God of Destruction

Chapter 4273: Time and Space

Chapter 4279: The Long River of Time and Space

The Terran is a strange and familiar existence to Xing Tian. Although Xing Tian is unwilling to get involved with Terran anymore, the situation has changed so fast that Xing Tian has to do this. Under the current situation, it is just Relying on one's own strength, wanting to fight the Chaos Sea, this is just a joke, let alone Xingtian, those ancient giants hidden in the dark, do not dare to have such an idea, if there is such a giant, perhaps only Only Pan Gu, who dared to open up the world, and Dao Zu Hongjun, who dared to take home, had such confidence and strength. Other giants, Xing Tian didn't think they had such ability.

Xing Tian is not clear about how terrifying the power of opening up the heavens and the earth, because he has also opened up the sky, so he naturally understands how powerful the power of opening up is. As for Hongjun Taoyi, an existence who dares to seize the Chaos Sea, is determined to seize it. It is also terrifying to walk a road to the sky on the road. Such existence is the target of Chaos Sea. In the eyes of Chaos Sea, Xing Tian is just an ant-like existence. It is easy to destroy. It is not worth paying too much attention to. In this way, Xing Tian would live to the present, without being killed by the Chaos Sea, nor exposing everything about him now.

How to find Terran? This is a very important issue. With the general trend, the entire human beings will be brought into the Chaos Sea. It is impossible for the many giants of the human race to be without a little preparation and no prevention. Xing Tian has already cut off the previous connection with the human race, and think again. It is very difficult, or even almost impossible, to find the location of the human race, because the sea of ​​chaos is endless, no one knows the location of the human race at all, and does not know where the world of the human race is.

For any racial civilization, the place to hide and the place to live are extremely important. There can be no difference, or the consequences will be unimaginable. Once the war breaks out, I don’t know how many creatures will be put into death. Without a last resort, no one will reveal this secret, and Xing Tian is now under such a difficult problem!

All the connections between himself and the human race are cut off. At this time, Xing Tian wants to find the world where the human race is located from the vast sea of ​​chaos. This is extremely difficult. Xing Tian is also very clear about this, but no matter how difficult the difficulty is, Xing Tian will not If you give up, you will try your best to search for it. The fear of difficulties will never appear in Xing Tian's body. No matter how great the difficulty is, he can't stop Xing Tian's progress. Only by overcoming the difficulties and bravely facing the difficulties can he be sublimated.

Just relying on his own strength to find the world where the human race is located is not feasible and unrealistic. In such an extraordinary period, if Xing Tian wants to successfully find the human race, he must use extraordinary means and cannot go by himself. Looking for the human race, but to let the race take the initiative to find yourself, and only in this way can you complete your plan!

What kind of extraordinary means can be used to achieve this? Killing, only killing can provoke the entire Chaos Sea, and allow all the forces and all races in the Chaos Sea to watch, but this time it is not Xingtian deity, but his own clone of the King of End. This deity is at this time It’s too dangerous to go into battle. If you are not careful, you will die. The King of End clone is different. The clone of King of End is rejected by the Chaos Sea and cannot be helped by the Chaos Sea. If you want to practice, you must rely on the deity, or Relying on the self-condensed world of the ruins to strengthen its origin, no matter whether it is the deity or the world of the ruins, it is impossible for the clone of the king of the end to grow rapidly. The only thing that can really make the clone of the king of the end grow is killing.

To slaughter the common people and the creatures of the Chaos Sea, only by setting off a **** storm can the goal be achieved, so that the clone of the King of the End can grow rapidly, and the King of the End is completely dissipated in the world because of the repulsion of the Chaos Sea. , Even if someone wants to calculate his existence is very difficult, after all, there is no mark of the King of End in the Chaos Sea.

Killing two birds with one stone, this is Xingtian’s plan, and this plan is also very crazy. If the King of End clone can’t grow itself quickly, I’m afraid there will be life worries in this battle. After all, killing the common people and killing the creatures of the Chaos Sea requires strength. Without sufficient strength, when the Chaos Sea creatures counterattack, it will be the time when the King of Ending clone has fallen!

"Go, do it according to your ideas, and you are the master of everything. You must face this battle, and I must face it. It is impossible for the world of the ruins to achieve success and rely on self-cultivation. Yes, only plundering can succeed!" Looking at his clone of the King of End, Xing Tian sighed lightly, a faint loss in his eyes.

Yes, at this moment Xing Tian has a sense of loss in his heart. Due to the repulsion of the Chaos Sea, the King of End clone is facing many difficulties on the road to practice. If you want to grow up, you must face many dangers. Under such a big environment However, Xing Tian couldn't change it, so he couldn't help but feel a little lost. Of course, there was also a thought of worrying about the King of Time clone.

Although the clone of the King of Time and Space was also successfully condensed, the clone of the King of Time and Space did not condense the original world, without the original world as the core. This is an incomplete clone and cannot activate its own potential, even when danger comes. There is no ability to resist. Without the original world, there is no strong support. If you rely on the deity, it will be too pressure for Xing Tian to do it. After all, the deity cannot have an endless source of power to support the clone. Growth. If you do this, the deity still does not practice and does not need to grow. If Xingtian is allowed to choose, it will naturally be based on the deity!

The sky changes again and again, the crises again and again, so that Xing Tian’s own background has been exhausted, whether he is the deity or the clone, if you want to grow up, you must take risks, you must take the initiative and face all this passively. It will only make oneself die faster, because in today's general environment, there is no one bit of delay. Time is precious. If you delay a minute, you will be more dangerous. Xing Tian still knows this.

Without the earth-shattering battle, the King of Ending clone quietly entered into the Chaos Sea and began his journey. A **** storm was slowly condensing. When Xingtian's King of Ending clone left, the eyes of the deity also flickered. Crazy look, time waits for no one. The last chance was that the King of Ending clone condensed the original world, but the King of Time clone did not do it. Now Xing Tian wants to help the King of Time clone to do this and speed up the clone Growth.

How can auzw.com be able to do this, so that the King of Time clone can quickly condense his original world? In Xingtian’s opinion, there is only one way, and that is to plunder the long river of time and space, intercept the origin of the long river of time and space for a short time, and use the origin of the long river of time and space as the basis to complete the cohesion of the original world of the King of Time and Space. The pure power of time and space is naturally the origin of the long river of time and space, and the origin world is condensed with the origin of time and space, and it is also the most suitable for the king of time and space clone.

The idea is good, but it is extremely difficult to achieve this. The long river of time and space is not a small river in the chaotic sea, but the manifestation of the origin of time and space in the sea of ​​chaos, and even the rules of the sea of ​​chaos. The origin of the long river of time and space is unknown. How many giants have tried its idea, but there are not many giants who have really succeeded in intercepting the origin of the time and space river. Most of the giants are backlashed by the time and space river because of greed, and even strangled by the time and space river, becoming the nourishment of the chaotic sea. .

Xing Tian has the strength to intercept the origin from the long river of time and space? Xing Tian himself is not very sure about this. After all, Xing Tian knows very little about the situation in the Chaos Sea. Xing Tian knows very little about the existence of the long river of time and space. It is just that the current situation makes Xing Tian have to do this, even if it is not. The danger must also be completed.

The King of Ending clone can risk life and death to slaughter the common people, kill the creatures in the Chaos Sea, and achieve the goal in a second time, and the King of Time clone must work hard if it wants to grow. As long as there is detachment in his heart, this It is everything he has to face, and Xing Tian understands better in his heart that the sooner you can do it, the better. If you delay, there will be fewer chances of success, or even no such chance. After all, the Chaos Sea and the Supreme The collision of the chaotic world made the entire chaotic sea tremble, and the heavenly secrets were chaotic. It can be said that this time is the best time to take action!

With a thought, the deity Xingtian put away the avatar of the king of time and space, and his body was like lightning, and disappeared in the same place instantly. There was no earth-shattering storm or terrifying aura. The deity Xingtian entered into the long river of time and space silently. Go forward to the source of the long river of time and space, find the source of the long river of time and space, and prepare for intercepting the source of the long river of time and space.

Go upstream and enter the source of the long river of time and space. This is dangerous for any creature and has to pay a huge price. Even the ancient giants are no exception. After all, the long river of time and space is a manifestation of the rules of the Chaos Sea, even if it is. The ancient giants can’t easily go against the current. Naturally, Xing Tian is the same. Stepping on the long river of time and space, every step forward is a great test for Xing Tian. He has to withstand the erosion of time and space, if not Xing Tian’s cave. The Aperture World is consummated, if Xing Tian didn't have a new insight on the World Avenue, just standing on this long river of time and space, he would be destroyed by the power of time and space. Over 90% of the time and space origin of the Chaos Sea is condensed on the long river of time and space, and not everyone can face its impact!

"It's a long river of time and space, and a powerful force of time and space. If it is not time urgency, I would not make such a crazy choice under this situation!" Xing Tian couldn't help but sigh in his heart under the scouring of time and space. , The long river of time and space is beyond Xing Tian’s imagination. It is even more terrifying and terrifying than Xing Tian thought. It’s just that everything has already begun. No matter how dangerous and terrible, Xing Tian must go on. At this time, he shrinks and only has nothing!

Step by step, step by step, every step of the way, Xing Tian saw the changes in the world, the evolution of the Chaos Sea, and went upstream, looking for the origin and source of the long river of time and space, or the history of the long river of time and space. To understand, at every step Xing Tian can see a small piece of history in the long river of time and space, he has to withstand the erosion of time and space. If there is no firm will and no powerful soul, it is impossible to withstand the scouring of the power of time and space.

Physical body? Wouldn't it be possible to stand on top of the long river of time and space and go upstream without affecting the physical body? Don't need a strong and incomparable body? Yes, above the long river of time and space, the impact on the physical body is almost negligible. The power of time and space does not wash out the physical body, and will not cause harm to the physical body. It only affects the soul. If the soul cannot withstand the erosion of the long river of time and space, it must be the soul scattered!

The soul is destroyed by the long river of time and space, even if the body is preserved, it will only become the nourishment of the chaotic sea, and it will be wiped out. Without the soul, the body will be obliterated by the power of time and space. I don’t know how many giants fell in this river of time and space. Among.

Step by step, when he took dozens of steps forward, Xing Tian's heart began to tremble, his soul was shaking, and his will was greatly impacted. Although Xing Tian didn't want to stop his progress, his strength made him stop!

"Damn, my strength is still too weak. I only took a few dozen steps forward and got a little furry. It seems that I was dreaming when I wanted to step into the source of the long river of time and space. My strength is simply not enough to fight the long river of time and space, and what I'm going up against is not only the power of the long river of time and space, but also the power of the entire Chaos Sea!"

When talking about this, Xing Tian sighed involuntarily, and a gloomy expression flashed across his face. This was a result that he had not expected. The time and space river of the Chaos Sea was not the time and space river in the world he had experienced before. In parallel, the long river of time and space in the Chaos Sea is the embodiment of the rules, and going upstream is against the rules.

"Is it really possible to intercept the origin of a minute of time and space? I have such a national advantage, can I intercept a minute of origin on the river of time and space?" At this time, Xing Tian couldn't help but doubt his previous decision to start from such a powerful space and time. It is not an easy task to intercept a part of the source above the long river. No matter how strong one's own avenue is, and no matter how strong it is, it will be backlashed by terror and will provoke the counterattack of the long river. Can you withstand such a counterattack?

Confidence, at this moment Xing Tian does not have such confidence, but now he is already above the long river of time and space, and he is also going upstream. At this time, even if he wants to stop, he can’t do it. Retreat also requires a huge price. After all, this is a long river of time and space. No one can step on it without paying the price!


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