God of Destruction

Chapter 4416: All Saints

Chapter 4422 All Saints

fair! There has never been fairness in this world. The reason why the monster race is like this is that they are too greedy, want to take control of the prehistoric world, and want to be above the saints. Unfortunately, they are powerless and do not have enough. Strength, but you have to do such a fantasy and act. Under this situation, the Nuwa Empress can only protect herself first!

Nowadays, most of the races in the prehistoric world are subdued by the demons, only a few races are still insisting, and among these races, the human race is one of them, but this time there is no Wu race, the human race faces The pressure is greater and the impact is more terrifying. Fortunately, because the Human Race itself is weak, the Yao Race does not care too much, but focuses on those powerful races. Otherwise, the Human Race is afraid that it will be annihilated in the first place. , After all, the two major backers of the human race today, the leader of the human education, the old man, and the mother and daughter Wa Niangniang are all summoned to the Zixiao Palace, and the monster race can do nothing about it.

Taishang Laojun took a deep breath and said, "Teacher, the power of the monster race nowadays, just relying on us saints is also powerless. After all, the monster race has already accounted for most of the great luck, even if it is. It is difficult for us saints to fight against it. With luck and luck, even saints have to retreat!"

Although there is endless joy and excitement in my heart, the biggest problem facing all the saints is the demon race's luck. With the humane luck, even the saints dare not act rashly. The Supreme Lord’s ability to stand up and say what he considers in his heart is also the worry in the hearts of other saints. After all, there is no saint who is willing to face the backlash of the demon race's luck, facing the backlash of humane luck, if they really listen. Dao Ancestor Hongjun’s orders directly interfered with humanity first. They were not Dao Ancestor Hongjun and could ignore the backlash of humanity and luck. They did not have that powerful strength.

Dao Ancestor Hongjun said blankly: "You don't have to worry about humanity and luck. If you have your own teacher to suppress it, it will not cause you harm. What you have to do is to suppress the monster race in the shortest possible time, and let the world return to normal. , To end this world catastrophe, everything can be restored only when the monster race falls. The monster race must be destroyed!"

When Hongjun Daozu once again emphasized that the Demon Race must be eliminated, Empress Nuwa's expression became extremely solemn. Who made her contact with the Demon Race too closely, so she stood up and said, "Teacher, Demon Race is destroyed. , But how should the Wu Clan deal with it? Without the Monster Clan, the Wu Clan is afraid that there is no more restraint. Now they have broken free from the shackles of the prehistoric world. If there is no more restraint from the Monster Clan, I’m afraid the situation in the prehistoric world will be even worse. Out of control, no one knows under what circumstances the Witch Clan will return to the prehistoric world. Once we destroy the Witch Clan and the Witch Clan returns again, then who is still the enemy of the Witch Clan!"

At this time, Empress Nuwa had to use the Witch Clan to speak out, and use the Witch Clan as a shield to fight for a ray of life for the Monster Clan, so that the Monster Clan can survive the current life and death catastrophe, so that she will not be caused by the destruction of the Monster Clan. The impact.

Without waiting for Dao Ancestor Hongjun to speak, the sage Zhunti sneered and said: "There is something wrong with the Wu Clan. Now the entire Wu Clan has completely retreated from the wild land. All of them have disappeared from the wild land. For them, they will now use their energy. In the mid-thousand world that I created, I didn’t have any thoughts about the matter of the prehistoric land. For us, for the creatures of the prehistoric world, the Wu clan is no longer a threat. Even if they want to return in the future, they must first In the face of heaven and humanity, if they escape halfway through this way, they will not be recognized by humanity. We don't care about them at all!"

Empress Nuwa said disapprovingly: "You are so simple, don't care. If the Wu Clan really don't care, we don't have to be so embarrassed now. Now the energy of the Wu Clan is indeed constrained by the newly opened world, but who knows this? How long can the containment last? Once there is an accident, who will stop us? It is your second sage of the West, or the teacher will handle it. The Wu Clan is much stronger than the Monster Clan, not to mention that there is a terrible black hand behind them. !"

All the saints present knew who the black hand Nvwa was talking about, but no one wanted to believe Nvwa's words. In their opinion, even if the situation really got that step, nothing would happen. After all, no one is willing to face the lunatic Lord of the Nether, a madman who dares to bet on himself. Without an absolute reason, no one would take it lightly, or else he would inevitably contaminate himself with unnecessary karma. Broke my own practice.

"Senior Sister Nuwa has said that since the Wu Clan has left the prehistoric world, naturally they will not return again. When they made a choice, the predominant land also made a choice, they gave up the predominant world, and the predominant world also abandoned it. They, the heaven and earth luck completely disappeared from them, and the luck they possessed by the Wu Clan nowadays is no longer the prehistoric human luck, you don't have to care so much! Even if they want to return, it depends on whether the heaven will accept it! "Laojun Taishang stood up and blocked the inquiry of Empress Nuwa for Hongjun Daozu, and resolved all problems, leaving Empress Nuwa speechless.

If Empress Nuwa still keeps asking questions, she will only hate Daozu Hongjun, and will only irritate Daozu Hongjun, and will be disadvantageous to her. In order to put herself in crisis for the monster race, Empress Nuwa has not yet made such determination. Can't afford such consequences.

auzw.com At this moment, there was a wave of fluctuations in the void. Humane air luck seemed to be greatly stimulated and became violent. The rules of the four seasons of heaven and earth have undergone amazing changes. After the ancestral witch entered the world of the witch clan, the four great ancestral witches of Jumang, Zhu Rong, Lian Shou, and Xuan Ming renounced the humanity luck and the fruit status of the **** of the seasons. Their abandonment caused the Dao Qi luck to agitate, in order to kill From the cause and effect of the prehistoric world, the four great ancestor witches divided the origin and the prehistoric world. By doing so, they directly vilified the prehistoric humanity and caused the qi fortune to be shocked. And this way, it also prevents them from being affected by the humanity and luck. influences!

"This is a shock of humanity and luck. It seems that the four great ancestors have given up the status of humanity. There is nothing to say about Junior Sister Nuwa. The witches really have to completely give up everything in the prehistoric world, otherwise they will not do it. With such a crazy thing, return the prehistoric humane status you just acquired to the prehistoric humane. If you are still worried under this situation, we have nothing to say!" Zhunti jumped out again to target the Nuwa Empress, To be more precise, it was aimed at the monster race. Compared with the decisive abandonment of the witch race, the monster race seemed too crazy and too vicious. In order to seize humanity and luck, it would slaughter the primordial beings!

"Well, the matter of the Wu Clan is like this. You don't have to worry about it. No matter what changes in the prehistoric situation, the Wu Clan will not be able to thicken the land. Heaven will not allow it, and humanity will not accept it. The cause and effect of has been completely cut off, and for them, they have withdrawn from the prehistoric world. If the Yaozu can do the same, there will be no crisis like this now, and the entire prehistoric land will be enveloped by **** killings. All beings in the world have suffered endless suffering, and the demon race that caused all these evil consequences must pay for it, and they must pay for this cause and effect!" Hongjun Taoist ancestor settled all the problems in a single word, and Nuwa Empress could not defend herself unless Nuwa Empress is willing to carry this causal karma for the monster race!

With these words of Hongjun Daozu, Sanqing and the Western Second Sage never took care of it anymore. Although they did not say anything, the pressure on them from the Wu clan was very heavy. The twelve ancestor witches made them all understand. I have never clearly seen the rules of the world, but the Wu Clan has found a loophole in the rules. Whether it is their own ability or the help of the Lord of the Nether, the Wu Clan has taken the first step. And this is a crucial step. They don’t know what kind of power they will get by taking this step. The benefits of a mid-thousand world are astonishing. A saint is inevitable. It can be said that the witch after the witch world The clan is already invincible, and neither the Sanqing nor the Western Two Sages believe that they are capable of confronting the Wu clan!

Of course, the change in humane luck this time also shocked Sanqing and the Second Sage of the West. The four great ancestor witches were so anxious to give up the humane status, they must have gained the benefits of the witch world and made their own strength greatly improved, otherwise They can’t be so anxious to return the humanity status. Now, how powerful the Twelve Ancestral Witch is, no one knows. A Houtu Ancestral Witch already has the power to fight against the saints, and a few more can fight against the saints. The ancestral witch, how much pressure will there be on the prehistoric world!

Taking a deep breath, Empress Nuwa asked: "Teacher, what kind of benefits will the development of a middle-thousand world like the Wu Clan world have? It can make the twelve ancestor witches make such crazy decisions, the four great ancestors The witch must give up his humanity status as soon as he opened up the world. Is the backfeed of the power of the world really that powerful?"

"The opening of the Middle Thousand Worlds is not as simple as you are. The Wu Clan can do it, but you can't. The Wu Clan’s success is not only its own strength, but more importantly, they have mobilized the power of Pangu. The help of the tunnels and the combination of many reasons allow them to open up the middle-thousand world in one fell swoop. Attached to the tunnels, how big the world’s origin is to feed back depends on how much the witches pay. If there is not enough price to improve the world’s origin, they will not get it. Too much backfeeding. As for the four great ancestor witches abandoning the humane air luck and fruit status, it is because they are not in the prehistoric world and cannot get the help of humane air luck, which is not good for themselves. On the contrary, they occupy the humane fruit status. They will all owe humanity to cause and effect!"

When talking about this, Daozu Hongjun spoke, and shook his head lightly and said: "The teacher knows what you think in your heart. You want the monsters to do the same. You want to resolve the crisis of the monsters, let alone the monsters. Even if they have such power, they can't do it. After all, they have already owed too much cause and effect to the prehistoric world. After this killing, they carried too much karma. Under such circumstances, what else do they have? Qualification to escape from the prehistoric world!"

The power of Pangu is the foundation for the opening of the Middle Thousand Worlds. Without the power of Pangu, it is difficult to do. But does the power of Pangu of the Witch Clan refer to the power of the real body of Pangu, or the power of Pangu is the power of the chaos **** and demon. The origin of the power of the Chaos Gods and Demons is that they can't open up the middle-thousand worlds, and the opening up of the middle-thousand worlds on one side is even more difficult than the saints thought!

All the saints are thinking in their hearts, wanting to clarify the conditions for the opening of the middle-thousand world, how much accumulation they have to be able to have this ability, if they can also have a middle-thousand world, they may have the opportunity to get rid of the way of heaven on themselves. Restrictions, able to break free from their own shackles, the saints of the heavenly path are not their own dependence, the heavenly path cannot fully grasp the general trend of the prehistoric world, the saints cannot be immortal, and the heavenly path cannot protect their lives.

If there is no such support as the immortality, how much temptation is there for the saint of heaven? Perhaps this is an increase in strength, but it is also a restraint to oneself. Whether it is Sanqing or Western Two Saints, even Nuwa Empress has the heart to break free from the shackles of Heavenly Dao saints. They can only break free from the shackles. Get rid of the control of heaven!

Yes, it is control. With the drastic changes in the prehistoric times, with the emergence of tunnels, and the emergence of humane status, all the saints feel that they have their own shortcomings. Although the saints of heaven are good, the limitations of the saints are also very large. Constrained by the heavens, especially the two holy sages in the West, the feelings are the deepest. After all, they owe the great cause and effect of the heavens to be able to achieve the saints. However, the identity of the heavenly saints cannot guarantee their own safety. The Western Two Saints couldn't accept it, paid a huge price, but in the end they didn't get everything they wanted. They were very disappointed!

It is not easy for all the saints to break free from the fetters of the heavenly way. The first thing they have to face is their teacher Hongjun Daozu, whether it is Sanqing, or Western Second Sage, and Nuwa Empress, they They can't bear the anger of Hongjun Dao ancestors, let alone the backlash of the origin of heaven. After all, they are proving the Dao with the Hongmeng Purple Qi, so their souls are affected by the Hongmeng Purple Qi and cannot hold back the Hongmeng Purple Qi. There is only one dead end to forcibly get rid of the influence of heaven.

If you know that there will be such a drastic change in the prehistoric world, the saints will not easily listen to the words of Hongjun Taoist ancestors and attain the status of heavenly saints. Among them, the most regrettable of these are the two western saints. After all, they have paid the greatest price and endured pressure. The biggest, they had the idea of ​​giving up before, but now they understand that wanting to give up is not an easy thing, and it is not something they can do if they want to do it. The price is also terrifying and severe. If there is a slight difference, it will be backlashed to death by the origin of the heavenly path, and the soul will be swallowed by the heavenly path and become the nourishment of the heavenly path. Perhaps the existence of these saints is the puppet of the heavenly path!

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