God of Destruction

Chapter 4258: Sneer

Chapter 4264 Sneer

Is it possible to **** the origin of the three thousand avenues, swallow the origin of the three thousand innate chaos gods and demons, and seize the power of rules? Will the Supreme Chaos World give them such an opportunity? Although today's Supreme Chaos World has been hit hard, it is no longer the Shengwei of the past, but even the weakest Supreme Chaos World cannot be confronted by one or two giants, and the original power bred by the newly born Supreme Chaos World is even stronger. , After all, it has swallowed countless strong men to complete its own transformation!

It’s a pity that the greedy giants don’t think so much. For them, they see only benefits. Even if there is only a glimmer of hope, they will not give up and will fight with all their strength. What's more, the benefits this time are so amazing. The Innate Chaos God and Demon can not be encountered at all times, and now it is the new born of the Supreme Chaos World, and it is also the weakest time of the Supreme Chaos World. If you don't do it at this time, it will be too late for the Supreme Chaos World to grow up!

Not to be missed! Everyone understands the urgency of the situation in front of us, and also understands that if you retreat under such a situation, more people will come in. Faced with such a huge benefit, if you don’t take the initiative to attack, it’s already a foregone conclusion. It's over, don't look at the many people who are now opposing, but no one knows what is in their hearts, no one knows whether they have secretly contacted their companions, and are ambitiously preparing to seize the benefits of the highest chaotic world!

Danger! At least the so-called danger has long been ignored by many giants. No matter what choice is made, there will be danger, and danger and benefit coexist. There is no benefit that can not pay the price. If you want to seize the immediate benefit, You must take risks. In the hearts of many giants, the danger of the supreme chaotic world is not terrible, but what is really terrifying is that the companions around you are the human heart, and the human heart is the most terrifying, because under the temptation of such huge interests, who I don't know what these **** will do in the next moment, and whether they will kill themselves. After all, the opportunity of the innate chaos gods and demons is too amazing!

When the temptation of interest caused the hearts of these giants to fall one by one, the eyes of many giants showed terrible rays of light. It was the light of greed. Their eyes were staring at the gap in the highest barrier of the chaotic world. Carefully calculating the original power radiated above the gap in the barrier of the highest chaos world.

Yes! They are all tempted, and they have to rush into the highest chaos world at all costs. This may be dangerous for them, but there are also great opportunities, and the first to rush into the highest chaos world may be able to get the most benefit. The temptation of interest makes them forget the danger and make them crazy. This is human greed!

Cooperation? No, it does not exist, even if there is no cooperation between giants of the same race, because the benefits are too great to be reconciled. In this case, cooperation is just a joke, because no one Dare to believe the other party, even if it is the companion of endless years, under the great opportunity, under the temptation of the innate chaos **** and demon, no one knows what will happen next moment, and whether his companion will be right because of the benefit. I hurt myself as a killer.

Human beings are not for themselves, and the heavens are destroyed. After experiencing the situation of the previous supreme chaotic world, it can be said that the persistence in the hearts of almost all giants has been shattered. Under such circumstances, no one can believe the human heart, and no one is willing to take their own. Life is risky. After all, there is only one life, and no one can't bet on it. Therefore, even if it is a racially civilized companion, everyone remains silent, and no one speaks out about cooperation, because they all understand that this is impossible!

Time is passing bit by bit, and the change of the gap in the Supreme Chaos World is also accelerating, and the gap is closing. Under such changes, the pressure on the hearts of many giants is also increasing, and they are also getting more and more. It is impossible to wait any longer, because the gap in the barrier of the highest chaos world is likely to be completely closed. At that time, if you want to enter the highest chaos world, you need to use external force to re-create a channel, which requires a huge amount of effort. The price.

"Go!" Finally someone no longer waits or observes, because he understands that if he continues to procrastinate in this way, his own mind will be able to withstand this powerful pressure, will lose control, and no one wants to let his mind fall. No one wants to face such a terrible situation, so he can only take the initiative to attack and go straight to the highest chaotic world!

When one person starts to act, other people naturally dare not wait. The opportunities are limited and no one wants to miss it. So in an instant, almost all the giants rushed to the gap in the highest chaos world, and the rest were all Insufficient strength, at least they don't have the confidence to face the power of this supreme chaotic world, so they will stay, waiting for those giants to open a safe road to the supreme chaos world for them.

Yes, they do not have any amazing wisdom and calculations. There is only one reason for them to stay in place and wait, and that is their lack of strength. It is precisely because of their lack of strength that these talents will choose to pause for a while and wait for the giants. As long as the giants successfully rushed into the supreme chaotic world, they would not hesitate to follow up because they would not give up this opportunity, even if the opportunity is small, they must do their best to pay.

With a loud noise of "Boom!", one after another attack frantically blasted above the gap in the supreme chaotic world. The giants rushing to the front line for the sake of their lives and safety, attacked immediately, although they They don't think there will be a trap in the Supreme Chaos World, but they don't want to take a risk. It is worthwhile to pay a little bit of origin in exchange for peace of mind.

Just as these giants thought, their attacks did not encounter traps, nor did they encounter obstacles. They directly penetrated the gap in the Supreme Chaos World without any danger. This result made them all breathe a sigh of relief. While breathing a sigh of relief, they all rushed to the highest chaos world madly one by one. They all wanted to fight for the first place, and they all wanted to hit the highest chaos world at the first time, and they all wanted to take advantage and take the lead. machine.


Under such temptation, it was not that these giants did not expect to attack the people around them. It was just that such thoughts flashed by. It was not that they had kindness in their hearts, but that they understood that the consequences would be unthinkable and could not bear them. Begin, you must know that everyone has not rushed into the highest chaos world, and is still outside the highest chaos world. Once a war starts, it will cause a series of evil consequences, and the war will break out in an instant. Those who do not want to enter the highest chaos world Even one who is not careful will be killed by others. This kind of risk is unbearable.

In a moment, a tycoon rushed into the supreme chaotic world. They did it almost at the same time. For them, they all maintained a tacit understanding with each other, and they did not assassinate other people. Everything is So smoothly, when these giants rushed into the supreme chaos world, those behind the giants naturally rushed in madly, the opportunity is not to be missed, the loss will never come, no one wants to fall behind, no one wants to be with the big The chance passed by.

Under the temptation of great opportunity, all the giants remained calm and did not take action against the "companions" around them. Under such a tacit understanding, just a few breaths, all came to the highest chaos world. The giants from outside all rushed in, no one left, just a few breaths, and there was peace outside the Supreme Chaos World.

When the crowd disappeared in the supreme chaos world, a disdainful snort sounded: "Ignorance, stupid, is the supreme chaos world so easy to enter, is chance so easy to get it? What you think is so easy to succeed, you can think of, other people will not think, you think that you are the smartest, but you don’t know that you are fools, the innate chaos gods and demons have never been cut off, but why there is no innate chaos gods and demons Appearing here, they will not know the changes in the Supreme Chaos World, but why they have not appeared, because they know that this opportunity is not easy to succeed, and it is dangerous, but you fools jumped in one by one!"

As an innate chaos **** and demon, if you don’t know the true situation of the innate chaos **** and demon, or how dangerous it is to seize the world to bred the innate chaos **** and demon, that’s false. It’s just because it’s too dangerous, so The innate chaotic gods and demons that have survived have never thought of making this idea, and even the innate chaotic gods and demons who caused the great changes in the supreme chaotic world did not want to restore themselves through this method, because they are not willing to take their own lives. adventure!

Who is sneering at this moment? Naturally, it was the mother god-eater who had left before. It looked like this **** directly tore the void and went away, but it was just an illusion. Although it tore apart the void, it did not leave directly, but was hidden in the subspace. Among them, hidden in the cracks in space, it is not the idea of ​​hitting these giants, but it wants to take this opportunity to test the void of the Supreme Chaos World, understand the real situation of the Supreme Chaos World, and break into the Supreme Chaos In the world, it does not have such an idea, it will not risk its own life, after all, it is calculated by the Supreme Chaos World and understands the horror of a world!

No matter how weak the Supreme Chaos World is, the God Devourer Mother Queen is unwilling to face it, and is unwilling to fight against it. Even if she can get a little benefit from the Supreme Chaos World, the pay and gain will not be proportional. There will be too much benefit, so the God Devouring Mother Queen would not make such a stupid choice. Of course, the remaining God Devouring Mother Queen still has an idea, which is to know whether Xing Tian really has to leave, and whether in the Supreme Chaos World He really lost his breath!

As a result, the God-Eater Mother Queen was very disappointed. When the giants rushed into the highest chaotic world, the aura of the highest chaotic world radiated. There was no breath of Xing Tian in it. It seems that Xing Tian is really not in the highest chaotic world. Maybe Xing Tian, ​​the'ant' in his own eyes, really passed the life and death crisis in the supreme chaotic world.

"Even such an ant can survive. Could it be said that the Supreme Chaos World did not kill all the creatures in the entire world? There are still creatures in the Supreme Chaos World. If this is the case, why would Xing Tian, ​​the ant, be at this time? Fleeing Yaoyao, and making such a big movement, why would the Supreme Chaos World give him this opportunity?" I don’t understand, this kind of situation makes the God Eater Mother Empress very confused, can’t figure out why the Supreme Chaos World did this?

conspiracy! There must be a conspiracy in this, that’s for sure, this point God Devourer Mother Queen can make a conclusion, but why this conspiracy is, this is what God Devourer Mother Queen can’t figure out, it doesn’t want to understand that this is against the Supreme Chaos What are the benefits of the world, is it just to attract a group of giants to rush into the highest chaos world?

If the Supreme Chaos World can kill all the giants that rush into the world, the God-Eater Mother Queen does not believe it, because those giants are not decorations, even if the Supreme Chaos World is powerful, it is impossible to kill them. And doing so will only cause crazy counterattacks from these giants, and will only make the Supreme Chaos World suffer a huge blow.

No matter what the Mother Queen of God Devourer thinks, she would never think that the current supreme chaos world is so weak that even the innate chaos gods and demons can't breed. The innate chaos gods and demons that have been exuded before are just bait, just enticing people to join the way and become a statue. There are crippled innate chaotic gods and demons. Of course, Xing Tian can tear such a big gap under the barriers of the highest chaotic world. There is indeed the meaning of the highest chaotic world letting go, but this is not the original intention of the highest chaotic world, but it must be so. Do, since Xingtian’s departure can’t be stopped, it’s better to make the atmosphere vigorous and attract the attention of the outside world. After all, for the Supreme Chaos World, all I need are three thousand powerful people who are in harmony with the Great Dao, the Supreme Chaos World. There is no difference between survivors and outsiders. In contrast, what the Supreme Chaos World cares about is the strength of the other party. After all, the stronger the strength of the aligner, the greater the benefits that the Supreme Chaos World will get, and the stronger the world origin.

Unable to figure out the root of the problem, the God-Eater Mother Queen shook his head gently, no longer wasting her own energy, after all, there is no benefit she needs in the Supreme Chaos World, so she can't waste her precious energy here, gently shake He shook his head, let out a sneer once again, and the figure of the God Devouring Mother Queen disappeared again!



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