God of Destruction

Chapter 4230: Karma

Chapter 4236: Cause and Decisive

The Supreme Chaos Will attacked the Human Race, and it pained the killer without concealment. This has an extraordinary impact on the entire Supreme Chaos World. No matter what civilization or how strong the giants, their hearts are extremely shocked, and the Human Race is now fate. It is their future fate. As long as they stand up and dare to provoke the supreme chaotic will and dare to fight for detachment, they will inevitably suffer the same blows, especially the ancient giants like the God-Eater Mother, their hearts are even more panicked, because They have long been the targets of suppression by the Supreme Chaos World. As long as they dare to show up, they will definitely be hit hard!

"Damn the supreme chaotic will, even the human race like this is just condensing its own world to protect the inheritance of the race civilization will suffer such suppression, I can imagine what the result would be if an old guy like me stood up, fortunately before Lao Tzu He placed his backhands and used Xingtian’s junior to test the reality. Otherwise, he would have to act rashly, and the consequences would be disastrous!" Seeing the terrible changes above the void, feeling the crazy breath from the Supreme Chaos Will, Devouring God Insect Mother The emperor's heart was filled with emotion.

Before, Xingtian’s crazy outbreak caused heavy damage to the army of the God-Evering Insect Sea, causing numerous deaths and injuries. The Mother Queen of God-Eating Insects felt dissatisfied, and even wanted to teach Xing Tian a lesson so that Xing Tian could converge. She just gave the other party The God Devouring Sea Army, but it took a long time to die and wound countless. In the eyes of the God Devouring Mother Empress, she was hitting herself in the face. She did not take her warning seriously, but now she has no such thoughts anymore. , The Deity Devouring Insect Sea will be destroyed. Although it has blood inheritance with it, for the God Devouring Mother Queen, this is also her own shackles. If you can destroy it by Xing Tian’s hand, it will be a relief for yourself. Free yourself from the suppression of the Supreme Chaos Will!

There are many ancient giants like the God-Eater Mother Queen. They all have the same ideas, and they are all upset about the madness of the Supreme Chaos Will. Is the human world really that dangerous? Will it break the peace of the Supreme Chaos World? No, in the eyes of these old guys, this is not the case, but the supreme Chaos Will hurts the killer without taking care of it. This has to make them shocked and vigilant. There must be some changes that they don’t know. .

Looking for someone to discuss countermeasures? No, for these ancient old guys, they don’t have such an idea, because they know very well in their hearts that no one can be trusted in the catastrophe. At this time, if they take the initiative to jump out, they will only die miserably. Maybe This is the calculation of the Supreme Chaos Will, just to lead them, old guys to take the initiative to show up, and then kill them all.

For the ancient giants, they survived time after time and saw too many conspiracies and tricks. For them, they would not act rashly. If the God Eater Mother Queen hadn't won Xing Tian first, But after this, it will never show up, will not calculate Xingtian, win over Xingtian, because it dares not risk its own "life", dare not take the initiative to test the supreme chaotic will under madness, in it It seems that this is self-defeating.

These ancient giants have different opinions on whether the Human Race can "force" retreat to the High Chaos Will. Some people think that the Supreme Chaos Will is killing chickens and monkeys. It is impossible to be "forced" to retreat with the Human Race. As long as the human race can persist to the end and fight with all of the civilization of a race, it will be able to "force" the supreme chaotic will to retreat, because the avenue is not a decoration, once the supreme chaos volition exceeds the limit that the avenue can tolerate, Will be deprived of the power of rules.

"Damn, the Supreme Chaos Will still hasn't flinched. It is determined to strike us a fatal blow!" When the Supreme Chaos Will still hasn't flinched after the Sword of Humanity was cut out, the entire human giant frowned. The situation is beyond everyone's imagination, and the Supreme Chaos Will is going to take them with a knife, to kill chickens and monkeys.

"Slash again, now that we have no retreat, the supreme chaotic will dared to fight hard, don't we dare to gather the power of all races, gather all the wills, gather the sword of humanity, and slash the world, if he returns Don’t retreat, we’ll do it again, the big deal is to die with it!” Facing such a situation, the virtual master did not shrink back, did not fear, and shouted loudly to the many human races, "shooting" endless killing intent in his eyes. And crazy!

"But doing so will hurt our vitality, and the entire human race will suffer a heavy loss!" Someone stood up against the suggestion of the virtual master. He saw that it was crazy to do this, and it was fighting the life and death of the human race. !

"What is the vitality injury, it is better than we are overwhelmed by the supreme chaotic will. If you are afraid, you can retreat and enter the new world. As long as we are not dead, you will be fine!" For such a person, The virtual master didn't have the slightest affection to talk about, and directly sneered and ridiculed the other party with disdain, leaving him no face!

"No, the hypothesis is right. Now we have no retreat. When we cut the sword of humanity, when we cut off all the connections and cause and effect between the human race and the supreme chaotic world, we are confronted with the supreme chaos will. If the supreme chaotic will does not retreat, we will only have immortality, and there is no second way to go. To kill is not to pay a little price, or to be badly injured, even if it consumes the luck of all races, we will fight to the end and die. Don’t retreat!” At this time, the Lord of Dry and Rong also stood up to support the Virtual Lord. Although he had been protected by the supreme Chaos Will, he had no choice in the face of his own life and death, in front of the road of practice, and at this time he also Understand why the Supreme Chaos Will sheltered and cooperated with oneself, everything was only for the benefit, and everything can be abandoned in the face of benefit!

"Did you see? Even the Lord of Blight and Rong is willing to fight to the end. What do you have to worry about, fight, fight with all your strength, even if it is the life and death of the entire race, we will never retreat, and the human race never fears war. , This time if we retreat, not to mention what kind of punishment the Supreme Chaos Will will give us, even other civilizations will be ready to move!" The Lord of Light also stood up to support the Virtual Lord. After all, this time the entire human race really got a dangerous moment. , Can't hesitate!


Why would the Supreme Chaos Will shelter the Lord of Kurong? When the sword of humanity was cut out, when the entire human causality and the Supreme Chaos Will dissipated, the Lord of Kurong truly understood the calculation of the Supreme Chaos Will, for his own origin, his own innate chaos The origin of the gods and demons, because of shelter, owes the supreme chaotic will of great cause and effect. If it were not for the sword of humanity this time, he would be in great trouble. Once the time comes, the supreme chaotic will will rely on the cause and effect. The power of the person directly plunders one of his own origins, and then everything about himself will become the nourishment of the supreme chaotic will.

hate! At this moment, the Lord of Ku Rong hated the Supreme Chaos Will very much in his heart. He originally thought he was great, capable of calculating the Supreme Chaos Will, and able to borrow the strength of the other party, but he did not expect that the one who was really calculated was himself, his own calculation rules. It has become a big joke, but fortunately no one knows all this, or else I really have no face to see people.

"Come on, sacrifice our origin, summon all beings of all races, contribute their strength, condense the sword of humanity, and fight again with the supreme chaotic will! Origin!" The virtual lord roared, ignoring that he has not recovered, immediately Sacrificing his own origin, he began to call all beings of all races, as the former master of the virtual world, when he moved, all beings of all races felt the call from the soul, the call from the origin of the human race!

"War!" For an instant, all beings of all races screamed frantically, madly contributing their origins, madly condensing their own will and the strength of humanity, when the entire human race is united, the human luck once again Cohesion, the sword of humanity condenses once again, and this time is different. This time, as a human giant, they have contributed their origins. All human beings have also contributed their origins. The entire human race is united and condensed unprecedentedly. The sword of humanity exudes even more terrifying power. It is only the breath of the sword of humanity that spreads out, making all the giants frightened. On this sword of humanity, they feel the breath of death. The sword of humanity can threaten their lives!

"Crazy, really crazy, these lunatics of Human Race even sacrifice their own origin at all costs. They really have to be immortal with the supreme chaotic will. This is incredible!" A giant is in fear! , Especially those giants that are hostile to the human race, they are afraid, they are worried that this group of lunatics will cut the sword of humanity at themselves and bring death to themselves. No one wants to face the terrible sword of humanity.

At this time, Xing Tian, ​​who was far from the edge of the supreme chaotic world, also felt the shock from his heart and felt the call of the human race, but Xing Tian did not respond to this call. Now Xing Tian is no longer a human race, and his heart is completely There is a barrier between the human race, and Xing Tian understands that if he wants to go out of his own path of detachment, he can no longer be contaminated with human cause and effect, and he cannot be involved in the human luck, otherwise he will only sink into the human race step by step. It was difficult to extricate himself from the whirlpool, and then it was an impossible fantasy to want to be detached.

"Die! Cause and decisive sever!" With Xing Tian's deep cry, the last trace of contact was finally cut off. Xing Tian finally completed his independence and no longer had the slightest contact with the human race. When the cause was severed, Xing Tian's innate chaos **** The demon body once again showed the original imprint of the Dao Dao, and once again he could clearly feel the breath of the Chaos Sea, and the call from the Chaos Sea. At this moment, Xing Tian seemed to return to the Chaos Sea and be one with the Chaos Sea!

"The call of the sea of ​​chaos, is this the essence of the true innate chaotic gods and demon? The innate chaotic gods and demon were born in the sea of ​​chaos, they are not the son of the world, the son of the avenue!" Xing Tian did not know what the other innate chaotic gods and monsters were. But at this moment, Xing Tian could clearly feel the change in himself, the call from the Chaos Sea, and the change in blood!

Why is there such a situation, everything comes from the severance of cause and effect, because I gave up everything with the human race, truly independent, no longer affected by any racial luck, and truly have the mentality and ideas of the innate chaos **** and demon.

When Xing Tian cut everything and gave up everything in the human race, the virtual master who presided over the overall humanitarian situation also felt this change. He couldn't help but sighed in his heart, muttering to himself: "The most worrying thing is When it appeared, the junior Xing Tian cut everything and gave up the last touch with the Human Race. The Human Race completely lost this Tianjiao. This is the biggest loss of the Human Race. A Tianjiao with unlimited potential, and a condensed innate Chaos God and Demon. The real Tianjiao left the human race like this!"

Not reconciled! The virtual lord is heartbroken, but there is no way to recover it. As a giant, he can understand that once such a determination is made, it will never change again. The human giants such as the lord of light are really too arrogant and too self-righteous. , And even the human race suffered such a loss, but at this time the virtual lord has no time to waste, because the human race is facing a terrible crisis, and he cannot be lost because of Xingtian’s departure, otherwise the entire human race will fall into a greater disaster !

"Come on, the supreme chaotic will, come on, the source of the supreme chaotic world, if you want to fight, we will give our lives to fight with you, even if we die, we will never retreat. The human race never fears war, and the sword of humanity can cut the world. , Can slash the sun and the moon, the ambition of the human race, can destroy the heaven and the earth!" Under the crazy cry of the virtual lord, the human race is roaring, endless luck surging madly, the whole world is trembling, all in humanity The sword, trembling under the madness of the human race.

Although the human giant has not yet swung the sword out, but at this moment, the supreme chaotic will is in fear and uneasy. It did not expect the human race to be so crazy, it will really cost all costs, even if it is genocide, it will fight endlessly. Keep going, this group of lunatics will really cut out this deadly sword, and will pull themselves to death!

If the human race cuts out this sword of humanity, perhaps the human giant will be severely injured and will be backlashed by the source of the supreme chaos world, but this sword will also cut through the source of the supreme chaos world, and the avenue will inevitably come. Everything will be out of control, the entire world will be completely out of control, no longer restricted, all rules will dissipate, all creatures in the world will lose their suppression, no matter what race or creature, they will control their own destiny!

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