God of Destruction

Chapter 4242: Festival crazy

Chapter 4248: Crazy

Is the Supreme Chaos World really unable to support the detachment of these giants? Xing Tian shook his head slightly. It was not that the world did not support it, but that their way was restricted by the world. More precisely, they were restricted by the supreme chaotic will. Even now the supreme chaotic will has left, even It cut off a part of the heart of the world, but the Supreme Chaos World still limits the detachment of those many giants, because the Supreme Chaos World does not want to have creatures that can threaten its safety.

selfish! Yes, this is the selfishness of the world. I don’t know when the supreme chaotic world has selfishness and wisdom, which has caused such big problems in this world and cut off the path of cultivation of many powerful people. Even in Xingtian's opinion, the reason for this is that the giants have no guts. If they had the faith to swear to death and were willing to fight to the death at the cost of their lives, this world would not have been like this long ago. Because those giants have fear in their hearts, they will cultivate the changes in this world step by step and cut off their own path of cultivation. For them, if they want to go further, they can only enter the Chaos Sea, and only the Chaos Sea. Can let them see the hope of detachment.

Taking a deep breath, Xing Tian's thoughts moved. The deity and the clone merged into the earth, and with the help of the existence of the earth dragon veins, they headed towards the territories of the human race. At this time, Xing Tian didn't want to be the first bird or be damned The chaos of sacred eyes, with the help of the power of the earth and dragon veins, sneak into the territory of the human race, this is the best choice and the safest choice.

Although Xing Tian is crazy, madness does not mean stupidity. In this situation, Xing Tian still does not want to risk his own life, risking this meaningless danger, putting himself in danger, if we say that this supreme chaotic world Under normal circumstances, no matter how careful Xing Tian is, it is difficult to avoid the induction of those giants, unless he stays in this edge of the Jedi, otherwise as long as he moves, his own breath will inevitably spread, and he will inevitably be affected by those giants. The deliberate **** noticed it, but now it’s different. The departure of the Supreme Chaos Will, the change of the world, and the arrival of the Chaos Sea will completely disrupt the cause and effect of this world. At this time, as long as Xingtian does not take the initiative to stand up , No one could detect his existence, because Xing Tian was sheltered by Chaos Sea.

Time is life, and time is the future. Xing Tian doesn’t know how much time the Supreme Chaos World can stay outside of the Chaos Sea, so we must hurry up and be fully prepared. Otherwise, once the Chaos Sea and the Supreme Chaos World collide, It is very likely that I missed the great opportunity because of a momentary carelessness.

Acting in the dragon veins of the earth, the deity Xing Tian did not rest, still constantly feeling the fluctuations of the earth, feeling the changes in the world, the more he was about to take over the territories of the human race, the more emotional Xing Tian's heart was, because Xing Tian felt To the scream of the earth, the human giant is really cruel enough to take away the dragon veins of the entire human territory, so that the surrounding environment is also affected, and the earth is screaming, if it is not for the power of the Chaos Sea to suddenly come, I am afraid the human He would inevitably be punished by the Daotian. The cruelty of the human race left a deep impression on Xing Tian and made Xing Tian more wary of the human giants.

Xingtian is in action, and many races in the entire Supreme Chaos World are also in action. Those civilizations that have prepared have already packed everything and are ready to break free from the Supreme Chaos World, but they can’t be as crazy as the human race, not that they don’t want to. But they dare not. The madness of the human race is that the time is too good, but now the time is no longer. Under the great road, any ethnic civilization who dares to extract the earth and dragon veins will be punished by the great road and heaven. All of them hated the Human Race and the Innate Chaos Gods and Demons with gritted teeth, thinking that these **** caused them to miss their chances.

In fact, if these giants are really ruthless, it is not that they have no chance. If they are willing to unite and jointly take on the backlash of the world, it is not that they have no chance to plunder part of the world’s origin. Unfortunately, they are too costly and are not willing to do for their own race or for themselves Those younger generations sacrificed their own origins and naturally lost this opportunity.

"No, the sorrow of the dragon veins of the earth is not only due to the disappearance of the dragon veins in front, but also other reasons. This is the power of the Chaos Sea, the power of the Chaos Sea is eroding the origin of this world, and it is mastering the earth of this world. It is because the origin of the earth is being eroded bit by bit, there will be the sorrow of the earth dragon veins. Once the power of the chaotic sea has completed the mastery of the earth dragon veins, the highest chaotic world will be drawn into the chaos sea. Means!" When he felt the secret hidden in the scream of the earth and dragon veins, Xing Tian couldn't help but gasped, and was shocked by the power of the Chaos Sea.

"Is this caused by the power of Chaos Sea itself, or is it caused by the countermeasures of the innate chaotic gods and demons?" Xing Tian was thinking, this is not a trivial matter, it is of great importance to his own practice, if it is the former, The power of the Chaos Sea is corroded by the dragon. You must be cautious when you enter the Chaos Sea. You can't accidentally let your inner world be corroded. If it is the latter, it means that you still understand the innate chaos gods and demons. Not enough, my own mastery of the real body of the Chaos God and Demon is still insufficient, and has not fully developed the power of the innate Chaos God and Demon body at all.

Regardless of the situation, Xing Tian must pay attention to it, but his time is too short now, and his pressure has become a bit heavier since then, and he must make new choices. Originally Xing Tian wanted to take this opportunity. With the power of the deity's two avatars, fully comprehending the World Avenue, now I have to allocate a part of my energy to think about countermeasures and prepare for the worst.

Be careful to sail the ship for ten thousand years. The more you are at this time, the more you must be cautious. Xing Tian doesn’t want to ruin his own practice because of carelessness, cut off his own path of practice, and think about it. In the end, Xing Tian decided to Causal clones think about countermeasures. After all, the causal clone carries all the causality of itself and the supreme chaotic world. Even if the power of the Chaos Sea descends and destroys the order of the entire world, Xing Tian still believes that his own causal clone is still related to this world. There is a trace of connection, and this trace of connection has become the best way for oneself to think about countermeasures, and it is also the only opportunity for oneself.

Just when Xing Tian had just made his choice, suddenly, the whole person's earth dragon veins burst into terrible shock waves, and a huge force was madly erupting in the earth dragon veins. This is the power of the Chaos Sea. I was wrong. , Chaos Sea didn't wait for the earth dragon veins that completely mastered the supreme Chaos World to do the final fusion, but started ahead of schedule.

auzw.com "Asshole, how could this happen!" Xing Tian couldn't help but lose his voice. This shocking change directly disrupted his deployment, disrupted his own plan, and let I had to make a new choice, because the collision of the world would happen soon, if I didn't leave the earth dragon veins quickly, I would be eroded by the power of the Chaos Sea, and even impacted, and I would definitely be in desperation at that time!

"Damn, why is this? Is the Chaos Sea dominating everything, or the Great Chaos World dominating? Are they to prevent the creatures in this world from leaving, or for other reasons?" Unfortunately, no one can give Xing Tian an explanation. Answer, and Xing Tian doesn't have time to understand all of this carefully. Time is life. At this time, Xing Tian's first choice is how to get out of the earth and dragon veins, and how to quickly enter the territory of the human race!

"The deity, can't hesitate anymore, use the power of magical powers to tear apart the void, and we directly rush into the territory of the human race. Only in this way can we obtain temporary safety and have the energy to feel the changes in the world and feel the world. Change!" The King of End clone directly expressed his thoughts. Although this idea is crazy and dangerous, a little carelessness will put himself in crisis, but this is the best choice at the moment, otherwise he is very You may lose your chance!

"Okay, you and I will join forces to tear the void and break free from the shackles of the earth and dragon veins. If someone dares to stop, then you will never die!" At this time, no matter how much hesitate, no matter how much Xingtian has to worry about, No matter how you do it, there is danger. In that case, why not choose the side that is best for you.

In an instant, Xingtian's body exudes a powerful aura, and the same is true for the King of End, and the Karma clone protects the two of them, blocking the impact of the earth dragon veins for them, and the full power of the Xingtian deity and the King of Ending erupts. Below, the earth was trembling crazily, and the endless earth's evil spirit surged, rushing towards Xingtian and the others crazily.

Xing Tian's actions still alarmed the origin of the earth, and even burst out this continuous earth evil spirit to stop Xing Tian, ​​prevent them from destroying the earth's dragon veins, and prevent them from tearing apart the void, because once Xing Tian succeeds, they are in the earth. The dragon veins will inevitably suffer severe damage. This is not the result that Earth Origin is willing to see, nor is it the result that Dao Dao is willing to accept, and it is not the result that Chaos Sea is willing to see. It can be said that Xingtian is doing this to be an enemy of the world.

"The Great Dao of the World, the sword of the world cut through the void, open it to me!" With the full assistance of the King of End clone, Xing Tian erupted with the greatest power, and the origin of the Great Dao of the World instantly condensed into a sword of the world, slashing directly towards In the void, Xing Tian’s magical power is similar to the sword of humanity condensed by the giants of the human race, except that Xing Tian’s world sword is based on his own inner world, and the power of the many "acupoint" worlds has completely exploded and condensed into This terrible sword of the world.

Unfortunately, Xingtian’s "Acupoint" Aperture World is not great. If it is the "Acupoint" Aperture World below Dacheng, the condensed sword of the world will inevitably have even more terrifying power. The power of the King of End clone is not needed at all. Can tear the void, can cut everything.

Dacheng? To Xingtian today, it is just a joke. The resources needed are too many and terrible. It is not what he can bear. What Xingtian has to do now is to protect himself, just to keep his chances, and to go further!

"Damn, someone is tearing apart the void, and that **** is going to enter the Chaos Sea!" When Xingtian made this move, the giants were all roaring. They didn't want to see anyone step into the Chaos Sea by themselves and get a chance. However, these giants are unable to leave because of the drag of the ethnic civilization behind them. How can they not hate those who leave.

Although there are many opportunities for Chaos Sea, they are also limited. One more person seeks out one more enemy, but before these people take action, the spatial changes made by Xing Tian disappear, leaving these giants who were going to kill them. Everyone is dumbfounded. What is going on here? How can everything end in an instant? Has the other party succeeded or failed?

Suddenly endless doubts appeared on the hearts of those giants, casting a shadow over their hearts, making them wonder how to decide? If the other party succeeds, at least there is no danger, but if this person fails, the consequences will be unimaginable. This means that if you want to leave the highest chaotic world, you will be in danger if you want to tear the barriers of the world. Perhaps this danger comes from On Dadao, Dadao is preventing them from leaving and preventing them from entering the Chaos Sea.

"Damn, you can't delay any longer, if you drag on, you may be trapped and die in the supreme chaotic world. What does the race's survival have to do with me? I seek detachment!" Finally, some giants couldn't bear this powerful pressure. Abandoned the racial civilization behind him, and left alone, because he was afraid, afraid that the opportunity would be lost before his eyes.

When a person makes such a decision and a giant gives up the racial civilization behind him, more giants will do so immediately, because to these giants they were originally selfish, and when they saw themselves detached When the road is about to end, they will inevitably make selfish choices instead of choosing to live and die with ethnic civilization.

In just a short time, many giants madly tore the void and broke into the Chaos Sea, and with their madness, the barriers of the world became more and more terrifying. Dadao took action. Dadao was stopping them, not Dadao. Trapped these giants in the Supreme Chaos World, but their madness affected the Supreme Chaos World, Dadao had to make such a choice. And the more the Dadao is, the more fearful and uneasy those giants who have not made a decision will eventually have to abandon the ethnic civilization behind them, tear the void away alone, and directly abandon the ethnic civilization! In a word, the giants of the whole world are crazy at this time. Almost all the giants have chosen to leave. Only a few giants are still maintaining their own ethnic civilization and have not chosen to leave by themselves. This is the change of the world, this is the heart of the people!

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