God of Destruction

Chapter 4228: Hard shake

Chapter 4234: Hard Shake

The Terran is crazy, in the eyes of others, but it is not so for the Terran. If the virtual master fails this time, even if the entire virtual world can be preserved, the Terran will be greatly injured, relatively speaking, it will consume the Terran energy. It is the best choice and the best choice to ship to protect the virtual master and let it have a chance to transform and succeed. As long as the person is still there, everything can start again. If the person is gone, everything will be gone. A powerful giant, even if it loses its source, can quickly recover as long as he is given time and resources, but for newcomers, there is no such possibility.

Does Terran lack resources? No, at least there is no shortage of resources for the human race in front of you, even if it is lacking, it will not lack the virtual master, so no matter how terrible the natural punishment, the human giants are still willing to use the luck to obliterate the natural punishment, let The virtual lord can live in death and complete their own transformation, and they believe that no other race civilization will jump out to make trouble at this time. After all, the human race is also trying to find their way by doing this. If the virtual lord succeeds, it means They also have a chance of success.

Although the virtual lord under heaven's punishment cut off the origin, he didn't give up his practice because of it. He shook his head and said, "Let go, don't consume the human luck for me. It's not necessary. This is not me. The desired result, you are just wasting the human luck by doing this, and let me accept the baptism of God’s punishment. This is what I have to face!"

These words of the Virtual Lord are very firm, giving people a feeling that they cannot be rejected. In the eyes of the Virtual Lord, there is no longer a fear of life and death. What he pursues is only the great road. He is willing to give up his life to practice his great road, and Instinct can make people feel that this is the right way for oneself. Only when he is baptized by God's punishment, who can break and stand up, can he go from life to death, from death to life.

In the mind of the virtual master, death from life does not necessarily mean death. To cut off the source and the source world by yourself is to cut off one's own avenue, that is, the avenue perishes, and from death to life, it is to end in the source. After slashing to reshape everything, if there is no external stimulus, this can't be done, and the punishment of heaven is this external force, and the shelter of human luck has become a restraint on oneself.

"Crazy, the human race is crazy, and the virtual lord is crazy. He has made such a choice. He has to directly face the punishment of the sky, and use him to cut off all the original body and fight against the punishment of the sky. Under punishment, he can be beaten to death!"

"Yes, this is the situation right now, but the more so, the more it shows that the virtual lord's character is high, and he can abandon himself to become a whole human race. This is not what ordinary people can do. If it is you, you Can you make the same choice?"

No one dared to answer, because they all understand that facing the crisis of life and death, they are afraid that they will not be so indifferent as the virtual master. For them, as long as there is a glimmer of life, they will not give up, even if this life opportunity is consumed. Even if it will make the ethnic civilization behind them exhausted, they will do it because they are afraid of death. This is the biggest difference between them and the virtual lord!

People are not for themselves, and the earth will die! But in the virtual master, they did not see such selfishness. What they saw was only righteousness. Not only was the alien giant shocked, but the many giants of the human race were also shocked by the virtual master's choice, allowing them to stop. , These human giants have a trace of unwillingness in their hearts, because they don't want to lose luck!

"Listen to me, let go of all defenses, don't waste the luck accumulated by the human race, I don't need luck to help me, I will fight against the punishment with my own strength, open it to me!" The virtual lord shouted deeply. , The originally decayed body exudes a powerful force, and a trace of vitality condenses in his body.

Seeing the resolute attitude of the virtual lord, although reluctant, the many giants of the human race still compromised, and they let go of the defenses gathered by the human luck, letting the sky fall down wildly under the punishment, the thunder light rain madly The virtual lord blasted down. Facing such an attack, the virtual lord faced it calmly, letting the power of Heaven's Punishment crazily raging on his body, and letting the power of the violent Heavenly Thunder attack. In the destruction of his body and soul, the virtual master saw a glimmer of vitality, felt the existence of the original source, and finally succeeded after breaking it, but it is a pity that the virtual master cannot induce more vitality under the punishment of heaven and cannot complete it. The overall transformation of itself, because the virtual master does not have enough power to condense the origin of the new Dao.

"It is the cohesion of the origin and the cohesion of vitality. Unfortunately, the preparation of the virtual master is still too insufficient. There is not enough strength to condense the perfect origin of the Dao. He did not let his origin complete the final transformation. It is the same as the previous Lord of Withered Stuck, although the vitality has allowed him to complete his rebirth, but the source has not completed the transformation from virtual to real. He should not cut out his original world, otherwise there may be a chance of success, which is really a shame !"

At this moment, whether it is the giants of the human race or the giants of other races, they can clearly feel the real situation of the virtual lord. They are all sighing. They are all worthless for the virtual lord. For the survival of the race, they are bad. With one's own practice, all this is worth it. If there is the original world, it might not be the result.

Although the punishment is not over yet, everyone already knows the result. For those giants, this is enough. This observation has yielded a lot for them, so before the punishment is over, these The giants all took back their minds and no longer cared about the situation on the human side. They all understood that the virtual master had failed.

The failure of the human race and the failure of the virtual lord has a great impact on all giants, and it also allows them to see the hope of success. In their hearts, they feel that if the original world is still there, they have a chance of success and lose the original world. It also loses everything, breaking and then standing does not mean to cut off one's own original world.

For many giants, they don’t care too much about what they think about Heaven Punishment, because they think that even the virtual master who has cut off their own origin and origin world can withstand the next Heaven Punishment bombardment. They have no reason not to. It’s just that they don’t know that things are not as simple as they think. What they see is only the superficial situation, but the real situation is only clear to the virtual master, who is the one who punishes the world. Others will not understand the truth. everything of.

auzw.com failed, the transformation failed, but the virtual master survived the punishment, and as the last punishment fell, the eyes of the virtual master revealed a trace of crazy joy Although he didn't achieve his wish or complete the final transformation, the method he had guessed was correct, and he felt a trace of hope of detachment.

Heaven's punishment comes and goes fast. Perhaps this is because of the failure of the virtual lord. The time of Heaven's punishment is naturally much shorter. Just when the giants retreated, Xing Tian frowned. The majesty was dissipating, and the punishment was over. Xing Tian couldn't help but sigh in secret. The punishment only lasted for such a short time, which shows that the virtual master has failed! Even the virtual master failed, and this was a big blow to Xing Tian, ​​after all, the strength of the virtual master was there.

"How could this happen, the virtual lord has also failed, and detachment is really so difficult, or is there a problem with the human race's plan itself?" Xing Tian was pondering, thinking about the solution, the virtual lord's defeat came to the entire human race It is said that there is tremendous pressure, regardless of whether the virtual master is alive or dead, the human luck will be greatly affected.

"Damn it, if it weren't for those sinister and vicious innate chaos gods and demons, those **** enemies, I wouldn't have to be so cautious at all. I don't have to hide here and dare not let out a single thought. I will remember this cause and effect, those bastards. They will definitely pay a heavy price for their actions, and to prevent others from enlightenment is an endless battle!"

When thinking of this, Xing shook his head, gathered his mind, and tried to calm himself down, free from the influence of the outside world, and not affected by this failure. After all, everything has passed. No matter what you think, everything is It has ended.

"Oh, I don't know if the virtual lord has survived, whether his original world has survived the punishment, no matter what the outcome of this duel, the virtual lord has opened a new era, an era that belongs to him alone. "

When Xing Tian was distressed by the failure of the virtual lord, the virtual lord after the punishment was over was full of red, looking at the human giants in front of him vigorously, the meaning of joy appeared on the surface, so many human giants have Doubt, I don’t know what is thinking in the mind of the virtual lord, he will have such a good mood after the failure!

At this moment, the luck of the human race bloomed once again, once again covering the frontiers of the human race. The virtual lord and the giants of the human race disappeared on the earth. They all put down the creatures sheltered by the human race. They are all waiting for the virtual lord. At the end of the duel with the Innate Chaos Gods and Demons, Xing Tian disappeared without a trace in the induction of these people.

In the Human Race Hall, many giants frowned. The virtual lord of this battle opened a new portal for them, allowing them to see some of the situation after the portal, but this situation made them all worried, because all this is beyond With their mastery and imagination, the hearts of the giants are both gratified and fearful.

The Virtual Lord sighed softly: "Well, don’t worry about my failure. This time I did fail, but it’s not a failure. After all, this is just a confrontation between juniors. When they are not ready for everything, they are fighting everything and making a dark cloud. In your eyes, I have indeed failed in this battle, but all this is just the beginning. Are you all suspecting that I have lost my mind? After the failure, I am still so happy, because what you see is only the surface, in fact, it is very different from what you think in your heart. Don't think that cutting off the source world is self-destruction, it is because I cut off the source world, so Only by being able to survive under the punishment of heaven, and the original world will continue to be preserved, this is truly self-defeating from heaven and earth, because he cannot withstand this huge impact and will inevitably lead to destruction!"

"Virtual Lord, what happened in the end, what you said made us confused?" Someone couldn't help but ask. For them, everything before was too amazing. The words are too difficult to understand.

"My way is not wrong, and my choice is not wrong. It is the world that is wrong, it is that I do not know enough about the world. If you want to be surpassed, you must cut off the origin, cut off the origin world, or be punished by heaven. There are ten deaths and no life below. Only when the source world is cut off and no power exists, can I stimulate myself with the power of punishment and reunite with the source. It is a pity that I am not prepared enough and I don’t have enough source. Support myself to complete the final transformation, and this world is hindering my transformation, and eventually ended in failure, but I believe that with this experience, I will succeed in the next moment!"

When talking about this, the eyes of the virtual lord transmitted a terrible light, as if this light could see through everything, but this light was fleeting, there was no time for the many giants present to probe, unless they really wanted to Immortal with the entire human race, holding all the armies under his hands to forcibly flatten everything in the human race.

"What, how is this possible? Without the world of origin, what can you use to condense the origin? You have already failed. If you were fully prepared before and have enough strength, you would not face such a situation at all, you can transform smoothly. !" The Lord of Light couldn't help roaring at this moment, his eyes gleaming with dissatisfaction with the Virtual Lord.

"Haha! I did fail, but I didn't completely lose everything. If you want to learn from me and follow my path, you must remember that there is something to do and there is something to do. If you want to have a lot of gains, you must have so much. If you can’t unite and overcome the difficulties, you will end up in failure! Okay, I need time to meditate. After I fully recover, I will talk to you in detail. Now that I’m talking too much, you can’t Understanding." When he said this, the body of the Virtual Lord exudes a strong vitality, which is surging crazily in his body, constantly repairing his body and his origin.

The origin is recovering, but the speed of recovery is a bit slow. As for the new world, the virtual lord has no sense at all, because now his realm is high, but he does not have the strength to match it, so he can only watch. The origin world that I cut out is sliding towards the abyss bit by bit, and more and more death auras are rushing towards the edge of destruction frantically!



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