God of Destruction

Chapter 4410: Nether Starry Sky

Chapter 4416: Nether Starry Sky

After a while, Di Jiang Zu Wu took a breath and said, "If possible, I hope to ask fellow Taoists to help our Wu Clan attract the attention of Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Dao Zu, so that we can have plenty of time to complete everything. After all, once we act, we may not be able to avoid the observations of Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Daozu, which will cause unexpected changes in the situation!"

This request of Emperor Jiangzu Witch sounds a bit too difficult. This is obviously to transfer the pressure of the Witch Clan to the Lord of the Nether, and it will cause unnecessary trouble to the Lord of the Nether. The Monster Clan already hates the Nether Lord. The Lord has too much contact with the Wu Clan. If you do this again, I am afraid that the Yao Clan will hate it even more, and will even be crazy enough to kill the Nether Lord at all costs. You must know that this is not a trivial matter, it is related to the race. The struggle for luck is related to the calamity of heaven and earth.

Without waiting for the Lord of Nether to speak, Di Jiang Zu Wu said again: "I know this request is a bit rash, but I really have no other way. After all, the Wu Clan can't afford to lose in this battle, and if there is no help from Dao friends, Hou Tu It is not easy for the younger sister to leave the Netherworld. After all, the current situation is very unfavorable to the Wu Clan. Heavy pressure is placed on the Wu Clan like a mountain, bringing a huge impact to the Wu Clan and causing it to Has been greatly affected!"

The Lord of Nether frowned slightly. He hadn't thought of such a request from Emperor Jiang Zu Wu, but now that the Emperor Jiang Zu Wu proposed it, the Lord of Nether had to carefully consider whether he really had to help and with all his strength. Is it true that the Wu Clan has to overcome this difficulty at this time, under such circumstances, against the Monster Clan, the Heavenly Dao, the Hongjun Dao Ancestor, and even the Saints!

"Is there any other choice for me now? Even if I don't help the Witch Clan, and don't participate in this battle, will the Beast Clan let me go? Will he give up his greed for the Netherworld, Heaven and Hong? Will Daozu Jun let go of my hostile target?" At this time, the Lord of Nether is thinking, and is constantly asking his own heart.

"Impossible, even if I really have to let go, I really don’t do anything, no matter whether the monster clan or the heavenly way, Hongjun Daozu will not let me go. I was born on the opposite side of them. As long as the Netherworld is still there, As long as the tunnel is still there, as long as I still hold the authority of the Netherworld, all this will not end, and the enemy will always have the heart to kill me!" Soon, the Lord of the Nether figured out everything and understood his situation. Know the crisis you have to face.

I saw that the Lord of Nether smiled indifferently and said: "Okay, if the ancestor witches believe me, I can help the witch race attract the attention of Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Dao ancestor, but I can’t guarantee that it will be useful. After all, we face It is the Dao of Heaven, Dao Ancestor Hongjun, no one knows what kind of calculations they have, whether they will see through everything!"

Hearing the Nether Lord’s answer, Emperor Jiang Zuwu couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief, and the other ancestor witches also breathed a sigh of relief. As long as the Lord of Nether agreed, it was not in their consideration. In the eyes of Emperor Jiang Zu Wu, as long as the Lord of Nether is willing to help, it will more or less attract the attention of Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Dao Zu, and will reduce the pressure on the Wu Clan!

Just listen, Di Jiang Zuwu said: "It is good that the Dao friends can agree. As for the success or not, this can only be based on our own good fortune, but with the power of the Dao friends and the power of the world of the underworld, whether it is heaven, or Hongjun Dao ancestors. Will not ignore the existence of fellow Daoists!"

This Dao is a big truth. For the Netherworld, for the tunnel, as the Hongjun Dao ancestor who has always mastered the general trend of the prehistoric world, as well as the Tiandao, how can they relax their vigilance, as long as there is a little movement in the Netherworld, their observation Note.

Time waits for no one. There is not much time left for the witches. After reaching a consensus with the Lord of the Netherworld, the ancestor witch of Emperor Jiang did not continue to stay. He took a group of ancestor witches quickly left from the nether world and returned to the great land. The Netherworld fell silent once again, and only the Lord of the Nether and the Houtu Ancestral Witch were left, and the whole world became quiet!

Although Houtu Ancestral Witch has many doubts in her heart, this is not the time to speak. She believes that the Lord of the Nether has many things to deal with. As the Lord of the World, as the Lord of the World, as a deity, he was hit by external forces and threatened with death. The innate gods and demons must have too many feelings, too many feelings to digest.

When the Houtu Ancestral Witch returned to the Six Paths of Reincarnation, the Lord of Nether could not help but sighed slightly. Although he was very decisive when he agreed to the Emperor Jiang Ancestral Witch, it is not an easy task to implement it, and he needs to do it well. Fortunately, I still have enough time to think about countermeasures and deal with everything. After all, this is not a trivial matter. Even if you want to help the witch race, you can’t act recklessly or do whatever you want, but do it to your advantage. Move.

How to help oneself to a certain extent while attracting the attention of Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Daozu? This is a very difficult thing. How can we absorb the eyes of Heaven and Hongjun Daozu? Being able to focus their attention on the Netherworld instead of watching the Witch Clan, affecting the Witch Clan’s actions, and giving the Witch Clan a chance to complete their crazy plan!

auzw.com"Perhaps I should improve the starry sky of the Netherworld. If I can make the starry sky of the Netherworld run freely, it can have the essence of the prehistoric world, and let the origin of the Netherworld go further, so that’s it. It’s impossible for Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Dao ancestors not to pay attention to the Netherworld. They have a complete starry sky and a complete star-turning Netherworld. They can constantly transform their origins from the chaos, and continuously expand the Netherworld and the tunnel!" When thinking of this, a faint smile appeared in the eyes of the Lord of Nether. This is indeed a feasible plan and a plan that can be realized!

To achieve all of this, you need a complete Zhoutian Star Array. This does not refer to the'Zhou Tianxing Array' used by the Lord of Nether again and again, but the Avenue of Stars with a complete origin of stars. And this is definitely not a trivial event for the Lord of the Nether. It takes a huge price and energy to complete all this, as well as a huge consumption!

"In order to attract the attention of Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Daozu and buy time for the Wu Clan, is it worthwhile to make this earth-shattering move?" For an instant, the Lord of Nether asked his mind, and such a project could not stop once it was launched. And once it breaks out, you can't stop it. Will the huge price be rewarded? Will it be beneficial to you?

"Forget it, no matter what the twelve ancestor witches of the witch clan think, and whether they will accept my love, I should give it a go. Although this move is a bit too crazy, it will cost myself a huge price, but Once successful, it will also be of great benefit to oneself. It will be able to completely get rid of the nether world, and the authentic cause and effect, and can bring yourself an endless source of luck and merit, and deepen your grasp of the nether world, even if No matter how accidents happen, even if a saint appears in the Netherworld, he can launch a fatal blow without using the source of the tunnel!" After thinking about it, the Lord of the Nether decided to do so. But if you succeed, you may be able to go further, and you can make your Yin-Yang Dao a step further. After all, perfecting the Nether Starry Sky once again is a qualitative transformation for the entire world!

Of course, before acting, the Lord of the Nether needs time to re-feel the changes in the stars of the Nether, and to feel the original changes in the world of the Nether. For the world, a single mistake will bring a huge disaster. The Lord of the Nether does not want to give himself carelessly. The Netherworld left a huge hidden danger, ruining one's own luck, and also ruining one's chance!

Yes, this is an opportunity. To perfect the starry sky is an understanding of the world's great road, which is an understanding of one's own great road. It’s just that it’s very difficult to do, and the cost is a bit huge, you know it’s not A small project, but a big project for the good of the world, being able to complete everything accurately, will make the Lord of the Nether have a deeper understanding on the Avenue of Stars, a deeper understanding on the Avenue of the World, and the yin and yang of the deity's practice. The avenue has improved!

Regardless of which aspect of the enhancement, there is a great temptation for the Lord of Nether, which makes him unable to give up this opportunity. Only if he pays, there will be gains. The more you pay, the greater the gains, just in completion. Before all this, the Lord of the Nether needs to digest his own previous gains, digest his own gains in the previous battles, turn them into his own heritage, and enhance his own strength. For the Lord of the Nether, more power is more. The probability of success by one point.

When the Lord of Nether gathered his mind completely and began to digest his own gains, everything from the previous battle came to his mind again, and everything that happened during the war reappeared in his heart, letting the Lord of Nether I can feel that power once again, and feel the changes in that great path, and with this change, the Lord of Nether will digest all this bit by bit, integrate it into his own great path, and blend into his own perception. in.

The world, the Lord of the Nether once again felt the origin of the world, felt the fluctuations of the world, all the gains turned into nutrients to nourish their own Yin and Yang Dao, strengthen the power of the deity's origin, as the origin continues to grow, the world’s Fluctuations continue to surge into the heart of the Lord of Nether! Yes, from this moment, the Lord of the Nether once again felt the breath of the original world, felt the power of the evolution of the Yin Yang Dao, and felt the appearance of opportunity!

At this time, the Lord of Nether believes that as long as his mind moves, he can turn all the origins into the source of power of the deity, enabling the deity to complete the evolution of the Yin-Yang world and complete the transformation of the Yin-Yang Dao. It is just that once such a thought appears, I was given up by the Lord of the Nether. This may be a chance, a great chance, but at this time, the Lord of the Nether does not want to be eager to act. He is eager to transform the Yin Yang Dao and the deity. This is a bit faster for the deity’s practice. , Although it will not cause the foundation of the deity to be unstable, but such a rapid breakthrough and transformation will also have a certain impact on the run. For long-term practice, the Lord of the Nether can only temporarily put down and continue to consolidate the foundation of the Yin-Yang Dao, not Anxious to break through.

When the Lord of the Nether gave up the opportunity to break through, an inexplicable wave surged into his heart. This is the wave of the world, but this is not the wave of his own world, but the wave of the Nether world. He can use the Nether world. The volatility of feeling more profound changes in the starry sky, allowing oneself to feel the operation of the Netherworld from the root.

After a long time, the Lord of the Nether woke up from the mysterious perception, and sighed softly: "I understand, if you want to perfect the Nether starry sky, you need to give the origin of the stars, the origin of the stars, and the true meaning of the avenue of stars. And the power this endows comes from my own perception of the Avenue of Stars, from my own perception of the Avenue of the Stars. Without a strong enough foundation, without the perception of the Avenue of the Stars and the Avenue of the World, it is impossible to do all this!"

The essence is found, but the cost to complete all of this makes the Lord of the Nether a little worried, because doing so will cause a huge impact on himself, and will affect his own way. When integrating with the world of the Nether, the Lord of the Nether understands Giving each star the origin is the consumption of its own origin. It is completed by taking its own origin as the core and integrating into the insights of the avenue of stars. It can be said that this is not making the nether starry sky, but making the world, using oneself The origin is in the good fortune world.

If you succeed, you can get huge gains and get back-feeding from the Netherworld, but if you fail, you will inevitably suffer backlash from your origin, and even hurt your own roots, make yourself suffer a huge impact, shake your own roots, and At this time, can I really withstand such an impact? You must know that your cohesive clone can not withstand too much impact, and even a slight mistake will make all your previous efforts into nothingness!

For the Wu Clan who doesn’t have much relationship with him, for the sake of the Netherworld that he cuts out of contact with himself, it is really necessary to take this risk and let himself fall into such a crisis. Although the opportunity is good, the crisis is also amazing. Let yourself have to be cautious, have to think twice, and prepare for the worst!

No matter who is in the position of the Lord of the Nether, facing such a situation, they dare not make a decision lightly. They must think twice, consider any possible situation, and plan for the worst, not in the eyes. All you see is the temptation of profit, and seeing that does not necessarily mean success! If you face all this with such a mood, there is only a dead end waiting for you, and you will only ruin everything for yourself!

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