God of Destruction

Chapter 4239: Festival order collapse

Chapter 4245 Order Collapse

There was a loud bang. When the Mother Queen of Devouring Insects blasted this final blow, the Supreme Chaos Will could no longer stabilize the power of order. The rules of order in the Supreme Chaos World collapsed instantly, and the power of order collapsed in an instant. The **** insect mother emperor broke the rules of order, but it didn't have the source of order to swallow as it wished. Dadao shot, Dadao did not give it this opportunity!

Everyone originally thought that it was impossible for the God Devouring Mother Queen to succeed, but now they understand that they were wrong. The God Devouring Mother Queen’s calculations are far beyond their imagination. The two are no longer on the same level. The height of the mother emperor's standing is beyond their imagination. There is a qualitative gap between the two sides, and there is a gap that cannot be changed.

When the power of order collapsed, Xing Tian’s expression changed drastically in an instant, endless cause and effect, endless karma surged in madly, the avatar of cause and effect bears the addition of endless cause and effect, and the deity of Xing Tian bears endless karma. , Cause and effect, or karma, are all turned into Xingtian’s nourishment, madly nourishing Xingtian’s clone and the deity’s "acupoint" world, both of which are expanding at a speed visible to the naked eye, even if there is a " Acupuncture's world as the bearer of karma, but still made Xing Tian feel endless pressure, the huge karma was madly impacting Xing Tian's body, making Xing Tian's innate chaotic **** and demon body a little unable to hold on.

This deity’s true body of the Chaos God and Demon is still true, and the karma clone, the newly condensed true body, can be imagined. If it were not for the king of the end clone to help, I am afraid that at this moment, it is hard to cut out the karma clone. Will be burst by this rush of causation, such a huge cause and effect cannot be carried by a clone just cut out.

"Damn bastard, **** Mother Queen of God Devouring Insects, did things so absolutely that they didn’t leave me alive. Under the impact of such a huge causal force, if I hadn’t been prepared for it, I’m afraid it would happen in an instant. Will be destroyed by this terrible karma, and all the cause and effect between me and him will be destroyed by this. It is really good calculation, really cruel!" At this time, Xing Tian hated the god-eating mother emperor and gritted his teeth. , If it’s just general causal karma, even if it’s a little bit bigger, Xing Tian won’t care about it. After all, he has gained power from the God-Eater Mother Emperor, and with this power he can get rid of crises again and again, and cause and effect are also considered owed. Down, but now it's different, such a terrible cause and effect is clearly to kill someone with a knife!

"Karma Fire Demon Lotus gave me the origin of suppressing the world, the power of the world is now, and all the ways are extinguished!" At this time, Xing Tian didn't dare to be careless, and directly sacrificed his strongest power and suppressed it directly with the power of the world. Everything, as soon as the power of the world comes out, all the ways are extinguished, even the karma is forcibly suppressed by the power of the world, so that Xingtian can breathe a sigh of relief, can rest for a while, so that he can slow down and not be terrified. The karma is broken!

When the karma fire demon lotus stabilized the "acupoint" orifice world so that the huge karma could not destroy his "acupoint" orifice world, Xing Tian sighed lightly, frowned and sighed: "It seems the order of the highest chaos world Disintegrated, the whole world will be plunged into terrible chaos and turmoil. Otherwise, it is impossible to have such terrible karma, and now the conspiracy of the god-eating mother-emperor as a **** has finally succeeded. The expected chaos finally arrived. Without the power of order, the shackles wrapped around the giants finally broke. Those **** giants will completely lose their limits, and the world will be even crazier and more terrifying! I just don’t know what Dadao will do. What kind of reaction will it bring to the world and what direction will the world take?"

Although the order has collapsed, but the avenue is still there, Xing Tian wants to know how the avenue will react. He wants to know if the avenue will reorganize the order, and whether it will take the god-eater mother king to operate, after all, the god-eater mother king has already done so. It is provoking the avenue. If the avenue does not respond, I am afraid that the whole world will be more crazy, and all the giants will become more terrifying!

The rumbling of thunder continued to resound, endless black clouds surging madly above the void, the collapse of order caused the Supreme Chaos Will to be hit hard in an instant, and the moment the order collapsed, the Supreme Chaos Will was hit by the great power. Punishment, the power of dominance is leaving it, the world is not under its control, and the will of the Dao descends on the supreme chaotic world!

Before the sentient beings were shocked by the will of the Great Dao, a heavenly punishment fell from the void and slammed directly on the Mother God Devourer, although the Mother God Devourer made comprehensive preparations, even torturing the heavens to prevent disasters. But all of this was caused by it. Although Xingtian has endured huge causal karma, he can't evade the punishment of heaven, and the punishment is directed at the sinner!

"Damn it, how could it be like this, no cause and effect karma is on me, why the great road descends from heaven to punish me?" The god-eater mother emperor is screaming frantically, unwilling to bear the attack of heaven, but it can't help it. Now, it is not the supreme chaotic will that is in charge of the world and the earth, but the great avenue, and the great avenue descends directly at it this evil person.

"Heaven's punishment is a punishment. It seems that the God-Eater Mother Empress has finally been punished. It thinks that it can hide from the sky and cross the sea, use others to prevent disasters for itself, and can ignore it. Now it has finally received retribution. How to deal with the bastard, it is best to obliterate the **** directly under the punishment of heaven, and directly blast it into nothingness!” Countless magnates and creatures are cursing the god-eating mother empress in secret, although the god-eating insect mother torn the power of order , Broke the shackles, but no one wants to see a sinister villain like the God Eater Mother Queen retreat all over, everyone is looking forward to its destruction! Only when the God Devouring Mother Queen is dead, can these giants be at ease, otherwise there is the God Devouring Mother Queen, they must be careful to guard against this bastard's plot!

For the giants, there is no friendship. When the punishment came down, the white tiger and the mysterious snake who were standing with the god-eater mother empress immediately fled. They didn't want to be bombarded by the god-eater mother emperor. They didn't want to protect the Mother of God Insect from disasters, so when they saw such a situation, they fled Yaoyao for the first time and abandoned the Mother of God Insect, their comrade-in-arms. You Dao is a dead Dao friend but not a poor Dao. This is their true thoughts and the true situation among giants!

"Damn it, come back to me. You think you can escape the punishment in this way. We are now grasshoppers on a rope. I am dead. Don't think about it. The avenue will not let you go. After all, you too Participating in this crazy battle, only if we work together can we survive the death in front of us!" The Mother God Devourer was screaming frantically, persuading the white tiger and the black snake to work together In the face of the crisis, it's a pity that no one believes that the two giants still left decisively!

auzw.com "Asshole, we are all in trouble. Although the God Eater Mother Queen is insidious and cunning, it is correct. We are all dragged by this asshole. We must all face it. God's punishment, because we are all burdened with huge karma, the destruction of order, and with our own power, we have to bear the terrible consequences. This **** god-eater mother emperor is really hateful, it doesn't matter if we die by ourselves. , But it just wants to drag us on. If I knew that, I shouldn't be seduced by this bastard!"

Many giants are scolding. They see the situation clearly and understand that God Eater Mother Queen’s statement is correct, but they are powerless now and can’t really get rid of everything. The cause and effect are already owed, and they must bite the bullet to face it. , Who allowed them to be calculated by the God-Eater Mother, who caused them to cause such a great disaster on their impulse!

"No, we can't sit and wait for death. We must take advantage of the fact that God’s punishment has not yet landed on our heads, and while the main road is clearing the god-eater mother emperor, this bastard, quickly find a way to resolve the crisis, or wait for the god-eater When the mother emperor falls down, the target of the Dao Dao will be us. We don't have the power like the god-eater mother emperor, and we can face the punishment!"

Yes, these giants don’t have the mighty power of the God-Eater Mother Queen. Even if they are bombarded by Heaven's Punishment, they still persist in stubbornly. They fight against Heaven's Punishment and are not directly bombarded and killed by Heaven's Punishment. Such power is not. General giants can own it.

Heavenly Punishment is not only aimed at the Mother-Emperor of the God-Eater. In the roar of the Mother-Emperor of the God-Eater, there are several heavenly punishments on the void, and the strongest one is directed at the Supreme Chaos Will, because it is precisely what caused it. Because the selfishness of the Supreme Chaos Will is that it violates the rules and causes such a crisis to occur, the Supreme Chaos Will also bears most of the responsibility for the destruction of order.

Of course, Heaven Punishment did not let go of the two **** who had teamed up with the God-Eater Mother Emperor to break the order. The White Tiger and the Black Snake were also spotted by Heaven Punishment. The terrifying Daowei Li was locked in their bodies, and they couldn’t help. Continue to run away, just as the Mother of God Devouring Insects said, they can't escape the bombardment of God's punishment, and if they want to survive this life and death crisis, they can only face it bravely.

"Damn, I knew that there would be such a situation a long time ago, so I shouldn't unite with the madman, the God Eater Mother Queen. With its sinister and vicious heart, how could it make us retreat. This is a big trouble. Carelessness of cause and effect will directly crush us!"

"Yeah, we shouldn’t cooperate with this lunatic, this sinister, it can calculate even to rescue its benefactor, it can put it to death, not to mention us, what agreement, what allies, it’s just His sweet words are just to pull us out of disaster. In this bastard's heart, we are just pawns that can be used!"

For the White Tiger and Xuan Snake, they immediately thought that all of this was the conspiracy of the God Devouring Mother Queen. They were calculated by the God Devouring Mother Queen, and fell into the conspiracy of the other party. Now they can't get out. This makes them extremely hate!

At this moment, how about Xing Tian, ​​with such a huge causal karma, didn't Tian Punishment launch a fatal blow to him?

Yes, at this moment, Xing Tian was indeed not hit by Tian’s punishment. Although Xing Tian played a disgraceful role in this confrontation, everything was not what Xing Tian wanted. Everything is unbearable. This is just the God-Eater. Calculating, and Xing Tian also paid a heavy price for his stupidity. The huge causal karma is Xing Tian’s responsibility. It is precisely because of this that there is no Xing Tian under the bombardment of the punishment. He escaped the punishment of the Great Dao. No need to meet the blow to death.

If Heaven Punishment is added to his body at this time, I am afraid that Xing Tian is really ten dead and no life. No matter how much potential Xing Tian has and how powerful it is, Xing Tian is still vulnerable to Heaven Punishment and Dao Dao, after all. Power is not something that ants like him can face, and the great power of the great road can wipe out Xingtian's soul.

"Heaven's punishment! Humans are not as good as the heavens. Anyone who is the god-eater, the mother-emperor, can calculate unparalleled, but still does not have the power to calculate the avenue. I did not expect that its calculation will transfer the huge karma of karma to me, making me bear this. Terrible cause and effect, but I didn’t expect that it would eventually complete me, give me an endless source of origin, and let me see the essence of the world clearly!” Xing Tian shook his head involuntarily, and now all this is just the beginning Sweep down, there will be even more dangerous situations. A supreme chaotic will that has lost control, a road that madly suppresses all vitality, has a great impact on this world!

The Dao is the public, and the Dao is selfless. This is the punishment of the Dao. Although it is not absolutely fair, it is relatively fair. There is no wrong decision due to the calculation of the god-eater mother emperor, and no killer against Xingtian, just The emergence of God's Punishment and the advent of the great road have a great attraction to the entire world, with huge cause and effect! It's just how long the avenue can last. Although it descends in the world at this time, this power will not exist forever. As time goes by, the world will also change.

"Damn, why didn't he find the Xingtian ant? How could he have escaped the punishment? You must know that this **** ant released the God-Eater Mother Queen. It should bear this karma. Why does it feel that everything has become so weird? !" The many innate chaotic gods and demons were whispering, explaining to them that they saw hope and opportunity, but everything did not belong to them. The coming of the great road only destroys the existence that cannot be grasped, and such existence, There is not much in the entire Supreme Chaos.

"We still underestimated this **** ant. He is much smarter than we thought. It is just a joke to use this method to bring it to the front. All we can rely on is ourselves. Who made our situation like this? Dangerous, let alone anything else, as long as this damned junior breaks away from everything, even if he faces provocations, he will directly ignore him. His power is beyond our imagination. Once this power is fully erupted, the whole world may usher in terrible Disaster, the world may be destroyed!"

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