God of Destruction

Chapter 4284: Festival shock

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Chapter 4290 Shocking

Shocked, everyone was extremely shocked. Xingtian’s remarks were too horrible, and they suffered a huge shock to their hearts. Crazy, it’s really crazy. Only a lunatic like Xingtian can think of so much and can Chaos Sea thought it was so terrifying, but they could vaguely realize that this might be the truth in their hearts, and that's why they were so terrified!

Is this all? No, this is not all. When seeing the look of fear and peace in everyone’s eyes, Xing Tian continued: "This is not all. In fact, there are even more terrifying thoughts in my heart. The Supreme Chaos World gave birth to three thousand innate Chaos Gods. Demons, their existence is the foundation of the world. It can be said that in every world, three thousand chaotic gods and demons are fundamental, but they have all been killed by the world. No era has allowed them to survive intact, I don’t I know how many innate chaos gods and demons remain after every world collapse in the ancient era. From the perspective of my communication with the innate chaos gods and demons of this era, not many innate chaos gods and demons have survived. They have all been killed by the world. , And their origins are swallowed by the world. If my previous guess is true, all the worlds will be integrated into the Chaos Sea and become the nutrients of the Chaos Sea. This shows that the Chaos Sea is absorbing the origin of the innate Chaos Gods and Demons and is perfecting itself. Grasp the power of the entire Chaos Sea bit by bit!"

When he heard this, the Mother Emperor God Devouring Insect Mother gave a stern expression, and said in a deep voice, "Xing Tian, ​​you mean that Chaos Sea does not really fully control everything. It is constantly absorbing the source of each world by absorbing external forces. To perfect yourself?"

Xing Tian nodded and said: "It is, perhaps when the Chaos Sea was first formed, that batch of innate Chaos Gods and Demons were not completely perished. Among them, many Gods and Demons survived because of them. Existence, Chaos Sea cannot control everything. It can only find a way to break the game from the outside world, and there is the emergence of the Supreme Chaos World. Every world is guided by Chaos Sea, in order to seize the innate Chaos God and Demon of world evolution. The origin, in order to perfect itself, endless years, it may have learned this step, so this time the change of the supreme chaotic world is the beginning of its breaking, and the many giants who try to fit together are the Chaos Sea Project. Part of Chaos Sea will refining them into avatars, combined with the number of three thousand, the innate Chaos Gods and Demons in the Consummation Realm, with the perfect three thousand Chaos Gods and Demons clones, it can strangle the Chaos Sea without any consideration. All the creatures in the world, whether it is the creatures of our era or the ancient giants, will be strangled one by one by it!"

"Hey!" Everyone gasped again. This is terrible. How could Xing Tian, ​​a lunatic, think of this, but if this speculation is true, the consequences are really terrible. He has mastered the congenital chaos of three thousand perfect numbers. God and demon clone, how terrifying the power of Chaos Sea will be. With the supreme Chaos World, it may be able to destroy all creatures in the entire Chaos Sea.

Horror, this is really scary! Xing Tian could have such an idea, it is fundamentally his own change, because Xing Tian himself opened up the chaos cave world of three thousand avenues, condensing three thousand chaos gods and demons, so Xing Tian believes that the change of the supreme chaos world is another kind of condensation. The evolution of the three thousand Chaos Gods and Demons is the calculation of Chaos Sea to break everything.

Can this be stopped now? No, it’s impossible. People like Xing Tian can’t do it. Although their gathered strength is powerful, it is far from enough to fight against Chaos Sea. What's more, in the Supreme Chaos World, it is the home of Chaos Sea. Will be suppressed by it, and even become the nourishment of Chaos Sea.

Convene more tycoons and everyone to break the game? This is even more unrealistic. Even these people are shocked by Xingtian’s crazy ideas, and even unacceptable. Other giants are even more conceivable, not to mention those ancient giants, they have their own selfishness, and they will not Believe in Xing Tian's words of "ant", and in their hearts they don't care about the life and death of the giants of this era, even they are looking forward to the start of the war, they are all waiting for the opportunity to come!

People are unpredictable, and there is selfishness for any giant. Selfishness will naturally not be able to gather the strongest strength. If such a group of giants gather together, not only will they not increase their strength, but on the contrary, they will greatly weaken their strength. Most of the giants have the idea to reap the benefits of the fishermen, and they all want to seize the final profit.

In an instant, the God-Eater Mother Empress understood Xing Tian’s true intentions, nodded and smiled: "Haha! Now I understand Daoist Xingtian’s intention to provoke Chaos Sea to kill. You are not just taking the opportunity to strengthen your own strength. I want to cause chaos. Only when the entire Chaos Sea is in chaos, can juniors like us fish in troubled waters, avoid the sight of all the ancient giants, and have that ray of life. Otherwise, we will only be those. Chess pieces in the hands of ancient giants!"

Xing Tian nodded and said, "Yes, none of us knows how many ancient giants survived in the endless years, how many ancient innate chaotic gods and demons survived, let alone in the endless years, they To what extent is the strength of the swell, so we must plan for the worst, and we can’t be careless, or we will only have death waiting for us. As beings of this era, we are pawns on the bright side and want to live. Come down, only to disturb the situation!"

Can such a plan succeed? Will the enemy let Chaos Sea fall into chaos? Xing Tian doesn’t care about this. No matter what the ancient giants hidden in the dark think, as long as they dare to take action, they will expose themselves and attract the attention of Chaos Sea. So unless these ancient giants continue to hide, they can only keep their eyes open. Watching all the outbreaks!

Sinister and vicious! This is the first impression of all the giants of Xing Tian. With such a terrible calculation, Xing Tian said that he had no plans, which left them speechless. This is not a plan. How terrifying and terrifying the real plan!

Seeing the flash of fear in the eyes of the giants, Xing Tian couldn't help but shook his head and said, "Do you think this is part of my plan? In fact, you are wrong. This is not a plan at all, and such a plan cannot be broken. , Because the enemy is not a fool, and I am not a fool. We don’t know, we don’t know how terrifying the power of those ancient giants are, and we don’t even understand the power of the opponent. Talking about the layout and plans are all imaginary, we can do There is only one thing, and that is to enhance one's own strength. Your own strength is the root of everything. Any calculation is not as strong as your own!


Everyone knows what Xing Tian said, but it is very difficult to do it. What's more, what they have to face is the Chaos Sea. Under such circumstances, naturally no one will take Xing Tian’s words seriously, but only think This is Xing Tian deliberately concealing his intentions, so no one continues to talk about this issue.

"Disrupting the situation, will it break the calculations of the Chaos Sea? Can it stop the calculations of the Chaos Sea on the highest chaotic world?" The God Eater Mother Queen asked again. This is what its heart wants to know the most. If it can be done , Which means that everyone can have a chance to survive and protect themselves in this upcoming storm.

Xing Tian shook his head lightly and said: "Impossible, it is impossible. Chaos Sea has completed all plans. It is not what you and I can shake. All of this has become a foregone conclusion. If the ancient giants can take action before, maybe Stop everything, it’s a pity that these ancient giants have their own calculations. They didn’t take the life and death of those of us as the same thing, so we have this terrible situation. When the situation develops to this point, I don’t think we have Power prevents all of this. All we can do is to strengthen our own strength with all our strength, to survive this catastrophe, and then to be detached. Only by living can there be a chance of detachment. If we can’t even survive. Come, talk about detachment!"

To be alive, this is a common-sounding word, which is not worth mentioning for these giants with endless lives, but when they face such a terrible catastrophe, when they face a chaotic sea that is heading to the extreme , Everyone has to treat it with caution, because the power in Chaos Sea is far beyond their imagination and beyond their ability to bear!

Transcendence is the dream of all giants, but before transcendence, everyone must first survive, survive this catastrophe, survive this storm, if you can’t even do this, talking about transcendence is just A joke.

"Everyone, we must cherish the time in front of us. If we wait for Chaos Sea to complete the layout of the Supreme Chaos World, it will be very difficult for us to improve our own strength, because it has the perfect three thousand avenues and three thousand innate chaos. God and demon clone, I don’t know if my guess is true, but I can vaguely feel the change of heaven and earth. The Chaos Sea is becoming stronger little by little, weakening our strength and weakening us little by little The sentiment is even sealing the rules of heaven and earth!" When he said this, Xing Tian's eyes flashed with a touch of horror and unwillingness.

Xing Tian was puzzled as to why this was so, but Xing Tian believed in his own intuition and his own inspiration, because his king of time and space has been integrated into the long river of time and space, and he can feel the changes in time and space and the essence of time and space.

Sealing the rules of heaven and earth and weakening the power of sentient beings means that the sea of ​​chaos is blocking the origin of the world. It is breaking the foundation of sentient beings. Without the origin of the world, there is no rule of heaven and earth. What should sentient beings use to practice and understand the rules of heaven and earth. The origin of the world of Chaos Sea is sealed, once the rules of the entire Chaos Sea are sealed, then heaven and earth will enter a terrible era of spiritual extinction. At that time, all living beings will be wiped out by heaven and earth. Strangle!

Without the origin of the world, without the vitality of the heavens and the earth, and without the power of rules, all sentient beings use a little origin and a little less origin, and cannot be supplemented at all. What awaits them is death and destruction. The Chaos Sea will wipe out all living beings. Swallow all living beings, complete their own crazy calculations, swallow all origins, and complete their own transformation.

At this time, the eyes of the world’s heads are also shining with fear. They are not fools who understand what kind of horrible situation will be if everything Xing Tian said happens, and what kind of danger will everyone face at that time, but all this will is that true? How could Chaos Sea make such a crazy move? If you really did this, it would be against the road, and you would inevitably be backlashed. Even if Chaos Sea had the most powerful power, it would be hit hard. Such transformation would be a dead end!

Dead end, for the weak, going against the road is a dead end, but for the strong, it is metamorphosis, completing their own qualitative transformation, and the Chaos Sea that has prepared for endless years can succeed, transform themselves in one fell swoop, and complete their own. evolution.

It’s just that Xing Tian doesn’t know what kind of existence the Chaos Sea really is. Is it really a world, or is it a creature. The Chaos Sea where everyone is in is just the other’s inner world. If it is the former, Xing Tian will feel shocked, but It is also reasonable. If it is the latter, it is fear and despair, because a creature means a wise existence, which means that it is guiding everything, from the beginning of the world to the present. in.

Perhaps in the entire Chaos Sea, no one is more horrible than Xingtian’s situation, because Xingtian also controls the powerful World Avenue and perfects his own World Avenue, and understands the terrible power of three thousand innate chaos gods and demons. To detach from such a situation will be a test of despair for oneself!

It is a pity that Xing Tian will not say anything about this speculation. Whether it is true or not, once he speaks, he will inevitably fall into absolute death and destruction, without a trace of life, because when he speaks, he will inevitably start chaos. Hai, he will inevitably form an insoluble mortal cause and effect with Chaos Sea. Even if we put aside the evolution of the Supreme Chaos World for the time being, Chaos Sea will destroy itself as an alien in the first time, so Xing Tian can only hold back his own words. Heart! As far as Xingtian is concerned, he only needs to tell everyone what he said before. As for what they think and think, Xingtian is not a concern!

Xingtian has already said what should be said, what can be said, and what cannot be said, Xingtian can only hold in his own heart, cannot have a word in his mouth, cannot put himself in a deadly Jedi, and sacrifice himself for humanity. Stupid things never happen to Xingtian, Xingtian will not be allowed to do it, Xingtian will not be so stupid that he sacrifices himself to help them become enlightened!


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