God of Destruction

Chapter 4208: Embarrassed

Chapter 4215 Embarrassing

"Perhaps I am approaching the truth bit by bit, the root of the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth, and the core secret of the supreme chaotic world. That's why this series of changes will appear, time and time again, dangers and trials!" The more dangerous the accident made Xing Tian inevitably have this idea in his mind, but this idea is extremely close to reality.

After calming down, Xing Tian didn’t have so much time to waste thinking. Now he is in crisis. After cutting off the connection between his own will and the outside world, Xing Tian had to plan for the worst and had to think of his own. The King of Ending clone, with the mind of the King of Ending clone, accept the result of the battle that he paid a huge price.

Xing Tian carefully absorbed the knowledge in the seal. Although he faced only the remnant soul, this was also the remnant of a giant. No giant is easy to provoke, and no one knows that they are all in their own soul. What dangerous countermeasures are left, it is always a good thing to be more careful, at least to guarantee your own life.

When Xing Tian completely refined the remnant soul of a giant, he couldn't help but feel heavy. Although what he got was one ten millionth of the memory of a giant, Xing Tian learned of this incomplete memory. A terrible news, a news that affects one’s practice. In each epoch, there are only three thousand giants, and only three thousand giants will be born. Each giant represents a kind of avenue. Only at the end of the era will there be old age. The guy was born, because the power of the era could not suppress the avenues of these old guys, and now there are already three thousand giants in the Supreme Chaos World, which means that the number of three thousand avenues has been perfected, if no accident happens, no one can break through This yoke.

"The **** world has such restrictions. It seems that the innate chaos gods and demons are all true. The world is indeed devouring creatures as nutrients, but how can the Lord of Blight and Rong easily pass the test? Can it be said that this is the highest chaos? The benefit of mutual help allows him to ignore the constraints of the supreme rule? If so, can I do it too!"

After a while, Xing Tian gently shook his head and muttered to himself: "No, things can't be like this. If only three thousand giants are born in each era of the Supreme Chaos World, every one has mastered a kind of Dao rule, how can this be? It’s not on the path of post-mortem cultivation. I must have misunderstood it. This incomplete memory is that the problem is too big, but I also have to plan for the worst. After all, the path of cultivation is difficult, and the consequences of a little carelessness will be unimaginable! Now! It’s not the time to make a decision. It’s better to absorb all the information from the soul before making a decision. If you don’t have enough information to rely on, making a decision will only harm yourself and ruin your life. , I am not as stupid as this!"

For some reason, Xing Tian always feels that his mind is constantly being affected by external forces, and always wants to do some crazy actions, as if he can't be idle at all, and always wants to cause some trouble, even if it is in this place. At the edge of the chaotic world about to collapse, he also felt this way. This made Xing Tian's heart involuntarily cast a shadow. He didn't want to cause trouble, but things would always come to his door, so Xing Tian had to face it and had to deal with it. all.

When Xing Tian moved the heart of the King of Ending clone, this clone of King of Ending had an urgent need to break out, and desperately entered the highest chaotic world to plunder his luck, which made Xing Tian himself a little unbelievable. The change has increased Xing Tian's vigilance "sex", and made Xing Tian dare not act rashly. After all, this is related to his own survival.

"Perhaps my guess is correct. I have been targeted during the robbery. The enemy is pushing me to desperation step by step. The deity lost the ability to fight under the first battle, and now I can’t wait to end my life. The clone of the King of End is also obliterated. At this time, when I leave the customs, it must be ten deaths and no life. No matter how well I cover it, I can't eliminate the faint connection of the clone of the King of End. Most people can't notice it, but for the giants But it’s easy to say. But you can’t hide. Whether it’s the clone of the world or the clone of the king of the end, they have all been spotted. In that case, why not let it go! I have been unable to hide, and I don’t understand the Supreme Chaos World. When the catastrophe comes, there will also be ten deaths and no life! And the edge power cannot last forever. Once those crazy innate chaotic gods and demons take action, the world will collapse faster!"

Troubles surfaced again and again, impacting Xing Tian's mind time and time again, making Xing Tian unable to meditate, as if the whole world was attacking Xing Tian, ​​all affecting Xing Tian's mind and wanted to "force" Xing Tian out.

"Damn, someone is plotting against me. Who dares to do such a big fight at this time? Is he not afraid to'expose' himself, or is it the Supreme Chaos Will that is plotting against me? Fortunately, the deity has entered a state of dying, or else This sudden secret calculation will make me pay a heavy price, my soul will fall, and my own innate chaotic gods and demons will be corroded by external forces, and will bring endless trouble to my own practice!" Every time Xing Tian thought that he had been secretly calculated, someone was secretly cursing himself, and wanted to use this force to force himself to show up.

The power of the curse is plotting against Xingtian, but unfortunately the person who shoots only has a breath intercepted from the void. The curse that can be launched is limited and cannot give Xingtian a fatal blow. Otherwise, such a big hand will definitely make Xingtian. Death and death.

To become famous in World War I, Xingtian has both advantages and disadvantages. It has a lot of gains and huge hidden dangers. As long as someone is determined and willing to pay the price, there will be enough power to contain Xingtian and influence Xingtian, although Xingtian is The human race seems to be backed by the human giants behind it, and the God Devouring Mother Emperor is backing it, but the power of the curse is beyond defense. As now, Xing Tian has fled to the edge of the supreme chaotic world and still has not escaped this power.

In the supreme chaotic world, all means and powers exist. Cursing the enemy through the void. This is a normal situation. If Xingtian is not outside the territory of the human race, there will naturally be a human aura enchantment shelter, foreign race The conspiracy will be blocked by the human luck enchantment, but now that Xing Tian is outside the territories of the human race, he also loses this protection. The reason why this shock came so late is because the person who shot it just noticed the change of the human race. Knowing that Xing Tian left the human race.

Who was it against Xing Tianxia, ​​the tycoons that shot before? No, it's not these giants. They have already failed once before. Before the final battle, they couldn't hold back their face to plot against Xingtian. After all, Xingtian is just a junior in their eyes, an ant, and it is not worth the effort. cost.


"Hurry up and lock in the position, curse, can you **** do it, if you can't do it, get out of me, let the place out, let the capable people search for the position of the madman, there is no human race The shelter of the boundary of luck, it is impossible for him to escape our pursuit, and I felt the breath of an old friend in that kid!"

At this time, in the core area of ​​the Supreme Chaos World, some innate chaos gods and demons are gathering together. They are trying to find Xingtian with the help of the power of the curse. They are eager to confirm some news from Xingtian.

Yes, the innate chaotic gods and demons are fighting against Xingtian, but the power to curse the gods and demons has not been fully restored, and because of the appearance of Xingtian, they have also "chaoticed" their plan, which seriously affected the original arrangement and cursed The gods and demons had to use their spirits to plot Xingtian, but he didn't expect Xingtian to flee madly to the edge of the highest chaotic world, the land of death!

"Hmph, I can't do it, and others can't do the same. My curse is my method to lock this madman. The help you provide is too small, just a breath of breath, how can I be successful, let alone I feel this The madman must have made terrible preparations, either hiding himself in another small world, using the power of the world to shield his own breath, disturbing the secrets, or he will completely self-proclaim himself and not give anyone a chance to find him ."

"This is impossible. I admit that the junior's methods are very powerful, but in such a short time, he cannot find a perfect small world, a world that can shield the rules of the avenue. As for self-styled, this is a bigger joke, this Under the circumstances, would he dare to do this? If he did, he would perish himself!"

For the innate chaotic gods and demons, they don’t want to believe that Xing Tian will proclaim himself, but the reality is like this. The deity of Xing Tian is indeed in self-sealing, so that the outside world cannot find his existence unless the supreme chaos will helps to break the limit of the supreme rule. , Otherwise Xing Tian couldn't do it just by relying on the breath taken from the void.

"We have to find him if we can't find it. We have to find him. After all, we need to get back what we want. Only by perfecting the whole plan can we fight against the supreme chaotic will and live in this catastrophe. If it comes down, otherwise our great array of gods and demons will have huge defects, and it will inevitably become its own hidden danger during the war!"

"Unfortunately, we don't have enough manpower. Even if everyone is fully prepared before, but when an accident happens, we still can't succeed. After all, we have just returned to the highest chaotic world and are still bound by the world."

Yes, these innate chaotic gods and demons now feel Xing Tian’s original attraction, and they want to get back the origins of the boundary battlefield world from Xing Tian, ​​and to get back the origins of several innate chaotic gods and demons. After all, they have lost a complete realm. The original wish of the battlefield world, as well as a few chaotic gods and demons, has a lot of influence on this team composed of chaotic gods and demons.

"Damn, it would be nice to know that I would take the shot. As long as he has a cause and effect with this lunatic, he will not escape our grasp even if he has the ability to reach the sky. Now we are affected by the outside world and dare not let go of many things. , For fear of accidentally attracting those damned civilizations to counterattack, detonating this catastrophe in advance, and quickly plunge the world into desperation."

"Give up. In fact, we might have done something wrong at the beginning. We should not pin our hopes on external forces, even if we can grab everything we want from this lunatic, but do we have a chance to survive? Anything? Racial civilization will not accept us, and even to them we are the greatest enemy. No one wants to see our resurrection."

As far as racial civilization is concerned, it is true that no one race is willing to accept defeat, and no civilization feels that there is one more dangerous enemy on its head. Xing Tian is not strong enough now, but the light of human race is protecting him!

"Give up, this time you let me give up, do you know what you are talking about? Give up at this time means that everything you paid before will be turned into nothingness. If you want to continue doing it, you can go. I won't stop you, just after leaving , You don’t need to come to us for help anymore. We don’t have so much time and energy to help an outsider. Leaving means that you are no longer a member of the group. You will be a stranger. I figured it out clearly."

This is not terrifying, and the other person smiles: "Hehe! It's ridiculous, what can you do if you don't give up, or continue to live like this, this will only continue to consume your own life and origin. Our origins are exhausted, and everyone will once again be in a desperate situation! As for leaving, it’s no big deal. I never think that we will be incapable of survival after leaving you. Our cooperation has always been equal, you Don't want to blame me!"

Just when these innate chaotic gods and demons conflicted with ideas because of their own interests, and when the situation was about to collapse, someone stood up and said: "Damn, we are only a little bit able to condense a perfect world, but this difference is not There is a world of difference, whoever wants to give up like this, it is better for everyone to shoot again, let the curse go crazy again, if it is still not found, it will not be too late for us to stop, after all, it is not us who provoked this crazy blood awakening killing , We don’t have to take on this difficult result. I don’t believe that the giants in civilization dare to ignore our existence, dare to continue to fight against us to the end, and take their own and ethnic civilization’s life and death adventures, no one can afford to fight endlessly with us. s consequence!"

When these words sounded, some innate chaotic gods and demons were persuaded once again, and for the time being, they entered into grievances. Everyone worked together to fight against the crisis. They couldn't help but jump out. Some radicals even wanted to directly deprive Xingtian of everything. If all this were so easy, there would be no more shocking changes, which would not make the situation out of control.

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