God of Destruction

Chapter 4289: Festival disaster

Chapter 4295 Disaster

The power of rules is weakening, and the seal of Chaos Sea is accelerating! At this moment, Xing Tian truly felt the horror of the seal, and felt the danger and trouble that the seal brought to him. Just using such a little power, he was affected by external forces. The Chaos Sea was motivating the power of the rules to weaken him. This shows how terrifying the change in Chaos Sea is!

There is no retreat. This is Xingtian’s situation and Xingtian’s determination. Although there is a crisis, Xingtian cannot give up because of the crisis, nor dare to give up. There is only a dead end to give up. Time is tight. This is Xingtian once again because of time. Lamented, lamented for the perilous environment in which I was in, natural disasters came and descended into the Chaos Sea, and I was affected. The King of End clone has not been exposed yet, and the impact is not much affected, and the King of Time and Space clone is also Was affected.

Yes, at this moment Xingtian’s King of Time and Space clone also feels the shackles from the long river of time and space, and the power of rules is repelling him, even if Xingtian’s King of Time and Space clone is trying to alleviate his own existence, but the origin of the long river of time and space It is still repelling its existence. If it were not for the current time and space river and not being controlled by the Chaos Sea, I am afraid that Xingtian’s time and space king clone would be exposed for the first time, and would be rejected or even strangled for the first time!

Crisis, this is the crisis, the great crisis, the real natural disaster has come, Xing Tian feels the pressure and impact from all directions, feels that both body and mind are suffering from the impact of natural disasters and the impact from this change of nature.

Sometimes there is no retreat. At this time, even if you pay a high price, as long as you can ensure that you are not corroded by external forces and are not suppressed by the Chaos Sea, it is worth paying. After all, there is hope only when you are alive. In other words, the pressure he was under was a bit heavy. After slaughtering this group of chaotic giants, this group of monsters, Xing Tian could clearly feel that he was stained with the brand of resentment, which came from the group of monsters left behind when they died. The mark on the body.

This is not a common brand, but a brand from the Chaos Beast. With this brand on the body, you will be attacked by all the Chaos Behemoths when you are in the Chaos Sea. This is the enemy's conspiracy. Use the sword to kill people and use the Chaos Behemoth. When dealing with Xingtian, Xingtian also understood the other party's intentions and understood everything about this trap while branding his upper body.

"Haha! What a big hand, using the Chaos Behemoth as a chess game to kill my little younger junior. I really can see Xingtian, and being able to make such a crazy move is definitely not the power of Chaos Sea, but those hidden The giants in the dark, it seems that my appearance disrupted their plans and forced these **** to kill me, but from where did they know everything about me, knowing that there is an amazing cause and effect between me and Chaos Sea Xing Tian is thinking. After excluding the Chaos Sea, Xing Tian's mood is slightly relaxed. Although this trap is terrible, it is not without a solution. It is just that Xing Tian needs to find the enemy, the enemy who is plotting himself, or else this Once the crisis is resolved, it will not take long for a new crisis to appear. I don’t have so much time wasting to fight these shameless bastards. I need to grow myself before the Supreme Chaos World completes its transformation, not with these. The **** fights endlessly!

"The imprint of the chaotic beast is indeed a lore for ordinary people. There is no possibility of turning over, but for me, it is not the case. Perhaps the imprinting of the imprint is also a chance and a kind of exploration for me. The nature of the chaotic sea, there must be unexpected power in this chaotic beast brand, and finding it is of great benefit to oneself!” It has to be said that Xing Tian’s idea is different. For many people, if there is The method of resolution will be paid the first time, but Xing Tian did not do this, but instead wants to use the crisis-based and transform it into his own opportunity.

The secrets of the Chaos Sea are endless. If you can find the secrets of the Chaos Sea from the Chaos Beasts and explore the origin of the Chaos Sea, this is a great opportunity for Xing Tian. Only by understanding the nature of the Chaos Sea can you have a chance to escape Everything, detached from the world, the supreme chaotic will is difficult to find, but chaotic beasts are not difficult to find, there are bound to be countless beasts appear on the imprint, it will make it easier for you to come into contact with chaotic beasts, explore their essence, and understand The secret of Chaos Sea!

Of course, Xing Tian knew in his heart that if he wanted to explore the chaotic beast brand with peace of mind, he must solve the hidden enemy, otherwise no matter how well he hid, he would have a steady stream of trouble. The enemy could be found by the breath of the brand. For himself, it is almost unrealistic for Xing Tian to kill this hidden enemy. After all, his strength is limited and his time is limited. Xing Tian cannot waste his limited time on this impossible thing.

How to do? How can the hidden threat be eliminated? Killing is unrealistic and impossible, natural disasters! For a moment, Xing Tian thought of natural disasters. The other party could use the sword to kill people and the power of the chaotic beast to deal with him. Then how can he not use external force to confront him, resolve his own existing crisis, and get rid of this current predicament!

As a result, natural disasters appeared in Xing Tian’s eyes. If today's change has already begun and become unstoppable, he can speed up this process, let the sky change into a natural disaster, and let the entire Chaos Sea directly enter into the crazy chaos and killing. A **** storm is set off in this chaotic sea. When such a situation arises, no matter if the secret enemy has the ability to reach the sky, he can't do it by himself. At that time, their karma will be attracted by natural disasters and they must face it. The pressure of Chaos Sea!

Crazy? This is indeed crazy, but this madness can get you out of trouble. Although there will be many creatures falling into this crazy killing and chaos by doing so, but this is the general trend, this is the big catastrophe, people are not for themselves, Xingtian is not a stupid bad person, and he will not give himself up. If he can save himself, no matter how much outsiders sacrifice, it is worth it. No matter how much cause and effect he bears, it is worthwhile. Only by living can there be hope. Living is the foundation of everything!

Will the appearance of natural disasters make the Supreme Chaos World change? Xing Tian didn’t know, and didn’t want to figure it out. Time waits for no one. Since he has chosen a frontal confrontation, he has chosen to blaze a trail without being affected by external forces, so he must face all possibilities, no matter how dangerous he is, he cannot shrink back. , And bravely face all this.

How can I get the entire Chaos Sea into a natural disaster, and then realize my plan? Time and space, yes, Xing Tian wanted to fight time and space. Originally, Xing Tian didn’t want to use his avatar as the King of Time and Space at this time. But now Xing Tian has no choice. He can only start with Time and Space. Let the entire Chaos Sea fall into chaos and killing before it can stir the situation, and make the entire Chaos Sea appear endless accidents and endless chaos!

Xing Tian was also reluctant to the origin of the Great Way of Time and Space in the long river of time and space, but the situation was uncontrollable. Although Xing Tian wanted to preserve this opportunity, he wanted to hide his time and space king clone in the dark to absorb the origin of time and space little by little to strengthen himself. , But now Xing Tian can only give up this wonderful decision and give up this opportunity.


Do things, or do nothing, to do things you must do everything! Especially in today’s environment, benevolence is impossible. Otherwise, it will only be you who will suffer in the end, and you will only make yourself pay a heavy price. The enemy will not let go because of your kindness. Kindness will only make enemies crazier and crueler!

Stirring the situation and causing natural disasters to erupt, all Xingtian can do is to destroy the long river of time and space. When the river of time and space becomes chaotic, the order of the entire Chaos Sea will inevitably collapse. The order between heaven and earth will dissipate, and the chaos will inevitably cover the entire Chaos Sea. The Chaos Sea is bound to undergo earth-shattering drastic changes, and natural disasters are bound to come!

Destroying the long river of time and space, this is a great cause and effect with all the creatures in the entire Chaos Sea, carrying such a terrible cause and effect, for anyone, this is a great pressure, a little bad luck, it is bound to die. Backward by the chaos of the sea and luck!

Fortunately, all of this is not made by Xing Tian’s original source, but by his own King of Time and Space clone. Because of Chaos Sea’s suppression and rejection of the clone, there will be much less cause and effect in doing so. Of course, if the King of Ending Clone makes the shot, only I am afraid that there is no cause and effect, who will let his clone of the King of End not be seen by the Chaos Sea. If the deity takes action, the consequences will be serious. Even if the Supreme Chaos World has not completed the transformation, the power of the Chaos Sea will also appear, and it will blow Xing Tian crazy and wipe it out between the world. Erase all traces of Xingtian!

I don’t know why, when Xing Tian had such crazy thoughts in his heart, there was an inexplicable feeling in his mind. He was very close to the truth of the world. As long as he destroyed the long river of time and space, he could truly see the essence of the Chaos Sea. Can understand what kind of existence is the Chaos Sea in which you are located, and what is your so-called detachment?

The closer you get to the truth, the more pressure Xing Tian feels. This is not only from the body, but also from the mind. When the crazy thought arises, Xing Tian can instinctively feel the threat, coming from the void and coming from the sea of ​​chaos. , From this world, all secrets are hidden in the long river of time and space. When the river of time and space collapses, everything in the world will be revealed!

There is not much time left for himself. Although the danger is alarming, Xing Tian will not give up, and even a crazy idea arose in Xing Tian’s heart. If he can know the secret of the entire Chaos Sea, even if he sacrifices the King of Time and Space. No matter what, the destruction of a clone allows one to truly see the Chaos Sea, see oneself, and see everything clearly. Such a price is worth it!

But can all this be achieved? The time for the King of Time clone to contact the long river of time and space is limited, and the strength of his own King of Time clone is even more limited. With limited power, it can shake the long river of time and space and destroy the origin of time and space. Is this really achievable? Xing Tian was not sure in his heart, after all, all of this came too fast, and he didn't give Xing Tian time to prepare!

If Xing Tian is given a little more time, so that the King of Time clone can swallow more of the origin of time and space, and can have enough power to shake the long river of time and space, it is not too difficult to complete this plan, but now Xing Tian is too unsure, but not If you don't do it, time doesn't wait for people, the deity can't wait, and the enemy won't give yourself long time.

If it is possible, even if there is a chance, Xingtian is unwilling to make such a sacrifice, but this big environment does not give Xingtian a chance, let alone Xingtian time. Everything is forcing Xingtian, whether it is the general environment or hidden in the dark. The enemies of Xing Tian are constantly putting pressure on Xing Tian, ​​constantly oppressing Xing Tian's existence, forcing Xing Tian to go crazy step by step.

This may be my last madness. Once I take a shot, the entire world will tremble, and the entire chaotic sea will be turned upside down, and I will inevitably fall into crisis. Whether the deity or the clone, it will usher in a terrible disaster!

Natural disasters! With a heart move, endless disasters flooded Xingtian’s heart like a tide, and the mind of the King of Time clone was trembling, because it would bear the backlash of the entire Chaos Sea and the resentment of endless creatures. A little bit of error, it will The body died and the soul disappeared, was directly obliterated between the heaven and the earth by the terrible backlash power, and the body died and the soul disappeared.

Going upstream, wanting to shake the entire river of time and space with limited power, the King of Time clone can only go upstream and enter the depths of the river of time and space. Only in this way can it destroy the origin of the river of time and space with its own limited power and be able to shake it. Heaven and earth shake the Chaos Sea, destroy all the order in the Chaos Sea, and turn everything back into chaos.

Step by step, step by step, every step forward, Xingtian’s avatar of the King of Time and Space is under great pressure, and every step is to destroy the avatar of Xingtian, the King of Time and Space, and destroy this true body. Basically, being so madly under heavy pressure, this is destroying one's own origin, destroying everything in this clone.

Yes, Xing Tian wants to abandon this avatar of the King of Time and Space, and shake the river of time and space with the power of self-destruction. Only by burning his own avatar will have the opportunity to shake the river of time and space, and have the opportunity to destroy the river of time and space and destroy the order of the Chaos Sea !

When Xingtian’s time-space king clone's potential and origin were almost exhausted, he finally stopped. At this time, Xingtian's clone was almost about to collapse, and the origin received a huge impact, even his own divided yuan. God was also affected. It can be said that in order to realize his plan, Xing Tian is desperate to fight to death with his clone of the King of Time and Space!


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