursuit of Dao practice? It’s different for each one, and today’s Xing Tian can be regarded as a blessing in disguise. He not only understands the deity’s path of development, but now uses this crisis to understand the path of **** and devil’s practice, and is able to Perfectly integrates the Avenue of Stars. From Xingtian's point of view, the Avenue of Stars is the most suitable source of the avenue for the refining of gods and demons. It opens the world of "holes" and condenses its own stars. This is a huge supplement to the refining of gods and demons. , It’s just that Xing Tian can only temporarily put aside his practice of refining the gods and demons because of the lack of his own resources and his own injuries.

As far as practice is concerned, as long as you understand your own path and the direction of practice, the lack of resources is not a big deal. As long as you have enough time and energy, this can be compensated, and even though Xingtian does not have For the background, as long as Xing Tian finds the human base camp, as long as Xing Tian shows sufficient potential, he can naturally get the resources he needs from the top racial civilization of the human race. This problem can naturally be solved easily. For a top civilization like the human race , Xingtian's demand is not worth mentioning!

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