God of Destruction

Chapter 4303: Section pressure

Chapter 4309 Pressure

For these giants of the human race, they are unwilling to bear such a lot of pressure because they understand that they are challenging their bottom line, and they don’t know if they can survive this terrible impact and pressure until the end. I can’t resist this terrible impact and pressure. Once I fail, my Dao Heart will be broken, and there is no hope of detachment. Even if there is no trap outside the island of the gods, my heart will be hurt. Such consequences are too great. Serious!

Silence, for an instant, these giants of the human race fell into silence. They also understood in their hearts that Xing Tian said so much truth, but they took care of it. There were human races behind them and their own family members, so they were not willing to take risks. But now Xing Tian is also on the side of the God-Eating Mother Queen, making the giants of the human race extremely embarrassed.

I originally thought that everything would go smoothly, but I didn’t expect that just the beginning would bring the situation to a halt, which made Xing Tian’s mind involuntarily cast a shadow. At this time, the King of End began to suspect that he was involved in his body and mind. Is this the right thing to do in this battle? If the human giants have so many concerns, this alliance has not yet started, and they will be in a difficult situation. They are concerned, and even if they have a lot of power, they can’t play much. Is it worth it to ally with such a group of people?

At this moment, Xing Tian's heart is worried. If he drags on like this, he will only waste his time and energy. Although he is only a clone, the King of End clone is still unwilling to accept such a result, and is unwilling to face the hesitation of the human giants. Undecided, let yourself fall into such embarrassing writing, let yourself be in a dilemma!

For a moment, Xing Tian turned his attention to the God-Eating Insect Mother. He was the one who brought him. Now that this problem has arisen, it should be the God-Eating Insect Mother. If it can’t be done, Xing Tian needs to consider whether or not. It is time to continue, and cannot work together. Xing Tian has a pessimistic attitude towards this line and does not think it is possible to succeed.

Feeling Xing Tian’s eyes, the God Devouring Mother Emperor was also very embarrassed. This situation was unexpected. He originally thought that the human giant could understand the danger of the situation and make correct judgments, but the cruel reality made him disappointed. Continue to waste everyone's time and energy like this, I'm afraid Xing Tian will be the first to turn around and leave, giving up this alliance!

"My fellow daoists, we have done everything that should be done. The human world can be described as a solid defense. Even if there is a real crisis, there will be my virtual migrating method to deal with it. It can be said that everyone's worries have been relieved, but you still hold on Fighting with such a mentality is probably a bit wrong. You don’t have to think about your own life and death. But I can’t do it with fellow Xingtian. We need to consider our own problems. I hope you can give up this unnecessary persistence. Everyone will work together. Face the crisis!" When he said this, the God Devouring Mother Queen sighed deeply at the giants of the human race, her eyes full of disappointment.

There is no need for persistence. Yes, in the eyes of the God Devourer Mother Queen, the persistence of the human giants is not necessary at all. The whole human world can be said to be flawless. They don’t need to worry about it anymore. If they are allowed to keep doing things. If you go to the alliance with such a mood, it will only harm others and yourself. Under distraction, their strengths will not be able to display at all!

Hearing the words of the God Eater Mother Queen, the virtual lord’s eyes flashed with light, as if thoughtful. After a while, he nodded and said: "Yes, thanks to the insect emperor for reminding us. Face the catastrophe with the current mentality. In the end, it will only harm others and ourselves. We are all too self-righteous. Now that we have made a decision, we should not be half-hearted. This time we are wrong. The human world is indeed perfect. No shortage, we have also done all the preparations we can do. If there is another accident, we can only say that it is God’s will. What we have to do now is to deal with the immediate crisis wholeheartedly!"

I figured it out. In an instant, the virtual master figured everything out. In the face of this general trend, what I have to do is to follow the trend, not to go upstream. It seems safe to drive on my own, but in fact it is more dangerous, not just in front of you. For the crises that occur at any time on the road, you have to waste your time and energy. In contrast, it is better to use the power of supernatural power to tear the void and directly descend on the island of the gods.

"After you figure it out, it’s good if you can understand that time is life. We don’t have so much time to waste. We also face danger. Why don’t we choose a method that saves time and is beneficial to ourselves? When deciding, if you can’t face the crisis wholeheartedly, I can only abandon you!” At this moment, the mother of God Devourer’s expression is extremely solemn, he has not lied, and it is the truth. If the human giant can’t gather his mind He couldn't face this crisis wholeheartedly, he could only give up the giants of the human race, and would rather act with Xing Tian than take these giants with him!

An awkward look flashed across the face of the virtual master, and he sighed and said: "Give me a little more time, and I will persuade them. It will definitely not delay everyone too much time. After all, one more person will give you more. Strength, more safety!"

At this time, the Mother Emperor God Devourer and Xing Tian looked at each other, and nodded in agreement with each other. After all, for them to face the unknown dangers, the more power, the more safety, and no one. Know what will happen on the Island of the Gods.

"Okay, we are waiting for your good news!" As he said, Xing Tian and the God-Eater Mother Queen stepped back, and let the virtual lord and the ten giants of the human race go to discuss, although it will waste a little time, but generally speaking for them Favorable, they would accept it.

When Xing Tian and the God-Eater Mother Emperor retreated, the virtual lord’s expression became more solemn, and he said to the ten people in front of him in a deep voice: "Dear fellow daoists, everyone knows how dangerous the situation is now, I I won’t say anything anymore. I only have one point. We must face this crisis. This is our responsibility. Although this is dangerous, it will even die out, but we have no choice. We have to Face it. Now I hope everyone can let go of the heavy burden in their hearts, let go of the worries and worries in their hearts, calm down, and face this crisis wholeheartedly, without considering any dangers. Responsibility is our focus. We must Stand up and fight for the survival of the human race!"


When the words of God Eater Mother Queen fell, the ten human giants in front of them couldn't help but lower their heads. They did have fear, fear, fear of the unknown, and fear of death. Feeling condensed a trace of the heart demon's shadow, if this shadow continues to develop, they will definitely be hurt by the heart demon.

Didn't the virtual master see the formation of this trace of the shadow of the heart demon? No, he saw it. The reason why he didn't open his mouth and pointed out directly was to save everyone's face. After all, so many human giants are attracted by the fear in their hearts. This is not a good thing, and it may even cause malicious in their hearts. Rebound, make things even more out of control!

Seeing the shocked look in everyone’s eyes, the virtual person did not stop and continued: “Time is limited. I hope that everyone can calm their minds in the shortest time and face this challenge wholeheartedly. To live, we are not fighting for ourselves, we are fighting for the survival of the human race, we can die, we can sacrifice, but we die for the human race, sacrifice our lives for the survival of the human race, this is our responsibility! "

It’s a responsibility. Terran giants can have such an idea that they can put the survival of Terran in the first place. I have to say that they are really amazing. Their mentality is very powerful. In contrast, many racially civilized giants have no mind at all. What kind of civilization is only for themselves, and they can abandon everything for their own survival.

"Understand!" Although it was just a statement, it revealed the state of mind of everyone. After being awakened by the virtual master, the beliefs of these ten human giants were once again picked up, once again carrying the heavy responsibility of humans. They can die and sacrifice, as long as the human race can survive, they are willing to give everything, even their own lives!

In just an instant, the aura of these ten people had undergone an essential change, a great aura rose from their bodies, and the aura of the human race was also ignited at this moment, turning into a skyrocketing force against the sky and earth. So, man will conquer the sky, this is the real state of mind of these ten human giants, they all fight with such belief!

"Okay, very good, Human Race really did not let me down. They regained their courage and faced this crisis with a new attitude. With the blessing of human luck, I believe that we will be safe!" See Human Race When the aura on the giant's body changed, the God Devouring Mother Empress couldn't help but sigh softly. Such a change was exactly the result he hoped to see.

"Yeah, with this belief in going forward, even if it is dangerous, we have the confidence to win. It is better to waste a little more time than to take risks with our own minds and take risks like scattered sand. Now all the pressure is on you, insects. Emperor, are you sure that your magical powers can safely send us to the islands of the gods, there is nothing wrong with it?" At this time, Xing Tian's gaze was fixed on the god-eating mother empress, although before the god-eating mother empress Xing Tian still needs to make a decision!

"Don't worry, I won't have any problems here. It's just that once I use my magical powers to open the way, you will have to bear the pressure of defense. The moment I descended on the island of the gods, that was when I was weakest, and there was a crisis. , You need to stand up and resist. If it is really dangerous, as long as I can buy me a little bit of time, I can once again use the power of supernatural powers and bring you back to the human world safely, because there is me in the human world The space-time coordinates left behind!"

When talking about this, the Mother Emperor of God Devouring Insects spoke, took a deep breath, then stared at Xing Tian, ​​and said in a deep voice: "Friend Xingtian, although these giants of Human Race are very strong, they are a threat to the enemy. Sex is not strong. At the moment of coming, I hope you can completely let go of the killing aura. I need you to use the killing aura to deter all enemies. Your murderous aura is our greatest amulet. As long as this murderous aura is so high, Not many people want to be our enemies!"

As soon as the words of God Eater Mother Queen fell, Xing Tian sighed in his heart: "Sure enough, as I guessed, God Eater Mother Queen took me and didn't let go, just because of my terrible killing aura, the day after tomorrow. The threat to the ancient giants is beyond my imagination. With this murderous intent, it can make those enemies not dare to act rashly!"

"Don't worry, I know what to do. I won't have any reservations. After all, this is related to our survival. I am not arrogant enough to think that I can ignore the threat of the enemy. The impact of Killing Avenue is good, so let them see. The terrible murderous aura of my body makes those enemies worry and dare not act rashly. I just don’t know what the Chaos Behemoth will react, and what kind of attitude the will of the Chaos Sea will treat us!" said Xingtian He sighed lightly, and a faint frustration flashed in his eyes. If you have enough strength, you don't need to have so many worries at all. You can just swagger to the door without needing to care about the opponent's reaction. After all, the world Respect for strength!

God Eater Mother Queen nodded and said softly: "Okay, very good, you have confidence, and now they are here, I need everyone to make arrangements in advance, no matter what the situation may happen, everyone needs to be in a short time Make all preparations. No matter what happens, we have the ability and plan to crack. We can kill the enemy by surprise and let everything develop to our advantage. This is the key to us, and everything else is OK. Put it down for now!"

Can you just let it go? No, this is impossible. After all, not all giants have the ability like Xing Tian. Not all giants dare to confront Xing Tianzhen. No matter how strong their background is, they can’t give Xing Tian a trace in front of Xing Tian’s end road. Harm, no power can penetrate Xingtian's defenses, can directly threaten his survival, can cause qualitative changes in the entire world, and drive everything to destruction and death!

Xing Tian sighed softly: "I hope it is like this, but all of this is beyond our control. Everything needs these human giants to understand and understand that we outsiders cannot affect its changes at all, so for us this It's just a crazy gambling. It's just that we bet not for resources, not benefits, but life and death, and luck. In this battle, we can only win but not defeat, or the results will be unthinkable and the situation will be out of control!"


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