God of Destruction

Chapter 4247: Festival World Fusion (5)

Chapter 4253: World Fusion (5)

The Supreme Chaos World is changing every moment, and no one knows what will happen in the next moment. As time goes by, as time goes by, with the occurrence of collisions, Xing Tian, ​​or other strong people, are all Being beaten physically and mentally by this terrible shock wave, even many strong people died and souls disappeared in this shock wave. For those weak ants, there were not many casualties, and the number of their sacrifices might be higher. There is a huge gap in the proportion of the strong in the supreme chaotic world, and this situation directly confirms Xing Tian's worry.

Seven world collisions have passed, and now only the last two collisions remain, but the seventh world collision has brought a huge impact to Xingtian, and Xingtian’s mind has been greatly impacted, even if it is Xingtian’s will. No matter how firm it is, it has also received a huge impact under the seventh world collision, and it has cast a shadow over Xing Tian's heart!

Not only Xing Tian is like this, but the same is true of many giants in the Supreme Chaos World, but they are much better than Xing Tian, ​​they communicate with each other, and these giants do not have two clones like Xing Tian, ​​and even have to bear it themselves. The power of the three shocks, if Xing Tian did not have two avatars, he would not suffer so much damage, but it would be impossible for Xing Tian to give up his two avatars. He paid such a high price to condense the two. Zun has a huge potential clone, but at this time he has to sacrifice his clone. This is unacceptable for Xing Tian. Even if the environment he is in is not so dangerous, Xing Tian will not do it, so he must continue to persist as long as there is a glimmer of life. , Xing Tian will not give up!

The collision of the seven worlds is a huge trauma to the entire Supreme Chaos World. After the seven collisions, the origin of the Supreme Chaos World has been significantly weakened. The origin of the Supreme Chaos World has been eroded by the power of the Chaos Sea for most of it, perhaps eighth. When the second collision occurs, the Supreme Chaos World will collapse, and the giants in this world that stand on the peak will usher in a real crisis of life and death, endanger their lives, and let them face death!

"Damn the avenue, the **** Chaos Sea, what do they want to do, really want to "force" us to a desperate situation, really do not give us a little life?" After the seventh collision, the giants were all gloomy. With a wide face, a faint of madness was revealed in their eyes. At this time, their hearts hated the Dao and Chaos Sea, because they all understood the calculation of the Chaos Sea and the Dao. Use their origin to resolve the crisis of the highest chaotic world!

"We can’t just sit and wait. The seventh world collision threatens our lives and deaths. If it weren’t for our unity and cooperation, I’m afraid we would have fallen into this horrible calculation and would have been destroyed by that terrible shock wave long ago. I think we It's time to use the power of the race, gather the luck of the race, gather the sword of humanity, and have a life-and-death duel with the Great Dao and Chaos Sea. We must not fight back when the world collides for the last time, so we won't have any chance at all!"

"Yes, I agree with this suggestion. Judging from the previous world collision, the eighth world collision is absolutely impossible to retreat if we only rely on our own strength, and even if we have the intention to tear the void away, It is also difficult to break free from the shackles of the avenue and the sea of ​​chaos. We want to live and retreat. We can only attack with all our strength in this eighth collision, and kill them by surprise, and hit the result we need, otherwise everyone will have a dead end. One!"

"It’s good to say that the cohesion of the race is good, as long as we are willing, it can be united, but the sword of humanity is not an easy task. After all, we don’t have the means of the human race to let everyone work together with us and be willing to do The race’s life and death is a life-and-death battle and let those damned fearful of death participate. Once they rebel, it will be a devastating blow to us. After all, the cohesion of the sword of humanity is not a trivial matter, and there can be no mistakes. !"

"If you have to pay, you will gain. If we want to retreat from this crisis, we must give something. Since some of those'ants' are opposed to us, and some are not of one mind with us, there is no need for them to survive. , Using the ultimate means, even if there are more dead'ants', as long as we can survive, that is enough. If we can live, the ethnic civilization will not perish. It is normal to sacrifice some'ants'! "

People don’t serve themselves and the heavens are destroyed. For their own survival, they have their own "life". No amount of sacrifice is worth mentioning, because in the eyes of these giants, these so-called descendants of the tribe are just ants. , This time is when they pay the price for the survival of the race, it is also when they sacrifice, it is the time when they are loyal to the civilization of the race!

"Okay, that's it. Now we are preparing. Everyone must make no mistakes. This is not a matter of one or two people, nor is it a matter of one or two ethnic civilizations. It is a matter of all of us, all civilizations. Don’t blame us for being cruel and cruel if we make a mistake and cause others to suffer. After all, no one is willing to face death, no one is willing to sacrifice themselves. I hope everyone can make the right choice and don’t embarrass us. !"

When things have reached this point, there is nothing to hide. Many giants have directly expressed their thoughts and plans. At this time, there can be no benevolence. Someone needs to stand up and sacrifice. This sacrifice is The target is naturally the "ants", saying so many just makes those giants who have not made a decision to be vigilant, don't be arrogant, harm others and yourself, ruin everyone's "life" and ruin everyone's future.

Time is limited. All the giants understand that there is not much time left for them now, and no one knows whether the world will collide in the next moment, so they have not hesitated in this regard, let alone entangled, and soon All the giants reached an agreement and acted quickly. Killing was never a big deal for them, and kindness would not appear in their hearts at this time. After all, they had to do their best if they didn't want to die!

auzw.com Soon most of the civilizations of the entire Chaos World started to act frantically. They were all preparing for the worst, gathering people frantically, making the final preparations, and doing the craziest. The killing, they have to use the lives of these people as a price to rebel against the Great Dao, against the power of the Chaos Sea, and fight for their last chance.

If you want to retreat in this life and death catastrophe, someone must stand up and sacrifice yourself, and it is more appropriate to sacrifice these junior ants. After all, only by sacrificing these ants can oneself reduce the pressure. Only if there are more sources to condense, and to fight against the power of the Great Dao and Chaos Sea, can you get that glimmer of life!

After discovering such a terrifying change, did the creatures of ethnic civilization not feel their own crisis? No, some people with perceptual supernatural powers are aware, but they are unable to break free from the crisis of death. After all, their strength is not worth mentioning. Under the suppression of many giants, they have no chance to resist. Weakness is destined to not have the ability to dominate fate, and it is also destined to face this terrible death disaster!

Time is passing frantically. All the giants are making their last struggles and efforts. They are doing all they can to strengthen their own heritage, strengthen their own strength, prepare for this eighth world collision, and also for their own survival. To prepare, as long as you can survive the eighth disaster, it means that the crisis will be more than half past. Compared with the ninth final collision, all the giants believe that the most terrifying is the upcoming eighth world collision. Others are where their lives are threatened!

At this moment, Xing Tian's heart was also sighing. With the development of the situation and the crazy moves of those giants, the chaos of the Supreme Chaos World is strengthening, and the fluctuations of the world are intensifying. No matter how many people and how many creatures see this The emergence of a disaster, but they are unable to break free from the shackles of the crisis, they can only passively accept everything, this is their fate, the fate of the weak has never been in their own hands, is in the grasp of other strong!

With the passage of time, Xing Tian can feel that his heart is getting heavier and heavier, he feels the oppression from the world, the oppression from the Chaos Sea, and he can deeply understand how dangerous his situation is and understand himself. What kind of blows are about to be faced. At this time, Yuanyuan Zhibao has been caught by Xingtian. Although Xingtian is unwilling to plan for the worst, Xingtian has to do it in the current situation. No matter how reluctant to give up, Xingtian must do it. Make a choice!

The Spear of Ending appeared in the hands of Xingtian's deity, and the breath of Ending Dao was running frantically, as if as long as Xingtian's mind moved, this original treasure would explode its ultimate power and activate the power of Ending Dao to end the world and end. All crises, so that you can retreat from this terrible and terrifying disaster!

"It’s coming soon. The eighth world collision is about to begin. I hope it will not endanger my life. I hope there will be no new changes in this situation. Otherwise, it will be really unthinkable. In the middle, I felt death and destruction. This is the change of the origin of the world, and this is a warning of the origin of the world!" Xing Tian muttered to himself, and his eyes kept shining brightly. Xing Tian's mind is also struggling with thunder, because he understands that this will be another life and death test for his own people. Victory will lead to life and defeat will lead to death. There is no third possibility, life and death are only in his own control!

Yes, life and death are in my own control. If you want to survive, you must endure the vitality from the collision of the world, and you must let yourself survive, otherwise there is only one dead end. In this great change of heaven and earth, There is no good fortune, no chance. If you want to survive, you can only fight by yourself, and you can only pay for it. If you can’t devote yourself to this upheaval, the result will naturally be death and destruction. This is the cruel reality. , No one can change the status quo!

A loud noise of "boom" appeared, terrifying sound waves resounded throughout the world, causing the supreme chaotic world to "turbulent". This is the beginning of the eighth world collision. A powerful shock wave is raging everything frantically. Sweeping the entire supreme chaotic world, terrifying power began to explode frantically, bringing death and destruction to the entire supreme chaotic world!

"Damn, fooled, calculated by the avenue and the sea of ​​chaos. The shock wave caused by the eighth world collision does not come from the soul, but from the body. This **** avenue and the sea of ​​chaos is to kill us all. To destroy the creatures of the entire world, we must use the origin of all creatures to nourish the origin of the highest chaotic world!"

At this moment, some smart powerhouses thought of the key to the problem and the cause of the disaster. Unfortunately, it is too late to resist. The shock wave generated by the collision of the two worlds has exploded madly, raging madly. Everything, whether it is the creatures of those races or other creatures, will face the impact from the collision of the world!

"No, things are not as simple as I thought. Although the world is beginning to collide, this eighth shock wave shouldn't be so weak. This is a conspiracy. This is deceiving me. No, this is a trap!" Xing Tian finally figured out the cause of the problem, but it is a pity that Xing Tian has no time to think about it. The terrible shock wave is frantically attacking Chanfeng Xingtian's body, trying to tear Xing Tian's defenses, and want to plunder Xing Tian's all origins.

"Damn, I knew there was a problem. I didn't expect the problem to be so big. This is simply to clear the field!" Xing Tian was screaming frantically, because when Xing Tian's words just fell, the Supreme Chaos World had amazing changes. After the loud noise, a terrible shock wave swept the entire world once again, and the terrible soul attack broke out directly. All the creatures were affected by the shock from the soul, and this shock was combined with the previous power and directly increased. To relieve the burden of everyone, let everyone clearly feel the threat of death, and let themselves face death.

Xing Tian wanted to stop this time, he wanted to create time and opportunity for himself, but time waited for no one. When Xing Tian noticed the problem, everything had already happened, a terrible disaster had come, and a terrifying soul impact had erupted! The body and soul were directly hit by a double blow. Those giants who were well prepared could still withstand such a shock. They were not overthrown by this double attack, but those who were not prepared would just die!

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