God of Destruction

Chapter 4291: Time and Space Shattered

Chapter 4297: Time and Space Shattered

"These three **** old guys, isn't this going to pit us to death? If they let their plan succeed, we will all face the revenge of the Chaos Sea. Although we are prepared for endless years, we still don't have enough. Grasp the battle against the Chaos Sea. If the Chaos Sea is really going to fight to the death, those of us will be cleared out in the first time. The ants in this era are still very weak and will not threaten the existence of the Chaos Sea. This old guy is too scary, we people are caught in it!"

"Insidious bastards, if we knew this would happen, we should take action to stop this, prevent the situation from getting out of hand, take the initiative to take everything in our own hands, and let us guide the trend!"

I think too much. If the three ancient giants hear this, they will laugh miserably. Although these hidden innate chaotic gods and demons have powerful powers, they are far from the three ancient giants in front of them. They are not on the same level at all, and they want to stop all of this. They can only say that they are too self-righteous and overestimate their true power.

Fighting for the initiative with the three ancient giants can only say that this is looking for death. The other party has prepared endless years, how can they let their ignorant "ants" take the initiative? The most important thing is that these people can only talk about it. , Didn’t dare to act at all. If they really had such a determination, they wouldn’t stand on the sidelines at this time. Instead, they would take action and destroy the Supreme Chaos World together with the three ancient giants, cut off the chaotic sea’s backhands, and completely exterminate each other. Hope.

While those ancient giants who continued to hide were arguing, amazing changes took place outside the Supreme Chaos World. Under the joint bombardment of the three ancient giants, the Supreme Chaos World was not destroyed, and the powerful Primordial Chaos Sea gushed out to protect it. This new world seemed to be guarded at all costs, even if it was a heavy price.

"Damn, I knew it would be like this. Chaos Sea can't be without a little defense. It can't be unclear about our existence. It's absolutely defense. Now I'm talking about it. There are those **** **** who simply count on them not On, don’t look at our main attack at the beginning, but those **** who have already broken their minds do not dare to take action. Even if they know this is an excellent opportunity to counterattack, they will give up because of the fear in their hearts. Those **** have already It's not worth our attention anymore. We can't make wedding dresses for others if we make the worst choice!" When seeing that the war has reached this level and no one has helped, a giant sneered disdainfully and said to those who are still continuing to play dead. The hidden giant dismissed it!

"Well, just do this, not because we didn't give them a chance, but we gave them a chance, but was abandoned by their ignorant and greedy selfishness. Such **** are no longer qualified to stand with us, nor qualified. Enjoy the benefits we bring, let's start, make this world more chaotic, more crazy, and burst me!"

In a flash, the three ancient giants reached a consensus. A terrible storm rose from them, and rushed to the defense formed by the origin of the Chaos Sea with unmatched power. Without waiting for the Chaos Sea to react, it was terrible. The power of blast exploded directly, and the terrifying power exploded directly outside the Supreme Chaos World. The terrifying impact directly tore through the defense of Xingtian, the origin of the sea of ​​chaos, and turned into terrifying blades of the void, cutting frantically The Supreme Chaos World has evolved into a terrifying void storm, sweeping the entire Supreme Chaos World!

When the void storm came out, all the giants who wanted to reap the benefits of the fishermen were dumbfounded. They were all shocked by the terrifying methods of these three ancient giants. After being shocked, they had endless anger. If you say that the three ancient giants before The behavior of the giant is a provocation, a provocation to the Chaos Sea, and now it is an out-and-out decisive battle, pulling the entire Chaos Sea into the water!

"How can they dare to do this? The previous actions have gone too far, and now they are even more unconcernedly and unscrupulously making a big move to drag everyone into this disaster. What do they want to do? They want to kill with a sword and use Chaos Sea Will your power come to clear the field? Get rid of those of us?" An ancient giant frowned and muttered to himself. Regarding such a sudden change, they all had a trace of unwillingness and fear in their hearts!

Crazy, this is really crazy, tearing the entire Supreme Chaos World with a void storm, directly breaking the calculations of the Chaos Sea, and even tearing the origin of the Supreme Chaos World into pieces, scattered in the Chaos Sea, this will It makes many people go crazy. The fragments of the origin of the world are great treasures for any practitioner. Whether it is a great way of understanding or used to evolve the world, they are absolute treasures. No one will give up this opportunity, even if it is clear. Knowing this is a trap, I have to jump in!

For those ancient giants who hide in the dark and are unwilling to get ahead, and **** who want to reap the benefits of the fisherman, these three oldest innate chaos gods and demons have made the most terrible choice. Inviting these giants to fight will not work, then Use this naked, naked, and naked conspiracy to force them to take the initiative to jump out and participate in the war. Under the temptation of the original fragments of the supreme chaotic world, I don’t believe that they will not be moved. Chaos Sea confronts head-on.

"Damn ants, you have completely irritated me. Three thousand origins are condensed, the avenues are coming out, the innate chaos gods and demons are coming out, the 3,000 avenues are appearing, the common people are judged, and the sentient beings are judged!" Under this violent roar, I fell into a void storm. The supreme chaotic world in it exudes an aura of terror, and Chaos Sea finally couldn’t bear to make the final decision, forcibly condensing the origin of the three thousand great avenues, to judge the common people, to judge sentient beings, to completely destroy all living beings in the world, and complete its own Destruction of the world!

Yes, the world-destroying aura appeared at this moment. Under the unbearable, Chaos Sea made the craziest choice. The entire Chaos Sea's creatures felt the fear from the soul. This is what the Chaos Sea has to all beings. Killing intent, undisguised killing intent, without any consideration, directly made this most terrible choice, and also the craziest choice.

In the face of the sudden impact, Xing Tian's deity could not help but let out a muffled groan. The strong pressure caused Xing Tian's mind to be shocked. Compared with the Chaos Sea, Xing Tian's will is nothing, and he cannot resist the soul from above. Shock.

auzw.com However, although the soul suffered a shock and hurt the deity’s soul, Xing Tian did not shrink back. This is the opportunity that he has been waiting for. With a thought, he is in the long river of time and space. The avatar of the King of Time and Space opened his eyes, and his eyes were filled with endless madness. The origin of time and space was condensing crazily. When the decision was made, the avatar of the King of Time and Space was no longer concerned, and his breath was fully released. I don't care about the impact and influence of time and space on myself.

"Blast me!" A low voice rang from the mouth of the King of Xingtian Time and Space clone. In an instant, the origin of the King of Time and Space clone exploded. The terrifying power of time and space madly impacted the river of time and space, and the powerful shock wave directly affected. After the entire time and space, Xing Tian burst out all of his own origin in an instant. When the origin bloomed, a spiritual light soared into the sky, rushing out of the body of the King of Time and Space clone, which was the soul that Xing Tian clone retained.

As soon as the terrible origin of time and space exploded, the entire river of time and space became terrifying. Although Xing Tian’s power was small, but with the origin of time and space connected, this explosion suddenly caused an explosion in the entire river of time and space. The terrible shock wave raged madly. Everything, the long river of time and space finally couldn't bear the terrible impact, and began to break!

Opportunity This is the opportunity. Xingtian’s avatar, Yuanshen, exploded frantically, keeping all the information revealed in the long river of time and space firmly in his soul, madly plundering all the resources that could be plundered.

Click! A ray of light cut through the long river of time and space, and in the depths of the long river of time and space, a ray of light rose. Above this ray of light, Xing Tian felt the deep and cracked breath of time. Yes, that is an extremely powerful treasure of time origin. , Just a flash of light made Xing Tian feel the impact of death, and Xing Tian had to gather his mind and guard himself carefully.

"The Avenue of Time, this is the treasure of time. The depths of the river of time and space have bred such a horrible treasure of time. It is really incredible. The river of time and space has stayed so as to breed the treasure. I am afraid that no one will believe it!" Shocked, Xing Tian's heart was extremely shocked at this time, and he wanted to find out everything, but it was a pity that Xing Tian couldn't do it at all. With a flash of light, this time and space treasure disappeared without a trace, so Xing Tian didn't even have a chance to catch up. Can only sigh secretly!

The explosion of the Time and Space River, the entire Chaos Sea was turbulent and ups and downs. At this moment, all beings in the entire world were shocked, even the three oldest innate Chaos Gods and Demons. The explosion of Time and Space River was directly Let the situation become uncontrollable. If the Chaos Sea has only paid a huge price before, there is still a chance to stop everything, but now it is different, everything is too late, the time and space river is broken, the entire Chaos Sea order disappears completely. , The most chaotic moment is coming!

"Okay, very good. It seems that among the younger generations, there are still sturdy people who have dealt a fatal blow to Chaos Sea at this critical moment. When the time and space river is broken, Chaos Sea has no chance to turn over again. From this moment on, no matter what Whether you are willing or not, you have to face the counterattack of the Chaos Sea. No one can make an exception, but unfortunately it came a bit late. It would be nice if we could get a point earlier. We are not worth paying such a huge price. It seems that this is also Calculate, someone is calculating us, calculating the Chaos Sea!"

Although there is a little complaint in my heart, it is useless to complain. The world is still respected by power. Without strong enough strength, we can only endure it. We can't show the slightest trace. Who will let the person who shoots calculate? They are no worse than them, but they can't help but they don't come up with what they have prepared, so as not to be caught off guard.

The body of the three ancient giants instantly shined brightly, and the powerful original power began to condense under their aspiration, and they were also blocking the counterattack from the Chaos Sea. The Supreme Chaos World was completely blocked, which has made the Chaos Sea crazy. , Now that such a big event has happened again, some people dare to directly detonate the time and space river, this is very wrong!

When everyone is thinking about countermeasures, Xingtian’s King of Time and Space clone is frantically plundering everything that can be plundered, gathering all information, and preventing the outside world from being aware of his own situation. If his soul is discovered at this time, he will definitely In a situation of ten deaths and no life, no one will hide or reserve anymore.

The messages flooded into the soul of one's own clone, merged into one's own memory, and suddenly absorbed so much origin in the short time and long river, so that Xing Tian's own breath had a slight change, even if Only a little bit of denial can be obtained from the soul of the clone, which opens a crazier and more terrifying path for Xing Tian.

Countless information is deposited in the soul of Xingtian clone, which brings huge pressure to Xingtian. Although Xingtian's will is firm, receiving so much information in such a short time is a huge test for him. At this time, Xing Tian couldn't let the soul of the King of Time clone bear alone, or it would only ruin its last vitality.

"The soul is connected, the Trinity, the soul is connected!" With a deep cry, the souls of the Xingtian deity, the King of End clone, and the King of Time and Space are connected, and the soul is connected. The deity and the King of End clone are helping the King of Time and Space to bear. This comes from the shock above the soul, so that oneself will not be driven to a dead end because of this huge information.

go away! The avatar of Xingtian’s Ending King did not dare to hesitate, although there are more secrets in the depths of time and space, but today I have gained enough, there is no need to continue to take risks and take my life and death as a bet. Although he felt reluctant in his heart, the king of time and space avatar Yuanshen sighed slightly, turned into a stream of light and quickly escaped from the long river of time and space, disappeared into the chaotic sea, as for the impact and pressure that he had to bear. Spreading on the avatars of the deity and the King of End, it is up to them to accept this terrible blow, and Xing Tian understands how amazing the pressure the King of Time and Space is under!

At this time, the king of time and space, if the avatar, does not escape, there is really no chance, because the three oldest innate chaotic gods and demons have stopped, and when they tear open the origin of the highest chaotic world, they are about to face the endless chaos sea When they were angry, they fled directly. At first everyone thought it would be a dragon fight, but they didn't expect it to end in a hasty way. They didn't care how bad the impact they had caused, and left in such a cool manner!


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