God of Destruction

Chapter 4280: Festival cooperation

Chapter 4286 Cooperation

"No, it's impossible. If all this is a game or a conspiracy, it should not be the weak'ants' who die the fastest, but the strong ones. This is the perfect layout. Your statement is not valid. This is just Your own delusion!" As a tycoon, an ancient tycoon, the God-Eater Mother Queen was not affected by Xingtian at all, and was not shaken by Xingtian’s words at all. He determined that everything was only Xingtian’s own. Delusion is not established at all!

"A delusion! No, this is not my delusion. It seems unreasonable to you, but the more so, the more reasonable it is, because we are not facing a person or a creature, but a world. It is said that it is not the weak that needs to be swallowed, but the real strong, the strong who condense a complete road to make up for its own shortcomings. If you count on swallowing a group of ants, how can it have the opportunity to evolve? The existence of the weak is just for It makes the strong ones more fearful. Their death just makes those strong ones more nervous and understands the urgency of time!" When he said this, Xing Tian couldn't help but sighed, his expression straightened, and he said in a deep voice: "I don't know. What do you think, what do you think, but one thing I know very well is that some people are constantly trying to detach themselves, to open up the world with their bodies, and to seize the way with their bodies. I think they must have also noticed the anomaly of the Chaos Sea!"

When Xing Tian’s words fell, the expression of the God Devouring Mother Empress changed again and again. Although he did not want to believe all this, he could have made him feel that Xing Tian made sense. If someone really had to start to test detachment and use it In order to open up the world and seize the Tao with one's body, this may prove the danger of the Chaos Sea, and prove that the junior Xing Tian is right!

For a moment, the God-Eater Mother Empress shook his head slightly, staring at Xing Tian and asked: "Since you know so many secrets, what are you looking for me to do, risking such a big risk to lead me here? Just want to tell me all this?"

Staring at the God-Eater Mother Queen, Xing Tian said in a deep voice, "No, I brought you here to cooperate with you. I know these are just my personal judgments. I think with your wisdom, I should be able to do the best. Choice, this may be a gamble, but there is not much time left for us. We don't want to work hard, there is only death, no other possibility!"

Xing Tian can be said to have shown his utmost sincerity, with almost no reservations, but the mother of God Devourer is still hesitant in the heart. After all, this is not a trivial matter, it is related to his own life and death, even if Xing Tian makes sense. , But it is not easy to make this determination. The wrong choice is death, and this is too costly!

Seeing the indecisive expression of the God Eater Mother Queen, Xing Tian couldn't help but sighed in secret. At this time, Xing Tian finally understood why the God Eater Mother Queen would be suppressed by the Supreme Chaos World because it was hesitant to do things. , Under this situation, what is there to hesitate to, if you are willing to agree, if you don’t want to, refuse, it is precisely because of this hesitation that it will fall into the calculations of the supreme chaotic world, and it will cause itself to be suppressed for endless years. This is a question of character!

"Make a choice. If you don't want to, just refuse it. There is no need to worry, we can get together and get together!" At this time, Xing Tian no longer has faith in the God-Eating Insect Mother, so people who hesitate, perhaps It's a bit useful for yourself right now, but if you get along with it for a long time, it will only cause trouble for yourself. Indecision is the biggest disaster.

Xing Tian was observing the God-Eating Insect Mother, and the same God-Eating Insect Mother was also observing Xing Tian. When she saw the flash of indifference in Xing Tian’s eyes, her heart could not help but feel palpitations, as if she had missed it. There was a big chance, which shocked it in its heart, and in an instant it realized what it had missed!

"Damn, I really underestimated the junior Xing Tian. He is really a man who deserves to be robbed. Just being disappointed in my heart can arouse my instincts. It seems that I was really wrong this time. I missed a good time for nothing. A junior’s opportunity, but it’s not too late. It’s easy to know his identity, even if you are embarrassed, you must seize the opportunity!"

In an instant, the Mother Queen of God Eater knew what she should do, and said in a deep voice: "Okay, I agree, let's talk about what we are going to do, what plans do you have, what arrangements do you have, if you just want to know what the Chaos Sea is Circumstances, I can only say that you overestimate my ability. My understanding of Chaos Sea is not as deep as you think. Chaos Sea is a forbidden place for the giants of every era. No one wants to come here without a last resort. , If it were not for the changes in the Supreme Chaos World to come too fast, I would not venture into it, and would not let myself fall into such danger!"

Xing Tian frowned when he heard the words of the God Eater Mother Queen. The matter was beyond his imagination. He originally thought that he could learn the details of the Chaos Sea from the God Eater Mother Queen, but now he finds that it is not. As simple as I thought, the Sea of ​​Chaos is more mysterious than I thought, and it’s even harder to understand. Even the God-Eater Mother Queen doesn’t know much. It seems that everything is really as I guessed. The Sea of ​​Chaos is a big one. The trap is a Jedi.

Taking a deep breath, Xing Tian said in a deep voice, "The Emperor Chong, based on your insights, I think how possible my guess is. This is related to the life and death of you and me. I hope you can use the most sensible state to evaluate. !"

"It's hard to tell. It's really hard to tell. If it weren't for your reminder, I would never have thought about it. I asked me to make an assessment for a while. I don't know what to say. If I understand it, things might be very real. It is dangerous, even if it is not as terrifying as you said, it can definitely threaten our life and death, because in the endless years, too many giants have fallen in this chaotic sea, although I have also explored the chaotic sea, But I don’t dare to really go deep. Don’t look at the people like you and the human race entering the Chaos Sea very far, but here is still only the edge of the Chaos Sea, the danger is not great, the real scary thing is the deep center of the Chaos Sea, where is the most Terrible, but also the most dangerous, even now with my strength, I dare not break!"

After hearing these words, Xing Tian couldn't help but sighed inwardly. Everything was as he had guessed. Powerful people like God Eater Mother Queen didn’t know much about Chaos Sea. If you really know Chaos If the sea knows something, I am afraid that only those innate chaotic gods and demons, and only innate chaotic gods and demons, can truly understand the reality of the chaotic sea.


It’s not easy to find the Innate Chaos Gods and Demons. After all, they are in charge of the power of the Dao rules, and every Innate Chaos Gods and Demons are extremely powerful and can survive the catastrophe of heaven and earth. They They must have unimaginable strength, and only they can truly understand Chaos Sea, because they have the power of real rules!

"It seems that I have found the wrong person. If I want to truly understand Chaos Sea, I am looking for not the giants, but the innate Chaos Gods and Demons. It is just that these **** cannot be found under the current situation, but these words also make me understand. Given the identities of Hongjun and Pangu, they are only afraid that they are the oldest innate chaotic gods and demons in the Chaos Sea, and only this one explanation can tell everything! Only they can really know the origins of the Chaos Sea, and then they know the Chaos Sea. How terrifying is the nature of it!"

Understand and understand, but Xing Tian could not find the other party, and even if Xing Tian found the other party, he would not necessarily be recognized by the other party. After all, the Innate Chaos Sea God and Demon, who has survived endless years, knows the secrets are terrifying. To know everything from them, it can only be said to be daydreaming, no one will easily tell others their secrets!

Taking a deep breath, Xing Tian said in a deep voice, "I don’t know how many fellow friends the Insect Emperor can gather. If everything is as we thought, if we want to break out of the situation, just rely on our little strength to do it. When we arrive, we are vulnerable to a world against which we never know the roots!"

"Haha!" In an instant, there was a bitter smile on the face of the God Devouring Mother Queen, and she shook her head gently and said: "Companion, if there are any companions and friends with me, if I have friends, I won't be suppressed endlessly. Over the years, no one has helped. In the end, I can only retreat with your strength. I have no friends!"

There is no friend. This sentence makes Xingtian even more distressed, but it makes sense to think about it. If the God Eater Mother has a good friend, how can he be suppressed for endless years without being rescued, but if the God Eater Mother The emperor has no friends, no helpers, and it is just a joke to rely on their little strength to be an enemy of Chaos Sea!

"Maybe we can think about the problem from another angle. We are embarrassed and we are under tremendous pressure. We don’t believe that Chaos Sea will have no pressure at all. In my opinion, we may also be able to give it a go, even if we pay a certain price. To win the initiative in this great catastrophe, only when we have the initiative can we have a chance to get out of the chaotic sea, break free from the shackles of the chaotic sea, and allow ourselves to ignore all external pressure!" , The virtual lord who hasn’t spoken much said what he thought in his heart. Although he didn’t want to see Xing Tian and the Mother Queen of God Devouring Insects, but the opponent’s strength was perfect, without external power, perhaps Xing Tian’s practice would be even greater. fast!

"From another angle, how to change, the situation is so dangerous now, we are a little bit wrong, I am afraid that there will be real danger immediately, the same danger as death, and now we want to explore all this, I am afraid that we will have to pay more. The price!" When he said this, Xing Tian couldn't help but sighed again, his eyes full of loss and sadness.

"The supreme chaotic world, do you mean the supreme chaotic world?" Xing Tian didn't understand the intention of the virtual master, but the god-eater mother emperor instantly understood what the other party was referring to. From another angle, naturally, he would use the aspects of the supreme chaotic world. Test the problem!

The virtual master nodded and said: "Yes, that's the case. Now that the Supreme Chaos World has changed dramatically, we may be able to use its power to fight the Chaos Sea. Don’t forget that the Supreme Chaos World has stripped a large part of its origin. This is the biggest problem! If the will of the Supreme Chaos World is based on the heart of the divided world, and now it has completed its reincarnation and has regained its power, this is an opportunity for us, a chance to severely damage the enemy! "

opportunity! Xing Tian didn't think this was an opportunity, because in Xing Tian's eyes, it was not worth mentioning. If there is really a treasure and can have the power of detachment, everything will not have the current situation.

"It’s impossible to find the supreme chaotic will that takes the heart of the world as its foundation to clear itself and get everything we want from him. Even we can perceive this and dominate everything in the supreme chaos world. How could he not understand the Supreme Chaos World and the causal connection between the Chaos Sea and the Supreme Chaos World! Finding it means mastering the secrets of the Chaos Sea. This is our greatest opportunity!" Xing Tian didn't speak, but the Empress of God Devouring Insect Mother directly expressed his thoughts. If it can succeed, this may really be the greatest opportunity!

Time waits for no one. Xing Tian doesn’t have so much time wasting here, so he nodded and said: “Yes, we can try it. If we can really find the **** supreme chaotic will, we might really have a chance. Successful, a new born with a high chaotic will, no matter how powerful it is, it is impossible to complete its transformation in the shortest time!"

For many tycoons, this is a great difficulty, but in Xingtian’s eyes, this is nothing. As long as his time-space clone takes a risk, he can know the whereabouts of the other party. It’s just that Xingtian doesn’t want to do this. At the very beginning of this matter, exposing one's own avatar of the King of Time and space, exposing one's power in the long river of time and space, will put his avatar of the King of Time and Space into a desperate situation, truly in danger of death, and make oneself pay a heavy price!

People are not for themselves, the heavens are destroyed! Xing Tian was not so kind and willing to sacrifice his own interests to illuminate others. Such a serious crisis and the terrible consequences were not something Xing Tian was willing to bear or accept. Once his avatar of the King of Time and Space is noticed by Chaos Sea, Xing Tian doesn't know if it will be cleared directly. After all, Time and Space River is also a part of Chaos Sea, Chaos Sea has enough power to clear the hidden dangers, and this Qiaqia Xing Tian didn't want to see it! Now Xing Tian has only two clones, and each clone represents a vitality. Xing Tian doesn't want to ruin a life in vain, but sacrifices his own for a little humility!


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