God of Destruction

Chapter 4317: Festival shock

Chapter 4323: Shocking

Sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight, and reap the benefits of the fisherman! It can only be said that these greedy ancient giants are too self-righteous and naïve. Those who can survive the changes from time to time are not smart, and can give them such opportunities. If they can calm down, you can watch. It’s a pity that all these **** have been lost by greed, and they haven't seen the simplest problem at all. They all think they are smart.

In fact, if you change some weak people at this time, it may be easier to see the situation. After all, they have fear in their hearts and dare not act rashly. And these ancient giants all have confidence in their own strength. Under the temptation of the outside world Naturally, one by one could easily fall into this ridiculous greed and lose his heart. This is the human heart, this is the human nature, in the face of absolute interests, even if they are ancient giants, it is difficult to resist this temptation!

Of course, the reason for such a situation is that a greater part of the reason is still in the Chaos Sea. After all, it is now in the midst of a great disaster. If one of these ancient giants is not careful, they will be entangled in the great disaster, and will be lost by the disaster. Oneself is plunged into this terrible crisis, and oneself is plunged into this terrible danger. Anyone who is not careful may die!

Sitting on the mountain and watching the tiger fight is easier said than done. It is not easy to wait for Xingtian, the Mother Queen and the Time God and Demon to lose out. This is not an easy task. A group of people are ignorant and will fight to the death, but will the time gods and demons do this? It will plunge themselves into an absolute crisis, and they will not know that there are such a group of **** greedy people in the island of the gods who are wanting Reap the benefits of fishermen? Want to trick yourself?

No, obviously this is impossible. The Time God and Demon will not let this happen. If they really have to die for a lifetime, it will not be the God Devourer Mother Queen and Xingtian and his party who will escape first, but the Time God and Demon. , The reason why the group of people like the God-Eating Insect Mother and Xingtian must retreat first, the main responsibility lies with the God-Eating Insect Mother. He is afraid of himself, and because of his own problems, Xingtian makes people have to retreat. Let go, so as not to be ruined by the God-Eater Mother Queen.

"Kill, blood sacrifice to the sky, slaughter the world!" With Xing Tian's deep cry, the power of killing exploded, and the blood-killing aura that had been condensed in him was instantly sacrificed, and a terrifying sword of blood-killing condensed into shape. , The terrible pressure instantly filled the entire island of the gods, and the breath of killing made all the giants feel the threat of death.

"Damn it, how is this possible? How can anyone master such terrible power of killing in the Age of Doom, even if the road of killing the day after tomorrow is completed, it is impossible to have such a terrible power!" As soon as the killing of Xingtian came out, those who were still arguing The ancient giants immediately woke up, and they were horrified by Xingtian’s terrifying sword of killing. If this blow was not at the time gods and demons, but at themselves, none of these ancient giants had the confidence to be able to kill them all. Retire!

"Damn the God-Eater Mother Queen, he found such a lunatic from there, who can condense such a terrifying sword of killing, this is to be immortal with me!" Facing Xingtian's sword of killing, God of Time The demon's expression changed drastically, and his heart was horrified. The power of this attack was beyond his imagination and beyond his ability to bear.

"Time is still, set it for me!" Facing the threat of death, the Empress God Devourer did not dare to be careless, and directly used her most powerful magical power to stop Xing Tian directly. Weili came and dispersed Xingtian's terrible blow.

"Hmph, if you want to stop me, you are too overestimating your own strength. The Time Avenue is indeed very strong, but you can't stop my blow. Give me death, slaughter the world, slaughter the common people, kill! Kill! Kill!" When every killing character fell, Xing Tian's killing aura doubled, and when three killing characters fell, Xing Tian's combat power had a qualitative leap.

"It's terrible, it's really terrible. This shouldn't be the power that an offspring can have. Is he the reincarnation of the first generation of killing gods and demons? Otherwise, how could he have such a terrible killing power to break open? The mighty power of the Avenue of Time!" When looking at the Avenue of Time that was cut open by Xing Tian, ​​all the ancient giants who were waiting were dumbfounded. This result was something they didn't expect, and they couldn't believe their eyes!

The power of static time was cut away by Xing Tian's sword. The terrifying power of killing did not dissipate, but continued to go to the time **** and demon. This result shocked all the ancient giants and made them fearful, so-called Sitting on the mountain and watching tigers fight at this moment became a big joke, they were wrong, they made mistakes that shouldn't be made. If they had made a sneak attack before, the terrible blow of He Xingtian could definitely inflict heavy damage on the time **** and demon, or even cut it off directly, but they missed this opportunity!

When Xingtian's sword was cut out, the human giant, under the command of the virtual lord, fully unlocked the power of the Shijue Formation, directly protecting Xingtian and protecting the God-Eater Mother Queen. When Xingtian violently issued this full blow , The God Devouring Mother Queen also unlocked her own space magical powers, and a void channel appeared in front of everyone's eyes instantly, descending directly on the island of the gods! ]

As soon as the space power and the space supernatural powers of the God-Eater Mother Empress came out, Xing Tian and the many giants of the human race directly stopped and retreated. The dozen of them disappeared in the space channel in an instant, leaving those who originally wanted to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight. The ancient giant was dumbfounded. The opportunity is gone. For them, let’s not say that they want to take advantage of the fisherman’s profit. It is a difficult problem to retreat from this island of gods. Now they have to face the absolutely crazy time **** and demon, one on the verge of explosion. Giants.

The power of the Time Dao was broken by Xing Tian’s sword before everyone. This was an unacceptable result for the Time God and Demon. He frantically wanted revenge and counterattack, but his enemy disappeared and left instantly. The island of the gods that he carefully arranged, directly broke the ban on the island of the gods and disappeared without a trace, how can this not make the time gods crazy.


Where is the Island of the Gods? Here is the Jedi that the time gods and demon spent their inexhaustible efforts to arrange. There is a powerful restriction outside the island of the gods, but this restriction has not been able to prevent the departure of the god-eater mother emperor and the pedestrian Xingtian. It was a huge blow, and this failure had an unimaginable impact for him.

"How the **** is this possible, a junior can break through my power of time, and the **** of the god-eater can tear the restrictions on the islands of the gods, how did they do all this!" At this time, the time gods His heart was extremely shocked, and all his calculations were destroyed in such a short time, which made him unacceptable. The most terrible thing is not that the prohibition is broken, nor that one's dignity is provoked, but that one's own secrets are seen, and this is the worst result.

"You can't let these **** **** leave, or the results will be unimaginable. The plan has to be advanced. I hope that all this will not affect the overall situation. Time is still!" Without too much hesitation, the time **** and demon soon made it. An even crazier choice, once again activated his time magical powers, and time mighty power once again descended on the island of the gods.

In an instant, the power of time enveloped the entire island of the gods, and the restriction that was torn apart by the god-eater mother queen was restarted, and the entire island of the gods was once again cut out of the Chaos Sea, all in the gods. The ancient giants on the island felt the terrible threat, their expressions changed drastically in an instant, their hearts were warning to themselves, and the breath of death was coming to them!

"Damn, the **** of Time God and Demon is going to kill us painfully. This **** is crazy and wants to kill us!" In an instant, those ancient giants who had been arguing all understood the intention of Time God and Demon, but unfortunately they understood. It was too late, the entire island of the gods was once again shrouded by the mighty power of time, and they missed the best time.

remorse! At this moment, these ancient giants have incomparable regret. They knew that such a shock would happen. They shouldn’t have been arguing for that little bit of profit before. They missed the opportunity to kill the time **** and demon. I was caught in such a terrible crisis, so I had to face the strangulation of the **** Time God and Demon!

"Don’t have any more reservations. The **** of Time God and Demon is determined to kill us. Everyone will use all their strength to break free from the shackles of the islands of the gods. Otherwise, we will die. This is a trap. Aiming at the trap of all of us, the **** of Time God and Demon has colluded with Chaos Sea. We can only fight with all our strength if we want to survive!"

Those ancient giants who have seen everything are yelling frantically, warning all the ancient giants, and inspiring all the ancient giants' determination to fight with all their strength. At this point, the impact is too great for them, and the blow is too great. At this time, if someone still wants to retain their strength, they can only say that they are killing themselves. After all, their situation is very dangerous now. A crazy time **** and demon is too threatening for them, and if they are not careful, they will die.

When the time gods and demons broke out, Xingtian who had just withdrawn from the islands of the gods, as well as the expressions of the god-eater mother queen and the many giants of the human race became extremely dignified. They all felt the changes from the islands of the gods and felt that A terrible force.

"Dear fellow daoists, this time it was my mistake that affected everyone and caused everyone to waste time and energy. This time the responsibility lies with me. I overestimated my own strength and underestimated the enemy's cunning and insidiousness. Strength, if it weren’t for Fellow Xingtian’s full counterattack and cut out that amazing blow, I couldn’t use my magical powers to tear the restriction on the island of the gods. The entire island of the gods was heavily restricted by the time **** and devil, thinking It is almost impossible to leave from the island of the gods!" At this point, the Mother God Devouring Insect Mother sighed again, feeling very disappointed at the failure of this action.

After paying such a huge price, it ended up with nothing. This made the mother god-eater who presided over this trip very uncomfortable. At the same time, he was very wary of the innate ancient god-devil, the time **** and demon. What happened before, Coupled with the sudden outbreak of power on the island of the gods, it is enough to prove that the time gods and demons intend to plot against all the people of the alliance.

"No, the insect king is serious. Although our action failed this time, and a lot of everyone's time and energy was wasted, we did not get nothing. At least we tested out the insidious intentions of the time **** and demon, and we also know that There are huge secrets hidden in the island of the gods. At this time, the time gods and demons have to take action against other ancient giants. Obviously, the islands of the gods are the key to his mastery of the power in the Age of Doom. He didn’t want this secret to be exposed. Under such circumstances, I will kill you!" As the leader of the human race, the virtual master smiled indifferently, not at all angry because of the failure.

When he heard the remarks of the Virtual Lord, Xing Tian shook his head slightly, and said disapprovingly: "I don't think so. What we see may still be a false existence. Since the time gods and demons are calculating all attending meetings This means that he has been playing this game for a long time. In that long time, I don’t think he will not be fully prepared. I don’t believe he will not be prepared for the worst. If so, then he There is no need to kill the killer at this time and expose your own weakness. Perhaps this is still a conspiracy, a terrible trap, waiting for us and other giants to take the initiative to jump in."

When hearing Xingtian’s objection, the virtual lord frowned involuntarily, and other human giants also frowned. They did not approve of Xingtian’s words. In their opinion, Xingtian was a bit too cautious. If Time gods and demons really have such power, such calculations, there is no need to waste time and energy at all, and they can make a big move directly. It’s just that they are not easy to refute. After all, Xing Tian’s previous combat power shocked them, and it was Xing Tian’s caution that allowed them to retreat from this alliance without being tricked by the Time God and Demon. To.

For a moment, the Mother Emperor God Devouring Insect Mother sighed and said: "Friend Xingtian's words have some truth, but he is just a time **** and demon, he is impossible, and he does not dare to lay such a trap. The secret of Chaos Hai’s volition, although the will of the Chaos Sea has taken action, it has not done it with all its strength. If they have cooperation, it may not be as deep as we thought. They may only be cooperation based on interests. This cooperation will naturally be greatly compromised. If this is the case, this may become our opportunity to counterattack the Time Gods and Demons and Chaos Sea. As long as there is a defect between them, this is our opportunity!"


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