God of Destruction

Chapter 4264: Knot stripping

Chapter 4270 Stripping

Everything has two sides. Chaos Sea rejects the clone of Xingtian’s Ending King and does not agree with his existence. This means that Xingtian’s Clone of Ending King is a black household in the Chaos Sea, so it cannot be recognized by the heavens and the earth, and cannot get the origin. Blessing will have no cause and effect, and will not be affected by the world, so this situation will have both pros and cons for Xing Tian! It is not difficult to say whether this situation is good for Xingtian. Everything depends on Xingtian's own good fortune and his own thoughts!

"What if there is no source of heaven and earth? I Xingtian will not admit defeat. Now my clone of the King of End is still very weak. There are still many shortcomings to end the source of the Great Dao by killing and condensing. At the moment, I still need to use the power of the original source to support, etc. The King of Ending clone is completely stabilized, that is, when I am going to kill, there is no indestructible person or indestructible thing between heaven and earth, ending the great road, ending the world under the common people, and ending all things in the world!" At this point, Xing Tian body Exuding endless killing intent, this is the reveal of Xing Tian's nature, this is the expression of Xing Tian's mental madness, and the vent of inner resentment.

Relying on the deity to continue to provide for the King of Ending clone is extremely stressful for Xing Tian, ​​and it will also affect the practice of the deity. However, Xing Tian has no choice. It took such a high price to successfully gather the clone of King of End and resolve it. In the crisis of death, Xing Tian naturally did not want to watch his clone of the King of End continue to weaken due to the repulsion of the Chaos Sea. It is also the best choice to support the clone of the King of End with the power of the deity, even if the price is a bit high. Xing Tian will not give up either!

"Hehe, the King of Ending clone has successfully condensed, and there is no life worry for the time being. Maybe I should work hard, and then condense the time and space clones to complete the condensation of this second clone. After all, time is limited. If it cannot be before the Chaos Sea changes After completing the cohesion of the clone, it will be difficult to condense and complete all this again in the future!" When thinking of this, Xing Tian sighed involuntarily. This is the general trend, and under the general trend, he can only follow it.

Time waits for no one, and there is not much time left for him. Xing Tian does not know how long the changes in the Supreme Chaos World will last, but instinctively tells Xing Tian that once the Supreme Chaos World completes its evolution, the entire Chaos Sea will usher in real drastic changes. , Everything will become more terrifying and crazier, and the entire Chaos Sea will become a real killing battlefield.

In Xing Tian's heart, there is a vaguely crazy idea. Perhaps the huge worlds in the entire Chaos Sea are condensed from the collapse of one era after another, just like the Supreme Chaos World, they are all in heaven and earth. The Great Tribulation has to be integrated into the Chaos Sea. If this idea is true, then the Chaos Sea will have existed for a longer time. The background is terrifying to the extent of shocking the world. And such speculation, Xing Tian dare not speak or speak. Dare to think about it, every time Xing Tian wants to learn more about this secret, he can feel the warning from his heart, and he will have a feeling of death coming.

Whether it is right or wrong, Xing Tian doesn't have the energy to explore this secret now. The most important thing for Xing Tian now is to protect himself and to become as strong as possible. Only when he becomes strong can he survive the changes in the future.

Although he has a heavy burden, Xing Tian still doesn't want to give up! Yes, Xingtian wants to reconcile the second clone and the real space-time avatar. Although this decision is huge for Xingtian today, it is even dangerous, but Xingtian can’t afford to wait. Even if it is dangerous, he must let it go. , Regarding the original origin of this second clone, Xing Tian made a crazy decision to turn everything into the nutrients of the King of End clone, only retaining the original soul that he divided!

Crazy, this is really crazy. To peel off the soul again, this has a great impact on Xing Tian himself. It has a huge impact on his deity and the soul of the clone, but Xing Tian still did it, and he was extremely decisive. , As if danger never existed for him, he was confident that he could successfully complete the separation of the second avatar's soul. In fact, all of this was the opposite. Xing Tian himself did not have full confidence at all, but was taking a risk. Take the life and death adventure of yourself and your clone!

Time is pressing. Under tremendous pressure from the outside world, Xing Tian has only this choice. In Xing Tian’s view, only by doing so can he take the initiative, take advantage, and have the opportunity to get out and get out of the world. A **** path that belongs to my own, if I dare not even try this danger, even if I can survive now, I will still die in the end because I have lost my courage and the spirit to move forward.

The separation of Yuanshen is cruel and extremely dangerous. Each point of separation is a huge ordeal for Xingtian himself and his clone. Both the spirit and the soul are suffering a huge impact, and this is just the beginning. If you want to successfully peel off the avatar of the avatar, you must keep a clear mind, and you must not make any mistakes, or your avatar will be damaged, which will affect the second avatar, which is the reshaping of the avatar of Time and Space. .

Suffering the huge impact, both Xingtian deity and avatar were frowning tightly, cold sweat fell from his head frantically, a trace of blood was flowing from the corner of Xingtian’s mouth, even though he was under such terrible impact and torture, There was no retreat in Xing Tian's eyes, no panic, and he remained calm!

will! At this moment, Xing Tian’s firm will played a huge role, allowing Xing Tian to persevere in such a crazy and cruel situation, not to be affected by the torture above his own soul, and to continue to strip the second clone of the soul!

When Xing Tian was frantically doing the separation of the soul, a terrible change, a terrible killing, ushered in the Supreme Chaos World! Yes, it is killing! When those giants once again appeared in the Supreme Chaos World, when they felt the origin of the Three Thousand Dao in the Supreme Chaos World, they instantly became crazy about it, madly snatching the origin of the Three Thousand Dao, Recklessly snatching, at this time the evil thoughts in their hearts are fully flared. Any existence that threatens them is an enemy and an unending enemy, so the killing took place!


The killing is not only aimed at the surviving creatures in the Supreme Chaos World, but also at each other's companions around them. At this moment, for all the giants, all kindness and friendship are imaginary. Only the origin of the Three Thousand Great Dao is. What they want, in order to be able to seize the origin of the Three Thousand Dao, be able to condense the true body of the innate chaos gods and demons with their bodies. They can give up everything and kill everything. At this time, their hearts have been completely affected by greed and turned into madness. The killer!

Death is going on frantically. For any creature that grabs the chance with oneself, there is only killing, just for a short moment, the entire supreme chaotic world is enveloped by a **** breath, that is the breath of killing, under the temptation of profit , On the Three Thousand Avenue, under the temptation of the innate chaos gods and demons, everyone turned into crazy killing gods!

When the constant strong fell in the highest chaotic world, no one noticed that the world was changing madly at this time. The heart of the world was madly devouring the origins of those who fell, and the highest chaotic world was also mad at the same time. Expanding!

Yes, it is expansion, the world is expanding! The supreme chaos world is not as simple as what many giants have seen before. The world can swallow their origins and expand. Today's supreme chaos world is not the supreme chaos world they knew before. Now there is an essential difference between the two. And this gap is astonishing. Today’s newly born Supreme Chaos World is not perfect, nor has it bred three thousand innate Chaos Gods and Demons. The origin is in the growth stage, so as long as it has enough origin, it can expand wildly and grow wildly, far from the original The highest chaos world can compare.

The world is expanding, and the origin of the supreme chaotic world is increasing crazily, and the heart of the world is accelerating. The loss caused by the division of the will of the supreme chaos world has been restored, but now the nature of the supreme chaos world has changed. The strong did not perceive the existence of danger at all, and their minds were put on the so-called chance.

However, there is one thing that Xing Tian did not expect. Although the Supreme Chaos World has been madly fighting by many giants, the gap in the barriers outside the Supreme Chaos World has not been completely closed. Although this gap is shrinking, it is shrinking at a speed. But it is slow and terrible. At the current speed, thousands of years, or even tens of thousands of years, may not be able to be completely closed. Such a slow speed is shocking. If Xing Tian sees such a change, he will do it. Shocked.

why? What do you want to do in the Supreme Chaos World? In fact, it’s very simple. If you think about it carefully, you can understand that it is naturally to confuse the eyes of the outside world, to confuse the ancient giants hidden in the Chaos Sea, let them relax their vigilance, and make them think that the problem of the Supreme Chaos World is very big. Do not participate in this crazy upheaval in the Supreme Chaos World, lest the secrets in the Supreme Chaos World are leaked, and all previous calculations will fail.

Yes, it is precisely because the gap in the barrier of the Supreme Chaos World is closed so slowly, even though the ancient giant ice is also watching this world, it has not attracted attention. If the God Eater Mother Empress did not think of the Supreme Chaos at all Will the world affect me or threaten my safety? Who makes the Supreme Chaos World perform so badly? ’

Time, the supreme chaotic world is fighting for time to perfect itself. If you wait for it to truly perfect everything, wait for the birth of the three thousand chaos gods and demons, and the rules of the three thousand avenues, then it will be too late even if the ancient giants are aware of this. , Everything is a foregone conclusion, no more power can stop all this from happening, no one can resist the power of the supreme chaotic world!

Could it be said that no one has seen the expansion of the Supreme Chaos World? Yes, no one is aware of the expansion of the Supreme Chaos World, because the speed of this expansion is not amazing, and because of the huge world, its expansion speed is slightly slower, as long as you don’t pay much attention to it, it is impossible to perceive the changes in the world. , It is impossible to feel the expansion of the supreme chaotic world, after all, the expansion of the world has not brought changes to the aura emanating from the supreme chaos world, so naturally no one will pay attention to it!

Of course, not everyone can not feel the changes in the Supreme Chaos World. Xing Tian can feel the threat from the Supreme Chaos World. As the Supreme Chaos World continues to grow, the more Xing Tian deity can feel the warning from the soul. As a strong man who rushed out of the supreme chaos world, he was branded by the supreme chaos world, and changes in the world could also affect Xing Tian, ​​especially Xing Tian was an enemy hated by the supreme chaos world.

Unfortunately, Xing Tian does not have the time or energy to care about the changes in the supreme chaotic world, and he has not been distracted by the warning from his own mind. All of Xing Tian’s energy is now devoted to his second avatar, the soul. During the stripping, I didn’t have the mood or the energy to pay attention to it. In this way, Xing Tian has completely lost his fatal blow to the Supreme Chaos World. You must know that if Xing Tian can make a move at this time, it will be fatal to the Supreme Chaos World. Strikes, a world that is undergoing transformation and evolution, once the source is hit, it will definitely suffer a devastating blow. This may be an opportunity, it is the general trend, everything is protected by heaven and earth, only a strong person who can detect the changes in the supreme chaotic world The person has no energy to take care of it!

Xing Tian doesn’t know the changes in the world, but Xing Tian knows his own changes. With the separation of the second avatar, Xing Tian can clearly feel the weakness of the deity’s soul and the overall weakness of himself. This is The damage caused by the separation of the soul is also a crisis for Xing Tian himself. Such a weak body, such a weak mind, a little bit of error, will be a devastating blow to Xing Tian, ​​after all, this is a crisis. Crazy struggle.

'Humph! A muffled hum suddenly sounded in Xingtian’s mouth, and then a **** arrow was ejected from Xingtian’s mouth. Xingtian was injured, and his mind and body were hit by a double blow. At the moment when Xingtian was wounded, the second The primordial spirit of the avatar has been stripped, and all the roots of the avatar are turned into nutrients and absorbed by the king of the end avatar. At this time, Xingtian's face becomes extremely pale, and the separation of the primordial spirit is successful. This is just the beginning, and Xingtian needs to pay next. At a greater price, use the power of the origin of the time-space avenue to condense the new clone, condense the real body of the time-space avenue, and complete the cohesion of the time-space avenue clone!


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