God of Destruction

Chapter 4298: Decisive battle

Chapter 4304 Decisive Battle

Unknown, everything is unknown. The situation on the day and the earth is constantly deteriorating. When the general situation pushes to this point, Xing Tian can't see clearly and can't see through. Perhaps at this time the entire Chaos Sea has entered the unknown, even if there is a conspiracy behind it. Calculate, under such a situation, it also becomes weakened. Once the crazy situation starts, everything is involuntary. Even if everything before is calculated, the next situation will no longer be satisfactory, because no matter how much you calculate, it will No one knows what kind of terrifying power these ancient giants under the madness, those ethnic civilizations will erupt, what direction this world will go, and where will this chaotic sea take it is unpredictable!

The end of the law came, and the vitality of the heavens and the earth was extinct. Under the impetus of such a general trend, the whole heaven and the earth fell into a dead silence. Under the madness of the chaotic giant beasts, under the full resistance of many giants and many ethnic civilizations, They finally consumed the last little bit of vitality from the heavens and the earth, and plunged the entire world into a real era of extinction. There was no longer a trace of the origin of the law between the heaven and the earth, and the entire Chaos Sea fell into absolute silence.

Without the vitality of the heavens and the earth, when these crazy creatures exhausted the last bit of vitality of the heavens and the earth, the original rules truly retreated, the Chaos Sea lost its vitality, and the heaven and earth sentient beings who were still in rage suddenly became dumbfounded. Thinking that the result would be like this, the last bit of vitality in the entire Chaos Sea was consumed before the war started!

"Damn it, what is going on, why is it like this, even if we fight back, it is impossible to consume so much vitality of the world, it is impossible to dissipate the origin of the entire Chaos Sea!" Many giants couldn't bear the anger in their hearts. They screamed frantically, the impact of such a situation was too great, and their hearts were under great pressure.

Yes, even if all the creatures in the world are madly swallowing and absorbing the vitality of the heavens and the earth, it is impossible to consume the vitality of the entire Chaos Sea in such a short time, but they forgot that there is another more terrifying thing. Races exist, no, it shouldn’t be said to be races. After all, the Chaos Behemoths have no races. There are too many types of Chaos Behemoths in the Chaos Sea, so many that people can’t figure out how many they are. Only under the crazy plunder of the giant beasts can the last trace of the vitality of the Chaos Sea completely dissipate. Their huge bodies can absorb more vitality of the heavens and the earth than those giants and many civilized forces. It is even more amazing. In the entire Chaos Sea, no one knows how many Chaos Giants exist, but one thing is clear, that is, the number of Chaos Giants is much higher than this intelligent creature.

Change and change, this is the Chaos Sea, this is the Doomsday Tribulation. It doesn’t give everyone enough time to digest and absorb the shocking changes again and again. It will only speed up frantically, making the situation uncontrollable and letting the situation go. Towards collapse!

The end of the law has really come, and there is no possibility of reversal anymore. The origin of the entire Chaos Sea is sealed, and the darkest moment arrives. The endless life inspiration is feared from the depths of the soul. This is the instinct, the most fundamental ability of wise creatures. !

The sky has changed, the innocence has changed, it has become so terrifying, so terrifying, if everyone was still hesitant before, still thinking about whether to join the cultivation of the acquired killing avenue, but when the current situation appears, All of them were silent. Except for the truly determined giants, the other creatures chose to accept it. They couldn't help but not accept it, because death was threatening their lives step by step, forcing them to jump into the road of killing. Way.

It can be foreseen how tragic it will be when the war breaks out. At this time, those giants who remained calm and did not fall under pressure are silent. They all understand the horror of the situation and understand that if they do not find a way to break the situation, use Before long, he will be destroyed by these terrifying killing storms, and the enemy will not give himself too much time.

Time is life, this sentence applies to all creatures in the Chaos Sea! If they cannot grow themselves in this crazy killing, they will be swallowed by the storm. They believe that Chaos Sea will not give themselves time to think about countermeasures and find ways to resolve the crisis. Perhaps this is the beginning of the decisive battle, and this is the beginning of death. !

"Let’s do it, we can’t wait any longer. If we wait any longer, we only have a dead end. The Chaos Sea will not give us a trace of life. If we wait for the killing to begin, everything will be too late. We will completely lose the opportunity. Before those **** can take a big shot, we can convince them to go directly to the Chaos Sea and have a life and death duel with the Chaos Behemoth!"

"That being said, will the enemy give us this time, will it make us successful? Don't think that our reaction to the enemy is to turn a blind eye. I always think that this world change has conspiracies and calculations, and the three old guys did it. The timing is too weird. If they are not the body of the innate Chaos Gods and Demons, I doubt that they will be in the same group with the Chaos Sea!"

"Impossible, these three old guys are the oldest innate Chaos Gods and Demons, and they are also the only old guys left from the original era. Chaos Sea has always wanted to master the complete Three Thousand Dao, how can these three old guys? They may be in the same group with Chaos Sea, unless they die and are willing to sacrifice themselves to clear the way for Chaos Sea!"

"Yeah, this is impossible. As long as the innate Chaos God and Demon are instinctively standing on the opposite side of the Chaos Sea, no matter what calculations these three old guys have, they cannot stand with the Chaos Sea. They are born It is the existence of opposition!"

auzw.com"No, nothing is impossible. No matter how impossible it is, it’s just the probability. But now we can’t contact these three **** old guys at all, this Time to do it will only make these three old guys cheap. You must know that these three old guys were responsible for the crisis like this! Now they hide themselves and push all the responsibility to us Let us bear the terrible consequences. Will there be no conspiracy?"

Conspiracy theories have never been lacking in the world of practice, and conspiracies and tricks are endless. When these words fall, many people are silent and they are reflecting on it. It is indeed possible. Don’t say it, just cheat them. These giants are an incredible event. The Sea of ​​Chaos can swallow the origins of these giants, but can the three old guys who are the innate Chaos Gods and Demons not be able to do it? They have united to kill everyone. may!

"Well, now is not the time to argue about this issue. As far as the situation is concerned, we have no time or energy to target the three **** old guys. What we have to do is to protect ourselves. Before the robbery arrives, we can reverse the crisis, and there is only one thing we can do, and that is to go to war and make the final decisive battle with Chaos Sea!"

"The decisive battle? Isn't it a bit early? We also need to make some preparations to attract more people. Just relying on our strength is not enough, even if it is not enough to get the **** around, we need more. The power of this era requires the forces of all parties in this era, and the power of many ethnic civilizations. In the face of such a decisive battle, we need a huge number of people, and we need to pile up each other with human tactics, but we don’t have enough time to train our men. !"

"It's too late, everything is too late. We don't have so much time. The enemy won't give us time. We are not ready, and the enemy is not ready. At this time, a surprise attack is the best opportunity, and as long as we go to war , Other people will inevitably be on our side under the threat of life and death. We don’t need to woo them, they will also participate in the war, because they all understand that this is not our business, but the life and death of the entire Chaos Sea!"

Having said that, will everything go well? Many ancient giants have no hope for this. There are always stupid people, and there are many more. Especially under this situation, there are definitely not a few people who meditate to reap the benefits of fishermen, and all this is caused. The three **** old guys before, it is they who have brought bad habits and put the situation into such an embarrassing situation, almost everyone is worried that they will give others a wedding dress and sacrifice their lives in vain.

What is Xing Tian doing at this time? Naturally it is killing, it is practice! Needless to say, the deity is still hidden in the darkness, gestating the army with all its strength, while the King of Time and Space clone is accelerating recovery, only the King of End clone is killing frantically, although he did not see through everything, Xing Tian will not stop. No matter what the conspiracy is, it will eventually be revealed. Under this circumstance, it is naturally a killing. Use crazy killing to gather more resources and stand on a more favorable side.

Alone, walking in the Chaos Sea, constantly slaughtering the Chaos Giants. Although Xing Tian is very careful, no matter how careful he is, it is impossible to hide from everyone's eyes, especially those with a heart. Soon, Xing Tian's madness will be destroyed. Stared at him, and the person who stared at him was the God Devouring Insect Mother, this giant who has always had a causal connection with Xing Tian.

"It's Xingtian, he is madly slaughtering the Chaos Behemoth, and looting everything madly. It seems that he has really changed. He has become so crazy and so terrible. This murderous spirit is really amazing. It seems that he really has to give up. Turn your own Dao to the Slaughter Dao, to condense the perfect acquired Slaughter Dao, to compete for that ridiculous vitality!" Seeing Xing Tian's situation, the mother of God Devourer could not help but feel disappointed, in his opinion Xing Tian Doing so is not worth the loss. If you give up your own avenue, you will also give up your practice. The acquired killing avenue is simply a dead end, and you can't see any hopeless way.

For a moment, the mother of God Devouring Insect Empress's expression condensed again, and gently shook his head and said, "No, Xing Tian, ​​the lunatic, is in a weird situation now, not as unbearable as imagined. What is going on, can it be said? This is a clone, a clone of flesh and blood, and a clone that has mastered the Dao of Origin. If this is the case, this lunatic hides deep enough."

I don’t know if it’s a causal cycle, or someone secretly pushed it. The God-Evering Insect Empress has found Xingtian in such a short time. Although he is only the king of the end of Xingtian, he did find Xingtian. This situation is really too good. Unexpectedly, even the Divine Insect Mother Empress herself felt incredible. It didn't take long for him to find Xing Tian inadvertently just after she was cloned with the human giant. This was so magical that it made the Divine Insect Mother Empress feel a little unreal.

Of course, this is indeed a bit untrue, a bit crazy and terrifying. When the Doomsday Tribulation comes, after the Doomsday Era, the God-Eating Insect Mother dared not have the slightest carelessness, so smoothly finding Xing Tian made his heart unavoidably vigilant. Have you been calculated by someone? He is being led by the nose, or how could he find Xingtian so easily, and see such a crazy scene, seeing Xingtian slaughter the chaotic giant beasts wildly, and looting wildly All resources.

If this is a conspiracy, what is the other party's intention? Is it that Xing Tian is really what he thinks, is the person who should be robbed, the protagonist of this era, so that Chaos Hai will treat it so carefully? The Mother God Devourer was thinking in her heart, but he was still not sure about all of this. After all, this doomsday calamity was too fierce to give himself time to digest.

Stop Xingtian, negotiate with Xingtian, pull Xingtian into the game, and fight against the giant chaos beasts together with the human race, against the doomsday robbery? This was the first thought in the mind of the God Devouring Mother Queen, but she was quickly given up by the God Devouring Mother Queen. How crazy Xing Tian is, everything in front of him is enough to explain the problem. If Xing Tian's strength is not strong enough to face the chaos With the impact of the giant beast, it would be no accident that I stood up and invited Xingtian at this time. I could get Xingtian’s approval, but now things are negotiable. Xingtian has the strength to act alone. At this time, I invite Xingtian and get only rejection, Xingtian It is impossible to agree, because sometimes too many people are involved and troublesome for me, and Xing Tian Qiaqia is like this.

"Damn lunatic, what do you do if you are so strong? If you don't have this kind of combat power, I don't need to worry that you will refuse or give up. Now I am in a dilemma. I don't know how to speak or what to use. I will meet you with such a look!” When feeling embarrassed, the God-Eater Mother Empress could not help but sigh in secret. Faced with such a situation, this ancient giant was also a little lost. After all, no one is willing to accept failure. The **** insect mother emperor is no exception, but in the face of Xing Tian, ​​he has repeatedly missed!


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